The important person who came to Beijing was the queen's childhood sweetheart. This person was of medium build and not very tall. Although he was old, he still looked handsome like when he was young. Presumably his appearance was quite attractive to the opposite sex when he was young. If peope observed his appearance carefully, they would find that this person was somewhat similar to the current crown prince, or both of them had many similarities.

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    The answer was ready to come out.

    But, who found this person? And why did this person agree to go to the capital after leaving the capital dor more than twenty years? What did this person want to do?

    Nobody knew.

    If the Yan family found out, he would definitely die.

    After this person quietly entered the capital, someone quickly placed him in a seemingly ordinary house. Obviously, he was entrusted to enter the capital.

    Jiang Qizhi hadn't been out of the house since he entered the capital. There were many people watching him everyday in the house where he lived. He didn't know if it was for the purpose of protection or keeping an eye on him so that he wouldn't run away.

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    Human beings need to communicate and have social contact. It would be very boring to stay in the house everyday without anyone talking and not knowing the situation outside.

    Jiang Qizhi then asked the two guards: "You two little brothers, you see I have been here for a long time, and I want to go out to get some air, can you please accommodate me?"

    The guard replied: "No."

    Jiang Qizhi : "I will go out to the street and then turn back home, you can come with me, I will buy some small things and bring them back for my grandson to play with."

    The guard still replied: "No, you can't go anywhere without the master's order. Stay here honestly, we can help you buy what you need."

    Jiang Qizhi: "But I don't know what to buy until I have seen it. I also want to see antique calligraphy and paintings."

    The guards still wouldn't let him go, so Jiang Qizhi could only wander around the house while sighing.

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    He didn't know why the people who were looking for him asked him to come to the capital, but the price they gave was indeed enough for his family to have leisure life for the rest of their lives.

    Jiang Qizhi didn't want to come to the capital. This was the beginning of his tragedy, the place where he lost his chance to become a master, and it was also the place he didn't want to look back.

    There was no right or wrong in love, what was wrong was his family and the other party's family, what was wrong was that he shouldn't be tempted, he shouldn't miss people who couldn't belong to him, what was wrong was he shouldn't overestimate his own capabilities, what was wrong was he was too naive. If he could choose to start over in his life, he would never be attracted by the young lady of the Yan family again.

    The young lady of the Yan family back then was now the current queen, and the status of the two was quite different.

    After sighing, Jiang Qizhi asked the guard again: "Is there any wine? Since I can't go out, it shouldn't be a problem if you bring me a pot of wine."

    He kept staring at them, but they still ignored hin, they continued to carry out their master's orders, and they didn't mention the wine until the food was delivered.

    Jiang Qizhi was not a prisoner after all, so they could satisfy his little request.

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    Two days later, Jiang Qizhi asked them: "I want to meet your master, why did your master ask me to come to the capital? I'm about to grow mushrooms everyday in this house, you have to give me an answer."

    He once promised the Yan family that he wouldn't return to the capital, and he would keep it secret the matter between him and his cousin (the queen) and let it rot in his stomach. Now that it had been more than twenty years, who would remember the past, he was a scholar with no fame, and the money he earned was not enough to subsidize his family, so if someone gave him money, naturally he would accept it, and just like that, he came to the capital.

    The guard said: "Whether the master will see you or not is not up to us to decide, but we will pass on your request to the higher-ups, so you can continue to wait."

    Jiang Qizhi said distressedly: "How long will I have to stay in the capital?"

    Jiang Qizhi stayed in the house for another three days, but he still didn't get the right person to come to see him.

    Until one night, when he almost planned to climb the wall and run away, Jiang Qizhi was pushed into the carriage by the guards and  blindfolded with a black cloth.

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    Jiang Qizhi, who was blindfolded,  had his hands tied behind his back and his legs were also tied, he couldn't move at all: "Where are you going to take me?"

    The coachman didn't answer Jiang Qizhi, and the carriage stopped after an hour.

    The two guards helped Jiang Qizhi out of the carriage.

    It was obvious that they were far away from the bustling and lively center of the capital. Jiang Qizhi hadn't been to the capital for more than 20 years, and he didn't know where he was sent.

    The surrounding was very quiet, and he didn't know where he was. Where did he go, but it was certain that the person who looked for him must be either rich or noble.

    He could exclude the Yan family.

    He was an ordinary old scholar, who would remember that he came to the capital more than 20 years ago. If there was a relationship, then it was only related to the Yan family. But he had nothing to do with the Yan family, he was only a distant relative, and he never participated in any affairs of the Yan family.

    What was this person trying to do?, he tried every means to lure him into the capital. This question had been lingering in his mind for more than a month.

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