I'm The Vicious Cannon Fodder In The Book Chapter 37 Part 2

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    Shen Mingyun thought that all the system props he used this year never had any problems. He always trusted the system, so he started to shake. 


    It was not impossible to marry the fourth prince. He was the type of male god he liked. He was gentle and his fingers were long, so that should be pretty good. 


    Shen Mingyun was almost persuaded by the system. However, he was still a little sober at the moment, and he cared more about freedom. When he thougt of being locked in the back house, his heart was also shaken, if he was with the fourth prince day and night, he was not sure whether the fourth prince would find out about the system. 


    Moreover, the two of them were not familiar enough to get married. They exchanged letters several times, met several times, and ate together twice. Last night was considered a date. The fourth prince was indeed a romantic person. Going out of the city to see the stars, reading a lot of books, could speak well, and having a little sense of humor, it was exactly what Shen Mingyun liked. 


    Having this opportunity to marry him, he also thought about whether to give up or reserved his opinion. 


    When Shen Mingyun was entangled, the fourth prince was not at all embarrassed. He did have an interest in Shen Mingyun, not only for his appearance, but also for his special skill. Now there was a reason to directly take Shen Mingyun as his own. A rare opportunity, he was worried before and didn't know how to speak, but now it suit his heart. 


    The fourth prince entered the palace with full sincerity, but the process didn't go as smoothly as he imagined. 


   The Emperor Tiansheng said angrily: "Li Mingchun, you are so courageous!" 


    Li Mingchun knelt down directly: "Father, it was the son who made a mistake, but the son doesn't want to let down the sincerity of Shen Gongzi." 


    The Emperor Tiansheng: "Do you know that the Zhou Guo's envoy will arrive in the capital in a month?"     


    Li Mingchun's heart skipped a beat: "I don't know what's father means." 


    The Emperor Tiansheng said, "They want to marry us in Daxia, and this time they sent the princess of Zhou." 


   The Emperor Tiansheng told him directly, Li Mingchun was not stupid, he

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 could understand that he was the most suitable of the few princes at the moment. There were a lot of people in the backyard. If you got a princess to come here, you couldn't make a scene. It was even more impossible for the prince. The Yue family's power was big enough. To help the country, he couldn't block the third child when he just got married, otherwise he could run into the palace every day with his temperament, causing him a headache. This was a strict wife control. 


    Li Mingchun: "Father,the son wants to be with Shen Gongzi for a lifetime." 


  The Emperor Tiansheng snorted coldly: "It's a good one for a lifetime. This matter is tentative." 


    When Li Mingchun came out of the palace, he only felt that the house was leaking. When it rained overnight, he didn't know who to turn for help. 


    He was bound to win Shen Mingyun, but if he couldn't give him the position of the imperial concubine, he wouldn't be happy, it was really embarrassing. 


    "Princess Zhou?" 


    Luo Shuyu just learned that Zhou's  envoy would bring their country's princess to Daxia to pay tribute in a month. 


    Li Mingjin squeezed into Luo Shuyu's couch and hugged him into his arms: "Well, it will be in a month." 


    Luo Shuyu felt that he was too clingy recently, but he didn't drive him away, so he found a comfortable place to lean against: "How could it be, their princess comes to have a marriage?" 


    Li Mingjin put his finger restlessly on Luo Shuyu's thigh: "Yes, in recent years, there have been large and small conflicts between the two countries, and they have fought twice. Zhou Guo lost two cities, and now they are willing to ask for peace, and they will send the princess to come and have marriage." 


    Luo Shuyu shrank his neck and avoided the heat he was blowing. This man really said nonsense, "Continue to talk about the marriage." 


    Li Mingjin made an unreasonable request: "Let me kiss." 


    Luo Shuyu threatened: "Then I sit on the opposite side." 

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    Li Mingjin said domineeringly: " No." 


    Luo Shuyu struggled symbolically: "Then don't tell me." 


    Li Mingjin hugged him tightly: "I said, you don't go." 


    Luo Shuyu struggled and had to give up. In fact, it was the love between the two. Since the two had a hole in the room, this must be performed every day. 


    "Then tell me quickly." Luo Shuyu stuffed an orange into Li Mingjin's mouth. 


    Li Mingjin had no choice but to swallow it. Recently, he had been fed fruits and vegetables. He was not so repelled to eat these: "My father wants the fourth brother to marry Princess Zhou." 


