Immoral System

Chapter 101


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- 250 Pleasure Points
- Negative fifty favorability rating from Chris Meyer


'As if I have time and energy to care about the last line!' she snorted.

Although she knew what she did was pettiness on her part, she was just that unnerved by the guy. Actually, if only he didn't help her best friend, she would have probably made him run around in the streets shouting 'I am a big idiot! My name is Chris Meyer! Come get me, b*tches!'

In other words, it was already kindness in her part that she only made him stranded in that place for hours!

'I'm guilty because according to you, that device will only expire after three hours. But, it's him who provoked me first! Since he assumed I don't have a conscience and that I am very immoral, I let him know how mean and immoral I can be!'

Sofony half-heartedly explained, 'Why should I? He's already in the know, so let him be! In the future, he'll surely run into hosts worse than me. Let him do the comparison then!'

She paused for a while then added, 'Also since you said that he still possesses that comrade of yours, I can't be sure that he no longer has that stupid qualifying mission? What if he's deliberately getting near Wendy for that? I won't allow it! At least, if he has memories of what I can do, he won't dare to try anything funny to Wendy!'



Not even a second passed and another notification echoed.

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* 20 people x 2,500 divided by 2
Total: 25,000 Pleasure Points

Sadly points are only high this time because they're subordinates controlled by a host! But well, you should not ask for more! At least you get a reward! Hahahaha! Hey, host! Come, donate some of it to me! You made me expend some brainpower for the calculation!

Sofony naturally ignored its nonsense.

The moment she read the number of points given, she didn't dilly-dally anymore and immediately purchased two anti-mind control rings. She impatiently slipped one on Wendy's finger, the other she planned to gift to Steffy.

After this, Sofony hailed another cab and told the driver to take them to Wendy's house. Unlike the first cab driver, the driver this time uses mobile banking. When he learned that Sofony currently had no cash with her, he agreed to have the payment be wired over.

Five minutes later, the taxi dropped them off in front of a two-story house.

Before passing Wendy to her brother, she told him the story she thought of and also reminded him to tell Wendy to never remove the ring she gave her. Afterward, she phoned Gio to inform him that she could now go home.

The whole day had been too tiring, she mused as she rode another taxi home. She didn't even want to spend even another second thinking or recalling how they passed it.

But fortunately, they all survived. Gio was fine. Steffy too. And though Wendy had been targeted again, thankfully, that Chris was there to save her. Were it not for him, something unimaginable would have happened to Wendy.

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When thought carefully, maybe she'd been too excessive towards the guy. However, after three seconds of reflecting, she considered the loop incident as compensation for mental damage or maybe an accepted challenge about proving her immorality.

But of course, though she had been quite petty, it didn't mean she didn't appreciate his goodwill.

In the future, since she believed the guy would be dragged into another mess wherein his life could possibly be in danger, as real payback for saving her friend twice, she would also do her best to save him.

But, for now, she has four lives to worry about...

After sighing, she called out, 'Hey, though I know it's a piece of information about her, I just really need to know... Is she still alive? I mean, she, that Clarissa.' She asked since that woman was still the root cause of all her worries.

Sadly, all she received as a response was a burst of deafening laughter! Sofony was greatly troubled as she could not even confirm whether the other party was still alive or not... She hated it, but for now, all she could do is prepare for the worst.


So, now that Clarissa seemed to be beaten up and defeated tonight, was the feud between Sofony and her already over?

Hehe, of course, not!

In fact, the conflict even got escalated because around midnight, on the outskirts of the city, five or so mercenaries that strayed away from the group encountered Clarissa! These people were hired by Gio to hunt the woman. However, whether fuelled by anger and all negative emotions or some others, the gangstress became more violent and ruthless than usual!

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A minute after these few people tried to block her from entering the city, Clarissa barehandedly killed them all!

The girl did not bother planting 'seeds' in their brain since that would take some time. She just fought them unarmed. As a result, two ended up with twisted necks, one died with his head smashed into a huge and sharp rock, the last two were somehow strangled to death using barbed wire!

The way they died could already be said as tragic. However, actually, due to lack of time and equipment, Clarissa didn't manage to creatively kill them like she used to! If not for the hundred or so military men hurrying over as reinforcement, she might have taken her time and tortured them to death. So if this was considered, maybe these poor guys at least died quick!

Hours passed and the woman became very annoyed by the number of interception she encountered before reaching the hideout. Fortunately, since she now has points gained from killing those five men, she managed to purchase some tools that helped her slipped away.

But when she got there, some of her people showed her all the news and issues related to her and her men.

Nude photos!

Sex videos!

Issues about her prostitution and gambling dens!

Attacks on Dawson's mafia!

Attacks on the Dawson's, Abenson's, and Miller's businesses!

And lastly, even though it was weekend, an expulsion notice was emailed to her by the school admin!

When she inquired about these from the system, it told her the worst were the first three. She was the protagonist of the nude pictures, sex videos and news report regarding the flesh business! All which were broadcasted by the local TV station!

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Red-faced, she listened to the system's account. The temperature in the room had long dropped below freezing point so her subordinates vacated the place.

'... I thought my information is hidden...'

She closed her eyes and regulated her breathing to calm herself as much as possible. 'So why are those broadcasted?!'

Clarissa slumped on the room's sofa and massaged her aching forehead. When she had calmed down a bit, she ordered it, 'Take down everything now! I don't want a single photo to remain on earth!'

Two or three seconds after she impatiently agreed, it suddenly said,

After hearing it, the woman immediately grabbed the armrest of the sofa tightly and screamed to it, 'WHAT?!'

However, her system AI was not yet finished, it continued delivering the next bad news.



Half a minute passed after the system very helpfully informed her of these matters.

Clarissa had still not stopped destroying walls and room decors. Her screams also never stopped terrorizing the hideout. Probably bored or gotten used to this, the carefree people outside started betting which and how many rooms would be destroyed after...

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