Luo Shuyu patted Li Mingjin's head: "I think it's even more difficult for Your Highness."

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    Li Mingjin: "How do you say that?"

    Luo Shuyu said: "It's easy to conquer the country, but it's difficult to defend it."

    Li Mingjin: "You are always so reasonable. Yu'er, look, we have took a bath, shaved my beard, and finally came back, should we take a rest first?"

    Luo Shuyu also roughly understood his hard work these past few days, so he thoughtfully brushed his hair back, and went to bed with him.

    However, Li Mingjin was restless!

    Luo Shuyu was speechless for a while: "Don't you want to rest? Are     you not tired?" 

    Li Mingjin: "Doing this kind of thing is to rest, how can you be tired?"

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     Luo Shuyu: "You liar..."

     Li Mingjin: "Yu'er, concentrate on it, I've been holding back for many days." 

    Luo Shuyu: "..."     

    Tonight was probably a different sleepless night.

    The news of Li Mingjin's return hadn't yet been sent back to the capital. What Emperor Tiansheng got was the news that Li Mingjin was trapped in the enemy camp. There had been several stalemates in the court, and many officials had begun to participate. Saying that Li Mingjin was not good at leading the soldiers, he insisted on going his own way, disregarding the safety of soldiers. As if snowflake was aimed at him, Emperor Tiansheng smashed the account book into the courtiers.

    At the same time, because of the evidence and list brought back by the fourth prince, as well as the corruption accounts of various officials, the good luck of the Lin family began to decline.

    Emperor Tiansheng was so angry with the officials every day that his head was filled with smoke.

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    He was more anxious than anyone else in the capital about Li Mingjin's life or death. However, he had to wait for the spies in the front line to send back the news. There was nothing he could do. He could only chat with the old General Wei who started raising flowers and birds after the court every day.

    The sons failed to live up to expectations, what could he do.

    The Lin family's affairs became more and more troublesome. Emperor Tiansheng also noticed that although the Lin family was controlled by him, they seemed too calm. Even Concubine Lin, who often came to him crying because of the Lin family's affairs, was too quiet recently.

    He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

    When the news came that Li Mingjin used tricks to beat the enemy back to Guiyan Kingdom, Emperor Tiansheng was listening to the fourth prince's report about the Lin family's corruption. He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Li Mingjin was still alive.

    He had just finished listening the fourth prince's report, and before he let go of his breath, he saw the door of the imperial study room being pushed open by the first prince in armor.

    The first prince stared at him and the fourth prince, he said: "I would like to ask father and fourth brother to stay here for now."

    The palace changed.

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    No one expected that the First Prince would blatantly put Emperor Tiansheng under house arrest in the imperial study room under the clear sky and broad daylight.

    Emperor Tiansheng also had experienced fighting for the throne in his early years, and he was quite calm when he saw the first prince who suddenly wore his armor and appeared in his study room. He was surprised for a while and then stopped making any more expressions.

    He knew very well that the behavior of the First Prince and Concubine Lin had been very abnormal recently because of the Lin family's affairs. It turned out that they were really planning to let him abdicate and give up the throne , and it was so fast.

    The fourth prince drew out the folding fan at his waist and quickly stood beside Emperor Tiansheng, with an indignant expression on his face he said: "Brother, you dressed like this, and you didn't report when you came in. What are you doing?"

   The first prince laughed and said: " What am I trying to do, can't you see it? You traitor, I have treated you well all these years in vain. "

    Then he looked at Emperor Tiansheng behind the fourth prince, “Father, what do you think?”

    Emperor Tiansheng was calm and  patted the fourth prince's shoulder lightly: "It's nothing, the eldest child, don't tell me that's what I think now."

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    The first prince: "That's right, father, you have been in power for so many years, and now you can't keep up physically. You don't go to court twice for three days, I think you should let us, your sons to help you share the important affairs of the world."

    The fourth prince said angrily: "Brother! You are doing this kind of thing to kill father's heart!"

    Emperor Tiansheng sat down and picked up the teacup on the table. He took a sip and found that it was not tea. He almost forgot that this was the milk tea prepared by his personal eunuch before. This was the way of drinking tea that Li Mingjin passed on from the north, the highland barley milk tea from the grassland.

    Thinking of the third son who had just won the battle in the north, and comparing it with the eldest son in front of him, his heart felt blocked.

    The first prince was his first son. When he was only the crown prince, he had some hopes for this son, and he had been training him as his future successor. Up to now, he still attached great importance to this eldest son, and he always paved the way for him. But he didn't expect that he really betrayed him as a father, just because of the position he sat in.

    He drank the milk tea with sugar, looking at the eldest son in front of him, his mouth felt a little bitter.

    Emperor Tiansheng sighed from the bottom of his heart, and said earnestly: "The eldest child, do you think the seat I'm sitting in is very comfortable? Is it because you can control the life and death of the people in the world or do you think you can do whatever you want?"

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