Chapter 359: Unrivaled Throughout the World

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Yan Chixue looked at the calm Xiao Chen. Then, he said, "I will seek justice for my Second Brother! Dragon Seizing Hand!"

Yan Chixue stretched out his arm, and a huge black hand appeared in the sky. This was the exclusive Martial Technique of the Yan Clan's inherited Martial Spirit. 

The huge hand was a hundred meters wide. The lines on the palm were clearly visible. While in the air, it felt like it covered the sky.


A bolt of lightning flashed in the sky. Xiao Chen leaped into the air, and the snow-white Lunar Shadow Saber flickered with electric light. A saber light appeared on his saber.

"Chop!" Xiao Chen shouted and brandished his saber. The huge black hand was instantly chopped in half, split right down the middle.

Yan Chixue's expression did not change. He waved his hand, and the huge black hand reformed in the air.

Then, Yan Chixue clenched his fist. The huge black hand retaliated and tried to grab Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen dodged quickly and moved a hundred meters to the side before landing on the ground.


The huge black hand that just landed turned into a fist and chased him.

The huge black hand was very strong; if Xiao Chen faced it head-on, he would exhaust himself. Furthermore, it was merely an appetizer. Exhausting himself now would not benefit him in later battles.

I shall dodge, for now, Xiao Chen thought. Then, his figure flickered around. The huge black hand smashed around the arena, continuously moving. 

However, it could not catch Xiao Chen. Instead, Yan Chixue's Essence was being exhausted very quickly. Not long later, his Essence started to dry up.

Now! Xiao Chen grabbed hold of this opportunity as he felt that the speed of the huge black hand had decreased significantly.

Xiao Chen quickly sheathed his Lunar Shadow Saber and punched the air with his right hand. A similar huge black hand appeared and used its two fingers as a sword. Soon, it pierced Yan Chixue's hand.

Isn't this the exclusive Martial Technique of my Yan Clan? He does not have our inherited Martial Spirit; even if he has the secret manual, it is impossible for him to learn it!

When Yan Chixue saw the huge black hand, he was immediately stunned. Xiao Chen's expression turned grave. He did not give Yan Chixue any time to hesitate.

The huge black hand turned into a fist and smashed Yan Chixue's body.

"Pu chi!"

Yan Chixue immediately turned pale and vomited a mouthful of blood. Even after he was smashed to the ground, he did not understand what had happened.

Xiao Chen gently waved his hand, and the huge black hand smacked Yan Chixue out of the arena with a massive force.

"He only used one move to defeat Yan Chixue. Furthermore, he used the exclusive Martial Technique of the Yan Clan. This Xiao Chen is too shocking."

"They used the same exclusive Martial Technique, and yet Yan Chixue lost to an outsider. How embarrassing."

The cultivators in the spectator stands all commented on the fight. They did not hold much hope for Yan Chixue and Xiao Chen's fight. Hence, they were not overly astonished.

However, they did not expect Yan Chixue to not even last ten moves and lose so quickly.

"Look; the Guiyi Marquis is stepping up. This time, the victor is unclear from the start." The cultivators in the spectator stands all perked up.

The Guiyi Marquis wore golden Battle Armor. He held the two-meter-long Holy Weapon in his hand, the Sky Splitting Sword. He looked at Xiao Chen and said, "You have fought continuously and exhausted a good deal of Essence. I will give you a three-move handicap. You can make three moves first. I will only attack after you have made your three moves."

Xiao Chen smiled faintly, "There is no need for you to give me a handicap. Speak after you survive three moves."

"Rushing Thunder Roars, Ten Thousand Horses Galloping!"

The Guiyi Marquis was not Yan Chixue. His strength was significantly stronger than the latter. Xiao Chen did not have any thoughts of trying to probe his opponent's strength.

Xiao Chen was prepared to end this quickly. He did not want this fight to drag out. That would not be good for him. Hence, he unleashed a big move from the very start.

Thunderclouds churned in the sky. A huge whirlpool of electricity appeared from nowhere. The clear sky was instantly gloomy. As the electric whirlpool spun, electricity flickered. The lightning-attributed Spiritual Energy in the heaven and earth gathered.

"Rumble…!" The sound of horses and soldiers came from the electric whirlpool. It resounded throughout the entire drill ground, ringing in the ears of all the cultivators.

"What Martial Technique is this? Why is its Mysterious Phenomenon so shocking?" When the cultivators in the spectator stands felt the horrifying energy in the electric whirlpool, their expressions changed.

The Guiyi Marquis' expression turned grave. He stuck the Sky Splitting Sword in the ground in front of him with a 'dang' sound.

"Zi zi!"

Ripples appeared in the space around the Guiyi Marquis as if the surrounding space were water. It made his figure appear blurry.

Xiao Chen felt like his opponent was now thousands of kilometers away. Furthermore, his figure moved around; his position was not fixed.

The Guiyi Marquis used the might of the Holy Weapon, changing the natural laws within the arena. This made the five sense turn chaotic.

"In the end, you merely use the Holy Weapon to change the natural laws. It is not your own power. In the face of absolute power, it is useless!"

Xiao Chen issued a warcry, and all the electric knights in the electric whirlpool merged. Then, a knight flickering with golden electricity emerged.

The golden knight roared ferociously, and he pierced the air that obstructed him with his spear, heading toward the Guiyi Marquis with lightning speed.

When the golden knight arrived within a hundred meters of the Guiyi Marquis, it turned blurry as well. It's lightning-fast speed immediately slowed. Everyone could see its movements clearly.

"Hu hu!"

It was like the golden knight had traveled for more than ten thousand meters, moving for a long period. The knight flickering with golden lightning seemed like it could not reach the Guiyi Marquis. It remained a hundred meters from the Guiyi Marquis.

However, this situation did not last for long. The rippling space started to crack. Soon, the small realm shattered.

There was a limit to using the Holy Weapon to change the natural laws. It could not last for an infinite amount of time.

The spear of the electric knight that traveled for several ten thousand meters had dimmed slightly. However, it was still resplendent and dazzling.


The Guiyi Marquis used the sword to block. The broad blade stopped the spear tip. The spear carried a huge force; it forced the Guiyi Marquis back relentlessly.

The Guiyi Marquis' feet sank deep into the ground as he was pushed back. After a while, two deep pits manifested. The knight had forced the Guiyi Marquis to the edge of the arena. His heels hung off the edge.

There was nowhere for the Guiyi Marquis to retreat. He roared and tossed his body backward. He held the Sky Splitting Sword with both hands and swung.

Just as the spear tip was about to pierce the Guiyi Marquis, the sword violent struck the electric knight's body. Xiao Chen had already learned of the horrifying strength the Guiyi Marquis possessed in the Ink Forest.

The electric knight had already traveled for more several ten thousand meters and exhausted a large amount of its energy. The result was easy to imagine.

There was a loud explosion, and the force carried by the sword blasted the knight into strands of purple electricity, scattering them into the air.