    Luo Shuyu was a little surprised: "Is this set?" He remembered the book didn't write about the matter of Princess Zhou, the fourth prince was going to marry the princess, what about Shen Mingyun? No, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages, and the Fourth Prince wouldn't be able to survive without the help of Shen Mingyun. 


    Li Mingjin said: "I'm not sure, but my father has this idea." 


    Luo Shuyu: "That's because there is still a change." 


    Li Mingjin: "Well, the fourth brother mentioned to father that he wants to marry Shen Mingyun." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Is it not going well ?" This should be expected, no matter how Shen Mingyun said it, it was just an appearance, not a serious gongzi of the Luo family, it would be strange that The Emperor Tiansheng would agree. 


    Li Mingjin: "Of course, otherwise the fourth brother wouldn't have known so quickly that father wanted him to marry Princess Zhou. Do you know what the fourth brother said to father?" 


    Luo Shuyu smiled and said, "What did he say?" 

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    Li Mingjin was fascinated by his calculating smile, but he didn't know what he was calculating, so he kissed the corner of his mouth: "He said he wanted to have a pair with Shen Mingyun for the rest of his life." 


    Luo Shuyu: "I can't believe that the fourth prince still likes Shen Mingyun so much. He is very specific." 


    Li Mingjin: "But I don't think so. I can't see how much the fourth brother likes Shen Mingyun." 


Luo Shuyu : "Why do you say that?" 


    Li Mingjin : "From childhood to adulthood, when the fourth brother wants to get something, he will be very affectionate, and he will try his best to get it. Father once had a wolf pen sent from Huzhou. He prayed very devoutly in the place where my father passed through the harem, and one day my father passed by and was moved by seeing him like this, so he gave him the pen." 


    No wonder the fourth prince in his previous life was able to win the throne with the help of Shen Mingyun, he used to be a very thoughtful person. 


    Luo Shuyu suddenly remembered that the prince of the Zhou Kingdom that Shen Mingyun had hooked up with seemed to be the same type of person as Li Mingchun, but the other party was more fierce and more straightforward. 


    If Li Mingchun gave up Shen Mingyun, then Shen Mingyun would turn to the embrace of the prince of Zhou, and then there might be a confrontation between countries. 


    Luo Shuyu frowned suddenly: "Your Highness, do you know how many princes in Zhou State?" 


    Of course Li Mingjin knew since he went to the court every day now, of course he didn't miss the important affairs of the court, but he was just lazy occasionally to keep the image of him doing his right job in front of The Emperor Tiansheng.


    Li Mingjin: "What?" 


    Luo Shuyu: "Could it be that Princess Zhou and her relatives are just a trap, maybe they want to disintegrate the royal family from within, and now that the matter between the first prince and the crown prince is so noisy, there must be spies in the Zhou kingdom in our Daxia, we probably don't know." 


    Li Mingjin: "But how do they know who Princess Zhou is going to marry?" 

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Luo Shuyu: "The embankment of a thousand feet will collapse with the nest of ants; the room of a hundred feet will be burned with the smoke between the gap.". When the royal family was unstable, it was easy to be exploited, such as the blueprints they used before.


Li Mingjin was silent, and Luo Shuyu's words inspired him: "Yu'er is right, this Princess Zhou must never enter the royal family."    


As soon as he finished speaking, he hooked Luo Shuyu's belt. Luo Shuyu quickly held down the his hand that was digging into: "Li Mingjin!"


    Luo Shuyu patted his claws and said arrogantly: "Li Mingjin, in broad daylight, I chopped off your claws." 


    Li Mingjin kissed his earlobe: "Don't chop, it can be used." 


    Li Mingjin bit his neck and said, "It's all your fault, you just rubbed against me too many times." 


    Luo Shuyu was bitten and burst into tears: "..." 


    Always biting his sensitive points, bad guy. 


    At the same time, Shen Mingyun ran away from Luofu with his personal servant, wrapped his baggage. 


    Fuck feudal dross, fuck arranged marriages, I won't get married! 


    He also believed in a sentence: life is precious, love is more expensive, but if it's for freedom, both can be thrown away. 


The author has something to say: 

The Third Prince: Wife, it's your turn to bite me today! 

Luo Shuyu:  … 

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