Chapter 35: Impure Purpose

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    After the chrysanthemum banquet, Luo Shuyu received invitations like snowflakes. Whether they knew him or not, they would send it. The number of invitations received in half a year in the last life was not as many as those in the past few days. 


    It could be seen that there was no "conflict" with the crown princess at the chrysanthemum banquet that day, and in the end they were at peace with each other. Everyone saw the ability of the third imperial concubine. When they returned, even the third prince came to pick him up in person.


    Following the crown prince's chrysanthemum banquet, many chrysanthemum banquets organized by this lady and that lady appeared. Not only him, but even Li Mingjin received a lot of invitations from this marquis and that marquis, but no one expected Li Mingjin attended, only invited him by the way, with all the courtesy. 


    Luo Shuyu looked at the stack of invitations on the table. He didn't want to go to any of them. Now he was more concerned about Shen Mingyun's work in the other courtyard. 


    Not to mention, different situations happened every day. 


    Although Shen Mingyun was a member of Luo Shangshu's residence, he offended the Crown Princess, and Luo Renshou wanted to protect him. After he learned that Shen Mingyun also pulled the banner of the third prince, he almost sprayed the tea out of his mouth. After thinking about it again and again, Luo Renshou directly gave up the idea of ​​​​protecting Shen Mingyun. Anyway, he made a mistake first. It wouldn't be a problem to plant flowers in another yard for a few days. 


    How could Shen Mingyun have no problem? 


    Luo Shuyu deliberately asked people to bribe the person who supervised  Shen Mingyun, and didn't let him idle for a moment. When the time came, he asked him to fetch water and fertilize. 


    Shen Mingyun liked to sleep until late, so he was called to wake up on time every morning; 


    Shen Mingyun usually liked to eat big fish and meat, so he made people gave him pickled vegetables and steamed buns every day, and he would never starve to death; 


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    Shen Mingyun was accustomed to talk to the system in his mind, so when the supervisor saw him in a daze, he went over to remind him to continue working. 


    When he read the book, Shen Mingyun mentioned that the fertilizers used in his era were clean, but their current era was different. They used human or animal feces. Luo Shuyu sent someone every day to let him fetch manure and water. 


    Did Shen Mingyun want to do it ? Of course there were other ways to fix him if he didn't want. 


    The old maid who supervised him wouldn't beat him or scold him, but would only take out a list to record the tasks he had to complete every day. 


    Who made him cheap and did the stupid thing of picking flowers, who wouldn't punish him? 


    The people present that day were all wives of famous families. As long as anyone had the heart to inquire, they would know that Shen Mingyun was punished by the crown princess, whether it was light or serious, although Shen Mingyun was not very famous in the capital, but he opened some shops, there were still many young women and gers who visit the two rouge shops, and most of them knew him. As soon as he had an accident, a lot of rumors came out. 


    Luo Shuyu had only one sentence to comment on this: Feng Shui takes turns. 


    As long as Shen Mingyun's life was not good, he would be happy. 


    However, Shen Mingyun was the protagonist of the book after all, even if he was in trouble, he soon got a turnaround. 


    Seven days later, the person who supervised him came back and reported to Luo Shuyu that Shen Mingyun was taken away by the fourth prince. 


    Luo Shuyu was a little surprised. The other courtyard belonged to the crown prince. How did the fourth prince run in and take people away? 


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    "Tell me how he was brought out?" Luo Shuyu deeply felt that Shen Mingyun's life was pretty good. It took only seven days for this job, and it was estimated that his skin wasn't even tanned. 


    It was Anjiu who came back. Since Luo Shuyu entered the Third Prince's Mansion, he and Anshi had been given the important task of following Shen Mingyun. Today, it was his turn to come back and report about Shen Mingyun's situation. 


    It turned out that after the crown princess held the chrysanthemum banquet, the crown prince held another one, and it was yesterday. 


    The prince invited some scholars, and most of them had a lot of research on chrysanthemums on weekdays. 


    Shen Mingyun was watering and pruning the chrysanthemums with the gardener at the time. The crown prince was chatting with some scholars about the flowering period of chrysanthemums. 


    As soon as the poem was finished, a famous person looked at the pots of the precious black and purple chrysanthemums. 


