The moment Shen Mingyun entered the door, the fourth prince saw Shen Mingyun who was as round as a ball and almost kicked him out!

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  The phrase "Who are you?" almost came out, but luckily the fourth prince controlled his emotions well, otherwise he could really drive Shen Mingyun out of the mansion.

  Those who knew could think that he was waiting to give birth in Gucheng, but those who didn't know might think that he was raised as a pig in Gucheng.

  The fourth prince was so frightened by Shen Mingyun's big change that he didn't even have time to take a look at his newborn daughter.

  He didn't have a good impression of this newly born daughter. It wasn't that he was narrow-minded, but because he was still wondering whether this child was of his own or not. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this child might have nothing to do with him, and his mood became more complicated.

      Shen Mingyun didn't become so fat when he gave birth to his son, why did he change so much when he gave birth to this daughter?  what was the reason? Could it be because his third brother and third sister-in-law separated him from that person (Ha Chi), his mood became bad and caused his overeating?

  Shen Mingyun also knew that he didn't have the beauty that he was proud of. This was not the prosperous Tang Dynasty when fat figure was considered beautiful. Although the fourth prince had a smile on his face, the moment he saw him, his expression still froze for a few seconds, and his eyes flashed a touch of disbelief.

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  He was also very worried about the discord between the two of them because of his weight, he said with a little guilty conscience: "Well, I will urge myself to lose weight, I also don't want to be so fat. In the winter in Gucheng, I couldn't even shed a drop of sweat, and my cousin was afraid that he wouldn't take good care of me, so he often asked people to make some delicious food for me."

  The fourth prince could only say that he understood: "I understand, a little meat is also good, but you really have to reduce it now."

  Shen Mingyun felt humbled because of his own obesity, and he said seriously: "I will lose weight, I will definitely lose weight, if I don't lose weight in summer, I will definitely be full of sorrow in winter!"

  Before Shen Mingyun came back, the fourth prince was full of resentment, but now when he saw his fat body with three layered chin, his anger had subsided.

  Perhaps this was the price for Shen Mingyun's sneaking out of the capital, it was really strange if he wasn't unhappy at all.

  After Shen Mingyun came back, he inevitably had to enter the palace to pay his respects to the emperor, empress and empress dowager. Overnight, everyone knew that Gucheng was very good at raising people, Shen Mingyun could change so much just after staying there for a year, so everyone asked him whether Luo Shuyu was very fat now or not.

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  Shen Mingyun, who was poked into his sore spot, had no choice but to truthfully say: "No, Cousin Shuyu's figure is still the same as before."

  The empress with thick powder on her face was rarely interested: "Then how did you become like this?"

  Shen Mingyun had no choice but to say nonsense: "I may not be quite used to the environment over there, so I ate a lot in the cold winter, and I got fat when I ate too much."

  When Emperor Tiansheng saw Shen Mingyun's appearance, he laughed for a long time, and then he went to Concubine Mei to complain about Shen Mingyun's appearance. While talking, he said that he hadn't seen Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu for several years, and he didn't know if they had lost weight or gained weight.

  Concubine Mei still responded indifferently: "Your Majesty can ask them to draw portraits, so Your Majesty will know if they are fat or thin."

  Emperor Tiansheng was enlightened in an instant: "My concubine has a great idea, I will send someone to deliver a letter immediately, asking the painter to paint the two children's current appearance."


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  When Shen Mingyun left, it was the time when the snow melted, and after two months, it was already spring time and the time when they could wear the lighter clothes.

  Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu received a letter from Emperor Tiansheng, and now they called a painter to paint them.

  Luo Shuyu compared the spring clothes made recently, and asked Li Mingjin: "Your Highness, what do you think if I wear this one? It makes me look thinner."

  Li Mingjin was dressed in a black outfit, he had just returned from martial arts training: "You are not that person, so you don't need to make yourself look thinner."

       When Luo Shuyu saw that he hadn't changed his clothes yet, he urged him: "Why haven't you changed your clothes yet? The painter has been here for a long time."

      Li Mingjin was dissatisfied and said: "Father is really! Without rhyme or reason he suddenly ask for our portraits.

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  Luo Shuyu said: "I guess he is afraid that we will be like Shen Mingyun, fattened up into an unimaginable appearance. So as not to scare him when we go back, he needs to prepare himself in advance."

  Li Mingjin: "Then he thinks really long-term."

  Luo Shuyu: "I can only guess, but it's not necessarily his real thoughts."

  Li Mingjin affirmed his wife's guess: "But you always guess right, I believe that's what Father thinks."

  The situation in the capital was turbulent, and no one knew what would happen in the future. The relationship between Li Mingjin and Emperor Tiansheng, a son who tried his best to be a qualified son and a father who tried his best to be the good father he wanted to be, unexpectedly could pass smoothly after all these years.

  Li Mingjin had to say that he could make the decision in Gucheng because Emperor Tiansheng was behind him, and he accepted Emperor Tiansheng's "fatherly love" very calmly.

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