August 15th, Mid-Autumn Festival.

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    In the afternoon, Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin began to prepare the clothes for entering the palace. Even if today was the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion banquet, they had to follow the royal rules. Luo Shuyu was already used to it, and he didn't say much. He even hung the jade pendant he chose for Li Mingjin.


    Li Mingjin was a little suspicious: "The jade pendant really matches me, Yu'er has a good eye." 


Luo Shuyu took pleasure in puncturing him: "This jade pendant you wore it the day before yesterday."


    Li Mingjin: "..." 


The husbands were about to leave the house. Ansan dressed as a bodyguard was on the side today. Before Li Mingjin got into the carriage, he quietly whispered something to Li Mingjin. As soon as the words fell, Li Mingjin's eyes darkened: "How dare you deceive like this, the murderer should pay with their  life, go,  do it." 


Ansan nodded, quietly retreated to the back, and after explaining a few words to the other guard, he returned to the side of the carriage and continued to be the guard.     


Luo Shuyu got into the carriage first, and was about to help Li Mingjin got into the carriage, but saw that his expression was not right: "His Royal Highness, what's the matter?" 


The two of them went out happily just now, but he suddenly became angry, "Get on the carriage first." 


Li Mingjin was reluctant to tell Luo Shuyu about this. Luo Shuyu was not in a hurry: "Okay."     


After getting into the carriage, Li Mingjin cut his tail, he told him about Luo Renshou arranged Liu Shi pretended to have serious illness, and then sent her to the nunnery. Luo Shuyu didn't suspect him, and he was relieved to hear that Luo Renshou sent Liu Shi to the nunnery. He also thought about taking Liu Shi's life, but instead of letting her die, it would be better to let her live in the nunnery to suffer. However, he didn't know how simple his idea was.


    Luo Renshou's promised to him was just a plan to delay. In the end, it was up to him whether to implement it or not. This was why he insisted on taking the initiative to deal with this matter. After all, Liu Shi was the biological mother of his two eldest sons. If he sent Liu Shi to the nunnery, his two sons would be separated from him in the future.


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    What passed on to Li Mingjin was the news of how Luo Renshou dealt with Liu Shi.


    It was inevitable that Liu Shi couldn't stay in Luofu, but Luo Renshou wouldn't send her to the nunnery because of the fact that she had four childrens for him, but found someone who looked like Liu Shi. He was betting that Luo Shuyu wouldn't go to the nunnery to confirm, and that Luo Shuyu wouldn't be favored by Li Mingjin.


    But he was wrong, Li Mingjin had already put Luo Shuyu on the top of his heart, and he had long been eyeing Liu Shi, the murderer.


    Since she wanted to use the Mid-Autumn Festival to stay away from the capital and went to Luofu's hometown for the rest of her life, just let her go. Whether she could reach the hometown alive was unknown. It was also common sense to encounter a bandit on the road. The "real" Liu Shi in the nunnery in the south of the city, who would know that an unknown woman died on the road, even if Luo Renshou wanted to investigate the bandits, he wouldn't dare, and even more wouldn't dare to find Luo Shuyu, this bitter fruit could only be swallowed by himself!


    Honestly sending Liu Shi to the nunnery would at least save her small life, and he could only blame himself for being smart.


    Luo Shuyu didn't know anything about another plan in Li Mingjin's mind, and Li Mingjin never let him know about it from beginning to end.


    They went out early and bypassed Yunsheng Street today, arrived a little later than expected.


    They also met Li Mingchun, the fourth prince who was still alone. It was this season, and he was still using a fan.


    Thinking about it, he didn't become the first prince's attendant today.


    Seeing Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu, Li Mingchun walked over directly: "Third brother, why did you come later than me?" 


The Third Prince's Mansion was closer than the Fourth Prince's Mansion, so he should have arrived earlier than him. Li Mingjin said, "Walk around. Just a little way." 


The fourth prince looked at Luo Shuyu again: "Third sister in law."

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    Luo Shuyu supported Li Mingjin, nodded, and didn't return the salute.


