Immoral System

Chapter 167: That Sunday 5

The emotions and memories must have overflowed Leo, causing him to faint on the asphalt street. Before he lost consciousness, his AI repeatedly tried to shout some sense into his mind, however, due to the Mind Distortion skill being so high, it failed to awaken Leo for even a second. The kid couldn't teleport and was not able to body-swap nor activate any skill or item. Lying on the cold ground with his teary eyes closed, his fate was totally left in the hands of a being he totally hated.

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"No challenge. Damn."

'Fred' cursed and looked up to the grey, voluminous cluster of clouds above. It was supposed to be a starry night today, but at this moment, that picturesque scenery was nowhere from sight.

Out of habit, he fondled his beard with his left hand and scratched his hair with the right one. A dozen of seconds after, he dispelled every ability he was using and then walked over to the fallen bomber.

Without checking if the teenager was really unconscious or merely pretending to be one, he picked him up and slung him across his shoulder like a bag of rice. This action showed no carelessness or disdain towards a lower-leveled host, only boundless faith towards his own abilities.

Afterward, faint white light starting up like flickering sparkles of a hundred fireflies rose up from underneath him, signaling the activation of the most favored ability of every high-level immoral Official and Secondary host. Teleportation.

This time his destination was where his Original, the real Fred Mendez, was. The Abandoned Alina City's Convalescence Center.

Amidst the brief travel, in his mind, he was trying to guess why the real Fred ordered him not to kill this weak annoying little brat at the last minute.

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Time flew fast.

Not a few people did not notice that it was already close to 9 pm. By this time, the grey flock of clouds were already gone, revealing the dark blue sky seemingly decorated with glittering dots. Despite it being moonless, the scenery above was still very breathtaking and beautiful due to the countless stars twinkling mischievously up there.

Chris was looking up to this beautiful sight from the open window next to his bed. Alright, the glass window was not really opened, only the curtains supposed to cover it had been drawn to the side by Alessa per his request. The slightly prideful girl relented and did it personally due to him saying he would point out, this time for real, what she could improve to her so beloved artsy skill. This happened a few minutes ago when he woke up from his six-hour long sleep.

Alessa was still accompanying him, her female bodyguard whom she introduced as Aura was nearby, standing behind where her boss was sitting. Looking at the woman crossing her legs underneath her long floral patterned skirt, he pondered whether Sofony did something to her to make her take care of him. There was no way to confirm this though. His system was useless due to that girl being higher leveled than him.

<System: ....Your ego is so big. Why would she do that for you? Heh, Chris Bastard, don't tell me you're becoming into her just because she slapped you for so many times?>

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'...Can you die? Don't bring her up. I'm merely wondering to what extent has she manipulated this girl.'

<System: Excuses!.>

'...' Maybe it was enough that he knew for himself that he wouldn't be liking any other girl for a while.

"Now let's begin!" An enthusiastic voice graced the night, echoing so near him.

Chris almost rolled his eyes, still wondering just what was so big deal with acting that this woman had become this obsessed.
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<System: Sighs. If only you are not injured, I'll advise you to bullshit your way into bedding her. For example, saying you would start by pointing out flaws in her bedscene acting. Then you'll slowly lead her into letting you do her. Huhuhu, why are opportunities always flying away from us? Damn, bastard, might as well shut up now before you start blaming or flaming me!>

And before he could even say his retort and remind it of his state and the stern-looking woman by Alessa's side, it already declared its plan of silence.

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He sighed and stared at the woman blinking her pretty hazel eyes innocently and expectantly at him.

'Just how many holes does this girl's brain have for pinning so much hope into someone not industry-related like me? What a weirdo.'

Though he badly wanted to say this, he summoned the nearly dead little gentleman from within him and asked, "So how do you... usually train yourself? And what... motivates you to do so?"

The beautiful girl, who no longer had any recollection of what took place when Sofony visited, thought for a moment, tilting her little head to the side.

"I took lessons, I'm also doing my best to perfect my basics of how to build a character and break down a script. I'm currently focused on the side characters. To monitor myself and also see how I appear on the screen, I'm regularly filming scenes. Sometimes I show those filmed scenes to my co-workers and act in community theaters to get a hang on what it feels like to be filmed or act with people watching me."

The young man was silent, his eyes were closed. He honestly didn't know much so he pestered the system to show him articles, manuals, and posts which he could use as references. The damn thing wanted at least fifty points for its service but he barraged it with insults so much that it stopped trying to take advantage of him.

Alessa patiently waited for him to say his opinions and take on her routines. She didn't reveal everything she knew as she still wanted to test Chris and see what he would say. Anyway, she was not expecting much since the guy did not seem the vocal one. She was reading him as someone who preferred to show than tell.

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Unfortunately, even if he had something to show, his current condition wouldn't allow it.

She didn't wait for long for the man to open his expressive brown eyes and start speaking.

"I'd be honest... I don't know much... and can only point out what will seem obvious... to the eyes of normal people like me."

She nodded, he continued.

"I commend you... for starting from the sides... Though if I would be allowed to say, actually, it doesn't really matter, for me... But yeah, you should not bite more than what you could chew... So, learn the story of the sides, how your character fits in... and why you say what you say in the scene... Then memorize the sides... The more you work with them... the easier it gets..."

After chanting the disclaimer in his head, he looked away and added, "...probably. Who knows. It still depends on the person... since not all styles... and techniques are applicable to everyone..."

A dumbfounded look appeared on the girl's face, not expecting the seemingly half-hearted but actually substantial reply she received from the injured young man.

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