    It was also a coincidence that the person who the famous person pointed at was Shen Mingyun. 


    Although Shen Mingyun looked down at the ancients, but after being tortured for six days, he knew that people had to bow their heads under the eaves. He seized the opportunity and directly used the system to report the origin of the precious chrysanthemums and the details that others didn't know. The system helped him to win the prize in one fell swoop, the eyes of everyone present. 


    Not only this pot, but Shen Mingyun also told them the details of the chrysanthemum he saw one by one. 


    Everyone saw that he was right about chrysanthemum. These guests looked at Shen Mingyun differently. Even the crown prince was amazed by Shen Mingyun. If it wasn't for Shen Mingyun's face at that time, his face was still stained with mud and he was wearing a bloated sackcloth. It was estimated that the crown prince would immediately accept him as a concubine. 


    In this way, Shen Mingyun showed his face in front of the crown prince. 


    Luo Shuyu asked Anjiu: "But what does this have to do with the fourth prince? Didn't the crown prince find out that he was different at first?" 

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Anjiu said that he (the fourth prince) was here by coincidence. When he went to the other courtyard, he recognized Shen Mingyun, and the crown prince who was in a very good mood. After the fourth prince suggested that he knew Shen Mingyun and said there might be some misunderstanding, the crown prince agreed to the fourth prince to take Shen Mingyun away. 


    Because the crown prince thought it was the crown princess' actions this time. After all, he was the one who shared the bed with the crown princess, and he believed that he understood her temperament. 


    Just like that, the crown prince let Shen Mingyun go without a word. 


    After that, when the fourth prince left, he sent Shen Mingyun back to Luofu. 


    Luo Shuyu was not surprised after hearing this. Shen Mingyun and the fourth prince were the protagonists in the book, and it was reasonable for them to meet under special circumstances. 


    He didn't feel sorry anymore, at least for the past few days, listening to how Shen Mingyun accepted the baptisms of the old maid was also a good meal every day, and it was also necessary for Shen Mingyun to understand the rules of these ancients. 


    Although Luo Shuyu didn't know that Shen Mingyun went to the Crown Princess to enjoy the chrysanthemum banquet with a mission, it was obvious that his mission this time was "failure". Shen Mingyun was tortured for a few days, which could be described as frustration. 


    Shen Mingyun thought that it was no big deal if he didn't have the Crown Princess's trust. He had a system that others didn't have, which was the source of his sense of superiority. 


    Recently, his mission wasn't going well, and he was punished when he attended a banquet. Shen Mingyun secretly hated the Crown Princess. 


    In this regard, Luo Shuyu was happy to see it succeed. 


    However, there was one thing that made Luo Shuyu a little worried, the fourth prince and Shen Mingyun were still getting closer and closer. 

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    How could he make their relationship less intimate? 


    Shen Mingyun had a system, and he could use it to save himself from danger. In this regard, Luo Shuyu had nothing to do. 


    In the last life, the relationship between the fourth prince and Shen Mingyun developed naturally. The two of them had experienced many things before they got married, and their relationship could be said to be very strong. 


    In modern times, Shen Mingyun was considered to have read countless men. In their era, he also had contact with several other so-called bigwigs. After many considerations, he chose the most powerful fourth prince in the entire Daxia. 


    Luo Shuyu wasn't sure whether he could stop Shen Mingyun from seeing those so-called bigwigs, which was something he couldn't predict. 


    It's hard to predict what would happen if he couldn't control it, and to prevent this road from going nowhere, then he could change his strategy against Shen Mingyun according to the current situation. 


    If Shen Mingyun would still become the fourth prince concubine, then, if he helped Shen Mingyun changed some order before he became the fourth prince's concubine, saved him and the fourth prince from the process of "letting the flow" to know each other and love each other, let him did it in advance. Would it be different if he became a husband and wife with the fourth prince, and then let him meet other "Bigwigs"? 


    The more Luo Shuyu thought about it, the more he felt that his new plan was very attractive, but it was a bit difficult to implement.


    The first thing to do was to let the fourth prince marry Shen Mingyun. 


    Imperial concubine was a bit difficult, what if it was a concubine?


    Also, who should arrange it?

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