Immoral System

Chapter 154: Behind The Scenes 1

If there was one thing which Sofony enjoyed while on the way back to Alina City, it could only be the every-changing, breath-taking scenery along the way.

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From miles of fields of green to tall skyscrapers, intersecting crossroads and flyovers, drifting clouds, barren zone complemented by the impending sunset and towering mountains.

Sometimes the car would pass by a beautiful lake or natural rockeries, and she would be compelled to watch with wide eyes as elegant birds spread their wings and dance above the water, or an assortment of different flowers adorning the lakeside or the park nearby laid before her.

There were simply many sights to marvel at, declaring that this world was at least still corporeally so beautiful.

Smiling slightly at all of these, she thought, 'This is probably the wonder of going on a trip. It's normal to discover things that can make eyes sparkle in amazement.'

'Unfortunately, most wondrous places are only breathtaking at first glance.' She pursed her lips, the smile slowly vanishing from her face.

Sitting and leaning her head by the backseat's left window, she could see a great river with clear, serene, sometimes slightly wavy water shimmering with lights coming from the sun's rays falling onto it after escaping the cover of the white clouds. The first time that she saw it, amazement registered in her eyes even though she was worrying over Chris' matters. Now though, only indifference was on her face.

Unfortunately, the charm of this scenery was only good for one sighting for Sofony. After appreciating it once, she could no longer find its appeal and attraction.

She closed her eyes, sinking herself deep into her thoughts. Alina City was still more or less an hour away, so she deemed it better to spend the remaining time straightening out her thoughts, pondering over Leo Jones' unusual appearance in this city together with the words he said to Chris when he spared that guy's life.

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She couldn't shrug off the feeling that he was hinting her something. And she didn't like the feeling that she couldn't figure out what it was.

Why did he say that he only did not kill Chris because of her? They weren't really acquaintances. To be honest, she was even viewing him as an enemy because he was half at fault on why her sister died. He knew it too. So just why did he say that?

Of course, she hadn't ruled out the possibility that he merely got bored with watching over Clarissa and waiting for her Original to arrive, thus, he temporarily left to have his usual fun. Him dropping misleading words a part of it.

It was annoying to admit, but she didn't know what Leo could do, whether in terms of skills or tendency. She suspected he had some kind of skill good for long distance travel, also, he was the easily bored and restless type hence his genius always appear whenever it was about relieving his boredom through explosive events. However, since her contact with the person was not even enough to lift half of her fingers on one hand, she couldn't be any more uncertain.

'Why am I having a strong feeling that he shouldn't randomly appear at another city though?'

'This whole week he's so fixated on Clarissa's Original that it's just so weird for him to go out of the city all of the sudden.'

Unfortunately, no one could answer her question. Not even the system.

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So why did Leo Jones, the bomber kid, really leave his post near Lauren Walker's laboratory only to show himself at Jasper City? Blowing up a particular building there which happened to belong to Gio's enterprise? Even if he only happened to choose Ever Mall, why did it have to be so close to where Chris Meyer was? Up to where Chris, the guy Sofony was indebted to for previously saving her now deceased friend, was confined due to severe injuries brought by Leo's whimsical attacks.... was it all really just a series of unlucky coincidences?


A day back. Saturday night, 6:46 pm. Alina City.

"Not quite right..." Leo murmured to himself as he spied the scene below.

Lying on his stomach on the cold cemented floor of the rooftop of the low-rise building next to the Golden Residences, with his head half-popping out to peek into one of the rooms inside the condo building, he shook his head in puzzlement on why the atmosphere between the two men sitting face to face at the distance was so tensed despite them looking so comfortable as they sat on their couches.

<System: ... Leo, I'm sorry to say this. But I don't think it's a good idea to do this... This is really giving me a bad feeling! Listen to me, please! What if that scary man gets angry at you for being so nosy?>

Instead of answering the question, the boy who looked discontented with something tilted his small head to the side, wrinkling his nose as he pouted, "Hey, 37, I don't understand why they're only staring at each other? Why are they not talking? I'm confused. They've been like this for more than ten minutes!?"

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The boy whose eyebrows were almost meeting in the middle frowned. As he stared at the two men in the living room, he wondered if the tea they were having was so delicious that they forgot that they were supposed to talk and not sit over there for a drink.

He observed the two again, the first was a tall, cold-faced, bearded middle-aged man emitting black aura all around him. Dressed in a pristine white lab coat, his eyes were slightly red, making him appear like a drug-abuser. The person sitting across him was a young man in his mid-twenties. Despite having a naturally sharp and regal disposition, he's only okay for Leo, and not as handsome as he would be once he grows up. The one his companion was being wary of was the first man, probably because it couldn't forget how Leo was captured so effortlessly this morning, forced to run errands for him just so the scene below could happen without Host 137's knowledge.

<System: ...I think they discovered that you planted spyware near the window.>

Like a prophet's words, Leo's AI's guess was proven correct when ice just suddenly spread all over the wall outside Golden Residences, freezing and destroying everything on it as it got pulverized a few couples of seconds later. The sight of sparkling ice shards falling down from the heights looked beautifully magical. Unfortunately, the kid was not given time to enjoy it for even a second. Leo's spine tingled as he felt something deadly and dangerous suddenly looming above him. When he slowly looked up, thousands upon thousands of ice spears hovered ominously in the air, threatening to rain down if he doesn't move away.

"Dang!" With a face that seemingly lost all of its blood, Leo hurriedly teleported, breathing raggedly when he reappeared faraway from the condo building. It was in the middle of a rice field, and he didn't know whether he was still within Alina or not.

After catching his breath for a while and recovering from the shock caused by those scary things appearing above him without signs or warning, he heaved a sigh of relief, then pouted as he wouldn't be able to fish out any information about the higher-leveled host that suddenly came to his current main city.

Earlier, Leo was trying to spy him to know why the heck the man had him create a huge disturbance which would draw Sofony Mendez away from the city for a few hours.

<System: Host. That man is very dangerous. He's already someone in command of nature. If he wanted, he can kill you and the other hosts here.>

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Leo's face turned sour, looking like he couldn't accept that he was used by someone yet couldn't pry anything about his matters.

Meanwhile, inside Gio and Sofony's unit, one of the two men finally broke the silence that reigned upon them for so long. Opening his mouth and eyeing the young man piercingly, Fred let out a low voice showing undisguised wariness and hostility.

"So lad, how the hell did you guess who I am?"

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