Immoral System

Chapter 165: A Cornered Rat 1

There was no bloody confrontation that ensued. The face-off within the unstable and static world made by the clone was so simple that it was not even qualified to be described as dramatic. The reason for it was simple. No matter how vile and immoral the father was, a soft spot was still left for his daughter so he, and his clone, didn't make her situation more complicated than intended. Anyways, like what he said to himself a while ago, the favor was already fulfilled.

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Whatever would be, would be.
'A trigger was just all they needed. And I'm sure the night wouldn't pass without it being uttered.'
'What a boring mission after years of hibernation.'
Before the separate dimension which resembled the inside of a perfectly captured photo collapsed, 'Fred' looked up to the luminous skies and then let out a sigh tinged with mild irritation.
Not long after, he could no longer feel the connection to that place. It seemed it had already vanished, and every irregularity conjured by his abilities that were quite meager when compared to the real Fred had finally dissipated into thin air. If his guess was correct, since the girl activated a low-level barrier, they'd be stuck there for another thirty minutes, most probably avoiding people's eyes by going invisible.
Now that he remembered it, he was sure she did not use a Body-Swap or Teleport skill or item. It could only be a personal request made to the system, no? Hmm. But there was also a chance it was a reward from previous missions. Or maybe she discovered that previous items or unnecessary skills could be traded with the system for points?
Shaking his head, he sighed again. 'No use thinking about it now.'
Whatever that would come after was already out of his concern. It was such a task that barely made him flex his fingers, what else was there to say?
Hence the reason for his sigh which was definitely not out of relief could only be another thing.

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The clone coldly spat out, his intellectual pair of eyes staring up above sharpened when they turned to his left.
"Stop acting like a sneaky little rat, boy. Even if you cloaked your figure with invisibility powder or chameleon device, for me you're still as visible as a monkey clowning around a tree's shade under the bright sun."
In the middle of a dark empty road within South Alina, 'Fred' remained standing with his back perfectly straight, posing as though age had never caught up with him since his twenties. His face was that of a middle-aged guy since he had copied his Original who wanted to match his age with his countenance when he was still living with his family. However, with the system's enhancement of their bodies, they actually don't have to experience most people their age would start to complain about. Age and deterioration of health.
"I know you have a nose for people like me." He resumed speaking, almost sneering, he continued, "But if you're thinking you'll even be able to touch my coat, then you're surely living a very imaginative life."

"Come out now boy. I purposely teleported to this place just to entertain you."
Seconds passed that no movement showed from where his eyes laid about. The cries of bugs and cicadas were like mocking replies from the should-be companions he would only have for appearing in such a deserted place. However, he didn't move from his spot of teleported back to where the man waiting for his report was.
As a bored clone who, like his Original, would only have science and mathematics books to dabble in once he returns, he at least could afford to waste time as he dragged on the reporting to the real Fred. With a wave of a hand, he reduced a nearby acacia tree into mere stumps. Uncaring whether the dirt and grasses would cling to his pristine white lab coat, he sat on it, his posture so relaxed, a hand even supporting his chin as he waited for the rat to come out of his hiding place. If only his face was a bit younger, then he would have looked a bit more harmonious with nature.
"Still not coming out?" he coldly laughed. "Leo Jones, you think a mere clone like me won't know your history and records of how you manically hunted down people like me? Isn't 101's clone your most recent target? What now? Changing sights to me? You sure have guts."

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Annoyance shot out of his eyes again. Talking with air was never a nice experience. Although the totally insane and mentally corrupted sometimes do so out of boredom or lack of reason, for those who were really perfectly awake to reality and were only mistaken crazy for having different morals and viewpoints in life, talking to the air was not really something enjoyable.
With his mood straying from the fine line, the surroundings seemingly matched it, cooling down the place which was already quite cold due to the chilling winds of the fast approaching month of November.
When this condition persistently worsened within a half a minute, a red cap wearing boy in a T-shirt and baggy shorts was forced to cancel his invisibility.
Leo was gritting his teeth.
The kid was actually not planning to face the scary man after he was discovered but had no choice but do so when he found out that space was locked, this time for real and not the pseudo incarceration Clarissa activated before. Even his Body Swap was rendered useless! His escape route was thoroughly blocked! Not only was his hope for an assassination dashed, if the man went crazy or beyond rational tonight, he might also even die!
A smile finally appeared on the older man's face, watching curiously as the boy took out a high-level barrier that could block a full-blown attack from a Level 8 host.
"I'm surprised you could already afford something as pricey as that. It's worth at least a million points, right? Wow, taking bombing as immoral route sure is very lucrative. It sure gives points more than fifty percent of the missions that should be available on your level."
Leo snubbed the man's praises, focusing more on his voice and reconfirming his suspicions. The reason he recognized the other as a secondary host was that the first person who contacted him had a slightly different voice than this one. They were wearing the same coat, had the same body built, the first one was masked but if the same mask was used to cover this secondary host's face, he would still look alike with the Original.

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'Just a secondary host, a thing trying hard to appeal useful to his creator.'
Disdain flashed across his eyes which also vanished within a second.
<system: ...leo,="" i'm="" having="" a="" bad="" feeling="" about="" this...="" how="" about="" we="" just="" ask="" for="" forgiveness="" and="" then="" request="" to="" be="" let="" go?="" maybe,="" we="" can="" talk="" our="" way="" out="" here?="" leo,="" i'm="" sure="" he's="" not="" the="" one="" who="" initially="" blackmailed="" us="" to="" bomb="" some="" malls="" at="" jasper="" city.="" but="" he's="" definitely="" the="" madman="" who="" nearly="" froze="" us="" there="" on="" that="" rooftop!="">
He ignored the system, only recalling how this big bastard confessed to being a clone.
Hate filled up his heart as he looked at the being sitting a dozen meters away from the tree he was at on the opposite side of the street.
Since the place was eerily quiet, the wind did not have problems transmitting the boy's cautious but hostile voice over.
"Who are you?"
"None of your business."
Smilingly, the middle-aged man stroked his beard and answered.

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"In the first place, who do you think you are, running around tailing me? Just because 'he' contacted you and you did some favors for him, you're already assuming that we owe you one? Dreaming on, my boy?"
"...I admit I messed up." The kid replied in a low voice a couple of moments after.
"So are you going to kill me since I'm no longer of use to your Original?"
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