Immoral System

Chapter 265: She Who Died 3

Steffy felt like Alina had become so dangerous in the three years that she was out of the country.

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It was not even a week since Wendy disappeared. She suspected that something happened to her since her boyfriend was from quite a suspicious background.

Well, actually she didn't know Ver's background at all. This made her assume that he was a suspicious guy. But for a man who suddenly popped up out of nowhere and next to one of her closest friends, he was pretty good-looking and nice, save from one time she chanced upon the man pulling up a gun from thin air.

Alright, she simply strayed off the topic. Steffy almost blamed her detective friend for sharing her unheard-of disease to her - if not for remembering that she was in a very puzzling and life-threatening situation where minds could easily wander the grey zone.

What she truly wanted to emphasize was how she had a hunch Wendy vanished for a mysterious reason connected to Ver. Really, knowing so little could cause one to endlessly speculate and think that things had gone wrong.

Curled up and feeling so miserable, she sobbed in her mind, 'How did I end up like this? Why am I here? The bombs are scary enough! My poor heart! I want to go home! Someone, come fetch me!'

The girl was no longer rope-bound hence she backed away until her spine made contact with something concrete.

Feeling wronged, she reminisced what happened earlier. Her brain cried out, 'Really, this is utter bullsh*t. I merely shopped around with big sis and then went home... to the condo unit provided by her. Then while sorting out the fancy items and dresses I suddenly blacked out and then woke up in this hateful situation! The maddening fact is that I'm surely kidnapped mistakenly!'

The last part was whispered to herself in an inaudible but angry tone. Nobody apart from her heard what she said.

Right, Steffy thought that she was not the damnable kidnapper's target. After all, the woman kept saying she was her mother and that her name was Felicity. Who the heck was that?! Do they look alike?

From the moment she was born in a small town at Cotton Province, she had always been Steffy! Her parents and neighbors died in a landslide and if not for a fellow orphan relative... Uh, she better put a question mark next to the word. But yeah, if not for Sofony, she would have ended up living a mundane and uninteresting life far from the riches and beauty of the city.

'What do I do now? Even that pretty actress who shared a cramped cupboard space with me is frequently giving me a scarily blank look. And that man said he planned to bomb the world with a nuclear weapon. If not for knowing no extra is given this kind of role without their consent, I would have suspected I'm currently in an action film! See! That guy should be that perfume model and the semi-otherworldly pretty girl is that Queen of Primetime!'

Steffy only categorized Alessa as a semi-otherworldly beauty since in her heart, only her sister was otherworldly and amazing.

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But the point was that she badly wished for this to be a nightmare and for her to wake up! She would also not mind being surprised by a TV station staff, told that this was merely a gag show.

'Come on, anything is better. I'll welcome any other scenario. Not just this current one! I'm a normal girl for effin' muffin's sake! And only my sis is rich, not me! I'm no more than a leech for now. No value at all! I swear!' She desperately cried in her mind.

While Steffy was having these random thoughts, convincing no one but herself, she saw that the big boy in his late teens covered his lower face as if he was restraining himself from laughing out loud. However, not even three seconds passed and the guy burst into mad laughter.

"Hahahahaha. My cloneless fellow! Oh my goodness!!! Wow!!! I can't stop laughing! Hahahahaha."

Clutching his stomach, the one called Leo Jones by the actor continued laughing. Steffy honestly wanted to smack this big boy's head for thinking so lightly of Chris Meyer's threat. Which part of a nuclear attack was so funny? Who taught this guy his common sense? She really wanted to give him a punch or two!

Of course that only remained a barely controllable urge after recalling this lunatic appeared out of nowhere in a magical fashion. Also, he was revealed to be the owner of the bombs wrapped around Alessa Morgan. The bombs ticking ominously earlier were the reason why she believed there was a high chance that these people were not joking around.


'The more these people open their mouths, the more I want to cry. Whether it is a coldly said threat or a mad laughter, I'm being scared witless. I can't even protest since in a situation like this, what should be done is ensure that no one would remember I exist! Damn!'

She flinched after being stared at by the other woman again.

The tall and older guy did not have any change in his expression. It was actually admirable how he managed to maintain a stoic face in front of a laughing lunatic.

Steffy shortly realized the reason for that.

He solemnly said, "Just to inform you, even if I have those mind controled men slaughter the village to supply me with that, I think since I'm already in this situation, I won't be too hesitant to do it."

Leo stopped laughing. His eyes were wide, looking like he just heard the most unbelievable thing in the world. "Are you kidding me, newbie?"

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Feeling like she was getting numb and tired of being scared, Steffy tried to not focus on interpreting their alien conversation. 'My phone should be with me...'

While she told herself that, she was actually hoping that was the case rather than being sure that it was the case.