"Wukui Shakes the Heavens!"

Everything was within Xiao Chen's control. He had already stored up energy for the Wukui Saber Technique's killing move.

The ancient, divine Wukui Tree appeared from nowhere. Branches and leaves filled the tree. It looked like it could hold up the sky as it blocked out the sun. It flickered with a purple light.

The Wukui Tree carried a huge amount of electrical energy like a mountain made completely of electricity. It headed for the Guiyi Marquis and pressed down violently.

The Guiyi Marquis, who had lost the initiative in this fight, still had not recovered his wits from the first killing move. In that instant, he could only use his left hand and press it against the sword blade, hoping to block this Wukui Tree.


The Guiyi Marquis had no means to resist. The absolute force shattered a corner of the arena into rubble in an instant.

The Guiyi Marquis slipped, and his body fell with the rubble, tumbling below the arena.

The electric energy on the divine tree did not show any signs of fading. It blasted apart the Guiyi Marquis' defense and struck his chest heavily.

"Pu ci!"

The huge force slammed into the Guiyi Marquis. His internal organs were all shaken. He could not help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

Xiao Chen's figure flashed. He stood in the arena and looked at the fallen Guiyi Marquis. He asked indifferently, "Do you still want to compete?"

The Guiyi Marquis felt utter dissatisfaction in his heart. His still had not used his killing move yet. If he had used it from the beginning, how could he have been forced into a passive position? He could not even defend against the two moves.

However, it was too late. The Guiyi Marquis had purposely tried to show off against Xiao Chen. From that moment, his fate was sealed.

"Unfortunately, the Guiyi Marquis' loss was undeserved. He showed off to much and gave Xiao Chen the chance to use his killing move with full force. Otherwise, he would not have lost so quickly and thrown from the arena in two moves."

"He used one move to defeat Yan Chixue, two moves to defeat the Guiyi Marquis; adding the earlier battles, he also defeated the Holy Land's people. What exactly are the limits of this Xiao Chen? Could it be that the noble clans cannot defeat him one-on-one?"

Consecutive battles and consecutive wins, Xiao Chen had displayed a shocking strength.

Xiao Chen gave the crowd one surprise after another. At this moment, the crowd suspected he would become famous after this, his name resounding through the world, trampling on the geniuses of the noble clans and climbing to the peak where he belonged.

"That is impossible. He must have already exhausted a large amount of Essence executing those two big killing moves. In the end, he is only a peak Medial Grade Martial Saint. At best, he only has half his Essence left. The remaining people are the noble clan heirs with powerful Martial Spirits."

"Each opponent is stronger than the last. Xiao Chen's Essence will only lessen. I assume that he will fall during the next fight. Don't forget; an unfathomable Mu Chengxue waits at the side."

The moment someone said something positive, people would argue immediately. Most thought that Xiao Chen would certainly meet his defeat today.

Xiao Chen ignored the lively discussion outside the arena. He did not care about fame or humiliation. Others' words would not have any impact on him.

"Hua Yunfei is stepping up. I heard that he has awakened that ancient Evil Spirit. This is the true battle."

When Hua Yunfei looked at the arena in shambles, he frowned slightly. He said, "Let's change the location."

The two leaped into the air and landed firmly in a brand new arena. Then, Hua Yunfei quickly drew his scarlet sword.

Hua Yunfei revealed a sinister smile on his handsome face, "Although I have only comprehended the state of massacre to Small Perfection, it is more than enough to deal with you."

"Pu ci!"

"Hua Yunfei did not even give Xiao Chen the chance to respond. He quickly sent out a scarlet sword Qi with his blade. Then, he followed after the sword Qi, rushing forward.

It was clear that Hua Yunfei did not want to make the same mistake as the Guiyi Marquis.

"Glittering Wukui!"

Xiao Chen swung the Lunar Shadow Saber, sending out dense purple saber Qi. This was the first move of the Wukui Saber Technique infused with the state of thunder.

Hua Yunfei smiled faintly, "The state of massacre is a higher level than all of the energy states. No matter how powerful your state of thunder is, it will be useless."

"Pu ci!"

A ferocious state of massacre was contained in the scarlet sword Qi. It broke the purple saber Qi Xiao Chen had sent out like snapping dead branches on a tree, shattering them into nothing.

"Bloody Death Below Heaven, Shadowless Passing Sword!"

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Chapter 360: Dual Between Geniuses

Hua Yunfei took advantage of the time spent Xiao Chen dodging the scarlet sword Qi, quickly following up with his killing move. 

Flying scarlet lights filled the air like countless scarlet figures continuously executing Sword Techniques. Strands of scarlet sword Qi moved with a strange rhythm like the waves of the sea.

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The horrifying state of massacre spread throughout the entire arena. Anyone who felt it experienced fear in their hearts and trembled.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Xiao Chen activated the Windwalk Shoes and moved through the sky filled with sword images. He brandished his saber and hacked apart any sword Qi that flew at him.

Each sword image was like a cultivator holding a sword and attacking, either piercing, hacking, chopping, or using uppercuts.

The angles of the swords were varied and unpredictable. It was very tiresome to deal with.

"Hua Yunfei has learned the ancient Martial Technique completely. He lives up to his reputation of the Hua Clan's once-in-a-hundred-years genius. Xiao Chen will lose at this rate."

"Indeed; the ancient Martial Techniques are completely different from the modern Martial Techniques. Even if one manages to obtain an ancient Martial Technique manual, it would be very difficult to learn. Its execution also feels out of place. It is hard for it to have practical combat applications."

"Look at the torrent of boundless sword images in the arena. Even a Martial King would have difficulty dealing with this."

When the crowd in the spectator stands saw the scarlet sword images fill the air of the arena, they recognized the attack as an ancient Martial Technique. They could not help but worry for Xiao Chen.

Hua Yunfei's figure hid among these sword images. Occasionally, a sharp strike would lash out, hard to defend against.

In a short period, numerous sword wounds covered Xiao Chen's limbs. No matter how fast he was, it was impossible to dodge all of these unpredictable and torrential sword images. Xiao Chen could only do his best to avoid any major injuries.

Furthermore, the state of massacre interfered with Xiao Chen's mind. A killing move hid within the killing move. They layered on top of each other; this Martial Technique was truly interesting.

"Ha ha! Xiao Chen, this move is not easy to deal with right? Thanks to you, I have awakened the ancient Evil Spirit in my body. This Martial Technique is an inheritance from that Evil Spirit.

"In the Ancient Era, when this technique was used, the torrent of sword images could cover a span of a hundred meters, including the sky and ground. If deities stand in the way, they will die; if demons block the way, they will die."

As Hua Yunfei watched Xiao Chen tiresomely deal with his move, he laughed maniacally. He wanted to deal a blow to Xiao Chen's fighting spirit, causing him to fall faster.

Xiao Chen kept his mind clear. He did not panic, worry, doubt, or fear.

