After arriving at the place to take a rest, the soldiers started to light a fire and cook. The people who served Luo Shuyu also followed them. The seven days of working together also allowed them to adjust a set of cooperation methods. Each of them was very active and no one dared to make trouble for the time being. Their masters could endure the hardships, there was no reason for them to start complaining first.

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    They were on the road everyday, so they couldn’t eat as good as the ones at the mansion, and they couldn’t have enough rest. Most of the people who just left the capital had lost a lot of weight, and all of them had backaches in the past seven days.


    Luo Shuyu also felt sore all over. Occasionally, he would get out of the carriage for a walk when he was bored. Sometimes he would ride a horse with Li Mingjin to enjoy the scenery along the way.

    After getting off the carriage, Luo Shuyu bent down and beat his own legs, and then he asked Li Mingjin who was setting up the tent with the soldiers, "Your Highness, how long will it take us to get there?"


Ansan took over Li Mingjin's work and Li Mingjin replied to Luo Shuyu: "If it’s slow, it will take about a month and a half, and if it’s fast, it may take almost a month."

Luo Shuyu sighed, and when the cold wind hit him, he wrapped his fur clothes tightly: "It’s faster than I imagined." It’s even colder, how do the people in the north survive the winter.”: "If it was slow, it would take about a month and a half, and if it was fast, it may take almost a month."

    Luo Shuyu sighed, when a cold wind hit, he wrapped his fur clothes tightly: "It's colder than I imagined. How do the people in the north spend the winter?"


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Lin Haiming walked over at some point: "The people in the north have a kang in their homes, and there is a fire underneath. It's not cold at all, which is better than ours. It's much warmer with a charcoal basin."

    Lin Haiming came over at this time: "The people in the north all have kangs in their homes, and there is fire underneath, so it's not cold at all, and it's much warmer than using charcoal basins."

[炕 kàng: a heatable brick bed]

Luo Shuyu: "So that’s how it is, I'm ignorant, please forgive me. "

    Lin Haiming said truthfully: "The third imperial concubine is humble, you undertand more knowledge than I do, my father scolded me all day long for not being able to write poems well."

    Luo Shuyu laughed and said: "To compose poems is merely for ceremonial, those arty things are only for the peaceful and prosperous age, there is a specialization in art, so why bother to embarrass yourself ?"

    Lin Haiming: "I have to write down what you said and tell my father. I have lived for so many years and haven’t understood the truth. "

    Li Mingjin didn't give him any face: "Because you are stupid."

    Luo Shuyu rubbed her palms and smiled: "Both of you talk, I'll go and see what they will do at night."


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All they ate in the road was dry food and not as free as when they were in the mansion, there were vegetables and fruits, and there was no shortage of them everyday.

    All the apples that Li Mingjin ate now were brought from the capital. The further they went to the north, the more desolate it would be. It was no wonder that everyone wanted to go to the capital to find a way out.

    However, after passing this hurdle, Luo Shuyu may never leave the capital, and may be thrown into a mass grave again and wrapped in straw mats.

    In the evening, a pot of cabbage soup was cooked, and a few soldiers went to hunt wild rabbits and came back. They ate roasted rabbit meat, steamed buns and soup, it was a full meal. On the way, many soldiers praised the third prince and the third imperial concubine for being different from what they had imagined.

    They thought that the third prince should be arrogant and domineering, only knew how to use extravagant carriages and horses, he would complain all kinds of things along the way, while the third imperial concubine And the third concubine should be delicate and squeamish, he would need someone to support him when he walked two steps, he would get sick one day, lose his temper the next day, huddle in the carriage and criy everyday.


    However, the soldiers didn’t see these kind of situations that they imagined.

    The third prince made the fire, cooked, cleared the snow and set up the tent like them, the third imperial concubine would personally carry the bedding into the tent, and the food they ate was almost the same like them. Although they didn't laugh at everyone, at least they never disliked them soldiers, and they never see them bossing around.

    How did that happen? The rumors were not true.

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    Furthermore, there were also more than a dozen of agricultural officials who were thrown into the team by Emperor Tiansheng. They were even more miserable, they were suddenly sent to the north. They thought that the third prince and the third imperial concubine would make a fuss on the road, and they could also make a fuss, but who knew that they could endure the hardships and cold, so no one dared to talk nonsense for a while and did what they should do.


    In the team of 7,000 people, there were still some dudes who were stuffed into the team by their families. If it was the fourth prince, it was still possible for them to do nothing, but now they were following Li Mingjin. He always kept an eye on them, and with the whip used by Taizu back then, no matter how much resentment they had, they could only vent it in private, and they didn’t dare to make trouble in front of Li Mingjin

    After getting along for a long time, their team was quite harmonious, after all, they would follow the third prince in the future.

    After traveling on the road for more than a month, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu finally stepped into the territory where they would live for many years in the future.

    Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin rode on the same horse, Luo Shuyu leaned his back on Li Mingjin’s chest and said, "Your Highness, we are finally here."

    Looking at the land that was obviously more desolate than the capital, Li Mingjin asked Luo Shuyu: "Are you afraid? I don't know how long we will live in this place in the future "

    Luo Shuyu shook his head: "Not afraid, I believe we can establish better here."

    This would be their first stop in the future.

    Li Mingjin's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand: "Enter the city!"

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    Luo Shuyu had never heard Li Mingjin's voice so loud like this, as if he had activated a special mechanism to release this desire that had been hidden in the capital for many years. He thought, Li Mingjin was an eagle that lacked a piece of sky that belonged to him.

    Now, he had found his piece of sky where he could soar in the sky freely.

    No one would tie him down again.

    Fly, Your Highness.



    The author has something to say:


The Third Prince: Wife, get on the kang!

Luo Shuyu: ...

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