Chapter 2 Asking for dowry

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    Wen Changhou who read the imperial decree and the eunuch who accompanied him were sent away, and the Luo family returned to the atmosphere of the past. 


    The old lady was helped up, and she also had her maid. The maid served the tea to the host family. As soon as she came down, everyone had light on their faces and looked for their own positions. The old lady and Luo Renshou sat in the main seat, Liu sat next to Luo Renshou as the head ofthe family, while the other juniors sat down in their respective positions. 


    As a child, Luo Shuyu didn't get much love from Luo Renshou, and even a little alienated. His attitude also affected the degree of care of the old lady for him. 


    Perhaps Luo Shuyu in the previous life cared too much about family affection, and always made excuses for Luo Renshou’s alienation. Only when he was needed, Luo Renshou would show a fatherly appearance and pretended to care for him a few words. When he thought about it, it was to use him to get the news of the Third Prince's Mansion. 


    In the early years, Luo Shuyu also wanted to get close to Luo Renshou. After all, he was his biological father and the only person he could rely on in this world. But after experiencing all these things, Luo Shuyu turned around and looked at Luo Renshou again. He was just a villain who had forgotten the justice. He didn't like his mother, but was coveting the benefits that his mother's family could bring him, so he married her back then. When he was with his mother, he was only a sixth-rank little official. To put it bluntly, because of his mother's natal family he had come to his current position. Not only did he forget righteousness, but he avoided it after the accident in his mother's family. No wonder their Luo family had never been in contact with the Chen family in these years. 


    Looking at the people he used to think to be relatives, each of them seemed to be kind and gentle like a bodhisattva, but in fact they were all abominable, and Luo Shuyu only felt chills. 


    He now clearly remembered that after he and the third prince were imprisoned, Luo Renshou never saw him in the jail. He used a piece of Jade left by his mother to find his biological father (LRS) to save his child. However, Luo Renshou left him only one sentence: life and death have fate, wealth is in heaven, fate is sometimes necessary, and fate is always indispensable. 


    With a pun, he wouldn’t save anyone. Self-preservation was important. Maybe it was not self-preservation. Maybe he personally presented and fabricated the evidence with both hands.


    Luo Shuyu really hated this father who was known as "gentle and humble". The imperial decree he was holding at the moment was no longer heavy. In his previous life, he felt that this imperial decree was disaster for his life, but in this life it was his life-saving talisman. The guarantee for his future. 


    In his previous life, he believed too much in his human-faced and beast-hearted father, he had never doubted since he had a father-son relationship with him, and he was blindfolded. 


    The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was so stupid. His father occasionally gave him a little affection like father and son, so he revealed to him all of his affairs in the Third Prince's Mansion. Now he had to suspect that the matter the third prince had collusion with enemy had a lot to do with his father.


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    Thinking of this, Luo Renshou just raised his old smile like a loving father to Luo Shuyu : "Shu Yu, from now on, you have to prepare for the marriage in the yard these days. Don't worry about anything else, there is a father for you to call the shots."


    Luo Shuyu wondered how he could not see his father’s indifference to him, if he still had a little affection for him, how could he be indifferent to him? He had been in the Luo family for many years, and as a son of a main wife, he should live well. It was better for a little son backed by his aunt, let alone a son from the Liu family, what else did he want? 


    He only hated the stupidity and ridiculousness of himself, which was the kind of family affection he insisted on, it was a joke. 


    Luo Shuyu endured his nausea and gave Luo Renshou a straight punch: "Father, since I am going to marry the third prince, I can't let the prince lose face. I don't think about anything else. I want to count my mother's dowry. I also hope that my father can give me the key to my mother’s dowry storeroom in time.” 


    His mother married Luo Renshou with many treasure things. Chen was the official lady of the capital and was also a  young talents in Beijing. The married talented woman was later lost the Chen family as her backer due to an incident. Not long after his mother passed away due to illness, no one mentioned the dowry. In his previous life, he married into the royal family. Luo Renshou did not know whether he was intentionally or unintentionally. He never mentioned it to him. Once at a banquet, he saw his married fourth brother wearing a sable robe. Someone praised him and was very pushy. A woman sitting next to him mentioned his mother and said that she had had a robe like this in the past. He realized that there was something strange, but unfortunately he was not clear at the time and didn't delve into it. 


