Immoral System

Chapter 151: Will To Live 2

It didn't take long for the answers to come out of the pretty girl's mouth.

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"Me, the doctors and nurses, and my assistants."
"My parents?"
Alessa hesitated for a while, weighing whether her act of not informing his parents was an offense or not. In the end, she honestly shook her head.
"I just want to say, I did not notify them, thinking your case is so weird and mysterious. I'm quite guilty of doing something out of my own volition even though I should actually not concern myself with you anymore. But because you saved me, in a sense, yesterday, I decided to do you this favor. I'm sure you don't want them to worry so much and know that you are suddenly found heavily wounded in a basketball court far from Southern Jasper."
Chris was quiet was for some time, most likely digesting her statements and excuses. She didn't know what was running in his mind, but her brows furrowed when the young man began to tremble while clutching the white blanket tightly. He didn't seem like he would be crying soon. More like he was angry and frustrated about something. This greatly bothered Alessa as she pondered whether she did something bad again.
A couple of moments later, he lowered his head and quietly said, "I hate you... for saving me. But thank you... for not... telling them."
The girl breathed a sigh of relief, not minding how the other felt about her, but her decision to not tell anyone about his condition.
"I'm glad I did the right thing. To be honest, you're already out for a day. So I had my assistant phone your mother and say that you made an impromptu trip to Alina City. Thankfully your mom filled in the rest and thought that you will be going there for a funeral. I don't know the specifics, but what is important is that it worked out. Now the biggest problem is your current condition. You'll be on your own when explaining that to them..."

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The silence that went on between them felt like an eternity for Alessa. However, she didn't press on the other to reply. After all, he looked very disoriented due to whatever happened to him. Even though she really wanted to continue the conversation and had him gradually spit out why and who did this to him, she was not yet that inconsiderate of somebody's feelings, especially since she could guess a bit on what he just went through. Apart from this, the two of them were more like strangers, so she knew even if they proceeded with this talk, he wouldn't disclose anything related to the gory incident to her.
"Second Miss, Mr. Meyer." A voice coming from the doorway dragged the two of them out of their messy thoughts back to the reality. Only the young man's eyeballs swept to that direction while Alessa turned her head back to see Diaz standing respectfully there.
"What's the matter?" she asked, blinking.
"Someone is outside, requesting to meet with Mr. Meyer."
A second later, a depressed reply came from the person lying on the bed,
"You didn't... tell anyone, huh?"

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Alessa looked at him and realized the guy was accusing her of lying. With a frown, she didn't answer the gloomy bloke, instead, she confirmed from Diaz, "Someone wants to meet him? Who? Did he say his name?"
They had to be wary considering what happened yesterday. They couldn't rule out the possibility that it was his enemy appearing. Although it was no longer her business, she still didn't want a person she just saved to be assassinated, especially under her watch.
"It's a girl. She only said she's 'Felicity's friend'."
Without erasing the frown on her face, she turned to look at Chris and saw that he was also sporting a bad expression. However, it didn't seem to be out of something dangerous or horrible since he promptly replied, "Let her in..... I know... that person."
'So, it's an acquaintance. But how did that person know he is here?'
This question put a confused expression on Alessa's face, which did not vanish even when a slender, shoulder-length haired, beautiful woman in high-waist pants and forest green long-sleeve shirt marched into the white room.
She heard Chris asked, his tone seeking confirmation, "Sofo----"
However, he couldn't continue whatever he was trying to say due to the terrifying glare from that short-haired woman.

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"You know what kind of enemy you provoked yesterday so don't call me by my name or else, I'll also have a fallout with you."
The other went silent. The newcomer used that opportunity to say while staring at Alessa. "Please, let me speak with this stupid guy alone."
"No... Let her stay... Or just leave."
The woman quietly met the glare Chris was giving her. A couple of seconds after, she asked, "You want her to listen to information that only you and I should know? Are you sure?"
Alessa watched as the young man slightly lowered his head while unsmilingly looking at the woman now standing beside her.
"You know... what you can do... why are you surprised that... I don't want to be left alone with you?"
The woman narrowed her eyes at him. "Chris Meyer, stop being difficult."
"...I'm just betting...that somebody else's presence in this room will deter you...from doing anything funny..."

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The next thing which he said after a sneer bewildered Alessa greatly, letting her realize that the woman near her, depending on the truthfulness of Chris' words, could be extraordinarily dangerous.
"....Because if you also want to kill me... No one would know that it's you... given that your current face is different!"
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