Immoral System

Chapter 115: What She Is 2

The explosion yesterday did not inflict much damage to Clarissa. However, because her plans were thwarted, it had frustrated her so much. So much that after she returned to their mafia's hideout at Alina City, a particular wall there caved in from her fierce and incessant punches.

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Now, although she already had her burnt body parts healed, Clarissa still couldn't accept why things ended up that way. She even wanted to ask how high Sofony's luck stat was so she could compare it with hers. She found it mysterious that despite being higher in level, she couldn't even kill that Wendy or Steffy. Clarissa could understand it if they were at the same standing as Gio Albarez. But no, they were not! Both were merely stupid, weak non-hosts she could easily squash using one or two fingers!
So why are they still not dead?
What else should she answer apart from her opponent's luck?
It was truly irritating. Much more than that damnable huge pest who kept coming after her!
'Tomorrow, let's see if she'll still be lucky! I'll mind control every former secret agent at Gio Albarez' side and make them kill him! At the same time, I'll do the same to the Silvers! Let's see if her luck can still save them! Does she think she's already smart for removing the arrest warrants and driving that fat pig into a coma? Huh. No, if I was not bogged down by that annoying Level 5 teleporter, she'd have long lost everything she has!' she darkly thought to herself. The way her body reclined on the sofa was a great contrast to her beautiful but somewhat sour face.
She opened her slightly red-rimmed eyes and stared at the darkness that greeted her. She was currently inside a dimly lit room within an old looking house at Aurora City. Aljur or any of her men were not around as they were busy dealing with many issues at Alina City. The only ones with her today were Aljur's trusted underlings.
The girl had yet to sleep a wink tonight despite having her eyes closed for some time. The system told her it was five minutes before 12.
<system: finally="" can="" breathe="" because="" he="" did="" not="" hunt="" you="" today?="">
She refused to answer and only folded her arms across her chest, displeasure was written all over her face.

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For her, that sounded more like a mockery than a question. She had a hunch it was purposely stressing how she was only free and unhurt today because Leo Jones did not throw bombs at her. To not fall into fits of anger again, she chose not to reply. It became a decision made quite wisely due to the fact that because that teleporter kid had maliciously used that skill against her, she was very quick to anger and prone to faulty judgments.
Time quickly passed and many plans were already hatched inside Clarissa's mind. Naturally, all are against her enemies.
But half a minute later, she froze, her head instinctively turning to the door's direction.
It was a quiet Wednesday night but the warning bells inside her head suddenly started buzzing. They seemed to be alerting her of incoming dangers!

It was puzzling because she only felt like this whenever that dreadful stalker is coming!
The woman immediately vacated the soft couch. Her hands already holding a long knife and a handgun each.
The hideout was still quiet but she could somehow feel that no one was really asleep tonight. This was clearly not the case ten minutes ago. Somehow when she was not paying attention, the air in the whole place started to reek of danger and bloodlust.
'What's happening here?' she grimly asked the system.

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She then squinted her eyes, 'Is that brat finally here?'
'Couldn't let me a day pass without his daily dose of pestering?'
Although she was sneering as she marched towards the door, her steps were actually very cautious. Deep within too, she could feel a slight fear awakening against that boy. She knew the reason was that he was someone who could kill her if he really wanted to. Although this fear lessened after repeatedly telling herself that he would not kill her until her Original comes out, it was still there and would always faintly surface every time he's around.
'What's his gimmick today? Bullet messages for the nth time?'
Instead of answering her sarcastic and irritating remarks, the system began to scold her,
<system: host.="" aren't="" you="" supposed="" to="" monitor="" yourself="" now?="" don't="" forget,="" he's="" someone="" who="" toys="" with="" people's="" fear="" and="" anger.="" you="" should="" check="" if="" you're="" still="" at="" your="" usual="" levelheadedness!="">
After examining herself, Clarissa cursed out.
She promised herself once she reached Level 5, she'd immediately buy the Hypnosis skill so that in the future, she would not be so vulnerable against others' Cognitive and Affective Distortion skill. Having one's fears and anger manipulated was really not a pleasant experience!
Clarissa closed her eyes and counted her breathing. Time and time again had proven how useful this technique was when calming her heart. When she opened them again, at least the bad thoughts lessened.

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She was now in front of the door. Once she pushes this open, the second floor's balcony would only be three or so meters away.
Clarissa highly suspected that whatever surprise Leo Jones prepared for her, it would be at the open hall just below the hallway leading to the staircase.
She could somehow predict what it would be.
Hence she asked herself, should she run away and leave this hideout now?
Clarissa didn't like the sound of it so she decisively reached for the doorknob.
With narrowed eyes, she strode out of the room and walked towards that direction. Along the way, she spent a fourth of the points she collected to buy another shield.
She must be ready. What if that boy throws a Molotov at her again? Should she just cry then regret why she didn't prepare enough? No, she was never the type to do that!
"Lady boss."
"Vien," she replied. As the girl peeked from the balustrade, she squinted her eyes to the non-hosts sitting on the floor below. They were oddly quiet and well-behaved despite being wide awake.

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These guys and gals were mafia people who loved gun noises and fist fights the most. Fine, not all of them do.
But how come none of them were acting rambunctious and out of control tonight as they discussed nonsensical topics like who won last night's battle royale or which poor girl got banged by who?
One of the impossible in this world is to change somebody's inherent disposition within a very short span of time so she wouldn't believe if it if somebody told her that this bunch just suddenly turned quiet. Everyone here was the type who still could laugh and make fun of rules and society even as they face death.
"What happened here?"
Meeting her sharp gaze was a rather young man neatly dressed like a normal salaryman who also seemingly just came in. This man had just closed the main door. Out of all the black-loving crowd here, he was the only wearing a white dress shirt and a black pair of pants that go nice with his leather shoes.
Vien shrugged, his eyes not leaving his leader who was making her way down. "I just arrived leader. But yeah, it's really weird that everyone here is so quiet today. But lady boss, why are you up?"
"You now dare question me, lad?" Clarissa said after remembering that this guy also had no idea about what happened to the oddly quiet bunch.
This fellow was the undercover she sent to spy the enemy girl's side and since he was sometimes out of the city, it was normal for him to report around this time. Unfortunately, this person had yet to bring back any useful information because no matter how stupid and weak the other was, she was still a host.
Funnily, this man in his mid-twenties immediately shut up at this 18-19-year-old girl's glare.
A few more seconds later, she had already arrived in front of the listless bunch. She expected them to suddenly start lining up before a wall with their firearms ready. Yet they only stared at her. Their inaction irked something in her. Therefore, her left brow immediately rose.

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