Immoral System

Chapter 149: Tragedy Of A Half-Host 2

"Distant water cannot quench a fire nearby." The wise words from some ancient dude of the oldest and biggest empire in the east.

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This saying was pretty spot on in Chris' current situation because even though Sofony Mendez, for Wendy, mentally promised that she would help this poor guy once if ever he got into a troublesome and deadly situation, the problem was their current distance.
Sofony, who received the notification the moment he got nailed on the tall fencing of the basketball court was still within Alina City. Even though she did rush at full speed towards this place by borrowing a car from Gio, it would still take three hours away to get to his current city. Regrettably, even if his assailant was willing to wait for his helper to arrive, FOR FUN, his body which his remaining points would not be able to heal was already failing due to severe blood loss...
Truth be told, he was barely awake. Forcefully made to stay awake by the incessant ramblings of the other and the pain that this damnable kid kept on triggering by repeatedly digging into his wounds using his fingers.
"H..y, are .... listen...g"
It had already been an hour since the lunatic host, the terrorist Leo Jones, began to do this. So many stories had already been told, from the beginning of this damnable host's immoral journey to how he caused several elderlies to trip on the banana peels that he purposely threw on a street. He even covered what the different kinds of explosives were and how to use them to achieve the best effect when blowing something up. Leo Jones even brought up the different techniques on how to judge what bombs to use depending on the type of target. But if Chris would be honest, he felt like all of the other's crazy bullshitting was merely the sh*tty kid's way of furthering his agony.
Looking at the naive and innocent smile on the other's face, he felt chills running down his bleeding black. For a second, he didn't know whether to be hateful that he accidentally earned this lunatic's ire by reporting him to those useless policemen.
<system: huhu,="" hang="" in="" there,="" maybe="" after="" a="" few="" more="" minutes="" he'll="" lose="" interest="" in="" you...="">

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The system had been saying this same line for more than ten times.
If Chris could only curse out...
Unfortunately, he didn't even have the energy to sigh, much less make any sarcastic remark.
In front of him, the bomber juvenile frowned and poked at the deep gash on Chris' stomach again. His face showed annoyance that Chris was no longer making any sounds. It didn't take long for him to stop, seemingly bored that the other was not responding anymore. With a shrug, he retracted his hand.
"Whatever. I'll leave now. Be thankful that I'm being merciful today, otherwise. Hmp! Thank Sofony Mendez later. I kind of like that faker even though she's a crybaby. If not for your connection to her, I would have blasted you to death already! Anyway, you'll surely survive since you're still a host, hahaha, though only half-half!"

The poor guy barely heard the name of the woman who Leo Jones told him to thank later. His mind managed to ask some things, like, what later, why thank her, what connection... However, when he remembered that Leo Jones would finally be leaving, that was what later occupied his mind, finally relaxing his tensed body and spirit.
"I hope I see you stronger next time. Hahaha. Buh-bye!"

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Through his blood-filled vision, he saw a flash of light in front which vanished three seconds later. The cause of his nightmarish experience finally disappeared from sight. He didn't care how he did it. All he knew was that he could go to sleep now. If he would wake up or not later, honestly, the thought did not cross his mind. He simply had no more energy to muse about it.
Oddly though, which was probably due to extreme hate or fear he felt towards the brat that drove him to his current state, before he completely lost consciousness, his sheer will enabled him to say,
Without knowing how many minutes or hours had passed, within the thin boundary between consciousness and unconsciousness, Chris seemed to see a woman madly ordering other people in white attires to take care of him meticulously. He also seemed to hear her voice, her fierce tone reminding him of someone who used to raise her voice at him before like this. Due to this woman, the memories appeared close, but also distant, making him feel so restless to take a look at her face.
Sadly, whenever he tried to open his eyes to see who it was and to check if she was that person, a heavy feeling of drowsiness would always strike him, preventing him from even take a sneak peek at her face. Before sinking to sleep again, all he would remember was her long straight black hair that falls like a waterfall behind her. It was very beautiful. So beautiful that it even appeared in his dreams...
Unknown whether the gods wanted to torture or reward him in his sleep, he saw that long and beautiful black hair once more, but this time, its owner turned around to face him, letting him see the countenance of the girl he'd always been dreaming to see and hold.

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Some time later, the same with how the pretty woman was smiling and crying in front of him, his eyes were also red and a bitter smile was on his lips. It was because when he extended his hands in an attempt to hug her tightly, he couldn't even touch the tip of her hair. It was mysterious and heartbreaking. The person itself did not distance herself from him. She continued standing from where she was, letting him come near her. But it was him whose hands always passed through her whenever he tried to reach out to her.
"Fel..." he murmured in a dreamy but cracking voice, his hands not giving up on their attempts.
The gentle and dainty long-haired girl in his dreams bitterly smiled as she lowered her head. When she raised her eyes again, she seemed to have said something. Four words that he already heard once, but most probably did not pay much attention before. His own first name was one, the other three were unknown. Of course, he could somehow guess them through lipreading. Still, he badly wanted to hear those words personally, to hear her voice again. However, as if heavens liked playing a joke on him, no sound came out of her mouth, even though her lips were parted and moving.
"Fel..." he whispered again. This time, with a bit of anxiousness mixed with his inquisitive tone.
Her eyes stared straight through his, falling motionless for a couple of moments. He totally hated the silence that followed. It was quiet ever since, but he disliked how she stopped what she was trying to say. Not long after, she began shaking her head. After that, she smiled, the same kind which she gave him before he ran away from their house on the day she took her own life. It was still a smile that never failed to make his heart skip a hundred beats. Unfortunately, this time, the reason that it did was out of fear and panic.
He could never forget that this was also the same smile that she showed him before he forever lost her...
'Is she going to disappear again? Why? Why can't she just stay?'
'Wait... I'm already dying... so she should be coming me after me, bringing me to where the souls of loving people could be together anew,... right?'

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Shortly after, since the heavens, unfortunately, loved to play with him today, he saw Felicity opening her smiling lips again, and this time, he perfectly heard her voice what she said.
"... Chris, be happy, okay?"
And then the moment she finished uttering this phrase, light immediately filled his entire world, tugging him away from the treacherous boundary of life and death.
He didn't know how and why it did, but this light brought him back to life, however, it would also surely be the only light that he would hate for life.
>Link to the original site:'-Queen

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