Immoral System

Chapter 32

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Today, Gio didn't come to the company as he woke up late and suddenly didn't have the mood to work. He decided to show his little woman around the places where he usually hangs out and ended up visiting a family-owned resort famous for its historical feels and natural river scenery. It was located south of the city, bordering a mountain river. He first brought the girl on the sole mansion at the edge of the resort.

Sofony was currently being guided by a maid to a mansion tour, while he took the time to lean on the elegant railings of the mansion's open balcony. He was wearing black slacks that fitted on his long legs, his white polo tucked in. He phoned his men he tasked with teaching the bastard kid a lesson, but this was what they reported.

"Young Master, the matter turned somehow complicated. The kid is nowhere to be found. Our team can't locate him as if he mysteriously vanished from the surface of the earth." The person talking in his ears through the phone was the man he tasked with collecting information, Maynard.

The other side was quiet after the report, nervous about what the infamous Gio would say.

Seemingly uncaring about that, Gio was actually looking down to the scenery below. It was a very beautiful garden down there and the staffs made sure to beautify the place since it was also in front of the mansion's entrance. Gio saw Sofony joyfully chatting with the guide maid while being taught of the different plants and flowers in the garden.

His lips curled up later when he heard the girl asking how the garden was turned like this. The maid scratched her head in helplessness as the girl started asking specifically how the whole resort was run.

'This girl could be this amusing.'

"Young Master?"

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"We are still doing our best to uncover his position. Please, don't worry, young master."

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"Is that so?"

His mood and tone turned cold, the thought of a kid lusting over what was his brought him endless irritation.

"Tell George I want to expand to the Entertainment and Modelling Industry. Start suppressing all businesses related to the Cruzes. Acquire those that can be acquired."

After saying that, he ended the call and directed his indifferent eyes to the girl. She was wearing a grey tank top and long white skirt today. Her hair was down, and a pretty but simple hairclip decorated it.

The only thing missing was her eyeglasses and it would be like their first meeting.

'That first meeting is like a whirlwind ride to heaven.'

He licked his lips. So far, Gio was very content of the girl's body and even thought that she was the best bed companion. He could always be a horny dog in heat when she's around. The experience was always pure bliss, every inch of her skin was so good and so evoking of lust. The insides never failed to make him want to always bury himself into her. He was not like this before and was moderate on sexual activities. However, he recently found himself losing control over and over again.

Now he couldn't help but keep the girl, keep her within his arm's reach. The possessiveness he was feeling was so intense he even suspected if he got force-fed a love potion.

'She's my trophy. I am a complete man with her by my side. However, I'm sure I don't love her. Yet.'

It was purely carnal desires between a 24 years old successful magnate him, and a 17 years old good student her. In between them, there had never been exchanges of love vows. There were promises of always being together, but those were products of lust tainted moanings that could not be any more reliable. Sofony never mentioned love. And he knew she was already content being with him in their present ways. He had no problem with that.

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As long as he could always be satisfied like this, he had no problem giving her the security and embrace she wanted. After all, she was his own girl. This, he thought while the wind was gently touching his exposed arm and face. The smell brought by the mountain breeze was so relaxing to anyone whether lacking or not in warmth and love.


It was an eventful day.

To Sofony, it was very nice because Gio went out with her and let her explore more about him. She learned that he was a person who could also ditch his work when he felt like it. In the hotel of his resort near the river in the South, she saw what kind of food he truly preferred. When they tried swimming, she learned that he could be patient to teach her. She began suspecting if the bad records listed by the system were all fabricated by the damn thing.

They left the place the next morning. She was furiously blushing because the night they experienced was intense, it was a steamy, sexy marathon. The intensity did not change, except he pinned her onto the transparent walls of their room, the full view of the brightly lit pool and the nearby light posts could be seen once she looked down. If someone looks up their way, she and Gio would also be in full view.

He screwed her from behind while she was stuck on that same wall, his hands pinching her hardened pearls or fondling the fair smooth skin of her breast. And she was moaning, praying that no one looked up to their floor from below in hopes that they wouldn't find her naked and being pleasured like that. She didn't really want to recall how they stained the glass walls with juices coming out of their bodies after doing that for so many times.

While in the car way home, she took advantage of the long drive to take a nap. While at it, she finally realized that she had yet to attach an invisible listening device to Felicity and immediately bought one from the system using the points she accumulated. The system never stopped asking why she only remembered to do it that time. Sofony was ashamed and couldn't answer.

