On the second day, Li Mingjin didn't have to go to the morning court, and Luo Shuyu didn't have to worry about someone inviting him to the palace at any moment, and both of them slept until the sun rose.

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    Just after breakfast, Chen Rong came to their yard to see Li Mingjin.

    Luo Shuyu immediately asked someone to help Chen Rong in, and said, "Mr. Chen, it's so cold outside, so don't run around before you recover from your illness."

    Chen Rong's face was still a little pale, and he still had trouble walking, but his spirit was much better: "I didn't want to make His Highness and the Third Imperial Concubine sick, but early in the morning, I heard that the generals who participated in the dust-cleaning banquet yesterday were punished with ten army sticks by His Highness, so I ran over in a moment of anxiety. "


    Li Mingjin didn't rush to answer him, instead he asked him: "What else is there?" Otherwise, Chen Rong wouldn't rush over.

    Chen Rong smiled: "As expected of Your Highness, immediately thought of the reason why I came to you. The person who spread the rumors shouldn’t tell the truth. He only mentioned that Your Highness punished people at the dust-cleaning banquet, but didn’t explain the reason for the punishment. The other party wants the audience to feel that Your Highness is not only a cruel and unreasonable person, but also an uneducated and incompetent person who came to the north to show off his power and prestige, and if these rumors reach the ears of those soldiers, I believe no one will listen to Your Highness' order. So, what happened yesterday? "


    Li Mingjin was used to brevity, Luo Shuyu was afraid that he might not speak clearly enough, so he answered for him.

    "During the drinking process, a general suddenly became drunk and kept emphasizing the goodness of General Wei, and belittled the generals from the south. Punish them with a voice."


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Chen Rong pondered for a while: So it turns out that ten army sticks per person is not too much.

Li Mingjin asked Chen Rong: "Do you know Governor Zhu? "

Chen Rong said: "I was fortunate enough to meet him once when I was traveling in the north in the early years. "

Li Mingjin: "How early were the early years? " 

Chen Rong: "It should be when I was twenty years old."

 Li Mingjin: "Do you still remember what the Governor Zhu looked like at that time?"

Chen Rong: "Maybe, I don't really remember it. I only remember that he is a very serious person and doesn't like to joke with others. He should be regarded as a good official and someone who thinks about the common people. Because I was in the back yesterday, so I couldn’t see him."

    Li Mingjin: "But the personality of the Governor Zhu we know is not quite similar to what you described. You can take a closer look at him when he comes to the mansion later."

    Chen Rong: "The personality is different from the rumors?"

    Li Mingjin nodded: "Well, it’s not impossible for someone to suddenly change his temperament, but at least something big must happened."

    Chen Rong: "Then I'll take a closer look later."

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    Li Mingjin: "Okay."

    Seeing that they didn't speak, Luo Shuyu raised his own doubts: "But, who is spreading the rumors now?"

    "Whoever is least willing to let His Highness make meritorious service in the north is the one who is the most anxious." Chen Rong analyzed


    "The most anxious?" Li Mingjin raised his voice, "Is it someone from the eldest brother’s side?"

    Chen Rong said: "It’s possible because the fourth prince will go to the south. Although they are a group on the surface, if the fourth prince arrives in Dong'an County safely, then his problem will be serious. I guess His Majesty will appoint an imperial envoy to accompany the fourth prince, and the fourth prince can't handle it alone."


Li Mingjin glanced at Luo Shuyu: "It's not necessarily true, maybe he has other assistance, the forces in Jianghu that we don't know about."

    Chen Rong had never been conceited, he frowned and said: "It's also possible." He was thinking about what cards the Fourth Prince had.

    While they were chatting about what Li Mingjin should do next, Housekeeper Fu who followed Housekeeper Sun before told them that a man who claimed to be Chen Rong’s  Senior Brother came to see Li Mingjin.

    Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu looked at the delicate and sickly Chen Rong together.

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    Li Mingjin: "So Mr. Chen still has a senior brother? I never heard it."

    Chen Rong was a little embarrassed: "Your Highness, I have no intention of lying to you, but I have never found a chance to explain this matter."

    Luo Shuyu said to Housekeeper Fu: "Since he is Mr. Chen's senior brother, so please invite him to the main hall."


Both Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu were curious about what kind of person Chen Rong's senior brother was.

    It wasn't until they saw the person that they realized that his senior brother was actually a handsome doctor in his thirties. A medicine box exuding a faint medicinal fragrance was hung on his shoulder, and behind him stood a medicine boy (

药 童) about thirteen years old.

    The man knelt down and said: "Caomin Lin Yuan has met His Highness the Third Prince and the Third Imperial Concubine."


[草民 cǎo mín: the grass roots; the grass people]

    Li Mingjin said: "Get up, there is no need to be polite. You are Mr. Chen's senior brother, so you must have something special."

    Luo Shuyu sat aside and asked the servants to serve good tea.

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    After getting up, Lin Yuan looked at Chen Rong who was following Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu, and said calmly, "Junior Brother, long time no see."

    Chen Rong was embarrassed for a while: "Senior Brother, why did you come here without invitation?"

    Lin Yuan said: "Junior Brother, you were in the capital for many years, and it was not easy to see you."

    Luo Shuyu took the opportunity to say, "The two of you have a very good relationship."

    Chen Rong gave Luo Shuyu a big news in the next moment: "The third imperial concubine, he is the Jiebaidu you are looking for. "

    Luo Shuyu was taken aback:? ? ?

    Wait, didn't the book say that Jiebaidu was an old man?

    Why was he now a man in his early thirties? was his information wrong, or was Chen Rong looking for the wrong direction?


The author has something to say:

The Third Prince: Wife, do you want to try the plaster newly researched by Chen Rong’s senior brother?

Luo Shuyu: ...

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