Li Mingjin had no objection to this proposal, but he was just worried about Luo Shuyu: "There are quite a lot of troubles when you want to hold a banquet, are you not afraid of getting tired?"

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    Luo Shuyu didn't need him to worry, he said: "I've been here for more than a month, and it's no problem to hold a banquet."


Li Mingjin was still afraid that he would suffer: "Those ladies don't know any morals. It may be troublesome to deal with them at that time, and you are not familiar with them."

    Luo Shuyu said with a smile: "Your Highness, don't underestimate me. Besides, even if I can't handle it, I still have Your Highness, and I don't intend to separate the wives of the civil servants and military commanders, so let them come together. When the time comes, who is family and who is relative can be seen at a glance. Your Highness is in charge of the external matters and I’m in charge of the internal matters, isn’t this division of labor and cooperation?"

    For Luo Shuyu's support for him, Li Mingjin was full of enthusiasm: "Well, this division of labor and cooperation is good."


It was not easy to get tha chance to go to the north, and he couldn't let it slip through his fingertips in vain. With a good wife, everything he did would get twice the result with half the effort.

    Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu began to divide the labor and cooperate. Luo Shuyu took care of the mansion, and Li Mingjin started to leave early and return late everyday.

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    As he expected, Lin Haiming really had a good relationship with some generals, and the Wei brothers were still polite to them, not resisting, not showing off, and not being overly friendly.

On the contrary, it was Governor Zhu who frequently showed his favor to Li Mingjin by taking advantage of the dust-cleaning banquet. He gave food today, drinks tomorrow, and calligraphy and paintings the day after tomorrow. Li Mingjin also accepted all the things he gave, but his attitude towards him remained the same, indifferent. As if he couldn't get excited about anything, as if he wasn't the one who got angry that night, he continued to maintain his attitude of not doing anything like when he was still in the capital.

    As soon as he came to the north, he thought about making great achievements and letting go of his hands and feet. It was not realistic at all, and it was impossible.

    The others had been planning for many years. How could it be possible that when he came, everyone would surrender at his feet, he wasn’t writing a script.

    If Li Mingjin told Luo Shuyu about his thoughts, presumably Luo Shuyu could really find such a person for him, there really was someone who lived like in the script, and that person was Shen Mingyun, the one they had been paying attention to.

    While misleading others, Li Mingjin also quietly collected a lot of information that he hadn't collected before. The study was full of information sent back by the hidden guards everyday.

    Here, the friendship between him and Lin Haiming was also clearer. Everyone knew that Lin Haiming and Li Mingjin had a good relationship. Many generals who wanted to talk to Li Mingjin were willing to have a good relationship with Lin Haiming, and Lin Haiming who was running outside for Li Mingjin, his reputation was not good or bad for the time being
    After staying in the north for nearly half a month, Li Mingjin finally went to the barracks.

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    Many generals thought that he would take over the military power as soon as he arrived. In fact, Li Mingjin just wanted to eat and drink in the city, to see what was new and interesting, and didn't care about anything at all.


He was quite perfunctory when he was meeting with the officials, and this time when he went to the barracks on a whim, it was because Lin Haiming mentioned it when he was drinking with him, so he went to have a look at it on a whim.

    Many generals thought that Li Mingjin was really just watching a show that night, and they thought that the one who came was a responsible prince, but they didn't expect it to be a paper tiger.

    What Li Mingjin wanted was for them to be in the most relaxed state when they were in front of him. If everyday he acted like when the first time he saw them, these people would put on act when they saw him again. Not being able to see their true colors would hinder him to observe the joy and anger of these high-ranking military officers.


[装模作样 zhuāng mó zuò yàng: to put on an act (idiom); to show affectation; to indulge in histrionics]

    In the ice and snow, the soldiers in the barracks were still practicing in the school grounds. Li Mingjin's arrival attracted their attention, and the generals had to come over to greet him. General Ma, the general who "spoke the truth" that day, was also there. He came over with a naive look on his face, and seemed worried that Li Mingjin would punish him, after all, the incident was caused by him being drunk on the day of the dust-cleaning banquet.

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However, Li Mingjin didn’t set his eyes on him. He asked the general on duty today: "What do you practice?"

The general answered and counted by fives and tens, it was all that Li Mingjin could see on the surface: "Return to Your Highness, today is a routine drill, and the formation is the formation when we went into battle. We are located in the border, and those foreigners will carry out sneak attacks in winter, so our drills can’t be missed everyday.

[一五一十 yī wǔ yī shí: lit. count by fives and tens (idiom); to narrate systematically and in full detail]

Li Mingjin said lazily: "Okay, you guys continue, I'll just take a look here, and there's nothing wrong with you. "

    The general on duty persuaded him: "The wind is blowing and it's cold here. Your Highness, why don't you move into the tent and light a fire inside to make it warmer."


"You are not afraid of the cold. What am I afraid of? Go practice and don't let me delay you."

    Seeing that he couldn't be persuaded, the general on duty had no choice but to leave. Before leaving, he gave General Ma a wink: Serve the third prince well.

    General Ma, who was very bitter in his heart: "..."

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    Although Li Mingjin said he wanted to stand and watch them practice, General Ma who was a little perceptive brought a chair for Li Mingjin.


    General Ma: "Your Highness, please sit down, and I will protect you from the wind."

    "Oh." Li Mingjin sat down directly. After a while, he asked General Ma, "Is our barracks extremely boring on weekdays?"


General Ma who was asked: "Return to Your Highness, it's not boring. It's what we should do to defend the country for the emperor."

Li Mingjin nodded: "It sounds nice."

He said to Lin Haiming, " Haiming, I'm bored watching it here, only practicing in the winter is too boring, why don't we hold a competition, set a first, second and third class, I'll pay the rewards. I don't have much energy to play in the city, I still prefer to watch martial arts."

General Ma: "..."

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