The assassin chuckled lightly, and no longer tried to hide it: "You are indeed extraordinary. It's a pity that you married the third prince, not the crown prince, otherwise you can still assist him to ascend to the throne."

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     Luo Shuyu sighed: "It's just fate."

    Princess Jiayang pulled off the mask in his face: "I didn't expect you to guess it’s me."

    Luo Shuyu: "Actually, I didn't dare to guess it was you. If it's an ordinary assassin, maybe I really can't guess who it is. But when we just got into the carriage, finally, I found that you have the scent of jasmine on your body, so I guessed it was you, since you also had this scent on the ice rink that day."

    Princess Jiayang said: "The observation details are in place. If you are in our country, you will definitely have a good future. In our Zhou kingdom, a ger could also go to the court and become an official."

    Luo Shuyu: "Then are you a ger or a man?"

    Jiayang The princess said: "You can guess again."

    Luo Shuyu: "According to what you just said about the fact that your gers can be an official, I guess you should be a ger. Even if you pretend to be a woman, you will  not be suspected. A man has an adam's apple but a ger doesn’t have it."

    Princess Jiayang: "Smart."


    Luo Shuyu still wanted to find out who the prince of Zhou kingdom that Shen Mingyun hooked up with in his previous life.

    Luo Shuyu asked him: "I want to ask you a question."

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    Princess Jiayang liked Luo Shuyu's wit: "You ask."

    Luo Shuyu: "Where do you rank on your royal family?"

    Princess Jiayang: "Fourth."

    Luo Shuyu remembered that the prince who hooked up with Shen Mingyun in the book was ranked second in the royal family of Zhou kingdom. Since Princess Jiayang was a ger, not a man, it meant that the second prince of Zhou kingdom hadn’t yet started to show his face.

    Luo Shuyu said: "Is your second brother also came to Daxia?, or the plan to assassinate the crown prince this time actually is not your idea, but your second brother's idea?"

    Luo Shuyu thought of the sudden miscarriage of the crown princess. Presumably the Prince of Zhou kingdom had been hiding behind his back, with the purpose of provoking the Daxia royal family. He assassinated the Crown Prince,and then took the blame to the First Prince, resulting in only a struggle within Daxia Kingdom.

    Now that it could be confirmed that Princess Jiayang was not the prince, it could be inferred that the second prince of Zhou kingdom was still hiding in the capital and continuing to make a plan. Princess Jiayang's marriage was just a cover, and he was just a cover for the second prince of Zhou kingdom to enter the capital.

    Princess Jiayang said: "Third imperial concubine, I want to destroy the agreement with the third prince. You are too smart, I can't just let you go back like this."

    Luo Shuyu then said: "It's also possible that I guessed wrong, you and your second brother are not from the same group, otherwise you will not have exposed your whereabouts so quickly."


   There was a battle for the throne in Daxia, and Zhou kingdom also had it, and the competition in Zhou kingdom was even more intense. Not only could their gers go to the court as officials, they could also be the emperor, otherwise Jiayang wouldn’t pretend to be a woman and sneak into Daxia, trying to disturb the muddy water of Daxia.

    Princess Jiayang smiled: "No matter how much you guess, it's useless, I won't tell you."

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    Luo Shuyu: "It doesn't matter, I don't know martial arts, and I won't investigate cases when I’m not an official. The princess just treats me as an idle speculation."

    Princess Jiayang: "You are really interesting. If you are born in our country of Zhou, we should be good friends."

    Luo Shuyu: "I think so too."

    Princess Jiayang: "We are coming to Wangyou Pavilion soon, let your men don't follow me anymore."

    Luo Shuyu smiled: "Princess, don't worry, His Highness will definitely do what he said." But it should be limited to the fact that he was still in the hands of Princess Jiayang.

    When they arrived at the pavilion, Princess Jiayang quickly got on his horse and ran away with the horse, leaving Luo Shuyu.

    Only the coachman and Luo Shuyu were left behind.

    Luo Shuyu asked the coachman: "Anjiu, bring him back to me."

    Anjiu: "But His Highness hasn't come yet."

    Anjiu was quite surprised that the third imperial concubine was held hostage with a knife and he was so calm, and just now he ordered him to chase the assasin. He was very courageous.

    Luo Shuyu: "Alright."

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    He jumped out of the carriage and stretched his arms. He hadn't been outside the city much.

    The outskirts of the city in winter had a different scene.

    After a while, Li Mingjin arrived with the team. The people behind chased the assasin, while Li Mingjin rushed in front of Luo Shuyu.

    He was so worried: "Yu'er, are you injured?"

    Luo Shuyu shook his head: "I'm fine, I'm fine, don't worry."

    Li Mingjin hugged him in his arms: "I'm scared to death."

    Luo Shuyu: "Aren’t I okay?"


    He hurriedly diverted Li Mingjin's attention, "I haven't been here yet, Your Highness, let's sit in the pavilion for a while."

    Seeing that he really didn't look frightened, Li Mingjin poked his forehead: "Really heartless."

    Luo Shuyu smiled, took his hand and walked towards the pavilion, Anjiu and the guards helped them to clear the snow accumulated in the pavilion, and put two tuanpus.


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[团蒲 tuán pú: refers to a round mat woven from cattail grass, which is mostly used by monks when they sit in meditation and worship. ]

    Luo Shuyu didn't pretend to joke with him and said directly: "I know the identity of that assassin."

    Li Mingjin was a little surprised: "Who? How do you know his identity?."

    "We've all seen him before." Luo Shuyu patted the snow that fell on his shoulder."The person we discussed at the ice rink."

    Li Mingjin immediately thought of it: "Princess Jiayang?"

    Luo Shuyu: "Well, I just confirmed his identity. He was a ger, not a man."

    Li Mingjin : "How could it be him?"

    Luo Shuyu: "The status of a ger in Zhou kingdom is comparable to that of a man, so it’s not surprising that he is."

    Li Mingjin: "I know, but I didn't expect them to be so daring and go directly to assassinate the crown prince."

    Luo Shuyu: "But I think Princess Jiayang may just be a target, and the real thing to guard against was their second prince."

    Li Mingjin : "How do you say it?"

    Luo Shuyu: "The miscarriage of the crown princess was definitely not an accident, nor it was caused by the eldest prince. I guess there are people from Zhou kingdom trying to fish in the muddy waters."

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