Xiao Chen simply ignored Hua Yunfei's words. He moved all throughout the arena, executing the state of thunder to its limits.

As Xiao Chen defended against the countless scarlet sword images from every direction, he did his best to find a pattern to these sword images' movements.

Xiao Chen's state of thunder infused with Holy Might could barely defect these sword images; it could not destroy them completely.

The state of massacre is indeed challenging to deal with, Xiao Chen thought. Fortunately, I also have the state of massacre.

After defending for a while, Xiao Chen finally discovered the pattern of the sword images' movements. It was time for him to make his move.

Xiao Chen gently removed the blue strip of cloth from his forehead, and the scarlet mark between his eyebrows appeared. Xiao Chen's handsome, clearly-defined, fair face immediately became enchanting.

The scarlet throne between Xiao Chen's eyebrows released a strand of red light. The light from it enhanced that enchanting quality.

"Wukui Transforms to Qi!" Xiao Chen shouted and merged his state of thunder and state of massacre. The divine Wukui Tree transformed into countless strands of purple saber Qi, occasionally flicking with a red light.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

When the scarlet sword Qi and the reddish-purple saber Qi clashed in the arena, there were strings of explosions, rumbling continuously.

Hua Yunfei's expression changed slightly. He grasped the scarlet sword in his hand tightly. He said with some disbelief, "How could you have comprehended the state of massacre as well?"

The string of continuous explosions created intense shockwaves through the air. They shattered the fencing around the arena.

Xiao Chen's hair and white robes fluttered. He smiled gently and said, "Who ruled that only you can comprehend the state of massacre?"

"Qi Breaks Wukui!"

The reddish-purple saber Qi contained the berserk state of thunder and the attacking powers of the state of massacre. It sliced through the boundless shockwaves and flew at Hua Yunfei.

Hua Yunfei swung his sword and gathered all of the scattered red light onto his sword. He thrust his sword forward, and a spot of red light appeared, blocking the saber Qi.

"Zi zi!"

The two states intensely contested against each other in the air, neither giving way. There was a crackling sound and scarlet ripples in the air; the states gushed forth.


When the confrontation's intensity reached its peak, a crackle of thunder roared in the sky. The reddish-purple saber Qi suddenly released a bolt of lightning.

Hua Yunfei's state immediately shattered. He quickly retreated backward. However, the saber Qi still penetrated his right shoulder, leaving a bloody hole the width of a finger.

So, Xiao Chen had only competed with me using the state of massacre. He had not used his state of thunder, Hua Yunfei realized, afraid.

"You are far from being able to challenge me with states. Regardless of whether you have an ancient Martial Technique or not, break for me!"

Xiao Chen leaped up, and his figure flashed through the air. The state of massacre fully merged with the state of thunder. Saber lights flew everywhere; Hua Yunfei could only passively resist.

The situation instantly turned around. Xiao Chen dashed about. Strands of reddish-purple saber Qi broke all of Hua Yunfei's killing moves.

"Blood Shadow Chop!"


"Sea of Blood, Mountain of Corpses!"


"Blood Covering Mountains and Rivers!"


Regardless how many moves you make, I will merge my state of thunder and the state of massacre and break them with one saber strike! Break! Break! Break!

Hua Yunfei vomited three mouthfuls of blood. Xiao Chen shattered each of his three killing moves with a single strike. The overwhelming energy knocked him backward.


The ferocious energy came surging again. Hua Yunfei's sword flew from his hand. Xiao Chen stepped forward and struck his chest with a palm strike, sending him flying as well.

Hua Yunfei's body slid across the arena. Soon, he reached the edge. Hua Yunfei paled and quickly struggled to stand up.

Suddenly, Hua Yunfei felt something cold on his neck. It was Xiao Chen, who had raced over and placed his saber on his neck. Xiao Chen said expressionlessly, "Hua Yunfei, you have lost!"

"I did not lose. How could I lose to trash like you? Back then, I could have easily killed you with a finger. This is impossible."

Hua Yunfei pushed the saber away from his neck. He quickly stood and launched himself at Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen simply kicked Hua Yunfei in the face. The huge force caused him to tumble through the air. He fell head first outside of the arena.

"He won again! Xiao Chen won again! Who can obtain victory over him?"

"Hua Yunfei's strength is at the peak of Martial Saint. He grasped ancient Martial Techniques. He could probably kill an ordinary Martial King with ease. Yet, Xiao Chen still defeated him. How many trump cards does this Xiao Chen have?"

"The state of massacre, I think that is his final trump card. However, even if you know about it, it is not easy to contend with!"

Xiao Chen had another overwhelming victory. This greatly excited the crowd. Some people were resolute in their faith that Xiao Chen could defeat the remaining foes.

Xiao Chen had battled continuously on this Heaven Viewing Platform. Be it with the Holy Land's people or the noble clan's geniuses, none were weak.

However, Xiao Chen had suppressed all his opponents without exception. With such strength, even if he were defeated, his talent and strength were undeniable.

If Xiao Chen could survive this calamity, he would inevitably rise to power someday. By then, to the noble clans, he would be like a fleeting cloud.


High in the clouds, Nangong Lie watched the situation on the Heaven Viewing Platform. He smiled faintly and said, "It looks like we do not have to do anything. This fellow might deal with this calamity alone."

Ying Yue's eyes wandered as she said softly, "That will depend on the Holy Land's people. Perhaps these noble clans cannot do anything to him."


Back on the platform, the noble clan elders had unsightly expressions. They wanted to make a move but could not. They felt extremely sullen.

The First Elder of the Misty Sword Sect asked softly, "Chaoyun, how confident are you that you can defeat this person?"

Chu Chaoyun said softly, "I will have victory within one move. First Elder, what do you think?"

"Ha ha. Then I can rest assured," the Misty Sword Sect's First Elder smiled happily.


Back in the arena, Xiao Chen gazed at Duanmu Qing, Ji Changkong, and Mu Chengxue below the arena. He said, "The three of you should face me together. Otherwise, you will not stand a chance."

The moment Xiao Chen spoke, everyone felt their hearts leap into their throat. Is this Xiao Chen crazy? He actually asked for all his opponents to come together.

Ji Changkong smiled coldly, "Xiao Chen, if you truly seek death, I am not afraid of granting your wish."

Duanmu Qing's cold, beautiful face had no expression. She asked, her voice frosty, "Do you really think you are qualified?"

Mu Chengxue held the Beauty Under the Moon in his hand and revealed a playful smile on his handsome face. He smiled gently and said, "If that is all the strength you possess, you don't even qualify to make me draw my sword."

These three were extremely proud; they stood out from the rest. Since they were young, they had received others' admiration. They enjoyed glory and fame. There has never been a moment when others looked down upon them.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three strong auras rushed into the sky. Resplendent starlight appeared as countless stars flickered. This was Ji Changkong's state of stars.

A bone-chilling cold Qi flickering with a sharp cold light spread into the sky. This was Duanmu Qing's Great Perfection state of ice.

