Immoral System

Chapter 200: Game of Courage 1

"They said, that long ago, this dorm building is the most populous and popular one in this area. Its facilities and amenities are topnotch. One of the best thing offered by the admin was unlimited internet access. Ten years ago, it's already a very big attraction since internet back then is not as easily accessible as these days."

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Wendy watched the others helped out one another to enter the haunted premise through a hole in the fence which was only slightly bigger than a dog entrance.
Just then, Yuki, the traditional J country beauty among them who was actually from a prestigious clan that used to serve emperors in the past, started explaining the spooky history of the place.
"I see." The wavy-haired woman flipped her hair to the back. "It makes sense. Access to the world wide web back then is quite a privilege only enjoyed by the minority. Unlike today when even kids could fiddle easily with their parents' smartphone and browse game sites or even forbidden sites."
"What happened then? We're not locals here, so we only know that there's a rumored white lady somewhere near our school."
"Right. I'm also from a small city several dozens of miles away."
The woman asked had just finished crossing to the side where Wendy was waiting. From her crouching position, Yuki stood up then dusted off her green T-shirt and dungarees.
While waiting for the other to finish getting into the dog-sized entrance, the girl continued.
"There's nothing much to tell actually. All I know is that there used to be a beautiful woman who became a tenant here. Her days were normal, she attended schools, sometimes joining her friends in their gatherings and outings. I don't know much how she spent most of her days outside of that, but one time, of course inside the dormitory. The brothers of her friend visited and saw her."
"They fancied her, I supposed..." Wendy interjected, her face already crumpled due to the hypotheses swirling in her head.

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The other girls finally joined them at the grounds belonging to the dormitory. With their flashlights on, they headed slowly towards the entrance, still all ears to Yuki's narration.
"Right. They did. So when nightfall came and they were asked by the landlady to leave since no men were allowed to stay at night, they faked their departure and in a fashion not really explained clearly, they actually hid in one of the cubicles in the ladies' bathroom."
"That beautiful girl had just gone back from school. They role-played something about religion, and so she was still in her nun outfit. I don't know why she chose to change clothes in the bathroom instead of the dorm room, but since she went there..."
The girl hugged herself and did not speak for some time, leaving the others to fill in the next part of the story using their own imagination.
It was Wendy who asked, "Sexual assault, right? And then murder."
When she received a nod, she coldly exclaimed, "Damn! What beasts!"
Anda, another J country lady in a thick leather jacket and fitting pants, said, "I think I already know what happened next. It's already the widespread hearsays and rumors. After that woman is killed, not long after, her ghost began haunting the place, mostly the bathrooms."

The girl paused, grimacing. "The scariest tale so far is when another tenant who doesn't know about the ghost sightings went inside the accursed bathroom to take care of her nature business. There's supposed to be no one there aside from her since all cubicles are opened. But while she's peeing, she saw a pair of black leather shoes on the small opening of the door under which didn't leave that spot even after a minute. This was despite the adjacent cubicles being empty. Of course, she found it weird, but did not think too deeply of it. Until she was about to pull up her underwear, and her eyes went to above the door, seeing a nun's head there, from the neck up even, staring at her with a demonic smile."

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Everyone felt the shiver. Wendy's lips puckered as she began to imagine the scene and wondered how tall that nun was. Around two meters? Wow.
She shook her head and announced. "Here we are already. Since all of you wanted to play this stupid game of whatever courage, there has to be a rule. Partner up by twos. And never separate from each other. We will still go by group. The partnering up is only to make sure somebody's checking on someone to ensure that everyone will stay together until the end."
The girls gripped their flashlights tightly then nodded.
Wendy then grumbled softly. "If only I know in advance that this will be everyone's gimmick tonight, I would have told you all to not leave home without bringing some sort of weapon."
Her friends from the dorm began exchanging looks with each other. All of them wondered if their goddess transferee was taking this for a criminal hunt instead of a 12 am horror challenge.
A figure blended seamlessly with the darkness. The place was actually nearby where a group of students was trying to test their tolerance to fear. Yet that little group was not aware that danger greater than a ghost or any dubious being from urban legends was just lurking around the corner.
'On the left...'

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A pair of mesmerizing eyes flashed with mockery and mirth as he looked at the direction told to him by the system. He quickened his steps and turn to that direction.
When he caught sight of the target, his blood began to boil. At the end of that alley, a masked man's silhouette could be seen. Who else could it be but one of his former allies who were now taking him for a traitor?
Ver did his best to arrive by that person's side as fast as he could, the baseball bat he stole from a gangster wannabe he met along the way here rose high up then swung down with force greater than any normal human could take.
"Ackkkk!" The man only managed to let out a sharp groan for a second before collapsing on the cold hard ground. The neck of the corpse had been twisted to an impossible degree due to the immoral host's unusual strength.
<system: my="" host,="" two="" are="" running="" toward="" that="" abandoned="" dorm="" ahead.="" the="" four="" others="" scattered="" on="" your="" eleven="" o'clock.="" must="" be="" shocked="" about="" your="" hunting="" of="" their="" leader.="" this="" bunch="" is="" surely="" not="" informed="" by="" that="" traitorous="" non-host="" supporter="" of="" yours="" about="" your="" real="" identity="" and="" abilities.="">
Ver's forehead creased for a moment. His eyes darted to the first place the AI mentioned.
'That bitch is not with this bunch, right?'
It confirmed his suspicions. He laughed.
'Lol. It seems those guys are cannon fodders then. How insulting.'

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Ver bent down. A second later, a pistol was in his hand. He only inspected it for a couple of seconds then cracked a killer smile because unlike the gun of the first one he killed today before this guy, the one in his hand still had enough bullets for three shots. Yep. Better than nothing. At least it would carry him over until he shot down the next victim and looted another firearm.
After keeping it inside his jacket, he started sprinting towards the dark, ominous building standing a dozen meters away from him.
The night was no longer young and there was a real scent of blood faintly lingering in the air surrounding the area.
The man didn't have any idea that the girl who tended to him when he was severely incapacitated was inside there... Like how she also didn't know that her seemingly infallible and courageous heart would be tested once she saw the man she saved battling it out with real underground criminals right before her eyes.
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