There was fighting inside the palace, and the officials outside the palace were also controlled. All civil and military officials were imprisoned in the side hall of the palace when they were in court, and no one could get out. As for their homes, they were also watched by soldiers from the Lin family.

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    Now no one dared to resist.

    Emperor Tiansheng couldn't even take a step in the palace, let alone how to contact the people below.

    At this time, all the officials in the side hall were extremely anxious, some scolded the sky, some scolded the ground, and some scolded the first prince.

    The ones who scolded the most fiercely were those who used to quarrel with the civil officials in the palace over trivial matters. As for the military officials, they couldn't wait to go out and fight with the soldiers outside. It was a pity that they couldn't bring weapons in when they went to the court, so there was no room for resistance.

    The blood flowed like a river for a day, and the capital became quiet after being in chaos.

    At the time of Youshi, the officials who had been scolding for a day were already hungry and weak, and the side hall was filled with an unpleasant smell of urine, and the stench was suffocating.
[酉时 yǒu shí 5-7 pm]

    Those with a bit of strength leaned together to keep warm and preserve their strength, and they no longer had the energy to scold others.

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    Emperor Tiansheng and the fourth prince were okay, the first prince didn't intend to embarrass them, so he ordered the maids and eunuchs to prepare a brazier and food for them.

    However, the first prince spent a day with them in the palace, but Emperor Tiansheng still didn't write an edict for the first prince.

    The outside gradually quieted down, and the first prince's grandfather and uncle, who was stained with other people's blood because they were going to force  the palace today, swaggered into the imperial study.

    They saw Emperor Tiansheng, whose face had improved after eating, and the Fourth Prince, who was a little tired. Of course, the latter was not important to them.

    Lin Hongguang, the first prince's grandfather, said casually: "Your Majesty, the old minister is guilty."

    Emperor Tiansheng said, " Lin Aiqing, what is your crime?"
[爱 卿 ài qīnɡ: the title of the emperor to his ministers in ancient times]

    Lin Hongguang: "Your Majesty, do you still ask the question even if you know it? I hope you will write down the imperial edict, and Ze'er will take charge of the world's major affairs for you."

     Emperor Tiansheng: "What if I don't write it?"

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    Lin Hongguang: "Then I can only wrong your Majesty to become Taishang huang."

    After all, Emperor Tiansheng still hadn't reached the point of being useless, so he wouldn't compromise so quickly.

    When the capital was in chaos, Li Mingjin in Gucheng was interrogating Governor Zhu.

    Governor Zhu looked at the torch and laughed towards the south: "It's done."

    Li Mingjin asked him: "What's done?"

    Governor Zhu: "The Third Highness, of course the matter of His Royal Highness the first prince is done, oh no, now maybe he is not the first prince anymore, and I'll have to call him Your Majesty in the future."

    Li Mingjin: "So sure?"

    Governor Zhu: "Naturally."

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    Li Mingjin shook his head, suddenly he didn't want to interrogate him. Everything had been clarified, it seemed that his eldest brother was playing tricks behind the scenes, so there was no need to ask more questions. Governor Zhu should be locked up first, and let's see what changes had taken place in the capital recently.

    Whether or not the First Prince would succeed still remained uncertain.

    The crown prince's grandfather and the fourth younger brother were not vegetarians. Besides, the old General Wei was still in the capital, so it was impossible to let the Lin family continue to make trouble.

    Li Mingjin returned to the mansion with some doubts, and Luo Shuyu set up the meal when he saw him came back.

    Luo Shuyu asked him: "Why did Your Highness come back so late tonight?"

    After washing his hands, Li Mingjin said, "I just went to interrogate Governor Zhu."

    Luo Shuyu: "What did he confess?"

    During the meal, they didn't need anyone to serve them, and they sent all their servants to eat.

     Li Mingjin said: "He kept holding back before, but he said it today, do you know why?"

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     Luo Shuyu picked up the chopsticks: "Is it related to the capital?"

    Li Mingjin told him: "Smart, it really has something to do with the capital. Today, the capital is in chaos. He said that the eldest brother forced the palace today. It's estimated that father and the Lin family will fight a vicious battle."

     Luo Shuyu: "Is Your Highness worried about Father?"

     Li Mingjin: "If I say I'm not worried, do you believe it or not?"

    Luo Shuyu: "I believe, there are father's people in Gucheng, so it's impossible for him to be unaware of the actions of the Lin family. For so many years, he has been defending against the Yan family (the Queen's natal family), and the second is the Lin family. He has been paying close attention to these two families, and he must be the first to know if these two families make any movements, so Your Highness doesn't need to worry at all. "You could even eat and sleep with peace of mind.

    Li Mingjin: "Not only that, in the capital, there is still the Yan family staring at the Lin family, and our fourth younger brother who didn't show his face much before, this time he went to the south, I thought he might return without success, but I didn't expect his ability to be greater than I imagined, I really can't underestimate this person. "

    Luo Shuyu also didn't expect that the first prince's forcing the palace would happen earlier in this life, much earlier than he expected.

    According to the plot in the book, of course the first prince wouldn't succeed.

    However, the plot in the book was different from the present one. In the previous life, the fourth prince appeared in time to resolve the dispute, but this time who would help Emperor Tiansheng to overcome this difficulty?

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