Immoral System

Chapter 127: The Escape 2

"Hmm?" When a notification rang inside his head, Leo Jones had just thrown a banana peel on the ground, the whole fruit already chewed up by his mouth and pushed down his throat.

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The system's reminder automatically made his head turn to the laboratory's direction. His companion would only give him a buzz if there is danger. Or if Clarissa, his beloved target, tried to flee from the operating table. The case was obviously the latter. Clarissa's Original was avoiding a clash with him, so it could only be the poor lab rat attempting to escape.

He clicked his tongue, thinking, 'What a troublesome lab rat.'

<System: Host, should we notify her?>

The teleporter kid unceremoniously wiped his hand on the hem of his shirt and laughed. He knew his companion was referring to the crybaby host who somehow managed to send his stalking target under a semi-mad scientist's scalpel.

Shaking his head, he replied, 'Why would I? Points will be spent if we do that, right? It's fine if it will be on her. But if it's on me, no thanks! Hahahaha!'

<System: Er, right, hehe. Sorry, host. I forgot.>

The Level-5 teenage host laughingly shook his head and teleported. Unknown whether the kid was aware, but this was what Sofony had envisioned when she decided to pass Clarissa to a group of white lab coat wearing non-hosts. The girl didn't know that Leo's real goal was the Original. But actually, even if she came to know about it, it wouldn't matter much because all she cared was him targeting Clarissa.

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Her conjectures were proven right the moment he teleported to the laboratory's other exit, dashing Clarissa's hope for freedom.

A minute later, as if the world had suddenly fallen right before her eyes, Clarissa who had almost escaped from the mansion, weakly laid on the ground, unmoving. Her invisible status had been broken and the guy who she had mind-controlled to help deliver her out got blasted to death by the kid, ending up like a sad pile of blood, flesh, and bones.

Not long after, Clarissa weakly raised her head towards the bomber stalker. Hating that she was temporarily muted by Leo Jones' system, her furious reddish eyes seemingly screamed at him, 'Why? Why you again? Damn you! I hate you! Die! Die! Die! Why can't you just drop dead!? Why can't you just disappear from my life!!! Why are you still alive?!!! WHYYYYY??!!!'

Sadly for her, the bomber kid simply laughed, most likely enjoying the stabbing glares from the woman. Two notifications buzzed in his head, one for the murder, one for causing an accident through the banana peel that he threw on a steep sidewalk. However, he paid no attention to either of these, instead, he squatted down and with a boyish smile on his innocent face, he started poking at her soft and smooth left cheek.

"Haha, you're really so beautiful. Even I who love explosives the most can't help but fall for you. Sadly," the boy clicked his tongue and pouted. He would have looked quite cute if only Clarissa did not know that his brain's loose screws greatly exceeded the number of hers. Now, with him so near to her like this, only half anger and half fear were in her mind.

His ability was once again clouding her reason, his words even brought the negative emotions in her heart to another level. The fear budding from within caused her to order the system to make every knife and weapon stored in her inventory fly towards the teenager.

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<System: 5,000 Points deducted.> 101 reported right after those flying blades of varying sizes and shapes struck nothing but air, ending up burying themselves on the wall or dropping on the tiled floor.

'He teleported again!' she gritted her teeth after seeing that he disappeared for a few seconds then reappeared at the same place, his boyish grin back to his annoying face and his right forefinger digging into her skin.

Then as if to annoy her and make her despair more, he said, "I had my system disabled your shop for a whole day. It means until noon tomorrow, you won't be able to buy anything from it. Hehe, I want you to know I actually have enough points to disable you for a whole week, however, I'm not stupid enough to waste my points like that. I'm currently betting that only a day is needed to force your creator out."

