Immoral System

Chapter 86

She had three or probably five people to protect.

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The problem was, how would she protect them?

Sofony doesn't have the heart to do the current task and she was even getting ready to get blind again. This means she wouldn't counting on the current mission to gain enough points or items. However, this really left her in a dilemma as she would surely need more points in the near future. After all, the opponent was a host, meaning items and skills would be much needed to go against her.

After sighing, she thought, 'How annoying. Why the heck did I become dependent on the system and its items? Look, because of this, I have to continuously worry about points.'

With her mood suddenly down, she told the Silver family's driver to take her to Golden Residences.


The next day.


Name: Sofony Mendez

Official Name: Host 137 (Immoral System)

Level: 2

Age: 17

Pleasure Points: 2361

=ATTRIBUTES (Basic Human - 10)=

Strength: 20

Stamina: 22

Intelligence: 25

Dexterity: 20

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Charm: 25

Luck: 20


* Studying - A

* Lovemaking - B

* Singing - D+

* Dancing - F-

* Acting - A

* Cooking - B

* House Management - C+

* Hypnosis - S-

* Makeup Application - B

* Business Management - C-

* Modelling - C+



'Still has around 2,000, huh?' she dazedly thought.

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The 7,000 points rewarded for the mass hypnosis and some minor non-missions had now been downed to 2,000+ points. Most were spent on information, some on consumables.

Thinking of this, she supported her chin with her left hand, her right hand softly drumming her armchair with her pen. Her mind brainstormed on how she could smartly spend the remaining points.

She stiffened for a while, but then ignored its remarks because she was actually done, only waiting for the class representative to collect the papers.

As she was bored but couldn't leave the classroom, she just spent the rest of the time thinking.

'I have already given the ring to him. But I feel like it's out of necessity and not really a gift. He's been sheltering me for so long,' she thought. 'Hmm. Since he's also a businessman, maybe what I can do is secure his people? How to do that though?'

'Hey, system. Can you check for me if Gio's company is fail-safe? I mean, if there are no spies or people who have bad intentions against him? I can't be with him at day so at least I should try to know if he's doing okay at work.'

'...Can't you just answer my question? I thought you're always eager to rob me of my points?'

She sighed. Sometimes she could really not like its tone and attitude. She wondered if there's any way to tame its attitude or make it shut up forever.

'Why is it 1,000 this time? It's usually around one hundred. Are you being glitchy again?'

Sofony still complained for a while as collecting points was just really hard and time-consuming even if she now has an unknown passive point giving skill. Of course, she still paid in the end and even asked it to send the list to Gio in the form of an encrypted file. She didn't know how the system did it, but it guaranteed that only Gio could read it. Once others tried to pry, all they would see was a picture of a hairless and burly gorilla dancing to the song 'Baby Shark'...

The final examination for the sem finally ended. Before Sofony let herself be dragged into malling, she tried to check on Clarissa if that woman took the exam today. To her dismay, the Violent Goddess didn't. And when she inquired about it to a few seniors, they looked at her weirdly asking why she asked about something a student like Clarissa would normally do.

'Great. I've been taken for a fool.'


"I-I've been thinking about this for quite a while. But Gio, I think... I have to learn how to defend myself."

The man burying himself inside her stilled for a moment while the girl gasped as his fluids flooded into her womb. She shivered, her beautiful lips parting as she cried of ecstasy.

A moment later, he pulled his hard length covered in suspicious looking fluid out of her, watching as some of his semen flowed out of her still opened cave.

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Sofony responded to his skillful kiss, her heart somehow feeling light as if there was an accomplishment in helping him vent his stress or sexual frustration inside her.

"...You want to learn how to defend yourself?" he asked while panting for breath.

Sofony nodded, still feeling lightheaded from her own orgasm and their kiss. "I, I want to at least learn how to, to handle a gun, or fight unarmed..."

She paused for a few seconds, catching some breath, then she added, "I realized... I can no longer act like I can be a mere student. Mom said, t-there are many things I have to learn if I want to... support you... and also protect myself and those I care for."

With flushed cheeks, she looked away, unable to meet the eyes of the naked and alluring man hovering above her sweaty but seductive nakedness.