Gentle, warm moonlight shone down, moving like a cool breeze. This was Mu Chengxue's strange state of bright moon. Under its calm exterior, it hid an overwhelming aura.

The three auras merged and scattered the clouds. Strong winds blew, and the weather changed.

Everyone in the drill ground could feel a strong pressure on their shoulders like a large mountain pressing down on them.

Xiao Chen held a two-meter-long saber with a sharp saber light as he faced the strong auras. He smiled faintly and gently raised his right leg before stepping down.

The Dragon and Tiger Body Sculpting Art was at peak Great Perfection. Xiao Chen could achieve 50,000 kilograms of physical force with a casual strike. At full power, he could achieve 75,000 kilograms of force. When he infused his Essence, he could achieve 100,000 kilograms of force.

Most importantly, Xiao Chen could freely control this force, manipulating it perfectly.

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Chapter 361: All Three Together

Xiao Chen had infused his Essence and physical strength before stomping. The broad arena, with a foundation of Heavenly Mountain Stones and coating of Frost Iron, slowly and unexpectedly sank into the ground.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The ground could not withstand the pressure of the arena sinking. Deep cracks formed and quickly expanded.

The cracks expanded relentlessly. As the ground tore apart, the other arenas on the drill grounds immediately cracked and shattered.

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The thousand-meter-long drill ground shook endlessly. Even the surrounding spectator stands trembled.

The quaking lasted for a period before coming to a slow end. The arena under Xiao Chen was already level with the ground.

A surging aura came from Xiao Chen, rushing to the sky without end. He contested it with the three's auras, revealing its sharpness.

"Do I qualify for the three of you to attack together now?"

Xiao Chen's tone was calm as he spoke. He revealed his sharpness on his well-defined face. He was like a treasured saber, drawn and seeking someone to test his edge on.

Xiao Chen had wanted to test his true strength long ago. He wanted to know exactly how strong he was. The earlier few fights did not allow him to express himself fully.

The feeling was similar to that of being very excited and preparing to launch a full-powered strike, yet having an already defeated opponent, with no outlet to vent one's strength.

This had happened to Xiao Chen over and over again. He had enough of this. He only wanted an enjoyable fight, utilizing his full strength.

On the platform, Feng Xuanyi, who had been silent, suddenly said, "If this fellow can emerge victoriously, he will probably steal all the Luck of these noble clan heirs. Who knows; he might really become a legend."

[TL note: Luck, this is slightly different from the luck we know. At this point in time, all I can figure out is that it can be stolen from others or gained from certain events. This Luck is apparently for cultivators and is probably related to luck as we know it as well.]

The strength that Xiao Chen displayed and his strong aura made the three change their expression. They were alarmed and afraid.

"Silent? In that case, I will take it as your agreement." Xiao Chen said indifferently and pushed off the ground. He relied purely on his physical strength and shot toward the three like an arrow.

Ji Changkong shouted coldly and said, "Since you seek death, I can't be bothered to talk about righteousness and justice with you. Astral Swordplay, Resplendent Starlight!"

The sky above the arena grew dark; countless stars flickered in the sky. Day had instantly become night.

Starlight shone down, and a deep starry sky appeared in Ji Changkong's eyes. He brandished his sword and rushed forward while carrying the power of the starlight.


At the same time, Mu Chengxue drew the Holy Weapon, the Beauty Under the Moon. The sword reflected a golden full moon.

There seemed to be another world within that moonlight. There was a drawn-out hum, like the pleasing voice of a girl; it pulled at the heartstrings of those who heard it.

Duanmu Qing, who had been silent for a long time, also made her move. Her fine black hair turned white instantly. Her eyes completely lost all human emotion; it was extremely cold.

A slender sword appeared in her hand. It was infused with a bone-chilling state of ice as she pierced it toward Xiao Chen.

At this moment, even though she would not willingly admit it, she was no longer a match for Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen looked at the three who made their moves at the same time and smiled faintly. He suddenly stopped and landed firmly on the ground.

Xiao Chen brandished his saber, and a flower bud appeared below his feet. After a while, a Wukui Flowerbud, flickering with alternating purple and red lights, enveloped Xiao Chen.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The attacks of the three struck the flower bud. However, the bud did not move at all. It flickered between a purple electric and scarlet light; it was incredibly odd.

The three exchanged a look. They quickly circulated their Essence before sending even more ferocious attacks at Xiao Chen.

They had infused their respective states with their Sword Techniques. The force was directed to the ground, and deep cracks appeared. However, that strange flower bud still did not move.

Within the flower bud, Xiao Chen's expression did not change. He suppressed the surging Qi and blood in his body, and he made hand seals.

"Wukui Blossoms!"

When the third wave of attacks was about to land, the purple and red flower bud suddenly released a surging shockwave.

The three could not react in time. The shockwave struck them all and threw them backward. Countless flower petals danced in the wind.

The purple and red flower petals filled the drill grounds; it was gorgeous to behold. Xiao Chen pushed off the ground and chased after the slower Ji Changkong.

As Xiao Chen traveled through the flower petals, his speed increased explosively. In an instant, he caught up to Ji Changkong.

Ji Changkong's expression turned grave. He suddenly leaped up a hundred meters and turned around.

Countless stars appeared above them. The star that represented Ji Changkong in the boundless river of stars suddenly shone brightly, and a resplendent pillar of light descended from the sky.

"Astral Swordplay, Eternal Light!"

A vast sword light appeared on his blade as Ji Changkong fired it at Xiao Chen with lightning speed.


The sword light was very bright and dazzling. A seemingly bottomless pit appeared in the ground of the drill grounds. The sight was frightening.

All this happened in the time for a spark to fly. It was so fast that the crowd could not react to it.

"Did I hit him?" Ji Changkong frowned slightly and heaved a sigh of relief. After executing this move within a short span of time, he was already spent.

"That move is pretty strong. Unfortunately, it is useless if it does not hit."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen's calm voice came from behind Ji Changkong. Ji Changkong's face fell, and he quickly raised his sword to block his chest.


A saber hacked out, and Ji Changkong slid back several meters. The vibration of his sword made his right hand feel numb. So, he switched to a two-handed grip.

The flower petals filling the air gave off an invisible light. When the light shone on Xiao Chen, his speed increased by thirty percent.

Ji Changkong had just retreated, but Xiao Chen arrived beside him once again. Xiao Chen's saber light flickered, moving relentlessly; he sent out more than a hundred strikes in an instant.

Retreat! Retreat! Retreat! Retreat again!

Ji Changkong could barely block Xiao Chen's attacks. He was suppressed to the point where he had no opportunity to take a breather. In a breath of time, he retreated several hundred meters.

"Hu chi!"

A strand of killing Qi came from behind Xiao Chen. He twisted his body to the side, and he saw that it was Mu Chengxue, charging forth and brandishing the Beauty Under the Moon. Ji Changkong took a prolonged breath as he retreated a hundred meters.

