Luo Shuyu knew that some of the props that Shen Mingyun exchanged from the system mall could enhance his beauty, which he used in front of a man who he wanted to increase his favorability, he would become better-looking and more friendly. After using the props, his appearance would change according to the appearance of the other party's taste, but it was time-sensitive, and it couldn't be maintained all the time. Therefore, for people who Shen Mingyun didn't like, he wouldn't use this kind of prop, and it wouldn't affect those people's judgment of Shen Mingyun, including Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin.

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    "If this is the case, then he may become the other party's spy in advance when he lived at the border. Otherwise, how could he be the only one of his family who survived after his city was captured." Li Mingjin continued to spread his speculation.


    Luo Shuyu was amazed by Li Mingjin's thinking, and he took advantage of the situation to strengthen his speculation about Shen Mingyun: "Your highness is right, I don't think Shen Mingyun is sad at all because of the death of his parents, and I have never seen him worship his parents on Qingming. On that day, he happily prepared the Youth League for us, saying it was their custom."


    The more he said, the more he could realise Shen Mingyun's strange identity, and there was a good reason to get rid of him slowly in the future. Sooner or later, he would meet the imperial family of the enemy country who quietly came to the capital of Daxia.


    he just hoped that there would be no mistakes in this process. At present, it seemed that Shen Mingyun hadn't suffered much loss, and he could still continue to rely on the system.


    Although Luo Shuyu had read the book, as he was reborn, some things may change slowly. He had no ability to predict, so he could only judge his next move based on Shen Mingyun's whereabouts, and then destroyed the goal he wanted to achieve.


    The two sat and discussed with each other. Li Mingjin didn't care about Shen Mingyun too much at first. After discussing with Luo Shuyu, he became more and more suspicious of this person, and he sent more people to watch him. He did so not only to make Luo Shuyu happy, but also for himself. You could also find a breakthrough from Shen Mingyun and investigated the person behind the assassins who assassinated him before.


    It was late at night, and Li Mingjin talked to him for a while and went back to the room with Luo Shuyu.


    Lying in bed, they stopped talking about Shen Mingyun and didn't want this person to disturb their husband's life.


    After the candle was blown out, Li Mingjin got into the bed, rubbed against Luo Shuyu, and kissed him directly on the cheek.


    "Yu'er, I want to kiss you."

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    Luo Shuyu knew that the fire on his body was burning at one point, so he took the initiative to come up, he had to turn his face, and was bitten.


    Luo Shuyu took advantage of his breath and said, "Don't be so hard. My mouth was swollen from your bite last night, and I will meet someone tomorrow."


    Li Mingjin kissed him on the mouth again: "Yeah." He moved his body, kissing and kissing, it was swollen and painful.


    Luo Shuyu actually didn't understand why he bit so hard, young and strong, just when he was thinking about those things, wouldn't it be uncomfortable to lie on the same bed every day, he blushed and suggested: "How about I help you with my hands? You, it won't be so uncomfortable."


    "Can you?" Li Mingjin changed his kiss to Luo Shuyu's earlobe, "Yu'er, don't force yourself."


    Luo Shuyu had been married Li Mingjin for many years in their previous lives. Li Mingjin had been his husband for many years. Although these things they hadn't done it, but it was not impossible: "I don't force myself, we are married, and I should meet your needs."


    Li Mingjin put his hand on his waist, his voice was hoarse and low, and he turned over and lightly gnawed at his neck. Hearing that Luo Shuyu was going to help him, let alone how happy he was.


    Luo Shuyu hugged him tightly.


    This night, they rested later than the previous two days.


    Li Mingjin hugged Luo Shuyu to rest with satisfaction, and Luo Shuyu's face was still hot before falling asleep. He didn't expect that he could help Li Mingjin did this kind of thing, but his hands were a little tired.


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    On the next day, Luo Shuyu didn't see Li Mingjin when he woke up. Only after asking the servants did he find out that Li Mingjin went to the morning court early in the morning and didn't let him get up to serve.