Due to this, she didn't see the surprise and complicated emotions that crossed his face.

His eyes widened a bit as he stared down to the beautiful naked girl he'd been pinning on his bed. He didn't even notice that his right hand gently squeezed the small hand in his grasp.

His eyes remained at her faultless face, his mind preoccupied,

'I suppose she's really the one who sent that mysterious list. Is this her first attempt, aside from satisfying me in bed?'

He remembered that she also gave him a ring yesterday. She said it was also an item from her mysterious source and it could keep him from some harm. Gio almost his head after being reminded of his employees' reaction when they saw him wearing it.

The turn of events these past few days had been too fast, even too many to mention. He suspected the girl was haunted by someone or something. She did not say a thing though, causing him to endlessly speculate.

All he knew, she wanted to confront a woman called Clarissa Guzman. And this other girl should be a person like her.

He couldn't help but ask, "Is this woman someone who wants your life?"

Sofony stiffened. But she regained focus not long after. With a wry smile, she replied truthfully, "She's like me, and she can kill me. However, I'm guessing she's someone who doesn't want my life. But she'd be more than happy to threaten those I care for, like what she did to that friend of mine who we tracked to Velvet City."

Sofony hesitated for a while, but in the end, she told him everything that happened last Monday, finally letting him understand why they had to spend the whole Monday evening searching for someone.

Gio silently listened. But, one time he also stilled as he noticed that the girl had slightly shivered.

'As expected. Despite showing me a mysterious and distant side last time, in the end, she's still the same girl...'

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The man didn't know why something stirred within him, but it didn't make him hesitate to hug the little woman, offering his warmth and letting her knew that she has him.

"I'll personally bring you tomorrow to a shooting range so stop worrying. You can be stronger, because you have me," he said.

Sofony was actually still dumbfounded after getting brought to his chest. As they sat on the sheets, they remained in that position for a while. However this time, they were not doing anything. Her job became to only hear the beating of his heart. When she heard him promise to bring her to a place where she could learn gun skills, relief wormed into her heart.

But when it came to the part where he said she has him, her own heartbeat almost stopped. Or maybe, the correct phrase should be, her heart skipped a beat, a hundred even.

She couldn't help raising her sight to his prominent jaw, high nose, and expressive pair of eyes. Remembering that he was such a sought-after bachelor, that he was a very rich tycoon lording over many skillful and extremely competent people, her mouth subconsciously opened to ask,

"..Hey. Can I really claim you mine?"

A second later, when she realized what she just said, she lowered her head, trembling. Afraid of his response, she immediately added, "I-I'm sorry, don't mind what I said." To which she followed with a nervous laugh.

Time passed that she could no longer count the beating of her own heart due to how fast it was. This was how nervous she had become. She'd even become conscious of their closeness and thought of getting away, thinking she had made him uncomfortable.

Not long after though, her plan of giving their bodies some distance didn't come true. She stiffened, doubting whether she momentarily had a delusion because she seemingly heard him reply in an awkward but gentle voice. "...You can..."

"...Eh?" her surprised exclaim.

"I said you can."

This time she heard him clearly. His answer stunned her deeply to the point that she forgot to breathe. She doesn't know how to react. But she knew that a part her greedy for his warmth suddenly awakened within her. It was making her feel like what he said was signaling something.

"Let's just do it one more time and then I'll let you rest."

Before she managed to react, he was already leaving kisses on her neck, collarbone, and lips, his hand roaming and feeling her deliciously fair skin. Her sensitive body also reacted when he started fondling and sucking on her modest breasts. Not long after, his hands went to her thighs and lifted them. Pleasure then started to run up her spine as her slimy and muddy hole slowly got filled with his raging hardness.


The stimulation that followed was too much, causing her to repeatedly let out moans and gasps. Her hands subconsciously circle around his neck for support while her legs wrapped around his waist. However, amidst his fierce invasion, she was still sober. She even knew that a voice in her heart had silently said,

'...Gio... You said that I can.'

'So can I also assume that you're falling for me? I can't stop myself already from being possessive of you...And I'm afraid to voice this out.... but I think... I'm already falling.'


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