Jiang Qizhi couldn't even speak clearly: "Back then, back then, nothing happened back then. It was all my wishful thinking. I had nothing to do with the young lady of the Yan family. It was my fault, I didn't dare to have unreasonable thoughts about the young lady of the Yan family, in the end I was eventually driven out of the Yan family's mansion by Master Yan, and returned to my hometown without face to see anyone, and I no longer participated in the imperial examination. "

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    Master Huang said: “I don’t believe a word you said, I only believe in what I know, I can see that the Yan family is extremely daring. Take this person into custody."

    The guards: "Yes."

    Jiang Qizhi's legs were trembling badly.

    This Mr. Huang could open and close his mouth, saying something about the Yan family easily, he, who he was, it was self-evident!

    He was the current Emperor!

    It took Tiansheng Emperor several years to find Jiang Qizhi. The Yan family didn't do anything wrong that left no room for maneuver back then, only Jiang Qizhi who left the Yan family's mansion, didn't even care about his life. But they didn't expect Emperor Tiansheng to look for him.

    This was a royal scandal, Jiang Qizhi had only two options, one was to die, and the other was becoming evidence to bring down the Yan family.

    Emperor Tiansheng was indeed very angry when he saw Jiang Qizhi at first sight. The Yan family was not only extremely daring, they also insulted him directly!

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    If he didn't find out the truth about this matter until his death, wouldn't it be a big joke after his death.

    He came to see Jiang Qizhi in person today because he still had a little hope for the queen He hoped that this woman who had been with him for many years hadn't deceived himself. The crown prince's appearance only looked like the Yan family and not the Li family. But now when he saw Jiang Qizhi, he knew that his persistence for more than 20 years had turned into broken pieces.

    After returning to the palace, Emperor Tiansheng vomited blood at night. There was something wrong with his qi and he was also suffering from emotional issue in his heart, which was difficult to get rid of.

    The crown prince and the fourth prince rushed over overnight to wait on him. Emperor Tiansheng used his remaining energy to tell the eunuch not to let the queen and crown prince enter his palace.

    The prince didn't know why, and couldn't afford to kneel outside the hall. The queen sighed, it's really time for His Majesty to be sick.

    The fourth prince felt that Emperor Tiansheng was ill at the wrong time. He hadn't really grasped the hidden power of his father. How could he fall ill? No matter what, he couldn't let him get sick, Therefore he ordered the Imperial hospital to wake up Emperor Tiansheng, and cure him? That was not necessary.

    Everyone heard that Emperor Tiansheng was ill.

    The four concubines lined up to see him, but no one could see him.

    Emperor Tiansheng woke up sometimes, but he didn't want to see anyone, he just ordered Concubine Mei to come over to serve him, now he really didn't want to see anyone.

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    When he saw those bad people, it reminded him of those bad things. Only Concubine Mei and the third child could make his heart clear.

    Concubine Mei still had that cold temperament. Even though Emperor Tiansheng had become so ill, she still hadn't changed her sarcastic personality. She didn't know what was called softness at all. On the contrary, Emperor Tiansheng was quite fond of her temper now, soft words coule make him feel deeply hurt now. It was better if she was frank and straightforward which made him more comfortable.

     With Concubine Mei serving him, Emperor Tiansheng's condition stabilized and he became more energetic.

    Concubine Mei began to urge Emperor Tiansheng to take medicine again: "Your Majesty, take medicine."

    Emperor Tiansheng frowned and didn't want to drink it: "It's so bitter, I don't want to drink it."

    Concubine Mei put the medicine bowl on the table heavily: "Whether you like to drink it or not, the body is not mine anyway."

    The old eunuch wanted to open his mouth to persuade Concubine Mei to speak kindly to Emperor Tiansheng, but as soon as the words reached his lips, Emperor Tiansheng compromised.

    "Yes, yes, yes, I will drink the medicine. The body is my own, and I still cherish myself."

    The old eunuch: "..." Your Majesty, I have stayed with you for most of my life, and I have never known that you still have the nature of being afraid of your wife.

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    Concubine Mei said in a flat tone: "Naturally, if you don't cherish yourself, who will cherish you."

    After Emperor Tiansheng drank the medicine, he said with emotion: "What Concubine Mei said is that the main road is the most simple."

[大道至简: lit. the main road is the most simple; complicated things are usually unbelievably simple, which means that the major principles (fundamental principles, methods and rules) are extremely simple, it's simple that one or two sentences can explain it.]

    Concubine Mei said: " There is no major problem with your majesty's health, so the concubine will go back to take care of the vegetable garden."

    It was not easy for Emperor Tiansheng to find a confidant to talk to now, but after getting along with Concubine Mei for a long time, he found that she was unusually simple. Although her temper was cold, however she could distinguish  right from wrong, not pretentious. After thinking like this, he suddenly began to enjoy it. After looking at Concubine Mei, he could eat two more mouthfuls of rice.

    Emperor Tiansheng racked his brains to keep her: "Wait, the eunuch just said that the third child sent a letter, don't you want to read it together?"

    Concubine Mei hesitated and said: "What's so interesting, he wrote the letter for you, and it's not written to give it to me."

    Emperor Tiansheng: "It's the same, it's the same."

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    Concubine Mei: "Then let me tackle a difficult job for a while."

[勉为其难 miǎn wéi qí nán: to tackle a difficult job (idiom); to do sth reluctantly]

    The old eunuch beside him: "..." Why are you two so awkward?

    But he felt that when with Concubine Mei was around, His Majesty was much happier.

    In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the people in Gucheng had already worn thick cotton-padded clothes.

    Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu also stayed in the room, reading the letters from Emperor Tiansheng and Concubine Mei, the two letters arrived together.

    Luo Shuyu felt strange: "Why did their letters come together?"

    Li Mingjin hugged Luo Shuyu, feeling a little uncomfortable and said: "In the end, mother concubine still gets involved."

    Although it was a letter from family, it could be seen that Concubine Mei had made a decision at this time.

    There was no one who knew a son better than a mother. So how could a son didn't know what his mother had done?

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