Immoral System

Chapter 186: Sisters 1

The beautiful sky blue finally made its entrance to the world above, slowly replacing the redness of the horizon from the east.

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Several meters away from the sobbing men, behind the cluster of relatively tall and thin birch trees, soft white light faintly rose from the ground, vanishing together with the feminine silhouette of a slender but perfectly proportioned body.

It was Sofony who teleported away from there.

She would have loved to check out the interesting place she had forked out of that mercenary's mouth, however, the matters that took place yesterday needed her immediate attention, plus, as someone who barely knew a thing about the Empire's suspicious project or stronghold in the desert, it would be utter stupidity to charge in there.

Wouldn't she be courting death if she does that? Not to mention she was exposing herself to another host who would mostly become an enemy, it was also like she would be offering her head to them for them to play with.

She laughed.

'Better send people for probing first. But I'll have to make sure no one from there is alerted.'

'Act only once thoroughly prepared.'

Hence, after deciding this, she headed back to her home city.

Before venturing out to an unfamiliar territory, the troubles and aftermaths in Alina City would have to be settled first.


"Second Miss!"

It was Aura who rushed into her side from her vacation at the mesmerizing resorts and sceneries at Yaca Province, one of the most beautiful island province of the country. Diaz was of course with her. The two of them looked as though they did not even have a good sleep due to worrying. The five hours ride must have been agonizing for them as they had to think whether their employer was okay or not.

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"I'm sorry that I had to summon the two of you back despite promising a week-long vacation." Alessa apologetically smiled as she received them at the door of her unit.

The three went to the living room to hold a proper conversation there. The two ladies took their seats while Diaz had first scouted the place to make sure no bug or anything suspicious was left by the intruders by chance. Alessa did not stop him, knowing this was only what could put his mind at ease.

"Second Miss, I'm glad to know that you're okay."

Alessa exhaled and then met her female assistant's eyes. "I'm also happy to be okay. It's carelessness on my part. I must have grown complacent due to thinking that she'll only sabotage me at work or social gatherings. I didn't know that her hate, or perhaps, wariness of me has reached this stage."

Aura was silent at first and then pulled up her huge tablet from the traveling bag that her husband handed over to her.

"Thankfully, Mr. Meyer arrived to rescue you, Miss. This 4:30 am too, he sent us something, the details of what really happened. The two of us also double-checked, and it was indeed a hit put over your head."

At the mention of that man's last name, the beautiful hazel-eyed woman looked away for a brief moment. Her fingers curled into her palm as brief sadness and distress flickered across her face.

Diaz, who finally finished his inspection went back and took a seat opposite Alessa, next to his wife. He added to Aura's statements,

"They planned to kill or kidnap you. Then once news about your death or disappearance is out, they'll put up the news about the other people that received the death threats."

"Who are the others?" Alessa asked.

"Many from Dazzle, the First Miss' company, and Starlight. However, from Dazzle, despite everyone there receiving the same email that you did, the targeted people had only been those who always oppose the First Miss. But at most they would only have their legs or arms broken. Nothing very serious which will lead to death or comatose. They planned to have you the only real casualty."

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"It's quite an obvious attack. However, nothing will be traced to your sister since she's not the one who contacted the hitmen, but someone very unimportant. This person, unfortunately, has already vanished. Maybe already dead. Silenced as to not become a testimony against her."

Alessa could only shake her head while she listened to the real ins and outs of the happenstances a few hours ago. She felt lucky that her life was saved. When thought out more carefully, she only gained more reasons to be thankful to Chris. That man might have chased her away from his home last night. But when he learned about the threat to her life, he arrived faster than lightning.

With puckered lips, she commented,
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"It sounds terrific yet simple. But actually the one thing I dreaded about this is how efficient and silent she was when carrying out her plans. That sister of mine... is quite scary."

"Second Miss. It must have been the incident in the awarding ceremony which causes you to be summoned by the head. It's just that her move is very exaggerated considering that she is there when the meeting happened. And the head did not truly speak anything of great importance regarding you there. What is she afraid or panicking for?"