Right after Xiao Chen dodged Mu Chengxue's attack, an intensely cold aura came from above. Duanmu Qing charged ahead as well.

Xiao Chen smiled gently and swept his saber across. He deflected Mu Chengxue's sword before performing a somersault and dodging the two's attacks.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The two sent attacks at Xiao Chen relentlessly. The state of ice exhibited to its limits. A cold Qi seeped into Xiao Chen's body via his skin, slowing him slightly.

Occasionally, a gentle hum would come from Mu Chengxue's sword. It was very pleasing to the ear, making one to want to listen. This distracted Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen infused the state of massacre into his Saber Techniques. He maintained his frame of mind as he waved his saber, blocking the two's attacks.

Although Xiao Chen could block the sword, he could not block the sword light. Bloody wounds appeared on his fair skin.

Duanmu Qing and Ji Changkong were not in better positions. Xiao Chen's saber light had two different kinds of states infused into it. When it struck their bodies, the damage was obvious.


A ray of starlight descended behind Xiao Chen. Ji Changkong had rested and rejoined the fight. The three formed a circle and surrounded Xiao Chen.

The four of them battled in the petal-filled air. Dust was kicked up from the ground. There were ice, starlight, moonlight, and the electric light that flickered between red and purple.

Dust filled the air; shockwaves flew all over the place. The spectators' eyes widened as they watched the fight nervously.

The intensity of this fight had far surpassed their expectations. Xiao Chen was surrounded by the perils of fighting against three at the same time.

It was like a small boat in a torrential storm and surging sea. It shook like it could sink at any time. However, it did not do so in the end.

Just when everyone thought that Xiao Chen would die, he dodged the killing move and made a sharp counter attack at the same time.

Xiao Chen's white robes were already stained with blood. He smiled bitterly to himself, This was very enjoyable, but the price was high.

We, cultivators, are born in this age full of geniuses, this age full of violent developments.

Without defying the heavens and welcoming difficulties, how can we stand out from the crowd? How else can we climb to the peak of cultivation?

Xiao Chen laughed toward the sky. A heroic spirit was born in his heart. The movements of his hands became slightly faster, deflecting the attacks the three sent at him.

"I want to see how long you can last. Again!" Ji Changkong roared, and dazzling starlight burst around him as he charged Xiao Chen again.

From the start of the battle, both sides fought at full-force. This was no longer a competition of strength. It was a competition of their perseverance and willpower. Whoever could hold on the longest would not fall. Who would have the last laugh?

Duanmu Qing's hair fluttered around her face; her expression did not change. There were no signs of any fluctuations. Her whole body emitted a cold Qi. Even though it was it was bone-chilling, Mu Chengxue and Ji Changkong were willing to be close to her.

It was hard to image how Xiao Chen held on, given that this cold Qi was directed at him.

It was frigid. However, Xiao Chen had already cultivated to the Dragon Tendon Tiger Bone; his body had already experienced a rebirth. The cold Qi could not penetrate his meridians. Although it did not feel good, he could endure it.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The battle continued for another hour. Under the sharp attacks, all four of them had wounds of various sizes.

However, the weapons in their hands did not stop. Such a high-intensity fight was a great test of their perseverance.


A fierce flame started burning in Xiao Chen's right eye. Eventually, all of the fire gathered before elongating into a purple arrow.

The biggest threat to Xiao Chen was Duanmu Qing. So, Xiao Chen launched it at her. Duanmu Qing's expression changed slightly; she felt a dangerous aura. She quickly retreated and surrounded herself with a screen of ice.

Xiao Chen smiled faintly and ignored her. How damaging could this purple light be? He immediately turned his gaze and attacked Ji Changkong.

Xiao Chen had already waited for this opportunity for very long. Of the three, Ji Changkong was the weakest. He could only start looking for a weak point.

After Xiao Chen diverted the strongest, Duanmu Qing, he broke out of the enclosure of the three and quickly made his move.

The moment Duanmu Qing left, the cold Qi within Xiao Chen's body decreased significantly. His unpredictable movements appeared again. He spun around and stabbed his saber into Ji Changkong's chest.

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Chapter 362: The Tragic Mu Chengxue

"Wukui Supporting the Heavens!"

The red and purple petals that filled the air formed a mottled whirlpool and quickly entered Ji Changkong's wound.


Ji Changkong fell back. The purple and red flower petals rapidly took root in his body. A purple and red Wukui Tree grew out of his wound.

Countless tree branches slowly extended from the tree trunk. After a while, leaves filled the branches. On each of the branches, several strange purple and red Wukui Flowers blossomed.

Mu Chengxue's expression turned grave. A murderous intent appeared in his eyes. He intended to make use of the opportunity.

Mu Chengxue's sword hummed softly. The gentle moonlight shone down, and it carried an overwhelming killing Qi as it pierced at Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen currently had his hands full; he could not dodge this attack.

In fact, Xiao Chen did not plan to dodge. He merely continued to focus on making hand seals to control the growth of the Wukui Tree.

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The wind from the sword somewhat pained Xiao Chen's cheeks. The tip of the sword was now ten meters away from him.


A jade pendant on Xiao Chen's chest lit up with resplendent light. A formless shield encased him. This was the Secret Treasure he had won at the auction.

When Mu Chengxue's full power attack struck the shield, the barrier reflected thirty percent of its force back at him. The force knocked him back, and he vomited a mouthful of blood.

After the shield withstood the strike, it slowly started to shatter. After Xiao Chen completed his hand seals, he turned and chased after Mu Chengxue.

The Wukui Tree behind Xiao Chen had completely formed. Countless roots extended throughout Ji Changkong's body and meridians. They locked him in place, causing him enough pain that he wished he was dead. No matter how he struggled, it was useless.

Mu Chengxue wiped his mouth clear of blood as he watched Xiao Chen leap over. He smiled coldly, and the moonlight on his sword started to ripple.

The surrounding space began to blur. As Xiao Chen flew through the air, the distance between him and Mu Chengxue appeared infinite; there was no way for him to get near.

"Now that I used a Holy Weapon and changed the natural laws to create a small realm, let's see how you break it. There are now more than a thousand kilometers between us; you can forget about catching me."

Mu Chengxue's voice resonated throughout the space. It sounded as if he were very close, yet so far away.

Xiao Chen smiled faintly and said, "I have said it before; as long as you haven't comprehended the natural laws yourself, changing the natural laws is useless in front of absolute power."

"Listening to the Sword!" Xiao Chen shouted, and a light flashed on the Lunar Shadow Saber. Its snow-white blade turned pitch-black, showing off its sharpness wantonly; it had turned into a true Heavenly Weapon.

Wukui Breaks the Heavens can even break the heavens; your measly natural laws are nothing before it!

An ancient divine tree rapidly manifested above Xiao Chen. Thunder roared in the sky above the drill grounds. He exhibited the state of thunder to its limits.


