When the two arrived at Governor Zhu's mansion, it was Governor Zhu who came to greet them, led them into the main hall until they reached the head seat.

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    All the local officials and generals were present today, as well as the generals brought by Li Mingjin, the number of people was numerous.

    It was very lively, but they didn't know about the private infighting for the time being.

    Governor Zhu enthusiastically recommended everyone for them.

    He first brought General Wei's two sons, the eldest son was about forty years old and the other was about thirty years old.

    "These two are the sons of General Wei, General Wei Linyuan and General Wei Linmu."


The two saluted Li Mingjin thoughtfully: "I have seen the third highness and the third imperial concubine."

    Li Mingjin stood up and helped them up: "You don't need to be too polite, everyone can eat and drink tonight, and I'll come over to recognize your face."


The two sons of the Wei family replied in unison: "Yes."

    Luo Shuyu also sat aside very decently, and he secretly wrote down whoever Governor Zhu introduced, today Chen Rong didn't follow, so he made a note for Li Mingjin.

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    In the book, the two sons of the Wei family were all arrogant, despotic, ignorant of etiquette, and self important. But when he saw them today, their whole bodies were full of air of arrogance, but this arrogance was the temperament they had acquired from fighting on the battlefield for many years, and their credits couldn’t be ignored. Luo Shuyu didn't think they looked down on people with dog eyes [don't respect people, putting people in lower positions than you].

    This book misrepresented people from Shen Mingyun's perspective?

    In Shen Mingyun's eyes, why did he think that people who knew how to advance and retreat were all unscrupulous people? Did Shen Mingyun have eye problems?

    However, this was Luo Shuyu's initial judgment, and Li Mingjin would have to get in touch with them later to know what they were like. It was also possible that because he had been in contact with Concubine Wei before, the first impression he gave was strong, which influenced their judgment.

    Let's see the future.

    Governor Zhu was originally trying to smooth things over, but who knew that the third prince was not as defiant as the rumors said, but now he gave people the illusion of respecting for the wise, he didn't feel dissatisfied with the way he was introduced?


Was it big-hearted or deep-minded?

Before he figured it out, Governor Zhu continued to maintain a neutral attitude towards Li Mingjin, neither overly flattering nor indifferent.

    The protagonists of the Dust Cleaning Banquet were naturally Li Mingjin and the generals he brought, but this time, their presence would naturally conflict with the currently existing generals.

    The first problem was the place to live, then the place to practice, the difference between North and South, and so on.

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    At the beginning of the banquet, they didn't feel much, until a general in the north side spoke "the truth" after drinking.

    "You bastards from the south, you don't even know how to drink alcohol. It's really fucking annoying. Go back to the south, don't disturb us who go through life and death with General Wei!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent!

    The general continued to speak "the truth", and the more he said the more outrageous he was: "It must be those nonfeasance officials in the court who put forward a suggestion to let our General Wei return to the capital. How good General Wei is! It's not like you are all like slaying chickens for nothing. When you go to the battlefield, you don't even know why your heads were chopped off by the enemy!"

    Lin Haiming couldn't listen any longer, and directly lifted the small table in front of him: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

    All of them lost their tempers. Lin Haiming grabbed the collar of the general who scolded the people from the south and began to beat him up. The opponent was not a soft persimmon, so he fought with Lin Haiming directly. Seeing that Lin Haiming was being bullied, the generals from the south immediately rushed to help.


When the general from the north didn't seem to be doing well, the generals from the north couldn't let their people suffer, they also rushed to help, the scene became more and more chaotic.

The officials shrank back one by one, how could they dare to persuade them to stop fighting, with their physique, it was the same like delivering food to the generals who were drunk.

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    Seeing that the scene was becoming more and more chaotic and out of control, Governor Zhu was so anxious that sweat began to appear on his forehead. He directly asked the servants to come in and separate the generals, but the servants were not the opponents of the generals who had been fighting on the battlefield all year round. It was quite embarrassing for them to go forward to pull people away and be pushed away.

    Governor Zhu looked at Li Mingjin who was drinking calmly, and said with a bitter face: "Your Highness, this official can't do anything."

    Li Mingjin turned the empty wine cup and said to Luo Shuyu, "Come on, fill it up."

    Luo Shuyu smiled and filled the empty wine cup up, and turned to Governor Zhu and said: "Don't worry, Governor Zhu, His Highness is not in a hurry."

    Li Mingjin said: "Just drinking is boring, but now everyone is performing together, isn't it interesting? Governor Zhu can watch it, and don't pull them away, I haven't seen enough of them."

    Governor Zhu was so regretful, if he knew about it, he would have sent people to inquire more about the temperament and preferences of The Third Prince.

    The tyrannical people would only be more excited watching the fight scene, how could they feel this kind of thing was hard to take, even the third imperial concubine could laugh when he looked at this fight scene, what a mistake!

    Tables and chairs were flying all over on the scene, and the generals were fighting fiercely. Seeing that Li Mingjin didn't care about things, Governor Zhu naturally had to do it himself, he asked the two sons of the Wei family to stop the situation.


    A farce was finally over.

    All the troublemakers were beaten by General Wei, and they all knelt in front of Li Mingjin.

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    Li Mingjin gently threw the wine cup in front of them.

    The porcelain cup shattered.

    "Without rules, there will be no constraint. All the generals who involved in the fight tonight each have ten sticks, under the supervision of Governor Zhu and General Wei."


All the generals knelt on the ground and didn’t dare to say anything. Suddenly, they had the illusion that they were facing the emperor, and their spines shivered.

    Now it was not them who gave the third prince a blow, but the third prince gave them a blow.



    The author has something to say:

The Third Prince: Wife, you are the stunning soldier who got spanked today. As a general, I will give you medicine tonight!

Luo Shuyu: ...

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