    At this time, Liu Shi heard the word dowry, and his eyes swept towards Luo Renshou. 


    Luo Renshou was also taken aback on the spot, his heart was shaken, he didn't understand how Luo Shuyu suddenly mentioned the dowry of his deceased wife, how could he think of it. 


    Luo Renshou thought that Luo Shuyu was still a son who was the same as before, and was very good to coax. He wanted to draw a little affection from his father. He had a smile on his face and wanted to take the initiative in his own hands. He said: "Your mother's dowry is natural. It’s good. Why do you start to worry about it before you get married. In the future, you will be the princess of the third prince. It is said that I have no way to teach you as a children"


Luo Shuyu has experienced life and death, and he was not afraid of Luo Renshou's moral suppression. He remembered that Shen Mingyun said in the book that this was called moral kidnapping.


    Luo Renshou taught him? Luo Shuyu even wanted to sneer in front of him, poking his face. 


    Master Shang Shu, who had been in the court all the year round, understood the behavior of the third prince. As a father, watching his child enter the Longtan Tiger Den, he actually laughed like this without worrying at all. 

(shang shu = high official)


    How could he be generous? Would you give up your own life again? went to the Third Prince's Mansion as a spy for them, so as to pave the way for the Luo family? 

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    This was Luo Renshou. He was a "loving father" who had used him up all the way until he became wasted. 


    Now, for Luo Shuyu, the house of the Third Prince was not Longtan Tiger’s Den, but a safe heaven for him in the future. Returning his mother’s dowry was just his first step to shelter from the wind. He had to prepare for the future, regardless of whether he would experience it again in his life. Before death, he would try to change the fate of him and Li Mingjin, and changed the fate of his child. 


    "Father, knowledge of the general body and the abdomen is not related to my taking my mother's dowry into the Prince's Mansion. I remember my mother's last wish during her lifetime. One of them is that her dowry will be inherited by me in full, and now I am about to enter the third prince's mansion, the dowry is the confidence of our Luo family. We can't shame the royal family. I'm not doing well, and our family can't look up. Maybe someone outside will say that you have an opinion on the marriage that the saint is referring to." Rather than oppressing people with Luo Renshou was not good for him, it was better to use the emperor directly to oppress him. Luo Renshou cared about the disrespect of the emperor.

(sorry, too much puns so I just write it like that, I don't even know what it means so how can I edit it?, at least we can still understand the plot)


    Luo Shuyu, who had always been obedient and well-behaved, who almost never made any resistance to Luo Renshou's words, suddenly became tough, making Luo Renshou very uncomfortable. He had a good face, and Luo Shuyu always poked at this points. The smile on his gentle face gradually faded. 


    Luo Renshou did not know who instigated Luo Shuyu to say these things, but he did have to take care of his own face, the imperial decree was irresistible, and he could not bear the reputation of father's unkindness. He now had to appease Luo Shuyu and figured it out who was chewing the tongue in his ear, every word accusing him of invading his dead wife's dowry, his son always said something that couldn't hear a single echo in three sentences, and since when he became so eloquent. 


    In order not to be criticized, Luo Renshou could only temporarily promise him: "I will let someone count your mother's dowry, and then I will give you a list and add make up to you." 


    If Luo Shuyu didn't mention it today, he would naturally not mention it. But since it was for this reason, he had no reason to lose his share in front of the juniors. The whole family was listening here. He doubted whether Luo Shuyu did it on purpose, which made him feel uncomfortable. 


    Of course, Luo Shuyu did it intentionally. He went to find Luo Renshou in private, and he would sent him away with a few words, or refused to see him. He would only speak in front of everyone in order to get him agreed to his request. 


    Liu Shi's mouth moved and wanted to say something, but the old lady who had been enjoying the maid pinching her shoulders suddenly said, "Shu Yu, you are going to be married to the third Prince's Mansion. Don't be so petty, too tough to like. Is your father going to swallow your mother’s dowry, do I speak the truth?” She tossed around the beads in her hand, but what she said was contrary to the Buddha’s will, and it was acrimonious, which told him not to take his mother's dowry, let Liu continued to squander it.


    The old lady had no culture. There were two things that she valued the ​​most in her life. One was her most promising son, Luo Renshou, and the other was money. His son had no face in front of her grandchildren, and she didn’t miss her daughter-in-law’s dowry. She naturally wanted to teach Luo Shuyu a few words. 


