Immoral System

Chapter 219: Return 2

No words could describe the feeling that Sofony felt that time. Or rather, she indeed felt happy, deliriously happy. She didn't know how else to describe the delight that drowned her whole being and brought her to cloud nine. 

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'Huu...What's with this unexplainable satisfaction? I feel like my heart has just floated out of my body and flown to the air...'

Sofony's mind and its always unwelcomed inhabitant told her to get herself together because she was no longer a dreaming teenager, but a prominent system user part-timing as a business queen.

Someone like her who had long been exposed to the trickeries and dark side of this world should not act like a naive and easily pleased child. She was disgracing herself as an immoral host!

However, who could blame her for reacting like this when the person she had found with difficulty akin to a hell-mode of a dungeon game proposed to her? To make her his fiancee, and later on, his wife?

Sofony laughed in happiness.

Nowhere was the mainly sarcastic or manipulative glint her eyes usually have when snickering. The innocent and sweet radiance they had before the three-years long separation returned, even if it was only for Gio to see. 

Her man looked at her expectantly. But she saw no fear from his eyes or expression. He knew and had faith in what she would answer. 

But does he really knew? It must be her tears and smiles when they first reunited yesterday. Or her activeness last night when they finally rejoined in both body and soul again. Her blatantly showed longing exposed her real feelings. 

Still, she felt too happy to play along that easily.

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The words came out of her mouth. 

"You can't simply propose to me like that."

Her lips curled up into a mischievous grin.

"I'm now the number one sought-after bachelorette in our country."

The man hovered above her with his arms supporting him from the sides. His exposed chest muscles, collarbone, neck, and arms glistening with some seductive red hue on them, courtesy of the red curtain and the lampshade's glow, were sending tickles to her wild imagination.

He tilted his head to the left before directing her a meaningful look. "Hmm? You mean to say?"

He probably didn't know how graceful and sexy he appeared to her as he did that. Sofony secretly swallowed and heaved a sigh of relief and admiration.

'I sincerely thank the heavens for returning him to me... I promise. To not lose him ever again or give him away to anyone.'

'He's mine... Only mine.'

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She felt very grateful and satisfied in her heart.

Yet her mind wanted to be playful just this once. 

She repeated and clarified with a cute smug face, "For your information, I'm now the number one bachelorette. In the whole country. Countless men are asking for my hand every day. You need to get in line if you want to propose!" 

She twirled a few strands of her hair then held the strands to tickle his face that had now turned more mature but was still as appealing as ever. 

"Oh? May this humble suitor know how long the line is?" He laughingly played along, evading the prankish attack. 

Not giving up on the hair-tickling, she smilingly explained,

"I won't be so arrogant to say that they can all form a chain which can circle the whole planet. But they can definitely half-circle it. The end of the line is already at the opposite side of the globe, perhaps somewhere in B Empire. You need to take a plane now and go there! The line is getting longer every passing second!"

The last part was said in a proud and teasing manner.

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This was probably what people called borderline narcissism. She didn't say it directly, but she had exaggerated through an example that she was now, without a doubt, the most desirable woman in Country F. Well, she had always been, no matter if it was today or three years ago.

Yet Gio couldn't help but wonder when his Baby did become like this? The confidence and cat-like grin her pretty black eyes showed her fully awakened his desire to take her. Does she know that?

"I'm a bonafide demon so I'll just abduct you and force you," he paused to give her a grin, "... Into this."

A peck suddenly landed on her beaming lips. As that turned into a long passionate kiss, she felt his hands roaming around her body, lighting up the fire from within her, and making her let out some sweet gasps and moans. 


The man hummed in response. 

A single ray of the sun went past the edge of the thick red curtains, signaling the time of the day. It shone inside the room, precisely towards the painting depicting them kissing each other. 

As for the subjects of that painting, within the next minute, their bodies gradually combined and moved to a passionate, blush-inducing rhythm.

In the bed, uncovered by any blanket or comforter, her slender legs wrapped around his waist. The man groaned in satisfaction as he watched the glimmer in her eyes fluctuate and her mouth cry in pleasure.

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The intense session ended with the two reaching the peak at least thrice. Actually, it should have only been twice, but they somehow ended up doing the act again when they washed up together in his extremely large bathroom.

Within the dressing room, as they helped each other get ready in their outfit today, Gio demanded an answer from her regarding his proposal.

With a bright and pure smile, she replied, Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"I'll gladly say yes for a million times. Every day... Please just don't vanish in front of me ever again."


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