Touching pocket after pocket, she felt a burst joy in her heart after feeling a rectangular object in her short shorts' back pocket. Acting like a mouse hiding a stolen food, she slowly turned her body to the left, praying it would create a blindspot for both men. After that, she carefully pulled up the phone using her right hand.

First step, ensure it was in silent mode.

Second step, send SOS message to anyone. Better if the police were to receive it.

Third step, put the phone away as discreet as possible.

Fourth step, pray for the rescuers to come before it was too late!

Out of a sudden Steffy heard the actor cursing out, his face turning paler than usual. "Damn!"

Feeling like she was discovered, she also went so pale. 'Was it me? But I haven't even accomplished step 2!!! Argh, is this for real? You must be kidding me?'

Her eyes almost bulging out, she looked around meekly. A second later, she realized that both men were looking at the direction of the open door and not her.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Looking closely, Chris was slightly in disbelief while the kid, Leo, gradually sported a mocking expression.The latter snorted, "Wow, newbie, I like your sincerity. I can sense one of your cronies nearing this place! Hahahaha!"

With gnashed teeth, the man swore again and decisively pulled up a device out of nowhere. It seemed that decision was very wise because the boy suddenly threw something to their direction, another stuff that just appeared from thin air.

"I'm sorry! My hand slipped! Might be because I was disappointed at your sincerity. Hahahaha!"

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While Steffy and the other girl had no idea what they were talking about, a dull noise of something metallic bouncing then rolling on the floor made way into their ears. Just when she wondering what was that and why the older lunatic embraced and shielded the pretty actress with his body, she heard a startling and deafening sound.


"Ahhh!!!" Two sharp and ear-piercing scream echoed at the same time.

Steffy trembled after that thunderous explosion. Her eyes felt like they were burned by the light. Because she covered her ears late, she could still feel the echoes inflicting pain to her tingling eardrums.

"You're insane!" Chris reddish eyes glowed faintly, fury so obvious from his tone.

A couple of seconds later, continuous and unending sounds gunshots and explosions once again graced the only brightly lit room in the house. All of it were concentrated in Leo's spot. But of course many stray bullets come to the three others' direction albeit something invisible erected between the teenage boy and them stopped the attacks.

The two women couldn't stop trembling and their lips were almost white. They couldn't believe one day they would find themselves in a situation more ridiculous than horror movies. Where could you see such a sight where all sorts of explosives and ammos where flying everywhere with little to no gap?

The most bullsh*t part of this was not where the attacks came from but how the target, the teenage boy managed to dodge each and every one of the deadly attack. His movements as he danced with the bullets and blinding lights were like flowing water and floating clouds. There was a rare beauty in the way Leo dodge, help the unconscious Alda not die from the stray bullets, and laugh while at it.

But at the same time, it was a spinechiller.

When the floor and walls were cracking and almost on the verge of collapsing, the level 6 host was still perfectly fine. It was just so absurd and unscientific!

When Steffy could no longer believe she was still on mother Earth, finally the chilling downpour stopped.

"No more?" That question came from the alien boy. Steffy felt a chill in her heart seeing the laughing expression of that person.

No answer came from Chris. The man was more wary of the individual coming to this room. Temporary Leo would not be able to do anything to him and the girls since they were now inside a barrier. The retaliation was only for that sudden throwing of a bomb. And so he was more inclined to worry about the newcomer. 'This one is not under my mind control... That he bypassed the army meant it's another system user or a supporter?'

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As for Leo, unmatched confidence overflowed from his body. After a perfect performance before a fellow cloneless immoral host, he smugly grinned at Chris, retaining that same smirk as he turned his head to the open door's direction.

Donning an arrogant face, he checked who the person he assumed Chris called up was. Then that smug expression got frozen in his face when he saw that it was not actually a single person like what his radar said.

'There are two? And my best friend did not notice one of them? How is that possible?'

The second person had yet to fully enter the place. Leo briefly glanced at Chris but the man also showed signs that he did not expect the person he would see.

Returning his gaze to the door, he unconsciously blinked. The system's voice rang in his brain then.

<System: Leo... I think something is wrong. I didn't pick up that person in my radar! It's trouble! It's frightening! Take this chance to teleport away! Leave that Alda behind!>

'... This... For real?'

All doubts were thrown to the backburner after seeing the face of other tall man under his thick jacket's hood.

When his senses perceived danger, he immediately activated Teleport like what the system advised. Who cares about a madwoman! He must leave now! Given everything he knew about the newcomer, why would he stay?

"Hehe bye bye, newbie. I'm in urgent need to pee. Till the next time!" Forcing out a carefree act, he waved a hand at the half-host who became so puzzled and dumbfounded by the turn of events.

Yet that proved fatal for Leo.

And he only discovered it when an amused baritone voice entered his ears.

"Who allowed you to leave, lunatic bomber?"

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