    Qingwang smiled and said, "Gongzi, His Highness really loves you. He said that he wouldn't let us wake you up because you didn't get enough sleep."


    Thinking of his crazy behavior last night, he covered his face with a towel. A little ashamed, he could actually do this.


    Not long after that, Li Mingjin sent someone back to tell Luo Shuyu that he wouldn't come back for lunch and would stay in the palace.


    Luo Shuyu thought that it might be the Emperor Tiansheng knew that the first prince was beaten so badly yesterday, and he was happy to think that the first prince who was high in the past was beaten so badly.


    Indeed, exactly as Luo Shuyu guessed, Li Mingjin dragged his injured leg to the rear, and Emperor Tiansheng called him to the imperial study. Not only him, but the crown prince, the first prince, and the fourth prince were all called.


    Although Li Mingjin wasn't blushing, but something was different after last night.


    While waiting for the summons outside the imperial study, the first prince covered the corner of his mouth to avoid someone else's scrutiny.


    The crown prince pretended to be surprised and asked: "Big brother, what's wrong with your face?"


    The first prince glared at him: "Li Mingze, did you do what happened yesterday ?" 


The crown prince was not provoked by him at all, but tutted: "Brother, it's not right for you to say that, we are brothers, you can't frame me, who knows who will get revenge if you offended someone, if you have the spare time to watch that kind of huakui competition, why not do more things for the father emperor, all day long, you can’t see the flowers only.” 

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The first prince snorted: “I'm not like some people who only peep at other people’s things, and not afraid or panic  when I take them!”


    However the crown prince was in a good mood and turned to Li Mingjin: "Third brother, your complexion looks good, you are satisfied with the imperial concubine that father has chosen for you."


    Li Mingjin said truthfully: "Of course I'm satisfied, and you won't be wrong to listen to father."


    The fourth prince stood by without saying a word and observed the three imperial brothers.


    Before the first prince said something, Eunuch Liang, the most favored man in front of Emperor Tiansheng, opened the door of the imperial study and invited the four brothers in.


    The four of them entered in the order of honor. The first prince would still obediently abide by the etiquette in front of Emperor Tiansheng.


    Emperor Tiansheng didn't give them a seat today, and Li Mingjin couldn't sit even if his legs weren't good. It could be seen that Emperor Tiansheng was in a bad mood, so the four of them stood in order in front of his table.


    A stack of memorials smashed straight at the four brothers, and Li Mingjin blocked it with his hand.


    Emperor Tiansheng scolded: "You are still blocking it!"


    Li Mingjin said bluntly: "Back to the father, Er chen just got married, and he doesn't want to be embarrassed in front of the wife." 

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[Er chen "儿 臣"; ér = the son; Chen = state official or subject in dynastic China; I, your servant (used in addressing the sovereign)]


"Sit down."


Li Mingjin was given a seat in disguise and sat down carelessly.


    Emperor Tiansheng turned his anger towards the crown prince and the first prince, he smashed the memorial at his hand to the two of them, and the two didn't dare to hide.


    After the first prince was smashed, his face hurt even more, and he quickly said: "Father, please calm down! Father!"


    Hearing the father angrily scolding the first prince for going to the huakui competition and hurting himself, he also scolded the crown prince for even counting the bill. It was unclear, Li Mingjin was in a good mood, until he turned his head and saw the fourth brother Li Mingchun, who was quietly standing aside and unaffected, evoked an imperceptible mockery.


    Suddenly he remembered that the fourth brother had been following the first brother all the time. If the group of Jiangyang bandits who hadn't been killed was in his protection, wouldn't he pretend to be harmless to humans and animals in the past?


    If it was true, then he had to re-examine Li Mingchun.


    A good one, pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger.



The author has something to say: 

The third Prince: Wife, everyone knows about me seven times a night, one hour at a time!

Luo Shuyu:  …

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