Luo Shuyu said seriously: "I also want to go to the north with you, but I’m afraid that the emperor will not allow it. You will not only have external troubles but also internal troubles when you go to north this time.”

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“If someone writes a letter to Your Highness in my name to spread false news, and the writing looks like real, will Your Highness believe it or not? This is also a plan to disturb Your Highness' mood, Your Highness’ minds become chaotic and the army is naturally chaotic, as long as they are a little careless, their lives will be in danger. It’s easy to hide a sharp spear, but it’s difficult to guard against a dark sword. Your Highness must act with caution.."

    Li Mingjin felt that he might be a little bit overwhelmed: "Yu'er, you are overthinking. I’m only representing father, but it doesn’t mean that the soldiers below will listen to me, and the army’s morale will not be disturbed because of me."


Luo Shuyu emphasized: "But I believe they will all be loyal to Your Highness."

    "Believe me so much?" Li Mingjin's hand on his waist tightened.

    Luo Shuyu looked back at him: "In this world, the only one I can trust is Your Highness, if I don't trust you, who should I trus?t."


Li Mingjin hugged Luo Shuyu tightly: "Me too." He just hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go.

    Only from Luo Shuyu he could get the warmth that he had never had before. Luo Shuyu was not willing to part with him, so how could he be willing to part with him? He didn't know how long it would take to come back after this trip.

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      Li Mingjin kissed Luo Shuyu, and Luo Shuyu took the initiative to kiss him back: "Your Highness, don't worry about me, I will live well myself, and I will write a letter to you regularly."


After the kiss was over, they returned to the topic.

    No matter how reluctant he was, Luo Shuyu was still going to tell Li Mingjin the information he knew: "Your Highness, the journey is long and difficult, but it’s also an opportunity."


Li Mingjin nodded: "I know, if I have military achievements this time, I will get credit."

    Luo Shuyu smiled: "Not only that, this is just superficial, and the really powerful one is here."

    Li Mingjin didn't quite understand what he meant by this sentence.

    His wife had another great idea?

    "What do you mean?"

    "Your Highness, sit and wait for me for a while." Luo Shuyu pushed him on the chair, and then he stood up and began to draw on the paper.

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    Li Mingjin was obedient and sat in the chair, waiting for him to draw.

    At first he thought that Luo Shuyu was drawing a landscape, but later his expression gradually became solemn.

    Luo Shuyu's drawing was definitely not an ordinary drawing, but a map, and he marked some symbols on the map.

    Li Mingjin endured the doubts in his heart and patiently waited for him to finish the drawing.

    In the end, Luo Shuyu did draw this map into a landscape drawing, covering up the symbols he marked earlier.

    Li Mingjin knew that there were secrets hidden among the mountains of different symbols, and now he was eager to know what these symbols represented.     


Luo Shuyu finished the last stroke, but didn’t add his own seal, but asked Li Mingjin: " Your Highness, can you remember where the triangle symbol is?"

[Most Chinese paintings have small red impressions in a stylized script, placed either inconspicuously at the painting's outer boundaries, or scattered liberally through the image area itself. These seals (or "chops") can indicate either who executed the painting or who owned it.]

"Remember." His memory was not bad, and he had the ability of photographic memory since he was a child, but he had hidden it for many years, and no one remembered it over time.

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But he was puzzled by one thing, how could Luo Shuyu draw the map, he had never even been out of the capital.

    Luo Shuyu knew what he was wondering: "Your Highness, are you wondering why I drew this map?"

    Li Mingjin probably knew that he was going to use that mysterious expert to explain again: "That mysterious expert told you?"

    Luo Shuyu said frankly: "I will definitely not harm Your Highness."

    "I know you will not harm me." But was this expert too mysterious? He actually sent someone to look for him secretly, but this person never appeared, as if he was just a Luo Shuyu’s shadow. Sometimes he thought that his wife could always predict whether there was something special about others, but he couldn't tell him the truth, so he called his ability as a "mysterious expert".


    People who had intelligent like a monster tend to be fearful and suspicious, and his wife probably didn't want him to doubt him.

    To say how special and capable Shen Mingyun was, Li Mingjin may not have a deep understanding, but he knew exactly how powerful his wife was.

    Since he didn't want to mention it, then he wouldn't ask, let's mention it when he was willing to talk.

    As long as he was not a fairy, he didn’t want become a Cowherd and a Weaver Girl with his wife.

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    Luo Shuyu: "Do you remember the location of the largest mountain I drew?"

    Li Mingjin pointed to the paper and said, "Remember, this mountain has no peaks. " 


The painting skills were so good that Li Mingjin even wanted to go to this place after seeing it.

    Luo Shuyu told him the truth: "You Royal Highness, you must remember this location. If you have time, you can go there in person. This is an iron ore mine."

    What an iron ore mine represented was self-evident.

    Li Mingjin stared at the drawing in disbelief, and clenched his fists: "Is it really an iron ore mine?"

    Luo Shuyu nodded affirmatively: "I will not deceive Your Highness, this mine is relatively hidden and needs to be found, I only know that it’s in the direction of the north , called Wufeng Mountain, there is a village surnamed Yang at the corner of the mountain, it may be on your way to the north, I don’t know how to find it.”


In the book, Shen Mingyun and the fourth prince found this mine by accident. At that time, the large army was stationed to rest and the two took advantage of the night to leave the large army and ran out to have a tryst. Unexpectedly, on their way back to the camp, they encountered heavy rain and met an assassin, and the two rolled down the mountain.

    This time there were no kind villagers rescued them

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