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    Li Mingjin reacted quickly and dodged the first stab, and there would be the second and third attack. But he was already prepared, the martial arts he practiced in the past was not in vain. Every move was fatal, every move was thrilling, but in the end there was no danger. The dark guards behind had already flew over to separate the assassin for Li Mingjin.

    Li Mingjin still felt a little regretful that he didn't have time to use his whip, but what he was more worried about right now was Luo Shuyu.

    Yes, Luo Shuyu was in the situation more dangerous than him now, everyone's attention was on him, and they would ignore Luo Shuyu's safety!

    As if to fulfill Li Mingjin's guess, Luo Shuyu was really in danger now!

    What stabbed Li Mingjin was a dagger, and what attacked him was a knife!

    Just now, Li Mingjin thought that his whip was useless, but he could really use it now. He swang the long whip to block the knife attacking Luo Shuyu, it was more thrilling than before, just a little bit, just a little bit, he was about to lose the love of his life.

    Li Mingjin pulled Luo Shuyu behind him: "Yu'er, are you okay?"

    Luo Shuyu shook his head. He leaned on the chair handle, using his strength to hide behind Li Mingjin, he said, "Your Highness, be careful!"

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    Facing assassins, he was not afraid of them. However it happened so suddenly that he was a little startled, and when Li Mingjin shouted, he came back to his senses.

    All the dark guards came out because of this matter. There were quite a few assassins, and they all hid in the crowd, including the place where the officials were sitting. Many officials were assassinated, and now there was chaos, and the common people were also in a mess.

    However, after all, they had been threatened by the Guiyan Kingdom for a long time, and the common people quickly started to fight back. Of course, the ones without weapons didn't step forward, and only started to attack when they found weapons. For a while, it was unknown whether it was the assassins who were were taking action, or the common people who were fighting the invaders.

    Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu were supported by General Lin Haiming, and quickly captured most of the assassins alive. Some assassins killed themselves on the spot after being captured, and some tried to kill themselves but failed, but they found that all the assassins had their tongues cut out, so they probably couldn't ask any questions, because they were all dead soldier.

    Now, who could raise the dead soldiers? Who could have and support the dead soldiers?

    Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu still hadn't announced that they would continue to hold the Cuju competition next year, but since they encountered this incident, they rode straight back to their residence.

    Chen Rong was not fit to go outside to have a blast because of his health, but he also heard from his servants that the third prince and his imperial concubine were assassinated in the Cuju competition.

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    As soon as Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu came back, he greeted them with a nervous expression: "Your Highness, are you all right?"

    Lin Haiming and Wei Linmu escorted them back, and Wei Linyuan personally interrogated the captured assassins.

    Li Mingjin said: "It's alright, send someone to the city to find some doctors to see if any of the common people are injured. Treat them for free, and reward them for their meritorious service in catching the assassin today."

    Chen Rong thought to himself that the third prince was quite calm.

    In fact, Li Mingjin was not calm at all, these ideas were all from his wife, when it came to calmness, Luo Shuyu was better than him.

    After receiving the order, Chen Rong immediately proceeded to deal with it. He contributed several times in the battle and won big victories. Now he was the number one military advisor in Li Mingjin's army. No one dared not to listen to him. Everyone respected him very much.

    This matter must be investigated carefully, who did it?

    Were they sent by the Guiyan Kingdom or someone from the capital?

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    There was absolutely no need for the Guiyan Kingdom to raise dead soldiers. Since they were not from the Guiyan Kingdom, it meant that these people were from the capital.

    He still remembered that there should be quite a lot people who had dead soldiers in the capital, and  still regarded them as a thorn in the side. Both the crown prince and the fourth prince could be the suspect.

    So, were they the crown prince's dead soldiers or the fourth prince?

    No matter who it was, that person must be very anxious now.

    Who would be in a hurry to get rid of the third prince when Emperor Tiansheng was ill?

    The crown rince? The Yan family? The Fourth prince?

    Doubts also flashed between Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu, but no matter who it was, that person must be their enemy.

    Luo Shuyu began to recall the events in the previous life. Did anything happen to Li Mingjin in the eighteen years of Tiansheng?

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    It seemed that since then, Li Mingjin's visits to the palace had decreased a lot. He didn't bother with Li Mingjin's affairs. Now when he thought about it carefully, according to the current situation, it meant that the crown prince or fourth prince at that time had already started to attack Li Mingjin.

    Both the crown prince and the fourth prince wanted to get rid of Li Mingjin because of their ascension to the throne. Their goals were the same.

    If only they could find out who raised the dead soldiers, it would be easy to say.

    Luo Shuyu was unharmed this time, but it really scared Li Mingjin enough. After returning to the mansion, he was not as calm as he appeared in the outside. When he hugged Luo Shuyu, his whole body was shaking.

    Li Mingjin: "I almost lost you today."

    Luo Shuyu followed and hugged him back, he comforted him: "Why do you think so, I also almost lost you, fortunately we were lucky. "

    Li Mingjin: "How could it be luck? It's our strength, it seems that we are still not safe in Gucheng, and people still can take advantage of it."

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