Immoral System

Chapter 275: His Abnormalities 1

Sofony's perception of time and speed had exponentially become faster than normal. Yet even with her quick reaction speed, she didn't manage to react to Bathory appearing next to her. The red-haired woman was simply too fast! 

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It was already too late when a breathtaking red fall cascaded down to her left side revealing an otherworldly but half-resentful half-crazy face.


Accompanying that bright red light coming from that item was the five-hundred-year-old monster's insane and deafening laughter. It was laced with both madness and anger. Fear gripped the woman's heart when she felt the heavy oppressive power coming from that scroll. 

'I can't teleport inside the whole building! There is not much time to pull up a barrier from the inventory too. Damn!'

Just when Bathory's blood-red lips were curling into a beautiful grin, a tall and masculine figure suddenly in between them. 

"Get away!" Sofony hysterically shouted when she realized the person was none other than Gio. Her hands stretched out, intending to push the man out of the red light's range. 

The man had bloodshot eyes as he glared at Bathory. One of his hand grasped Sofony's, stopping her from pushing him away. He appeared very determined to shield his fiancee from all harm. 

As for the noble lady, she was initially surprised that the mysterious Level 10's non-host could arrive before her this swiftly. But then this shock turned into mad glee. She was more than willing to try if she could enslave a one-of-a-kind man like him!

"Since you want to take her place as my slave, why not?"

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Bathory's sweet-sounding laughter reverberated in Sofony's ears, making her bit her lower lip in frustration. But despite this, she was not really idle. Gio's distraction bought her some time. She stacked up all her barriers and was about to activate them when Gio's voice echoed. "Save those for the future. I got this."

Those words again. 'I got this...' Why does it have a special effect on her, making her obey him instinctively? 

She mentally slapped herself, 'No, stop being distracted! The opponent is a Level 9! We can't have him disappear again or be trapped by someone! I have to ensure his safety!'

This thought was lingering in her mind when she suddenly froze, seeing him grabbed the red scroll falling towards them. The action was done so smoothly. It was as if what he caught was nothing more than a stray ball from a tennis game that went their way accidentally. 

"Eh?" The sound subconsciously escaped out of her cherry lips. Her eyes got pinned at his sturdy back shielding her from all evil and maliciousness of the world. 

"You caught it?" Even Bathory showed a dumbfounded expression upon seeing what he did. 

In his right hand, the rolled-up red paper gradually lost its luster, the glimmer it was giving off dying out. Both women watched as the crimson paper turned into a powder-like substance. There was no wind inside the luxurious room so it all smoothly fell down the floor, consequently creating a mini-puddle of red there.

Sofony's gaze landed on the man's back. Finally, it dawned to her that Gio seemed to be different and that he not only made a Level 9's skill failed, earlier, his speed when running here and there seemed a bit abnormal. No. Not really just a bit. Gio seemed faster and more powerful than her! How was that possible!

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'Just what did the three-year separation did to him? Did he become someone like me?' The girl didn't know what to feel. Her hand reaching out to him trembled, stopping midair and hesitating whether to grab his arm. 

Meanwhile, the Blood Countess felt great anger rising in her chest. She couldn't believe that her prided Enslaving Skill failed just like that! It was both unbelievable and infuriating!

"I won't care anymore if your backer is higher than me!" 

After saying that, the enemy woman's expression changed. Madness and resentment began to seep out of her aura. The atmosphere around her shifted from mere pressure into something entirely different. The air became more suffocating.

'If normal people are drawn to this place, even if their feet only stepped for a second into the dilapidated entrance, they would burst into piles of flesh and blood, exploding until nothing of their existence remained in this world.' Gio thought, positioning himself before Sofony in order to shield her from the malicious and insidious aura.

"I badly want to kill you," red-eyed, he said, watching the red-haired woman be surrounded by red fog smelling like fresh blood.

Despite claiming she was the magnanimous Virgin Queen of B Empire, it was apparent that her essence was still that of the famous female serial killer of the late 16th century. Anyone seeing her change in both aura and expression would start praying for mercy or miracle. 

Anyone but Gio.

'She's thankfully the skill-dependent type....' he murmured to himself. 

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He was never a normal soldier even when he was still in the military. His physique was way over the top, only Marc Goldwyn came close to him. However, when he reawakened one and half years ago after being trapped in a block of living ice, all the memories and abilities hidden inside him surfaced. 

Earlier, when he 'teleported' in front of Bathory, it was pure physical strength, the real limit of what a human's body could potentially achieve! Yet due to not having any opportunity to explore the full extent of his capabilities, and not being that familiar with them yet, the punch intended for the opponent did not land.

However, he had a grasp now of his speed and precision. He had a hunch that if he does well with his control, he could go faster, and be more explosive!

'I'll try one more time.'

Once again, he poured all his strength to his legs. But this time, the burst power was greater than before. It didn't take much time too. And so before Bathory could summon whatever being or weapon it was, he had already appeared above her!

That was when the thick blood fog spun above her and when sounds of bats and shrieking of demons could be heard. "Come, my pets!!! Join me in this place and have a sumptuous feas---"

"Shut up!"

He poured out all his anger from the Countess' attempt to enslave him and Sofony. When he came in contact with Bathory's skin, the summoning skill vanished. Caught off-guard, the red-dressed noblewoman didn't even manage to cry out in alarm whatsoever before she got flung down the floor!

A faint thud resounded in the room. After that, a strange hair-raising sound briefly accompanied the thunderous noise of a body slamming onto something hard. Upon checking, Sofony couldn't help but gawk at the scene. The red-haired woman's left arm was torn off of the shoulder! 

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"Ugggh!" When the pain just overwhelmed one's senses, not even Bathory would be able to stop herself from groaning in pain. There was also the searing, unnerving pain coming from the bleeding stump on her shoulder. But as a system user from five hundred years ago, it would be shameful of her to not be able to recover her focus from this kind of attack. 

"Damn you!!!" Bathory glared murderously at the man.

Gio immediately stomped on the woman's stomach to stop her from rising. He then declared with a devilish smile on his lips, his voice so cold and bloodthirsty. "Now that I caught you, see if I don't kill you and end your legend, Blood Countess!" 

"Don't dream the impossible, boy!"

While the woman visualized millions of ways to torture the man and his lover, she didn't know that Gio was confidently grinning because once he made contact with an immoral host, unless they were physically superior to him, they wouldn't be able to escape anymore...



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