    The fourth prince didn't think too much about it, but Luo Shuyu really didn't want it. This man had a deep mind, and he didn't know what kind of bad water in his belly.


    They went directly to the Zhaoren Hall. The banquet table was already prepared in the palace. The lanterns were hung everywhere, very bright, like the daytime. Now they were just waiting for the princes and their concubines to take their seats.


    The Daxia Kingdom was relatively tolerant in terms of rules. Today, there would be concubines in the harem. All the banquet tables and tableware had been allocated.


    Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin became the focus as soon as they came in, and the palace concubines all looked at Luo Shuyu with different expressions.


    Luo Shuyu, who attended the palace banquet for the first time in his last life, had never seen many big scenes, and his eyes were easy to show timidity, but now he had been training for many years, and his mentality was different from before.


    Passing by the position of Concubine Mei, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu called her mother concubine at the same time, and Concubine Mei said casually: "You will go back later, I'll ask eunuch Ping to bring you some newly mature vegetables."


    Li Mingjin looked at Luo Shuyu with a cold face, and Luo Shuyu immediately said to Concubine Mei, "Thank you, mother concubine, we will definitely bring it." 


The two took their seats.


    On their left was the first prince, and on their right was the fourth prince. The crown prince and crown princess were close to the throne of Emperor Tiansheng, but there was still a certain distance.


    Sitting across from them were the four concubines, Concubine Lin Gui, the biological mother of the first prince, Concubine Jiang Shu, Concubine De, and Concubine Wei Xian, who entered the palace as a ger.


    At this time, before You Shi, there was still some time before Emperor Tiansheng and the queen took their seats.

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 [yǒu shí = 5-7 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)]


    Several sister in laws began to chat with Luo Shuyu every now and then. Today, the crown princess who was wearing makeup asked him with a smile, "I heard that the third sister in law has been reading poetry and books since childhood. If he wasn't born as a ger, he would definitely be able to win the first prize in the imperial examination." 


The crown princess' words were not so pleasant to hear.


    What Luo Shuyu disliked the most in his last life was that she always spoke with a little bit of arrogance.


    He wasn't afraid, as long as the crown prince didn't inherit the throne for one day, the crown princess wouldn't be able to become the queen.


    Luo Shuyu replied: "Where did the Crown Princess hear it? It's all rumors in the market. Shuyu just learned a little bit of zither, chess, calligraphy and painting. They are all fur, and they are not as good as the Crown Princess."


    The First imperial concubine also added to theirs chatting: "Indeed, the Crown Princess is so beautiful that even the Queen praised her." 


The Crown Princess laughed twice, but she didn't expect that her sister in law would actually help Luo Shuyu.


    The battle between the three had just begun. The Crown Princess had always been unwilling to admit defeat: "Now the banquet hasn't yet started, why don't we play a game?" She turned and asked the Crown Prince beside her, "His Royal Highness, what do you think?"


It was for the Crown Princess, and he said, "Yes, there are many people and it's lively."


    A slyness flashed in the Crown Princess's eyes: "Recently, there is a very interesting game, and it will lively when you play it with many people. You must never played it before."


Someone asked curiously: "Oh? What game is it?"

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    The Crown Princess said, "It's getting dark, please close your eyes."


    Everyone thought it was interesting, and they all said they wanted to play together.


    It's getting dark, please close your eyes was a party game that Shen Mingyun copied from his world. It became popular recently. Luo Shuyu never attended a party since his rebirth. Naturally, he didn't think of these little things, but now he did.


    Li Mingjin asked Luo Shuyu: "How, do you know how to play?"


    According to the circumstances of Luo Shuyu's life, he shouldn't hear of this game. He pretended to be worried and whispered back to Li Mingjin: "I haven't heard it."


    Li Mingjin's eyes lit up: "It's okay, I'll teach you."


    Luo Shuyu gave him a meaningful look.


    He played it with him when he was pregnant with a child in his last life, and the process was indescribable.


    Because Li Mingjin could change his identity in every game.



The author has something to say: This is a loose royal family dinner.

The Third Prince: Wife, tonight I'm going to turn into a werewolf, oh~~

Luo Shuyu: ...Go away!

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