Immoral System

Chapter 104

Similar to the weather this morning, the night sky above was as gloomy. It was not raining but there were no stars. The moon was up there. But because of the seemingly endless cluster of clouds drifting to where the source of light was, it was though there was still no moon.

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But mysteriously, the situation above had no effect on the people below. The city was still as boisterous as ever, like its lights and noise would never die down, or probably it would only do once the world comes to an end.


"Who is she? She's so pretty!"

"Yeah. I want to know too. She must be an actress or an heiress!"

"I think she's most likely a socialite. Look! She's graceful and confident, but not vulgar like most female stars who first climbed many beds before climbing their way to stardom."

The subject of everyone's admiration was a very beautiful woman with chest length brown hair. She just walked out of Alina Mall's west exit. People, boys and girls alike, immediately got drawn to her since her beauty just stood up so much despite the place being where celebrities could be occasionally seen.

She was wearing a black body-hugging knee-length dress made out of velvet-like material. Because she swept her hair in front, it was revealed that the dress was actually backless, the exposed beautiful and immaculate skin was emphasized due to the color. Several pieces of gem-studded jewelry were also on her neck, ears, and wrists, while a pair of grey killer high-heels adorned her feet.

With a metallic gold clutch purse in hands, she gracefully strode towards the nearby parking lot, the aura she emitted seemingly broadcasting to everyone that she was someone with both background and 'bankground'. Many started wondering why someone like her appeared at a place like this without tens or hundreds of bodyguards, while the rest heavily thanked the heavens for letting them behold this goddess' beauty.

Since her appearance could affect even the same sex, one cute girl approached her and shyly asked to take a selfie with her. The pretty woman gave her a dazzling smile and agreed. This made the cute teenager almost jumped in joy as she held her phone to take the photos.

A second later, when the cute girl asked if it's okay to post the pictures online, the teenager noticed that her new idol was looking at the big screen hanging right across the intersection.

Since she knew a thing or two about the news reported, she could not help but comment, "Idol, it's the current viral news! It seems this Clarissa Guzman is really very bad. Look, this report is another crime of that girl!"

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The teenager was correct. The newscaster on the huge screen had just finished telling about this Clarissa Guzman's involvement with human traffickers. The report now was a retelling of the past news.

The woman merely smiled at her comment. Afterward, she separated with the girl and headed towards her car.

None of the people gawking and drooling at her body and face knew that she was speaking with something about the news she just saw. After all, the thing was in her head.

The beautiful woman was silent for a while before she calmly replied, 'You are right. She's just a tool who does what I can't do by myself. But 'though she messed up this time, it's not enough reason for me to abandon her. Do what I said now. Delete every bad record, information, picture, video, and news about her.'

'...That host has gained so many points these past three days from the people's reactions and the aftereffects. I don't like it so just do what I said.'

There was no change in her expression. But because of this, the system realized that nothing could change her mind anymore thus it relented and started doing the job. Also, it knew what she was referring to. Like what she said, Clarissa's enemy responsible for all the broadcasts and media attacks had really profited so many points from her. Actually, since there were still many who were doing, thinking, and speaking immoral things directly or indirectly about the articles and videos, the opponent was still earning points.

Its host was most likely annoyed by this so she sacrificed around 200,000 points to delete what should be deleted. The memories of everyone in the city regarding Clarissa included. Of course, there were exceptions. Sofony and the others who had contact with the system were not affected.

The woman did not reply as her phone just vibrated. She picked up the call and began to speak with the person on the other line. From time to time, she was laughing and smiling. "Okay... okay!... Yup! Haha, no worries... No. No... Hey, I'm not someone who breaks promises, okay? I'm already on my way there! It's at Alina Victory Hall, right? Okay! Don't worry, I won't miss your performance. I will perform too..."

After a minute, she ended the call with a laugh that also immediately vanished after she recalled what the system asked her. As she positioned herself on the driver's seat and started the car's engine, she asked the system.

'Why are you against it again? You don't want me to join the fray? Oh, why?' she paused for a while and laughed.

