Luo Shuyu put his hands around his neck: "Then let me tell you? "

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    "Okay, tell me." Li Mingjin tightened his arms around his waist, wishing to embed him into his body and become one with him.

    Luo Shuyu kissed the corner of his mouth: "Your Highness has been hinting to me these past few days, it has been really hard."

    Li Mingjin's lips curled up more and more, "You pretended?"

    Luo Shuyu said, "Otherwise, how could I give Your Highness a surprise? I made the longevity noodles for you personally, Your Highness, eat it quickly, or it will be cold."

    Li Mingjin reluctantly let go of him, he sat obediently at the desk and slowly ate the noodles made by his wife himself.

    Seeing that he was eating with gusto, Luo Shuyu asked, "Is the taste okay?"

    After he finished a bowl of longevity noodles, Li Mingjin wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief: "It’s delicious, did you add sesame oil?"

    "Yes, I know you like that flavor." Luo Shuyu still understood him very well, especially His Highness’ taste.

    Luo Shuyu picked up Li Mingjin: "Your Highness, let's go to the main hall for dinner." After dinner, it happened to be completely dark, and then the fireworks were set off.

    Li Mingjin was satisfied, he listened to whatever his wife said!

    The depressed mood of the past two days was swept away by a bowl of longevity noodles.

    Li Mingjin was led into the main hall by Luo Shuyu, he could smell the strong smell of meat through the thick curtain.

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    Sitting at the table, Li Mingjin was really amazed.

    Every dish was his favorite.

    Li Mingjin picked up the chopsticks and was about to taste them, but Luo Shuyu held down his hand: "Your Highness, first guess which dish was made by me?"

    Li Mingjin: "Is it okay to guess while I taste it?"

    Luo Shuyu: "Alright."


    He picked up the jug and poured wine for Li Mingjin, "You can't drink the plum blossom wine I brewed myself, but Your Highness can try this plum blossom wine. can you guess where it came from?"

    Li Mingjin tasted a sip of plum blossom wine: "You didn't buy it from outside..." He took another sip and was stunned for a moment, "Is it from the mother concubine?"

    Luo Shuyu nodded: "Yes, the mother concubine sent someone to deliver it last night, is it delicious? "

    It was delicious, sweet and delicious." Li Mingjin licked his lips, regretting that he took a big sip just now.

    Luo Shuyu didn't give him any further aftertaste, and put a piece of his favorite braised pork in his bowl: "Try this."

    Li Mingjin has no other hobbies, heis favourite was to eat meat in all aspects, he was particularly easy to satisfy.

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    He affirmed: "You made this one."

    Luo Shuyu smiled and said: "How did Your Highness know?"

    Li Mingjin said with reason and evidence: "The cook in our house puts a lot of salt when he makes braised pork, which is more salty. Today's taste is a little sweet, I think it's not her who made it, it's you."

    Luo Shuyu: "Your Highness can guess this, it's amazing."

    Li Mingjin praised him: "I didn't expect you to have such good cooking skills "

    Luo Shuyu smiled, and said in his heart that he had practiced for several days, and threatened the third party with a monthly salary not to report the matter to Li Mingjin.

    The dinner seemed homely, but it was all Luo Shuyu's kindness.

    The two ate slowly and drank some wine. At the end of the dinner, Li Mingjin was already intoxicated.

    Just after dinner, the outside suddenly became very bright.

    Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin went outside.

    The snow in the middle of the courtyard was swept away, and the red candles formed the sentence.

    [Happy birthday to Your Highness.]

    Immediately afterwards, the dark night sky was replaced by the brightness of fireworks.

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    Li Mingjin held Luo Shuyu's hand tightly.

    The first firework,

    The second,

    The third,

    The fourth...

    Until the last and nineteenth firework, Luo Shuyu said softly: "Happy birthday, Your Highness."


   The next moment, Luo Shuyu was held in Li Mingjin's arms, and Luo Shuyu hugged him back.

    Li Mingjin was so choked up that he couldn't speak, and in the end they all came together into two words: "Thank you."

    Luo Shuyu did a lot for his birthday today.

    His mother concubine couldn’t remember his birthday for many years, and it must be Luo Shuyu's credit that he could drink the plum wine she brewed this year.

    Luo Shuyu also personally cooked longevity noodles for him.

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    This was something Li Mingjin never thought about. He really thought that Luo Shuyu didn't know his birthday at all, and he pretended too well.

    Not only that, he also ordered fireworks, and all the careful arrangements made Li Mingjin's heart that had become more and more indifferent over the years extremely warm.

    That night, Li Mingjin was so moved that he went to Yunyu with Luo Shuyu several times. Afterwards, he put his arms around Luo Shuyu and kissed his forehead: "Yu'er, you are so kind to me."


[云雨 yún yù   lit. cloud and rain; fig. sexual intercourse]

    Luo Shuyu leaned into his arms and said, "Your Highness is the one who treats me well first, and then I treat Your Highness well."

    Li Mingjin fumbled under the quilt: "Then I will continue to treat you well?"

    Luo Shuyu put his hands on his chest: "I can't, I'm sleepy!"

    Li Mingjin squeezed his reddish fingers, and kissed it lovingly: "Understood, don't bother you, go to sleep."

    Luo Shuyu found a comfortable position to lie down, and soon entered deep sleep.

    On the other hand, Li Mingjin, after a day of ups and downs, he still couldn't fall asleep, he stared at Luo Shuyu's face for a long time before he started to feel sleepy.

    He had lived for nineteen years, and the happiest for him was this year, and he hoped it would be the same next year.

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