A bolt of lightning descended from the sky; the sound was ear-splitting. The growth of the divine tree completed. A resplendent light appeared on Xiao Chen's saber.

The light extended quickly, heading toward Mu Chengxue. Screw the natural laws of heaven and earth; with the aid of the state of massacre and the Heavenly Weapon, everything shall break!

The moonlight on Mu Chengxue's sword dimmed. The beam of light struck his chest in an instant; it was even faster than the blink of an eye.

The crowd in the spectator stands only saw a flash of light. Then, Mu Chengxue was thrown into the distant sky, disappearing from everybody's sight.

Before Xiao Chen could catch a breath, he immediately felt a cold Qi spreading quickly through the drill ground.

Duanmu Qing had completely dodged the fast Purple Thunder True Fire and currently executed her own sure-kill techniques.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The cold Qi on the ground quickly gathered and formed a huge ice prison, encasing the entire arena. In an instant, the people outside could only see a thick wall of ice; they could not see what occurred inside.

Within the ice prison, a pitch-black saber rested against Duanmu Qing's neck. Xiao Chen wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and said indifferently, "Give up. I still have one of my Wukui Saber Techniques that I have not executed yet. You do not stand a chance."

The instant the ice prison formed, Xiao Chen executed the Azure Dragon Cloud Soaring Art to its peak and executed the Azure Dragon Tail Whip. Right as Duanmu Qing was about to unleash her sure-kill technique, he rushed over and placed his saber on her neck.

After a moment of silence, the ice-attributed energy in Duanmu Qing's hands faded. The ice prison immediately melted. Her white hair returned to black.

There were no traces of blood in Duanmu Qing pale complexion. A look of fatigue flashed in her eyes. She said softly, "Actually, from the very start, you had won. Duanmu Qing's skills are not up to par. From here on, the grudges between the Duanmu Clan and you are at an end."

After Duanmu Qing spoke, she slowly walked out of the drill grounds. After a while, a figure descended from the sky and landed heavily on the ground. That figure bounced on the ground a few times miserably before stopping.

This was Mu Chengxue, previously thrown into the sky by the Wukui Breaks the Heavens.

Mu Chengxue had already suffered injuries. When he fell from several thousand meters, he sustained further injuries. He could not even speak. Blood obscured his vision; he was in an extremely tragic state.

The entire drill grounds fell completely silent. Xiao Chen fought against three but still obtained victory. Earlier, he defeated the Holy Land's disciples; then, he defeated the disciples of the various noble clans.

From the start, he did not stop to rest. All of his opponents were not only strong, but they were also all outstanding talents of their regions.

However, this white-robed bladesman had defeated them all. No one was his match, even when they fought three against one.

After his battle, Xiao Chen's name would shake the world. He would become the strongest person in the younger generation of the Great Qin Nation.

Xiao Chen was the true main character of today's event. Even the glory of Leng Liusu, who became a peak Inferior Grade Martial King, paled in comparison.

Many people felt excited. Perhaps after many years, they could witness a legend's rise to glory.

As Xiao Chen walked, he stepped on the ice in the arena, the shards crunching under his feet.

Every step Xiao Chen took gave him a headache. However, he needed to move forward. There were some things he had to clear up with the person laying on the ground. He had to force this person's words from his own mouth!

Mu Chengxue, who was on the ground, had blurry vision and could not stop coughing. When he heard footsteps, he wanted to struggle to stand. However, a scabbard forced him back to the ground.

"You once said: the higher you fly, the harder you will fall. Looking at you now, I do not doubt these words. Thank you for reminding me; I will always remember this. I will never let myself succumb to the danger of falling."

When Mu Chengxue heard this, he coughed violently. However, he laughed mournfully in his heart. He, how had fallen from the sky, now completely understood the meaning of these words.

Perhaps I should not have made enemies with this person. There are some people who are destined to rise. Even if you can pull them down temporarily, you would only become a stepping stone for them, allowing them to fly higher.

"Xiao Chen managed to defeat all of them; how unexpected."

"First he defeated the Holy Land disciples with four palms. Then he defeated the noble clan heirs. No one can defend against his sharpness. No one within the younger generation is a match for him."

"Our Great Qin Nation is the weakest among the five nations. This time we might have a demonic genius."

After the silence, the crowd in the spectator stands exploded into chatter. They were all excited; their discussions were unending.

Only the other side, where Liu Ruyue and the others watched. Liu Ruyue smiled sincerely as she quickly walked over to Xiao Chen.

At this point, all the noble clan elders on the platform were sullen. They could not take him down in this fight. This Xiao Chen might be the shadow in their hearts in this life.

They had such a talented opponent; merely thinking about it made them fearful, frustrating them.

However, the most frustrated person was none other than Song Que. Currently, he was very depressed. He originally thought that it was a dead end for Xiao Chen. Yet, he had survived. Furthermore, his fame even grew.

No, this brats strength is already sufficient to threaten me. We have a death grudge between us. He will definitely come back and seek revenge.

Song Que's expression was hesitant as if he mulled over a difficult decision.

I will just kill him. He is currently at his weakest; this is the best opportunity. He is no longer a Heavenly Saber Pavilion disciple. With my status as Peak Master, I can avoid the death penalty.

Thinking of this, a murderous intent appeared in Song Que's eyes. As he looked at Liu Ruyue, whose back faced him as she walked, and the defenseless Xiao Chen, he tightly clenched his fist.


Song Que shouted and used his remaining arm as a saber. He carried a sharp killing Qi and leaped toward Xiao Chen.

When the smiling Liu Ruyue saw the berserk Song Que, her expression immediately changed. She called out loudly, "Xiao Chen, watch out!"

Xiao Chen felt the assault of the killing Qi. He wanted to execute the Azure Dragon Cloud Soaring Art and dodge. However, he discovered that he had run dry of Essence. There was nothing left. He felt alarmed.


Liu Ruyue quickly flew over and took the strike for Xiao Chen, a strike powered by Song Que's peak Martial King Cultivation realm.

"Pu ci!"

The difference in strength between an Inferior Grade Martial King and peak Martial King was vast. Furthermore, Song Que had stored power for a long time to execute this strike.

Liu Ruyue vomited a mouthful of blood and felt excruciating pain in her chest as she flew back.

Xiao Chen's expression suddenly fell. He rushed to catch Liu Ruyue and checked her pulse. He sent in a strand of Spiritual Sense and discovered her heart vessels had shattered and her lifeforce quickly faded.

The situation's sudden change shocked everyone. They did not expect such a development.

"Xiao Chen, Don't…be rash." Liu Ruyue collapsed in Xiao Chen's arm. She was frail and pale.

It was like a bolt of lightning had struck Xiao Chen's mind. His eyes turned scarlet and the scarlet throne in his sea of consciousness trembled. Scarlet strands of the state of massacre extended out.

When Xiao Chen looked back, he discovered that Song Que was still not willing to let go and rapidly headed for him. He was determined to kill Xiao Chen.

