After investigating the incident in Dong'an County, the fourth prince took Shen Mingyun back to the capital, leaving the imperial envoy in Dong'an County to pretend that he was still investigating the case. No one knew that the fourth prince left by means of the golden cicada sheds its carapace.

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[金蝉脱壳 jīn chán tuō qiào: lit. the golden cicada sheds its carapace (idiom); fig. to vanish leaving an empty shell; a crafty escape plan]

    This was Li Mingchun's fastest time to come back to report the situation to Emperor Tiansheng. He wanted his father to look at him with admiration and he could leave a good impression in his heart. He never expected that his third brother would bring good news from the north. If there was a secret report on this matter, then his credit would become the fuse that made his father unhappy, and his credit would be greatly reduced. He thought about handing over this evidence to the Imperial Envoy, but he had never made a fuss over the years. If he didn't seize the opportunity now, he would have no chance to show his face in front of his father. After all, Emperor Tiansheng was getting older and older.

    This matter was very important to the first prince, if he sent the evidence to Emperor Tiansheng, the two brothers would definitely turn against each other, and the eldest brother would be the first to not let him go.

    Suddenly, he was a little envious of Shen Mingyun who started eating and drinking after returning to the capital, it was good to be heartless.

    Whether he would turn against his first brother or reach the sky in one step in the future was only a matter of his will.

    After thinking about it, Li Mingchun finally chose to meet Emperor Tiansheng on the second day after returning to the capital, because if it was later, the first brother and others would find out that he had returned to the capital and make trouble for him.

    Emperor Tiansheng saw the evidence brought back by the fourth prince, a series of corruption and bribery, and also the list of collusion between government and businessmen. This matter was inseparable from the Lin family in Dong'an County, and the main source of corruption was the Lin family. Emperor Tiansheng was really angry, the good mood of the previous two days was beaten to nothing.

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    It was great for the Lin family to stay in Dong'an County! They even dared to swallow the disaster relief food from the imperial court, and raised the price on the ground, making the people's livelihood difficult. Not only that, the Lin family also snatched the common people's fields, levied more miscellaneous taxes than any county, and completely disregarded the lives of the common people!

    No wonder there were so many refugees last winter, no wonder the people in Dong'an County rebelled, they were forced to die!

    How good the Lin family!

    Emperor Tiansheng got angry in the imperial study, and the fourth prince stood aside and waited for his next order.

    Fortunately, with the joy of the previous two days as a foundation, Emperor Tiansheng was not in a hurry. He didn't need to call the imperial doctor. He managed to stabilize his emotions and began to think about the next arrangement, how to get rid of these insects from Daxia .

    At the same time, Concubine Lin learned from the eunuch that the fourth prince entered the palace immediately after returning to the capital, her heart skipped a beat, and she immediately called the first prince into the palace.

    After Emperor Tiansheng ordered the imperial envoy to go to the south, they secretly made plans.

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    After inquiring that the fourth prince had entered the palace today, and Emperor Tiansheng didn't allow others to approach the study, which showed that the situation was very serious.

    The First prince rushed into the palace to meet Concubine Lin, his forehead was covered with sweat: "Mother concubine, what should I do?"

    Concubine Lin frowned the willow eyebrows that she had just drawn: "What does the fourth prince mean now, he wouldn't let you know when he quietly returned to the capital. "

    The First prince: "I don't know, mother concubine, Do you think the fourth brother have any evidence about the Lin family?"

    Lin Guifei: "No, I asked your grandfather, and he said that the person who should be dealt with had been dealt with, and the fourth prince wouldn't get the evidence."

    The First prince: "But why did he go straight to father's place as soon as he came to the palace? There must be something that hasn't been cleaned up. No, I'm going to see my grandfather."

    Concubine Lin: "Come back, what's the rush! So what if this matter is exposed, did you forget that you still have your uncle?" He also had soldiers in his hand.

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     The First Prince: "Are we really going to go this far?"

    Concubine Lin, "Son, do you want to see your grandfather's many years of foundation get ruined in one fell swoop? He did it for you, for us. Otherwise, why bother to do this? "

    The first prince: "I, I don't know, he is my father."

    Concubine snorted coldly: "Your father is a heartless man. I was his first wife back then, but he didn't make me his queen after he ascended the throne. Instead, he listened to the Queen dowager and married someone else to be his queen."

    The first prince hesitated: " Mother concubine, allow me to think again, think again."

    Concubine Lin: "What's there to think about? Your father's health has long since deteriorated. If the crown prince ascends the throne, there is no possibility for our mother and son to survive. He was the first to take the knife on us. In the end, we are still dead."

    The first prince was very confused.

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    After his imperial concubine gave birth to a daughter, he felt that the throne was getting farther and farther away from him, especially when Emperor Tiansheng ordered imperial envoy to go to the south.

    What should he do?

    After many years of planning, they must not spoil the ship for a penny worth tar!

[功亏一篑 gōng kuī yī kuì: to spoil the ship for a penny worth of tar (idiom), to ruin the enterprise for the sake of one basketful; to fail through lack of a final effort]

    One month after Guiyan Kingdom left in embarrassment, the army of Guiyan Kingdom came again under the pressure, and the battle in Gucheng was tense.

    With the good start last time, the momentum of the Daxia Kingdom was like a torrent.

    However, Chen Rong still poured cold water on Li Mingjin: "Your Highness, last time the cavalry was led by the inexperienced little prince of the Guiyan Kingdom, and this time the leader was the first prince who has fought against General Wei all the year round. Now, General Wei is not here, and General Wei Linyuan's prestige is not enough to crush the opponent. The first prince of the Guiyan Kingdom is unscrupulous. Last time he came to test us. This time, we must be careful and not to get tricked by the other party. " 

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