Immoral System

Chapter 213: Reunion 1

Sofony's voice rang all over the place, putting everyone's mind under hypnosis. She never went there with her assistant George. She never had the talk about the parcels. And she never teleported right in front of them.

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The staff of that branch of Flying Dragon Express would go back to their usual operation. Nothing about the terrorist female would remain in their mind.

Minutes later, George would return to Ever Victorious by himself and deal with the unceasing calls and inquiries from Amelia Morgan and Marc Goldwin. Apparently, the two felt very angry and humiliated for having their meetings with Sofony one-sidedly canceled.

Unfortunately for them, their anger wouldn't reach the person it was supposed to reach.

Why would Sofony care when there was a more important and life-changing matter to give full attention to.

The twenty-one-year-old woman, overwhelmed by both expectations and nervousness, warped from one location to another without pause. Her palm was sweaty and the beating of her heart kept getting louder the more she neared C Empire.

'Show me the map again, system!'

Once she reached past the seemingly endless sea of sand in between the two countries, Sofony halted for a while. No matter how impatient she was to lay her eyes on him, she was in an unfamiliar territory hence she needed the system's assistance for navigating the place.

<System: 200 points deducted. Here.>

In a blink of an eye, a holographic image with bluish outline appeared before her. It hung a map in the air showing where she was in the Empire and how far she was from the Capital.

She was now in the outskirts of a town at the border. The target location was at the Northeast. Normally, it would take about five hours to reach the destination by train. A little more than that if by a car.

For a Level 5 host like her though, the distance didn't matter. Or even if it doesn't, Sofony would be more than willing to go to any length to cross it.

Thankfully, teleportation could practically bring her anywhere she wants as long as no higher leveled host used a space locking device to bar her way.

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If she may say, that five-hour distance was merely 2 minutes for her.

A mere two minutes distance...

Even now, the rims of her eyes were reddening.

Just a little more. She repeatedly chanted the phrase in her mind as if to self-hypnotize herself.

All the search and wait would finally end.


In a townhouse located south of Jasmine City, C Empire.

"Miss Aura and her husband are temporarily mind-controlled. My apologies but I had to do that to ensure no one would know that I've been injured in my stay here."

Deciding to come clean, the sole half-host in the world told Alessa Morgan.

He only glossed over the details and did not explain how since his ability was already at one of the highest levels, he already had the ability to somehow control what people could think.

It was limited to the lowest level of the cognitive function though. To only what they could remember.

But it was enough for him. There was just no need for a leak of words about him possibly being the host that confronted another system user in the country.

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The purpose was only to avoid another battle while they were here. Once he's back to Alina, who cares about them? Unless they have someone who could go against Sofony there, he had nothing to fear. But while he was here, he had.

The two bodyguards were trustworthy. It was just people like him could decipher stuff with the littlest clue found.
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Chris didn't dare be careless. He had an inkling that more than two system users lurked in this city.

He stood up and placed the papers down. A moment later, with his body leaning and his arms resting on the sophisticated baluster, he asked.

"I'm dangerous. Way more than you can imagine. What now that you have taken a glimpse of what I could really do? People like me exist and my enemies can also do what I can, if not more. We're not myths, and more than good ones, most of us wreak havoc on earth from time to time."

The woman kept her silence and stared intensely at his back. To be honest, she felt incensed for Aura and Diaz's behalf since both of them were allegedly put under something like hypnosis without them knowing.

However, that feeling only lasted for a few seconds.

His explanations perfectly illustrated to her just how dangerous his situation was and how he had always been careful, for the sake of those around him too.

From behind, the actress could see his wide shoulders. Down to his calves, the figure looked masculinely sexy. She was sure if she took pictures of this man's back and post it somewhere, people from Country F would still recognize that it was Chris due to his model posture and body built.

Yet as she looked at it, her views of him kept on being rewritten.

The woman couldn't help but wish strongly for him to be hers.

"Chris..." She reached out to his neck and embraced it.

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The heat that passed through the clothes when their skin came in contact made her heartbeat so uncontrollably fast and loud. All of these were making her so impulsive.

Last time she said it when he was asleep. But now she would brave saying it to the ears of the fully awake and sober him.

It would be okay even if no answer came to her for now.

"... Please know. I actually don't care. Because I know you're good at heart, and I love you."


South of Alina City, in the abandoned Alina City Convalescence Center.

Fred Mendez was called by the director due to an incoming call which was later revealed to be from his good friend Conrad.

Irritated, he picked up the only telephone in the place.

"What's the matter? I'm in a critical juncture of my study of the soul, you bastard!"

Conrad's voice which greatly contrasted his came out of the receiver, calm and charismatic.

"Don't be angry with me, my friend. I'll be brief. Your daughter has received some traces from my nephew. In short, the enchantment beguiling Alina City is coming off."


"Bad news, of course. Your daughter is making her way now to C Empire. If this persists, they'll be meeting within an hour."

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Fred rolled his eyes and accidentally gripped the telephone tightly. Just a little bit and it would probably be pulverized into pieces. Fortunately, he stopped, or else, the director monitoring him nearby would have given him a nagging.

"Conrad. I suggest you just don't think about it anymore. Three years are enough. If you want an extension, I can do it as the second favor for you."

When the other side kept his silence, the doctor snorted. Before hanging up, he indifferently said.

"Since you don't want to compromise one of that, let them be then. Their lives are theirs to live. Me, I have a wife to revive. You, it's not too late. You can find yours. Though I doubt if women will be flocking to your sides for true love and not for money."

The last part was said very sarcastically, of course. The person from the other line, despite being mild in nature, couldn't help but frown.

Conrad bitterly thought, 'Easy for you to say. How about me? What can a mere non-host like me do if your daughter discovers that I'm perfectly killable? Sighs. It seems my retribution is near then. Good for this lunatic who will be able to escape their wrath.'



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