'When did a system AI like you care about us hosts? We don't know much about the system and AIs' origins but, at least, we know that you folks are heartless and only want to corrupt more people. Each of you is points-grubber. So why do you not want me to join the fun? Aren't you supposed to encourage me because it will mean more points expenditure?'

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The woman sneered and focused on driving. Evidently, she didn't believe it one bit. She thought, if the system truly doesn't want infighting, it will include this rule to the taboos. But no, it didn't. This fact only proved that it only cared about itself and its interest. It wouldn't actually feel hurt even if half of the hosts in the world died due to this unwritten and unreinforced rule.

'An immoral system who doesn't want violence and chaos? Give me a million years and I'll believe it.' she told it after an eye-roll.

'Stop! I don't need it now. And I'll be going overseas soon so you don't have to worry about me stupidly exposing myself to the enemies. Anyway, you know me. I'm probably already the gentlest and most peace-loving among the hosts.'

Her last phrase successfully shut the system up as it became speechless at her shameless claim.

As one not from the first generation of hosts, she reached Level 5 when some of the first one hundred had yet to upgrade to the same level.

She became this high-leveled so how could she say that she was gentle and peace-loving? Could she really compare to the new hosts that were yet to wake up to the real immorality? Especially after she heartily laughed and viciously said,

'Oh. By the way, I still don't like what she did to my secondary host, so deduct the points from me and make your main system issue an impossible quest to her. It better be something which, when refused, will make her lose at least a body part, okay? That way, she'll end up spending all the points healing herself!'


When Sofony arrived home, it was already past 9 pm. She didn't know what caused her to feel like this, but when she had several rounds with Gio, the stimulation was more than usual. She couldn't explain the feeling, but it was like she had drunk an aphrodisiac, and that there was another thing going inside her.

When the lust subsided, it was already past 1:30 am, and a pop-up screen immediately appeared before her drowsy eyes.


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- 30, 000 Pleasure Points

- 3 Shop Tickets (allows you to redeem 3 items from the shop, price range from 0 - 10,000 Pleasure Points)

- A Level Up To Your Anonymity (Hosts two levels higher than you won't be able to see any information you asked to be hidden)

Host, it's disappointing that it's not you who personally did the adultery. But whatever, just do a good job next time!

At this announcement, Sofony's eyes immediately widened, disbelief written all over her face. As she knew that there were many things to inquire and that she would most likely make noises as a reaction to it, she got up from the bed and went inside the bathroom.

She tremblingly held on the edge of the sink and dizzily looked at the robed girl reflected in the mirror. Her mind asked the system.

'Y-you really sure t-that stupid mission is completed?'

Its indifferent and unfeeling voice echoed,

Sofony massaged her aching forehead and then confusedly asked, 'H-how can it help me complete missions like this? Is it a skill that cheats the system? Like some sort of mission pass?'

As if it heard something funny, it began to laugh loudly. Then it mockingly said,


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[System Prompt: Second Official Mission (Towards Level 3)]

System Task: Stab Gio Albarez With A Knife!

System Introduction: Oh, please! Don't assume it's me being petty! The task title explains everything. All you need to do is act on it! And don't bullshit me that you can't do it! Hypnotize him, if you can't, just caught him off-guard and then stab him with the knife! Anyway, he trusts you enough so I'm sure it won't be difficult to do this. Hehehehe. I'm looking forward to when he sees you trying to kill him! Do a good job this time! Complete it beautifully! Better if you let someone else screw you as you watch him bleed or die! Show me a great betrayal show! Hahahaha! Take note! Time limit is one day!

Quest Rewards:

- 100, 000 Pleasure Points

Failure Consequences:

- My favorite, gangbang!

- I'll take your legs this time, hahaha

- Minus 50,000 Pleasure Points

When Sofony read the last notification, she became very speechless and dumbfounded. It lasted for ten minutes and when she recovered, she started trembling and raining profanities to the system.

She couldn't believe it! Even though she was still in the middle of a crisis, it actually released a task it perfectly knows as something impossible for her to complete!

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