Naturally, Luo Shuyu couldn't agree, he couldn't cause trouble for Li Mingjin, and everything was not peaceful now, Zhou Kingdom’s spies and the crown prince were all watching, it was still a question of whether the eldest imperial concubine could give birth smoothly, he thought for a second , then he said calmly: "Sister Ruoyao, recently my Highness told me that many refugees were taken in in the outskirts of the city, they live in sheds. The money from the banquet was exchanged for food and sent to the refugees."

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    With such a deep understanding of righteousness, even the queen and the concubines present were moved, and the topic changed from the banquet to the refugees.

    The concubine Wei Xian, who was also a ger, said: "Your Majesty, this concubine thinks that the third imperial concubine’s words are right. Why don't we make a charitable donation and buy some food or winter quilts for the refugees, which can be regarded as solving His majesty's problems.

    The queen looked at Luo Shuyu in a different way: "I see." she really regretted that she didn't choose Luo Shuyu to be the crown prince's side concubine.

    Luo Shuyu was a little surprised that Concubine Wei spoke for him. In the past, Concubine Wei Xian basically didn’t participate in these open and secret fights, but today was really a bit unusual.

    Concubine Wei Xian’s original name was Wei Xi, and he was the ger of General Zhenbei. After entering the palace, he had been very favored. He occupied a certain place in Emperor Tiansheng's heart, but he never had a child of his own. It was also a means of saving his life. After all, his father hold important military power in his hands. If he had his own children, the situation in the harem would be different today.

    In the end, the matter of charity donation naturally fell on the Crown Princess. Such a good deed that could bring fame, of course, the queen wanted it to fall on her own son. It just so happened that the Crown Princess had just had a miscarriage, so she also had reason to do good deeds.

    Luo Shuyu didn't have the slightest complaint about this, on the contrary, he was fine with nothing. The fact that he was held hostage by the assassin a while ago was already enough of a show, so there was no need to do it again.

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    Before leaving, Luo Shuyu quietly fell behind and thanked Concubine Wei Xian.

    Concubine Wei Xian smiled and said: "You don't need to thank me, Concubine Mei often sends me some vegetables, which very suitable for my taste, and it's just a little effort."

    Luo Shuyu really didn't expect that Concubine Mei and Concubine Wei Xian still had friendship, but after thinking about it, maybe it was just an excuse.

    After leaving the palace, Luo Shuyu didn't know that the people who served Concubine Wei Xian was also very puzzled.

    The manservant: "Master, why did you help the third imperial concubine today?"

    Wei Xi took off the wooden hairpin and asked, "What do you think?"

    The manservant: "Do you sympathize with the third imperial concubine?"

    Wei Xi chuckled: "He doesn’t need my sympathy, that child is smart.”

    The manservant: “Tis slave is stupid, please give me some advice master.”

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    Wei Xi said patiently: “Today, could you see that the first imperial concubine intends to embarrass him?”

    The manservant: “Isn’t it normal to hold a banquet?”

    Wei Xi: “Think about the current situation, the Crown Princess has just had a miscarriage, and the First imperial Concubine has a full stomach, who dares to invite her to the house. If something goes wrong, who will be responsible? He is smart because he could use the current events to resolve a dispute smartly, and others won’t take his fault. He not only rejected the first imperial concubine, but also passed the steps to the crown princess. It’s a pity that his idea is great but the first imperial concubine still didn't understand it."

    The manservant: "This is killing three birds with one stone."

    Wei Xi: "He has a good heart. When everyone is using their heirs to compete for favor, he pays attention to the common people. It's really not comparable to the other two."

    The manservant: "If only the master also has his own heir, how could it be like this?"


Wei Xi smiled: "It's better to be alone."

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    The manservant: "The master will help the third prince and his imperial concubine because of the letter master recently received?"

    Wei Xi: "That's right."

    How could it be so easy to become General Zhenbei, otherwise, why, he as a young master still had to eter the palace. When he helped Luo Shuyu today, he also had his own selfishness, and it was hard to appease.

    After Luo Shuyu returned to the mansion, she told Li Mingjin about the matter Concubine Wei Xian speaking for him.

    Concubine Wei Xian suddenly helped him today was a bit unexpected, and it was different from what he had known in his previous life.

    His words were not just as simple as helping, Concubine Mei's credit? Certainly not, Concubine Mei was notoriously unreasonable, and she and Concubine Wei Xian hadn’t had much contact with each other. It may be possible to deliver some food to Concubine Wei Xian, but it was not enough to let him speak for him. It was still to offend Concubine Lin and the first prince.

    Of course, other people wouldn’t dare to touch Concubine Wei Xian, he was also the target of the two groups, if one of them could get the help of General Zhenbei, there was nothing to fight for.

    Li Mingjin was cutting an apple for Luo Shuyu with a knife, and stuffed a piece into his mouth: "Concubine Wei Xian spoke for you?"

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    After swallowing the apple, Luo Shuyu said: "Well, I feel a little strange, he said that he has a relationship with the concubine mei because of vegetables and fruits, but I think it’s not true."

    Li Mingjin: "Indeed, I guess it should be General Zhenbei."

    Luo Shuyu: "Why does Your Highness think so?"

    Li Mingjin: "Father made an order yesterday to let him return to the imperial court."

    Luo Shuyu: "At this juncture the master will return to the imperial court? Is it the meaning of father?"

    The nomads in the north would often cross the border to snatch food in winter, and it was winter now, and it was not suitable to return to capital.

    Li Mingjin: "Someone has made a statement, what father might be thinking about?"

    Luo Shuyu: "What about the person who will succeed General Wei?"

    Li Mingjin: "Now the crown prince's faction and the First Prince's faction are still arguing, and they both want to send their own people. They have been arguing for more than a month."

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