All of a sudden, the sounds of footsteps reverberated from afar, catching both her and his attention. Leo stopped teasing the woman's face, and stood up, his eyes staring at the end of the hall. When he heard the people's footsteps getting nearer and nearer, he shrugged then said one last time. "I'm sad that I can no longer spend more time today with you, my dear Clarissa. But I understand that I can't be so selfish as to hoard you to myself. Hahaha. See, your fans are already coming for you, eager to dissect you and donate your organs to needy people. Hahaha!"

"By the way, I don't know what items you have in your inventory. However, I don't believe that you can successfully run away without buying something from the system. I want to see how long you can hold on. Hahaha! As a qualified stalker, I will never be far from you! I'm looking forward to you reciprocating my love and devotion by showing me a good show!"

The woman lying weakly and hopelessly on the floor painfully closed her eyes. By this time, the enemy Level 5 Host already disappeared, no whatsoever trace of him remaining in the hallway. If not for the bloody mess nearby, together with the countless daggers and knives littering the ground, no one would have thought that a battle between two immoral system users just took place.

Everyone would just assume that Clarissa collapsed there due to Sofony's poisonous pills.

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In front of a cafe situated in a commercial building opposite the Ever Victorious tower, Clarissa's Original gracefully leaned her back on the floor-to-ceiling glass wall of the cafe, eyes pinned at the building in front. She wore a long black fitted dress today, looking like she would be going to a funeral than an airport. A to-go cup was in her right hand, the other pressing her phone to her left ear.

"Haha... I'm really sorry, for the trouble. It's just that I think it's bad not to let the whole country know about a case like this... Alright, so the news will be broadcasted later?... Great! Really thanks for your help. You're really a lifesaver!"

Done with the exchange of flattering words, she smiled then ended the call. Afterward, she reviewed the scene being played by the system in front of her. She had to back play a bit due to missing out a few minutes, the call and the frequent pausing at Gio's face and actions to be blamed.

Unfortunately, it seemed that she had to postpone her plan of watching how Sofony Mendez dealt with the slightly shameless presenter. It was because a notification rang in her head.

Annoyed, she scrunched up her face a little, snarling, 'Hey! What is it? System, you're in my brain. Can't you see I'm busy! My flight is at 4 pm and it's only 15 minutes away! I can only watch the fun for a little more than 10 minutes!'

<System: ...You're so unreasonable...> It said because it could not understand why she was worried about that flight when she could just directly teleport to the destination. However, it knew nothing would change the girl's mind, so it just continued,

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<System: Cough, it's Clarissa. She sent a report. She said she almost managed to escape, but Host 37 is actually nearby, beating her up and not allowing her to leave the lab. She wanted to warn you that Host 37 and 137 might have already joined forces.>

The woman who seemingly did not put much appreciation for the intel pouted, then took a sip of her iced coffee through the straw. She then half-heartedly replied, 'Got it. Thank her for me. Next.'

Her system didn't respond within three seconds so she went back to watching, later laughing when one more proponent got gently scolded by Gio. She was still at the back play. The scolded guy whose shoulders now looked pressed down by something heavier than a mountain was the presenter before the bespectacled man.

<System: Host, I just want to make sure. Are you this easy-going because you won't be clashing with them head on?> The AI suddenly asked when it recovered from its speechlessness. This was the only explanation it came up when the woman acted like that.

True to its hypothesis, she responded. 'Lol, why else? My current mission is only to snatch a fellow host's lover. It's a no-brainer to ask if I will be involving myself in a dangerous conflict like that. Anyway, Clarissa won't die. So I don't need to worry. I'm more worried about this future darling of mine. He'll have no choice put up with Sofony Mendez for one more week.'

Towards the worried and pitying expression that she directed to the man on her holographic screen, the system could only remain silent. However, deep down, it still didn't like her targeting a non-host from this currently chaotic city.

Time passed quickly. One instance when the system remembered recounting what surgeries Clarissa went through today, the woman simply laughed, praying for Clarissa for only three seconds... Then she went back to watching the show on the 69th floor of the Ever Victorious tower...
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