After meeting Emperor Tiansheng, Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin stood aside and listened to the Queen and Concubine Lin's words of comfort to Emperor Tiansheng.

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    Two quarters of an hour later, Emperor Tiansheng was so annoyed by the two women that he drove everyone out, leaving only the crown prince. The queen looked proud, and then she went back to her palace with a bit of pride. Emperor Tiansheng kept her son aone, it was the same to give her face.

    As for Concubine Lin, she looked good-tempered on the surface, but the way she held her veil tightly showed her real emotions.

    The First Prince helped Concubine Lin and left.

    Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu followed the crowd to leave the palace, but they were only halfway when the eunuch beside Emperor Tiansheng chased and stopped them.

    "The Third Highness, The Third Imperial Concubine, His Majesty has something to say to the two of you."

    Li Mingjin frowned: "Why did father suddenly ask us to go back?"

    "The Third Highness, I don’t know."

    Seeing that the eunuch really didn't know, Li Mingjin glanced at Luo Shuyu, finally they followed the eunuch back to Emperor Tiansheng's bedroom.

    At this time Emperor Tiansheng had already sat up, he was drinking ginseng soup. The crown prince was not there and had already left.

    Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu didn't quite understand what Emperor Tiansheng wanted to do.

    Emperor Tiansheng said: "Sit down. I'm not as weak as you imagined. I'm tired of hearing them crying. you two are quiet, have lunch with me before leaving. "

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It was not easy for Li Mingjin to judge whether the concubines of Emperor Tiansheng were crying well or not, so he sat down calmly, and Luo Shuyu also sat down.

    Emperor Tiansheng rarely spoke softly: "Today we are chatting at home, so there is no need for Shuyu to be nervous."

    Luo Shuyu replied with a smile: "Go back to Father emperor, not nervous."

    At this point, it was almost time for lunch.

    It was just that Luo Shuyu didn't know what kind of routine Emperor Tiansheng wanted to talk to them about.

    On the contrary, Emperor Tiansheng lost the impatience when he faced the Queen and the others, probably because his sick face was a little pale, but it was better than before.

    Emperor Tiansheng took the initiative to speak: "I think you two are living a good life now."

    Li Mingjin: "It’s very good. The son's house is quiet and there are not so many things."


Emperor Tiansheng was choked by him, but there was a smile on his face: "You child! "

Li Mingjin said: "It’s the truth after all. "He was just telling the truth, and praised his daughter-in-law by the way.

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    Emperor Tiansheng said again: "It's hard for Shuyu to stand your dog temper."

    Luo Shuyu said: "His Highness treats me very well and doesn't lose his temper." This time was true.

    Emperor Tiansheng: "That's good."


He changed the topic, "Recently, there have been good news from several of their residences, even the fourth child said that he also has one, and you two also let me hold my grandson as soon as possible."

    Luo Shuyu pretended to be shy and lowered his head, while Li Mingjin said with a straight face: "Father, there's no need to be so anxious, everything depends on fate, when the time comes we will naturally have it”


Emperor Tiansheng said thoughtfully: "This is true, it all depends on fate, you can't force it. "

    Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin never thought that Emperor Tiansheng would let them stay here to ask about pregnancy matter, and from another perspective, it might also to test whether Li Mingjin had the heart to fight for the throne.

    The crown prince was already in reserve, and Emperor Tiansheng was still testing, which meant that the position of crown prince was actually not secure. Emperor Tiansheng didn't trust his yue family. There was nothing wrong with the crown prince alone, but there were too many things involved behind it.

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[岳家   yuè jiā: wife's parents' home]

    The lunch was delivered, half meat and half vegetarian, and the meat dishes were Li Mingjin's favorite.

    Come to think of it, Emperor Tiansheng knew what he liked.

    Li Mingjin didn't move his chopsticks, Emperor Tiansheng urged him: "Why don't you move your chopsticks, it doesn't suit your taste?"

    Li Mingjin rubbed his nose, he sniffed quietly, both Luo Shuyu and Emperor Tiansheng could hear him clearly.

    "I didn't expect father to remember that the son like to eat meat."

    Emperor Tiansheng thought that the third child was too easily moved, and the smile on his face became softer: "In the future, I will ask the imperial kitchen to make it for you and send it over. "

    Li Mingjin's tone became brighter: "Thank you, father." He quickly put a piece of braised pork ribs in his bowl.

    Seeing his appearance, Emperor Tiansheng whetted his appetite, and started to eat: "Come over and have a few bites with me when you have time."

    Li Mingjin: "It must be, Father's cooks are better than my family's, can I take him away?"

    Emperor Tiansheng: "All right, all right, I will arrange the one who can make the braised pork ribs to come to your mansion."

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Li Mingjin: "I want the one who can make this mushroom dishes, give him to me."

    Emperor Tiansheng immediately understood what he meant, Luo Shuyu's first chopsticks picked the mushroom dishes.

    Luo Shuyu nudged Li Mingjin with his elbow, intentionally letting Emperor Tiansheng to see, and whispered: "Your Highness!"

    Emperor Tiansheng laughed and said, "I'll send him to you later, just two cooks."

    The young couple loved each other, he was also very happy.

    After finishing lunch with Emperor Tiansheng, Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin left the palace without disturbing his rest.

    Of course, the news that the two of them had lunch with Emperor Tiansheng also spread throughout the harem.

    The next day, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu understood Emperor Tiansheng's intention of "promoting birth".

    When Emperor Tiansheng went to the morning court after his illness, the first thing he did was to choose the candidates who would go to north.

    It was not the crown prince or the first prince, let alone the fourth prince Li Mingchun, but it was Li Mingjin, who everyone thought was uncompetitive.

    Yes, he would lead the troops to north and replaced General Zhenbei.

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