    Why did his mother's dowry make things awkward like this? 


    He was very disdainful of the old lady in his heart. Luo Shuyu said indifferently: "What my grandmother said may need to be considered. I haven't heard my father mention my mother's dowry until now. I just remind him. I also hope that some people will return what they shouldn't have ." 

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    He was a person who had died once, was he afraid of Luo family? 


    Liu Shi was insinuated by Luo Shuyu and wanted to say a few words, but the old lady obviously did not want her to say: "Prepare the child well for his marriage, don't lose our face."


This was for Liu Shi, and she didn't want to mix up. Regarding these things, she waved her hand and left, "Okay, nothing else, I'll go back first."


 She was very happy at first, after all, they would be relatives of the emperor somehow in the future. As for the character of the third prince, it had nothing to do with her. Within the scope of her consideration, she had never been close to Luo Shuyu, but this Shuyu suddenly wanted to take his dowry, which also wiped out her interest. 


    "Yes, mother." Liu Shi's head bowed and a group of people sent the old lady to the door. 


    Luo Renshou looked at Luo Shuyu uncomfortably, and found a reason to leave. Before leaving, he called his two eldest sons to the study to discuss the matters. 


    Liu Shi looked at Luo Shuyu, but she didn't explain anything. She walked away with a girl in a painful expression, and the whole room almost half already walked away. 


    The rest of juniors looked at Luo Shuyu, who was holding the imperial decree in his hand, with envy, jealousy, stupidity, and of course some disdained. 


    The disdain was naturally from Luo Shuyao, who was favored by Liu Shi. 


(honestly both MC and this brother's  name are similar, that is Luo Shuyu. The difference is the "yu" character in MC's name means treasure;hard metal while his brother's "yu" means rain. To make it easier, I will call the brother Luo Shuyao)


    Luo Shuyao squeezed his newly hung jade pendant and said: "Brother, you haven't married the third prince, just put an air. Those who don't know think you are already the third prince's." 


    "It's not your turn to evaluate it." Luo Shuyu patted his sleeve and looked at the auspicious cloud pattern cuffs without raising his eyelids.

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    With such a casual appearance, Luo Shuyao felt offended. Thinking of something, he leaned forward and approached Luo Shuyu: "Brother, you may not know what kind of person the third prince is. I heard that he kills people like kill a horse, the maid’s corpse is often transported out of the room. As long as he looks at someone as unpleasant, he will slap them with a whip. He will be happy only if he draws the skin and flesh. In the future, you will have to ask for more blessings.  Fifth brother, you don't know anything. You, as an unmarried ger must know about other men’s affairs, do not know how the father will feel when he knows about it"


Luo Shuyu responded lightly "It's important for a woman to have a good reputation, and so is the ger."


    Luo Shuyao was caught off guard by Luo Shuyu's counterattack. He did not expect that Luo Shuyu suddenly had a talent for argumentation. He was stuck in his throat and couldn't get up. For a while, he couldn't find a word to refute it. He was so angry that he could only looking at the back of Luo Shuyu leaving chicly. 


    "Fourth sister, why don't you help me!" Luo Shuyao complained to the girl sitting quietly next to him. 


    Luo Shuyue smiled softly, and said lightly and comforted: "What are you anxious for? After he gets married, he won't have a good life. Even if the Third Princes' Mansion is so good, can it be his turn?" 


    Luo Shuyao was caught. He was soothed, snorted softly, also thinking like that, why not wait to see Luo Shuyu's joke. 


    When he returned to Ruyiyuan, Luo Shuyu was relieved. His father's attitude just chilled him, and would not affect him anymore. 


    The grievances between Luo Shuyu and others were nothing more than whose fabrics were better and whose looks were better. He had never cared about this. What he really had to face was the protagonist in the book that could affect his destiny—— Shen Mingyun. 


    In the book, from Shen Mingyun's perspective, it was mentioned that the third prince's favorite person was Shen Mingyun, but afterwards the matter was disturbed by Shen Mingyun himself, the emperor suddenly kicked in and pointed Luo Shuyu to him. 


    Luo Shuyu looked at the imperial edict in his hand and sighed slightly. 


    The author has something to say: Update!


    Third Prince: Urgent!

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