Chapter 36 Part 1

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 Chapter 36



    Needless to say, Luo Shuyu was also very clear about the role of the small porcelain bottles. This was needed for the first time for the ger's body.


    Luo Shuyu quietly put it in Li Mingjin's clothes back in place, pretending not to see anything. 


    Of course he knew that this day would come sooner or later. When he was lying in bed recently, he could also feel that Li Mingjin's eyes were getting more and more wrong. Even the two of them were usually glued together tightly, as if he could be dismantled and swallowed at any time.


    Luo Shuyu didn't have much experience in doing this with him in his previous life, but it was unlikely that he would refuse. 


    "It's done, let's go over there." Li Mingjin had already walked out from behind the screen next to him. He was trying hard to suppress the eagerness in his mind just now. His mind was full of those thoughts, trying his best to make himself looked less anxious.


    "Yeah." It wasn't the first time that Luo Shuyu saw Li Mingjin wearing trousers only in recent days. Now that he saw his sturdy upper body, and a man who was bigger than the ger, he seemed to hear his own heartbeat. Seeing those small porcelain bottles, he didn't have such a big reaction. 


    Luo Shuyu was also wearing obscene clothes and trousers, but he was also covered with a coat to avoid catching a cold. 


    The two opened the door next to them, and inside was a room where the hot spring water was bubbling. 


    When Luo Shuyu tested the water temperature with his toe, Li Mingjin had already changed out of his clogs and dived into the water with a clatter. 


    Li Mingjin splashed the water, and he wiped his face with his hands. The water drops fell from his firm chest. He sat at the bottom of the pool and reached out to Luo Shuyu: "Yu'er, come here." 


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    Luo Shuyu who was standing on the edge of the pool was a little hesitant, but after thinking about it, he took off the coat that was draped over his shoulders. 


    His posture in the water was relatively gentle, and he could also feel Li Mingjin's fiery eyes sweeping over him. 


    The temperature of the water was just right, and with the desire in Li Mingjin's eyes, Luo Shuyu resolutely sat across from him and didn't sit with him. 


    Li Mingjin called him again in a deep voice: "Yu'er, come here." 


Luo Shuyu put his back against the edge of the pool and shook his head with a smile, not wanting him to succeed. 


    But Li Mingjin had prepared for many days. The moment Luo Shuyu's coat fell to reveal his fair shoulders, he couldn't hold it anymore, and now there was only a trace of reason left. Just me, he came to the mountain, the same thing. 


    Luo Shuyu splashed the water on his chest: "Li Mingjin, promise me, take a good soak in the hot spring." 


    At this time, Li Mingjin wouldn't listen to him, grabbed his wrist, put his big hand on his waist, and gently tapped it. The next moment, Luo Shuyu's whole person was held in his arms and forced to sit in his lap. 


    Li Mingjin said solemnly: "Yu'er, I don't want to soak in the hot spring, and I don't want to be Liu Xiahui." 


    Luo Shuyu took a deep breath, gathered up his courage, turned around, and put his hands on Li Mingjin's shoulders, he asked Li Mingjin in a low voice: "If you don't want to soak in the hot spring, what do you want to do?" 


    Li Mingjin's eyes brightened: "Complete our unfinished bridal chamber." 


    Luo Shuyu looked directly at Li Mingjin, felt a foreign object, and moved back: "Here?" 

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Li Mingjin stood up from the water holding him in his arms: "There is nothing better than this."


Luo Shuyu hurriedly hugged his neck and exclaimed: "Li Mingjin! " 


    Li Mingjin reassured him: "Don't be afraid, it's said that the first time for ger is not very painful, I will pay attention. " 


    Luo Shuyu didn't know whether it was the steam or because of Li Mingjin's words, his face was so hot that he buried his face on Li Mingjin's neck. When he was put down, he found that there was a piece of cushion bed on the edge of the pool.


    You are so prepared. 


    The next moment, he had no intention of thinking about anything else, Li Mingjin had lightly bit his lips, and the two were involved in a belated affair. 




    This afternoon, Luo Shuyu shouted until hoarsely, Li Mingjin let go of him. 


    Li Mingjin, who experienced the happiness of the bridal chamber for the first time, was full of contentment. He hugged Luo Shuyu into the pool for a symbolic soak in the hot spring for a while, then gave the two of them a simple bath and went back to the room. 


    Luo Shuyu lay on the bed and fell asleep while thinking: If a man takes you to the hot spring, don't believe it, he just wants to have a bridal chamber with you. 


    Li Mingjin hugged Luo Shuyu to sleep, thinking that the small porcelain bottles he prepared seemed to be useless, and the book didn't seem to be very credible. 


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    When Luo Shuyu woke up after being tossed for an afternoon, the sky was already dark, and there was only a burning candle in the room. 


    Li Mingjin leaned on the bedside to read a miscellaneous book, he felt Luo Shuyu moving, so he put the book down: "Awake?" 


    Luo Shuyu sat up with the strength of Li Mingjin's hands, stretched, and wondered if it was because of the intimate affair between the two of them. After they were all done, Luo Shuyu and him got closer again, and he wasn't too shy. 


    There was a bit of coquettishness in his sleepy voice: "I'm hungry." 


    Li Mingjin pressed his waist: "Okay, let's have dinner." 


    Luo Shuyu leaned on him and asked him to press it well : "What time is it now?" 


    Li Mingjin said, "It's almost time for dinner." 


    Luo Shuyu raised his eyes and felt that Li Mingjin's line of sight was in the wrong direction. He looked down and found that his underwear was open, the scenery inside was unobstructed, and there were red marks on his chest that he sucked out in the afternoon. 


    He was busy tying up his underwear, Li Mingjin took one step ahead of him, Luo Shuyu, who just sat up, was pushed down on the bed again, and Li Mingjin lowered his head again. 


    Luo Shuyu pushed his head away with his palm: "Li Mingjin, I'm really hungry." 


    Li Mingjin raised his head, with a blurry look in his eyes: "I'm hungry too." 


    Luo Shuyu pushed him away, turned over and sat up, fiercely said: " Sit down for me, don't move." 

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    Li Mingjin had to lie on the bed, with a bit of grievance in his voice: "You murdered me, and you turned your face after the bridal chamber and didn't recognize anyone." 


    Luo Shuyu grabbed the clothes next to him and put them on one by one , the corners of his mouth raised, amused by him. 


    Li Mingjin, who was lying on his stomach, looked sideways at him. 


    Luo Shuyu felt hot all over when he saw him: "That's enough, get up and eat quickly." 


    Li Mingjin got up after a while, and was pulled out of the bedroom by Luo Shuyu to eat in the main hall. 


    Luo Shuyu, who had just experienced the first time in the afternoon, since he was still young and didn't feel much discomfort. 


    Li Mingjin deliberately asked people to make dinner lighter. Of course, he also asked people to prepare meat. 


    After being married to Luo Shuyu for many days, Li Mingjin never concealed his love for meat from Luo Shuyu. 


    Halfway through the meal, Li Mingjin had a vegetable in his bowl, and Luo Shuyu looked at him with a smile: "Your Highness, don't eat meat only." 


    Luo Shuyu knew that Li Mingjin loved meat, and Luo Shuyu knew that he didn't like vegetables.


    Thinking of the satisfaction this afternoon, Li Mingjin took Luo Shuyu's vegetables as meat dishes, and didn't find it tasteless at all. 


    After the two had dinner, they asked the guard to move two chairs and sit in the courtyard to chat. 

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