Seeking death!

Xiao Chen's heart turned cold and killing intent filled his entire body. The Azure Dragon tattoo on his right arm started moving. A horrifying energy accumulated.

After a while, that realistic looking tattoo started to move. A realistic Azure Dragon circled Xiao Chen's arm.


A dragon roar shook the earth. The white clouds in the sky separated. The Holy Might of an ancient Holy Beast spread throughout the drill grounds. Song Que's expression massively shifted mid-rush.

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Chapter 363: Exterminating Song Que

Song Que only felt a surging Holy Might pressing on him, like a small mountain weighing on his body. His Martial Spirit trembled, and his Essence became chaotic. His legs stopped listening to him.

Before Song Que could react, the Azure Dragon struck. The clothes on his upper body ripped, and a large bloody hole appeared in his chest; he flew back a hundred meters.

The Azure Dragon circled and returned to Xiao Chen's arm. It was now very dim; only a faint image remained.

On the platform, the previously silent Elder Yan's expression changed greatly when he saw the azure-colored true dragon. He was startled. Azure Dragon Martial Spirit... How could it be the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit?

[TL note: The flood dragons are not considered true dragons. Something like a close relative but not as powerful.]

Xiao Chen took a few steps and walked over to the severely injured Song Que. His eyes were scarlet and his face sullen as he lifted Song Que.

"Song Que, I have no grudges with you. You are a peak Martial King, yet you tried to kill me over and over again. I have endured you until today, and still, you refuse to let me go." Xiao Chen shouted as he grabbed Song Que's collar.

"Don't kill me. I am the Biyun Peak Master. If you kill me, you will die as well," Song Que said with a horrified expression. The fear in his heart made him give up all of his pride.

"Xiao Chen, stop!" The First Elder Jiang Chi tried to stop him. No matter what, Song Que was still a Peak Master of the Heavenly Saber Pavilion. They could not let him die at the hands of an outsider.

Xiao Chen ignored Jiang Chi and simply punched with his right hand, crushing Song Que's brain.

Liu Ruyue's heart vessels had shattered in place of Xiao Chen's. Regardless of whoever begged for mercy, he must kill this person.

"Hu chi!"

A red light flashed on the platform. It was a palm strike moving toward Xiao Chen with lightning speed.

"Old Fogey, try moving further forward and see what happens," a tender voice warned.

Right as Elder Yan's palm was about to strike Xiao Chen, a fiery-red meteor suddenly descended from the sky.

When looking carefully, it was a golden spear. Coiling around the spear was a golden dragon made of a pure, golden flame.

Sensing the danger, Elder Yan immediately froze. When he clearly saw what it was, his expression changed, "Sub-Divine Weapon, Grand Imperial Spear, and complete Dragon Fire? Is the Qin Emperor here?"

Retreat! Elder Yan retreated without hesitation. He moved with incredulous speed. However, the spear tightly followed him.

Everywhere the spear passed, a visible black hole appeared, tearing space apart. The Dragon Flame circling the spear burned fiercely, making the black hole grow larger.

My life is over; why can't I escape from this spear? Elder Yan wondered despondently.

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Just as Elder Yan despaired, a ripple suddenly appeared in space. Elder Luo, leading seven people from the Reincarnation Well, manifested.

Elder Luo pushed aside Elder Yan and gently used a finger to stop the Grand Imperial Spear that tore space apart so easily. A formless shockwave radiated from below his feet.

Elder Luo caused the boundless force of the spear to vanish, demonstrating strong control.

Ying Yue descended from the sky and stretched out her hand, snatching back the Grand Imperial Spear.

"Elder Luo, that person in the inheritor of the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit," Elder Yan, who had been saved in the nick of time, said as he looked at Xiao Chen.

Elder Luo waved it off and said, "I know. You don't have to say more. Just leave this matter."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The Heavenly Saber Pavilion Supreme Elders, who were all hidden, showed themselves. Xiao Chen's eyes lit up when he saw Shen Manjun.

Xiao Chen immediately carried Liu Ruyue over and said anxiously, "Ancestral Martial Aunt, please save Ruyue. She is going to die."

Shen Manjun sighed softly and said, "I owe you a favor. Furthermore, Liu Ruyue is one of our own. Out of both duty and feelings, I will save her."

When Xiao Chen heard this, he relaxed. He said, "Ancestral Martial Aunt, can she be saved?"

Shen Manjun took out a pill and slid it into Liu Ruyue's mouth. The pill dissolved and soon, Liu Ruyue's fading lifeforce slowly recovered.

"We are still in time. This is Jade Maiden Peak's Rank 9 treatment holy medicine. It will guarantee her survival," Shen Manjun said calmly as she infused a strand of gentle Essence to speed up the effects of the medicine.

When the people behind Liu Ruyue heard this, they all heaved a sigh of relief. It was fine as long as she lived.

"Xiao Chen, you killed my Heavenly Saber Pavilion's Peak Master Song Que. According to the sect rules, you should be executed. However, Song Que made the first move, trying to kill his fellow sect mates. He had committed the same offense. You have made great contributions and taking that into consideration, you are not allowed to take a step into my Heavenly Saber Pavilion again. Do you agree?"

Shen Manjun spoke softly after Liu Ruyue's condition had stabilized. Although she was not the Pavilion Master or the one with the highest seniority, in some ways, her words held heavier weight than Jiang Chi's.

"Stupid, why haven't you agreed yet? She is doing this to protect you. Do you not see the eyes of the Holy Land's people turning green?"

Just as Xiao Chen was about to argue, Liu Ruyue's voice appeared in his mind. He could only nod and said, "I promise Ancestral Martial Aunt. I will not step into the Heavenly Saber Pavilion again."

Shen Manjun nodded gently and looked at Elder Luo, "Elder Luo, what do you think?"

The core elder of the Phoenix's Passion Palace scolded Elder Yan furiously by transmitting his voice directly to him. Then he smiled gently and said, "Elder Shen is too polite. This is the personal matter of the Heavenly Saber Pavilion. It has nothing to do with the Phoenix's Passion Palace. I only hope that your esteemed Young Pavilion Master will head to the Holy Land as previously agreed."

Since Liu Ruyue was already safe, Xiao Chen completely relaxed. Not stepping into the Heavenly Saber Pavilion was not the same not returning to the Heavenly Saber Pavilion.

When Xiao Chen grew strong enough, he would take Liu Ruyue away from this place. He would not forget his promise to her.

Xiao Chen said goodbye to everyone and especially thanked Princess Ying Yue before he slowly walked out with Xiao Bai.

Xiao Chen did not know when he would return after leaving this time. However, he certainly would return. He had to accomplished everything he had promised.

After Xiao Chen left, Elder Luo walked over to Ying Yue, smiling. He said, "Little Girl, you look so much like your grandfather, and you are as domineering as well. Unfortunately, you are too weak."

Ying Yue grasped the Grand Imperial Spear in her hand tightly and said indifferently, "Should we battle to discover if your words are true?"

