Immoral System

Chapter 211: Like You Till Death 2

Instead of the sofa where she had to curl her body just to fit in and not fall off, Alessa found herself in a comfortable bed. She was even properly tucked in under the thick blanket.

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After looking around in a daze, Alessa confirmed that she was still in the same room.

But how did she end up in the mattress?

A second later, she realized the bigger problem when she tossed to the sides but found it empty.

'Where is he?'

Her pupils dilated. Her shock prompted her to get up and off the bed.

To her surprise, her cream-colored wedge high heels were neatly placed at the side to where her feet could easily reach them.

Did Aura arrange this?

The actress shook off the thoughts from her head.

She should worry more for that stubborn man who should be obediently lying in bed recovering yet was nowhere in sight now.

"Aura, did you see where Chris is?"

When she met the lady bodyguard at the foot of the staircase, she immediately asked this to her. The other woman awkwardly watched her hastily came out of the room and smoothed down her hair using her palms and fingers.

"Second Miss, where can he go besides his room?"

The woman begrudgingly thought, 'Will I ask if he's there?'

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She shook her head and told the lady bodyguard to help her locate the man. Aura repeatedly said, he's in his room. And then oddly followed up that if Alessa wanted to see him, she should go upstairs, to the second room on the right.

"Before you go see him, would you like me to bring food upstairs? So you two can have breakfast together?"

After glancing at her weirdly, Alessa climbed the stairs and walked towards the room mentioned. Along the way, she kept feeling that something didn't add up.


The moment Alessa opened the door, she immediately saw a masculine figure seated at the balcony which could be seen right across the door. The sliding transparent door did little to hide from the eyes what he was doing there.

Reading scripts, her guess due to the stack of papers in his hands.

She raised an eyebrow because he looked so good and in good condition, yet the latter should not be possible given the fact that his injuries hadn't really healed... yet.


Alessa almost flew across the room just to reach the picturesque balcony where he was.

"Why did you leave the room? You should be resting! How come you are here reading instead of recovering obediently in your bed?"

"Already recovered," he simply replied.

He raised his eyes for a brief second before lowering it down to what he was reading.

"I received some scenarios from my manager. It's through email which I printed out to read. I have already approved of this one here. Tomorrow I will fly back to Alina and talk about the role."

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"You're changing the topic. I'm not asking about what you have in hands. Wait. It's strange. Who helped you put on your clothes? What if your wounds are not handled with care and then worsen!"

Silence got in between them.

Until Chris met her worried eyes with an apologetic one.

"I'm sorry. That time, I lied."

"... Come again?"

The man looked away, looking extremely guilty.

"It's when I told you that you're speaking nonsense when actually, you did not see wrongly. In fact, I purposely showed you that. This time, it happened again... I already healed myself."

The woman gaped at him in shock while Chris watched her digest the information he just outright told the non-host her.


Same day. Country F. Alina City, 10:47 am.

Sofony was in her office on the highest floor of Ever Victorious. The left hand holding the mouse hovered to a picture on her computer's screen showing a busy crossroad and a man with his back turned to the camera.

She then asked the system, 'How about this one? The sender labeled it as a place somewhere in Aurora City.'

<System: Heh, it's the latest picture you received, right? Nope, sorry! Try again later! I'll welcome it with open arms since it means you'll be paying me with points. Hahahaha! Host, show me more of your crazy desperation! It's been three years but you still haven't given up this senseless way of searching for him! This is so fun!!! No, funny! Hahaha>

Sofony did not answer and only went back to looking through the folders above her table.

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The woman frowned so badly though, and it remained on her face even when her main assistant, George, the one who used to follow Gio before, came inside with a box in hand.

"Is that a package for me? How mysterious." She raised an eyebrow, pausing her hands going which was about to sign another document after the other.

"Miss Silver, please check." The man presented him a list instead of handing over the nicely gift-wrapped box. George laid it down her table then stood slightly to her left with his back straight.

She gave the bespectacled man a glance. The raised brow didn't lower when her hand reached out to the brown folder.

"From a courier company? Hmm?"

The female system user scanned the first page quietly, bored at first until her eyes began narrowing, with her breathing pace turning noticeably longer and bigger in motion. The sole person seeing her reaction lowered his head since he also did the same when he first inspected the contents of the parcel and saw the thick pile of letters inside the box.

When the woman finished reading what was written on the list her assistant must have already checked beforehand, she directly ordered George, "Help me cancel all my appointments today."

George acted as if the sudden order was not out of his expectation. Nonetheless, he confirmed,

"Miss, does it include your prearranged meeting with Mister Goldwin and Miss Morgan?"
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Sofony was already pushing every stack of papers to the side. Since she was wearing a beautiful white suit with a gold chain belt at the waist and a white pencil skirt reaching the knees, her figure looked so professional yet angelic when she stood up and led the walk out of the office.

She said to the man in black who respectfully went after her.

"Cancel everything. Let's personally pay a visit to the Flying Dragon Express as I want to see their records and hear an explanation about this. My mind's so curious to know why parcels sent from one and a half year ago only showed up to my office today..."

The man secretly thought, 'Furious. Not curious.'

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Before the two could walk out of the automatic door, the beautiful young woman turned around and asked him to fetch the gift-wrapped box for her, which he silently did.

When they got inside the car, Sofony carefully and nervously opened the box.

Not long after, she held her breath for so long. Tears just started to stream down due to the words written at the back of the first letter she saw.







'From: GA, To: Baby'



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