Immoral System

Chapter 68: The First Enemy 4

All of a sudden, the angry roar of Harry Silver rang all over the place, triumphing over the collective noises from the guests and the music being played by the invited pianist.

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"Did you just threaten my daughter's life!?"

"You, demoness!"

"Who gave you the right and confidence to curse and threaten the heir of the Silvers!?"

The intensity of the emotions present in the angry voice attracted everyone's attention thus making them quiet. The guests also subconsciously turned to Harry's direction.

Actually, even before the raising of the voice of the middle-aged host, many eyes were already nailed there thanks to the scandalous words of Lara Abenson, the infamous daughter of the mayor.

That time, a beautiful girl in a white and black gem-studded dress was being scolded by the tigress daughter of the mayor's family. Hurtful and offensive words were coming out of the infamous socialite's mouth. But the real reason for their attention was the mention of Gio Albarez' names in the latter part of Lara's outburst.

Lara's bossy and unpleasant attitude was also known by everyone and although they would frown at it, they wouldn't interfere unless the person victimized was not someone without backing.

They were actually not even curious... at first. For them, Lara lashing out to a random beautiful girl was not a rare sight, especially if it's regarding Gio. It was not a secret how Lara was so infatuated with the business tycoon.

However, just right now, they were all surprised because Lara's declaration had just revealed that this beautiful and elegant looking unfamiliar girl was Gio's lover!

All of them momentarily doubted their own hearing, but after realizing that everyone seemed to have heard the same thing, they had no choice but renew the gaze they're giving to the girl.

Finally, with careful inspection, they realized that even though the beautiful 17-18 years old girl seemed startled, she didn't really even bat an eye to Lara's offensive words. People then wondered if this was the strong mentality that allowed her to gain Gio's fancy.

If they didn't hear incorrectly, it seemed her relationship with him was not that simple? Otherwise, why would a woman like Lara act like this?

Questions were still being formulated in their minds. But then, their focus immediately shifted after hearing that Harry Silver roared at Lara for calling his daughter a whore and threatening to kill her.

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They must admit, Lara's words just now had been very below the belt.

But their focus was on something else again.

All of them were asking themselves again if they heard things right.

Did Harry Silver just call this unknown pretty lady his daughter?

Eh? Weird. Many of them had been in the circle for ages but it was their first time learning that the Silver couple had a daughter.

Was it for real?

This time, everyone seriously sized up Sofony, then their eyes went to Lara. The guests then looked at each other, each pair of eyes filled with curiosity and excitement on how things would develop. If this girl was really a Silver, yet she was scolded and shamed by the infamous daughter of the mayor, things would be fun to watch, no?

To the guests' entertainment, it didn't take long and the drama started to unfold.

It was because Gio and the 'parents' finally came to Sofony's side.

Lara was rooted on the spot, her few friends trying to tug her away. But like a tree with roots deep into the soil, she didn't move. She must admit, she was suddenly intimidated, especially when she realized that the person who shouted at her was someone even her father was reluctant to offend. However, when she saw Gio suddenly arriving at Sofony's side, she couldn't think straight, she didn't want to leave like that and just wanted to explain herself to him. She also wanted to direct the fault to Sofony.

"Mr. Albarez, I'm glad to see you again after our meeting yesterday. But this is definitely not what you're thinking. Hear me out, please. Let me exp---"

Before she could finish, the incredibly scary and cold stare she got from the man made her shut up. It was way colder than yesterday. At least yesterday, despite being shamed by Gio at the parking lot, it was still okay because all she saw from his eyes was annoyance.

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But now, she clearly noticed something else. Anger. For that unknown and slutty girl, he stared at her like that. And not only that, she faintly sensed some killing intent from him!

"Mr. Albarez..." Lara stupidly called out.

"Ms. Abenson, I don't think I ever allowed you to call me that. I beg your pardon, but I don't talk to shameless, uneducated women like you who can't even control herself in a formal event like this. So will you stop pestering me? I'm a busy man, you see. I don't have time to waste on annoying girls like you. Being grossed out by you has never been and will never be on my schedule."

Gio withdrew his gaze, his eyes that turned to meet Sofony's were asking if she was alright.

The two started exchanging whispers which appeared very loving to Lara's eyes. The woman somehow had another strong desire to shout at the girl, but because this showed in her face, the two angry parents immediately intercepted.

Mr. Silver, in particular, started interrogating the mayor's daughter about her previous words.

Even the seemingly kind Cindy couldn't help but input some stabbing remarks in the conversation.

"I never know the honorable mayor brought you up this way! You are such a disappointment!"

"As someone who has been mingling in our society for so long, I couldn't believe how poisonous your words can be. To think you even dare to threaten someone's life!" The madam then showed her a disbelieving and disapproving expression.

When Lara tried to justify herself by saying it's not her fault and that she just couldn't accept a slut latching onto someone she admired, the master of the house once again roared, truly very angry, "Are you really saying my daughter is like that! This... this... Oh my god! Are you really an official's daughter? Why is your mouth so dirty! Preposterous! Very...very... preposterous! Guards!"