To Gio, it was the same satisfying night. Except he wouldn't be able to stop chuckling at her facial and bodily reactions to what they did on the fifth floor of the resort's hotel. He made her cry. It was due to the intense shame he made her feel as she worried if somebody else saw them nakedly intertwining next to a glass wall. However, he did not mention to her how her insides produced more lubricants than usual, meaning she got very excited by that act.

Well, that's for the two sex-minded couple.

To Wendy, the day was hectic and accursed. Floyd's gang comprising of wannabe gangsters refused to see her since they were afraid of being associated with someone who they had predicted would be jailed by the police. This proved her conjectures that people were already suspecting Floyd, but she was not happy due to the response she got.

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She tried getting Felicity's side, but when she called her, the girl was not picking up. Wendy tried telephoning their house but Felicity's mother said that the girl was asked to come to Felicity's father's workplace. The kind mother inquired if Wendy would like to be notified of Felicity's return later, but she declined and decided to just ask tomorrow or on Monday. What she wanted was a meetup. Face-to-face interrogation, cough, getting statements was much better than things said over the phone. However, if the girl was only free in the evening, Wendy wouldn't impose. Her brother wouldn't let her go to anybody's house at night anyways.

The last person Wendy pestered today was the boy who warned her about Floyd last time. She knew the guy didn't truly like Floyd so she was hoping to learn more from him since technically, he was still part of their group and probably has some vital information with him. When Chris received the call, he accepted and agreed to meet up in the cafe near the school. This greatly improved her impression of the guy since he was the only one who allowed her to interrogate him.

When she arrived at the agreed place after getting out of the taxi, she immediately saw him. He was still outside that time, in a windbreaker and pants, busy parking his tall bike. They nodded to each other and entered the cafe. She inquired about Sofony to a random waitress there, but her best friend was having her day off that day.

They ordered, then started exchanging details and information over a table near the glass window. She didn't really get anything conclusive but she somehow enjoyed teasing the boy while suspending him about Floyd's case. Probably she vented her frustrations about this day to him that way. Fortunately, the boy was patient enough to not smack her due to her relentless teasing and long-windedness.

When the hand of the grandfather's clock on the wall struck five, he kindheartedly offered to pedal her home. Well, she didn't know what made her accept and enjoy a joke of a ride as she let him send her only a street away from home. But well, her day was no longer that irritating and accursed after that, that's in her opinion.

To Chris, he was having a hard time believing that Felicity's boyfriend killed someone. He knew their teacher died yesterday, but he didn't know that Floyd could actually be related to this case. He was sitting by himself in the canteen when news of the incident reached him.

Floyd could be the rapist and killer. As that realization flashed, his heart was conquered by deep worry for Felicity. He never forgot that she was that bastard cum criminal's current girlfriend. His meetup with Wendy Gomez was spent by him digging more information about Floyd's involvement and subtly asking if Felicity was dragged into the mess. Naturally, this earned endless teasing from the Miss Number One of the grade level. He was both angered and shamed to death, but he persisted with the conversation as he was very concerned about Felicity.

Later on, when they exited the cafe, he offered to send her home since she was still a girl. He regretted it though, and he didn't want to remember what happened along the way.

To Felicity, things were a nightmare. Yesterday, she was interrogated because she was Floyd's girlfriend. She was let off later due to not being related to the scene, but she could feel that the police was not done with her. It was her intuition.

That Saturday, she escaped to her father's workplace, turned off her phone, and then indulged with incest until the afternoon. When she got off the place, she started strolling the streets, not yet intending to go home.

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Felicity recalled the words sent to her by her ex-boyfriend. He said they were now over. Because of that, she started thinking about whether she should try changing herself, if she should try accepting Chris feelings for her. For a moment, Felicity forgot that she already had given Chris up.

Felicity was only reminded of her sad reality when she saw him with her very popular friend, Wendy...

On what they were doing together, she didn't know. But she saw them coming out of Sofony's cafe, and riding a bicycle together towards a direction she was sure that was not leading to Chris' house.

Chris could actually be with another woman other than her. The realization struck her. For the past several years, she only saw him sticking next to her. It reached the point where she forgot that Chris could also like another girl, be together with someone not her. A pure and much more beautiful woman. A woman with a body not tainted by hundreds of men.

She cried. And ran to the opposite way to ensure they wouldn't see her.

Her name's Felicity Dimatrionez, a nympho. Not a woman worthy of a clean and lovable man like her childhood friend, Chris.

On Sunday that dawned next morning, Felicity accepted a meetup with Wendy. And then she began arguing with her about how Floyd couldn't be a criminal. Felicity tried her best to make it appear that she was madly in love with Floyd and willing to give her all to make his name a bit cleaner. The reason she did so?

To free herself.

She had taken it as her first step to free herself from her impure love for Chris.


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