Immoral System

Chapter 241: Maila 3

While trying to get away from the person she thought was her friend, Maila's eyes turned round. "Y-you... Who are you? You're not with them!"

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"But I am one of them. In a sense."

Sofia giggled.

After taking a deep breath without straying her eyes off of the blonde, she added.

"You know so much. For a normal human, you are too knowledgeable. It means they're placing you a bit more importance than expected, eh? I wonder if you have now realized that if I want, I won't waste so much time forcing the truth out of your mouth."

Maila shrunk her body while she began to tear up.

The woman did know stuff that some normal humans from that place didn't know.

The reason she was let off was not her beauty but her sensibility.

Beauty was fleeting for an immoral host. It was something very easy for them to achieve.

That guy who first enjoyed her before making her spy on this city valued her for her intelligence.

It was this little bit of smartness inside her brain that allowed her to realize what Sofia meant.

She cried for a while. It was hard not to. She was not in a situation that she wanted to be in.

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And she began telling this to the black-haired woman who she knew had not yet casted a weird ability on her in courtesy of their three-year-long friendship.

Years ago, she was merely a beautiful kid from B Empire, enjoying her parents' warm love and care, growing up splendidly as a young beauty.

But on her sixteenth birthday, her parents were murdered and she was abducted. There was a reason why she disliked Alessa Morgan. It was because of her last name.

The person who abducted her and sold her to the organization was surnamed Morgan!

If it weren't for that person she would not have to endure tortures and always be on the brink of death every single day of her sixteenth and seventeenth year in this world.

Countless men had tasted her.

One time she was even impregnated.

Of course, those devils didn't want a kid born out of a slave.

So she had to watch as blood flowed out of her thighs and as the little life that had sprouted inside her womb died.

It was very heartbreaking since it all happened while the devils that preyed on her young body and mind were laughing, boisterously at that.

She wanted to die.

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That kind of life, how could it be worth living for?

"So what's the reason for their deployment of you in Alina City?"

Sofia's voice was cold and indifferent in the face of someone who had most probably braved uncovering the scars and wounds in her heart and memories.

The clone appreciated the woman's honesty and felt a bit bad since even if she couldn't truly sympathize due to her heart being completely devoted to her Original, her brain at least knew that if someone cried, and very genuinely at that, it meant they were very broken inside.

However, the sad memories of someone were not enough of a deterrent for her to stop accomplishing her mission.

She might be being heartless towards a friend. But. What was friendship anyway? Why would she care about it if it would mean compromising her relationship with her Original?

Wasn't her earlier compassion not enough?

The system inside her brain sarcastically said,

The clone ignored it. She was not affected, or even if she was, being compared to her Original no matter in what ways was something to be proud of.

Sometimes, the way the brain of folks like her works was truly baffling and out of common sense.

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Finally, Maila stopped choking on her tears. Since sympathy play doesn't work, she stopped crying, and tiredly met the clone's stares. She bitterly remarked,

"I was not informed that the sweet Sofia Mendoza could drop lines that are like chips of ice."

"Because I'm an actress." Sofia simply answered.

Because the clone acted as if she would be pulling the trigger anytime soon, the blonde raised her hand up high and helplessly said,

"Even if I want to tell you, they put a weird device inside my body, which would detonate at the mention of it."

'Check if it's true.'

It took a few seconds to speak again, reporting after deducting points.

Sofia nonchalantly lowered the gun. The news of devices around and on the other woman's body didn't fluster her one bit.

'Since the devices are not hidden from you and can be probed, it means the one this girl is in contact with did not place too much of an importance on her as to use mid-level system items on her. Disarm her of everything.'

The woman flinched a bit since she didn't expect that it would demand a kind of steep payment.

A second later she let out a long cold breathe and walked to the left of the idol curled up into a ball.

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She sighed and looked up to the ceiling.

Then in a complaining voice, she said, "For someone they expected to do something big for them, aren't you too much of a crybaby? Your mouth is too loose."

"I didn't manage to tell anything noteworthy yet..."

"Come with me. I'll have someone check you."

Without waiting for the blonde's response, she pulled up the person and dragged her out of the unit.

It seemed she had really become a bit of a softie since she wanted Maila to speak only after verifying that no more bombs or whatever were inside her body.



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