The mayor's daughter made a stunned face, but it immediately turned savage and crazy, especially after seeing that everyone witnessed her embarrassing situation. She glared fiercely at Sofony Mendez. It was this girl's fault that she was put in a tough spot like this!

The woman was really feeling embarrassed and was having an urge to kill Sofony. She was thinking were it not for this girl, she wouldn't have to fall out with Gio. Her emotions wouldn't also go haywire, leading to her to this current predicament. She was angry because all she wanted was to make the slut distance herself from Gio. But now, look what had happened! Being thrown out had never crossed her mind!

Lara's eyes and lips trembled in hate, yet when she thought things through, she pridefully lifted her face while still wearing a fierce expression.

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'They want the guards to throw me out? Huh, no way!'

She was about to walk out by herself after declaring that this party was lousy. However, this plan got thrown to nowhere when someone blocked her with words.

"Mom, Dad," Sofony suddenly interjected.

The voice of the girl who spoke was sweet and pleasant to the ears. Her face was also as sweet and as seemingly naive.

But when their gazes met, Lara definitely saw something weird flashing in the opposite party's eyes.

"We don't have to end things like this. Really. Actually, I'm very sure that Miss Abenson was just joking with us. I suspect she is actually trying out some lines from a script. You know, I heard from an acquaintance that she wants to become an actress. She didn't truly mean those... preposterous things... that she said."

The middle-aged gentleman Harry, who was completely lost in his father role, angrily replied, his eyes still staring daggers at Lara. "What are you saying? My daughter! No matter what, everything she's done still can't be excused!"

"Yeah, my dear. She also clearly threatened your life! And that's... that's just too ridiculous! We finally had you back after so many years and troubles, but this scandalous woman just suddenly wants to kill you? No, no, no. I won't ever accept and forget this!" exclaimed the emotional madam. Even she didn't want to fake decorum anymore with this boastful daughter of that fatty.

Lara didn't know what play Sofony was trying to do, but she was now panting and gesturing in the air due to anger and shame. The urge to storm off was rising within her again. But when she saw the annoying pair of eyes of the other girl again, this thought mysteriously died down.

"Dad, mom. It's really not like that. Believe me. Don't make her go away, please. I don't want any of the guest leaving." Sofony then turned her pleading eyes to Lara, "Ms. Abenson, I understand the real situation so I'm not taking it against you. See, I'm even doing my best to convince my parents. I'm sure you won't waste my good intention by suddenly leaving, right? You won't shame me further in my party, right?"

In reality, Lara didn't want to stay as the amused and mocking stares from the guests were making her feel awkward and uncomfortable, like they were boring holes into her skin. There was also the matter of Gio denying her and the Silver couple shaming her. She was also seeing Sofony's attempt to make her stay as an act of degrading her in public.

So why would she stay?

She was Lara Abenson, the beautiful daughter of the Abensons. She had always been brilliant and was praised by others since young. Despite her crooked and shrew-like behaviors, people were still very eager to fawn over her because she was a mayor's daughter.

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Men were also like that to her. The only exception was Gio. Other high-spec men might look down on her, still, they would give her face in front of other people. But Gio was different. He was cold to her all year round. But even so, aren't boys like him the type to put a girl they like in the highest pedestal? Because of this, she developed a deep obsession over him and had always been trying out ways to meet up with him and deepen their relationship.

She did her best to learn as much as possible about him. Of course, along the way, she became aware of his violent tendency and murdering of women he had bedded. But even so, she was not the least bit discouraged. She was thinking the reason they couldn't capture him was that they were slutty and uncleaned.

She was different. Her confidence stemmed from being chaste and above most women.

This was why when someone she randomly encountered this morning told her that the girl who would be appearing by Gio's side in this evening party was his secret lover, she doubted it. After all, she knew that he was into one-night-stand-plus-kill.

She had always had this idea that in order to not end up like his past women, she would have to persistently capture his heart first. So far, she had yet to succeed. However, she was not in a hurry due to not seeing any competition.

It was precisely due to this that when this anonymous someone's claim turned true, or at least the part where Gio brought a girl as a companion in a party, she immediately exploded and stormed to that girl. As someone who had been mixing in the high society, she knew the faces of every note-worthy women, and so she was confident that this girl was just a random nobody.

Since the girl was just a nobody, what right does she have to stay with the man unreachable for a beautiful and high-spec woman like her?

None, right?

Therefore, she immediately charged out, intending to teach the annoying girl a lesson.

But now, she suddenly didn't know how she ended up this way.

She, Lara Abenson, was being shamed! In front of many people, and not just any random people, but those from prominent families and the showbiz world!

Her pride truly couldn't accept it. She wanted to curse and badmouth the girl again, to make her bow down to her.

But why?

Why did she suddenly nod and amicably tried to ride along? Why did she foolishly stay and watch as the Silver couple officially announced the girl, whom she tried to paint as a shameless whore, as their long lost daughter?


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