She snickered at Diaz. "Amelia Morgan simply doesn't want me to ever enter again the doors to the main house."

"Second Miss."

Aura suddenly called out to her and showed her an article on the tablet.

Alessa took a minute to scan her eyes over the texts. When she finished, a frown was on her face, and she stared alternately at the two. The content of the report was about a party held two weeks ago. When she thought back to it, it seemed everyone who was involved in today's series of events had participated there.

So her sister wanted to use that party as a common intersection between those who would have died and been injured? Wasn't Amelia being so thorough in this? Alessa hoped that woman breaks some expensive ornaments once she learns that the most important goal of her plan failed.

"This is just so insane. When did someone die in that event? Who's taking revenge against me again? Who is this Helena Larson and why is this report saying that it's me who orchestrated her death in front of many people just because she 'allegedly' threw a cup of red wine at me?"

The famed actress wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness of this made up story.

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"Aura, please track down who put up and cooked up this ridiculous article and file a complaint against them. If it has to be brought to court, then so be it. Investigate this woman too. How come she's suddenly being linked to me when I can't even remember her face or name?"

She shook her head at the same that Aura nodded.

Alessa then inquired the thing she badly wanted to know.

"Did you manage to find out where he went after going out of my house? He is poisoned by then."

Her face showed pain when she recalled the state he was in when he dashed out of her unit. It was only after his figure totally disappeared from her sight that she remembered the toxin was not only mixed with that lust-provoking drug but something more deadly.

'I'm stupid for only remembering now. Before he left, he kept reassuring me that he will be fine.'

Alessa really wanted to cry. She knew he was way more than capable. He's her pillar of support ever since that fateful day when he stood up for her against the demon-like director who wanted to suppress her when she was still a powerless newbie. That man became distant when popularity also caught up with him, even faster than her, still, she dearly loved him. What if he dies due to that, and he was merely putting up a stupid brave front?

"I should have gone after him. I should not have left him to go alone. It's me who caused him to be grazed by that dagger."

Diaz and Aura exchanged knowing looks. It was the woman who decided to speak up. "Second Miss. Actually, we only managed to track his car three hours ago which he parked in a hotel at West Alina. However, we can no longer locate him after. We, don't know what happened. But we're sure that he didn't go to any hospital or clinic within the city since we checked each of those along the way through our devices."

Diaz followed up hesitantly, "... To be honest, before arriving here, we tried to phone the guards where his penthouse is located. They said they didn't see him or his car arriving after he left around midnight. When Aura and I knocked to his door, there was also no answer. He could be there merely ignoring us. But since you said he's poisoned, there's a bigger chance that he's out seeking professional help."

Silence reigned over them for some time.

Until the sole man in the living room chose to break it.

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"I think we should ask for help from Miss Silver. I hate to admit this, but anyone from her information team is more capable than Aura and I combined. Miss Silver should have no problem helping us out with this since you're her artist, Second Miss. Mr. Meyer as well."

Alessa was quite taken aback by the sudden suggestion. She looked down for a few seconds, her mind wondering to that another woman who could intimidate her so much more than her evil half-sibling. Sofony Silver, current acting CEO of Ever Victorious Corp., and owner of Starlight Entertainment, a woman of greater appearance and beauty than her, was someone she quite... envied and felt jealous of, for being as close to him...

In the end, she calmed her heart down and did as suggested. Picking up her phone, she dialed the Silver Princess' assistant's number and requested to speak with her.

Shortly after, when Alessa was done telling her purpose for the phone call, she listened to a very melodious voice which could even push Sofia's down the second place.

".... Hmm. Chris Meyer's whereabouts?"

The next words transmitted to Alessa's ears shocked her to the core. "I know it's quite bad to put it like this, but am I really the one you should be asking that? Aren't you supposed to be the last person he was with last midnight?"




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