Elder Luo smiled gently and did not mind Ying Yue's taunts. He said, "Go back, and tell your grandfather he still lost a little this time."

As Ying Yue watched the Phoenix's Passion Palace's people leave, She said softly to herself, "As long as Xiao Chen is alive, we did not lose."

After that, the people of high status left. Then, the crowd in the drill grounds slowly departed as well.

The selection of the Holy Land had been utterly decimated. However, the cultivators that came did not feel any regret. They had witnessed the birth of a legend. This was a type of fortune as well.

Not long later, all the noble clans at the platform also left. The previously bustling drill grounds were now quiet once again.

Even the most glorious occasion will come to its end, Jiang Chi sighed to himself as he led the Heavenly Saber Elders and left.

However, no one would have guessed that this occasion's end would trigger the Tianwu Continent's glorious moment; the true curtains had just risen.


Xihe Province, in an Inn by a Desolate Road:

This road led to the Black Dragon River from the Heavenly Saber Pavilion. This was the only road aside from the Devil Savanna.

There were many cultivators there; this was the only inn for five hundred kilometers in this desolate wilderness. This had become a place where many cultivators would come and rest.

This inn was not big; it did not even have separate floors. There was a single building with the kitchens and rooms. Several tables sat outside, and a signboard rested by the roadside.

However, business was very good. Out of the several tables, only one was empty. Traveling cultivators occupied all the rest.

At the vat of wine outside the inn, a pretty young girl in white, about fourteen or fifteen years of age, held up a bottle gourd. She happily demanded of the owner, "Owner, fill my gourd bottle with wine."

The owner was an old man more than fifty years old. When he saw the seductive smile on that girl's pure face, he immediately became entranced.

He only recovered his wits after a long moment. Then, he took out a funnel and placed it the opening of the bottle gourd. He used a ladle and slowly scooped up the wine.

When the young girl smelled the fragrant wine, she smiled till her lovely eyes reduced to slits. She said, "Thank you; do pour more in."

The owner laughed and said, "No problem. I will fill it to the brim for you. I run an honest business. I will not shortchange you."

However, after ladling in wine for a long time, the owner started to murmur to himself, "Why does it feel like I cannot completely fill this small bottle gourd?" He looked down and saw that the bottle gourd was very sturdy and not leaking.

At a table to the side, a white-clothed youth ate in peace. A blue strip of cloth wrapped around his forehead and his skin was very fair; he appeared very handsome. When he saw the situation, he nearly spat out his food and wine.

The youth quickly ran over and took the bottle gourd. Then, he took out a piece of gold and handed it over, "Owner, there is no need to continue filling this. This gold is for you."

"Thank you, young hero!"

When the owner saw the gold, his eyes widened. However, he still muttering to himself, "It's strange. It is clearly only a small bottle gourd; why can't I fill it to the brim?"

The white-clothed youth smiled bitterly to himself. If you could fill it, that would be strange. This is a small spatial Magic Treasure that I refined. Even if you fill it with a pool of water a hundred meters wide, there would be more than enough space. 

Needless to say, these two people were Xiao Chen and Xiao Bai, who had just left the Heavenly Saber Pavilion.

After leaving the Heavenly Saber Pavilion, Xiao Chen rode the silver warship and quickly left the boundaries of the Heavenly Saber Pavilion. After he spent half a month treating his injuries in a small town, he continued on his journey.

Now, within the Great Qin Nation, aside from a few people, there was almost no one who could match up against Xiao Chen in the younger generation. The rest were not worth using his full power.

In the Tianwu Continent, the Great Jin Nation was the strongest; their Spiritual Veins had not changed. There were four other nations: the Great Tang Nation, the Great Chu Nation, the Great Xia Nation, and the Great Qin Nation. Of which, the Great Qin Nation was the weakest. The Spiritual Energy in the Great Qin Nation was also the most sparse. They only had three large-scale sects.

As for the other three nations, each had at least four or five sects that were not inferior to the Heavenly Saber Pavilion. Needless to say, there were more in the Great Jin Nation.

Xiao Chen had never limited his goals to the Great Qin Nation. From the very start, he looked on the scale of the entire continent. Hence, he had to travel out of the Great Qin Nation.

The Tianwu Continent was vast and boundless. Aside from the Five Great Nations, there were the mysterious Desolate Lands, the barbarians who occupied the hundred thousand huge mountains in the north, and several small nations that were ruled by some strange ancient tribes.

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Chapter 364: Ancient Desolate Treasure Map

The continent itself was so vast that it could be considered boundless. Not to mention the countless islands in the boundless oceans, the Icy Continent in the extreme north, and the legendary Raging Flame Abyss from which it was said the sun rose.

The world was so large. Most people would not ever see half in their lifetimes. One might be a super genius in their nation, but when one left, they might realize they were merely a drop of water in the ocean.One had to maintain a humble and calm heart, no matter what the world said about their talent or future. In Xiao Chen's eyes, all was in vain.Only when Xiao Chen truly grasped strength would he be satisfied. Regardless of when, he could not allow the world to influence his heart. He would not worry, doubt, fear, or feel prideful."Didn't I tell you before? You are not allowed to use this bottle gourd for buying wine. Why are you so disobedient?" Xiao Chen gently smacked Xiao Bai's head as he scolded her.Xiao Bai lowered her head. She felt somewhat wronged as she said, "But the other bottle gourds are really small. I empty them after two mouthfuls."Xiao Chen shook his head helplessly. It was just his luck to meet this girl who loved drinking; he felt really helpless. He handed the bottle gourd back to Xiao Bai and said, "No more next times. This time, I will punish you by not letting you drink until nightfall."Xiao Bai happily received the bottle gourd and tied it to her waist. She nodded and said seriously, "Xiao Bai will not drink; Xiao Bai guarantees it."Xiao Chen left money for the food on the table. Then, he walked toward the road with Xiao Bai.Not long after Xiao Chen left, a few cultivators at another table chatted with each other. One of them said, "The youth earlier…he seemed to be the recently famous White-Robed Bladesman, Xiao Chen. His purpose is not the same as ours, right, targeting that treasure?"Another person laughed and said, "You are overthinking this. Wearing white robes and tying a blue strip of cloth on the head is a norm for bladesmen now. Which bladesman is not dressed like that at the moment?"A third person chimed in, "Indeed. Since the day of that fight in the Heavenly Saber Pavilion, which bladesman does not dress like this? I can only say that Xiao Chen is too famous; there are too many people following his style. Don't overthink this.""Perhaps I really did overthink this. There are too many white-robed bladesman wearing a strip of blue cloth on their heads. Let's quickly finish eating and continue our journey," the first person who spoke concluded.---High in the sky, a silver warship quickly advanced against the strong winds in the clouds.Xiao Chen was in the ship's hold carefully examining a map. There were detailed drawings of topography of the Xihe Province and the seas near it. There were detailed marks for every river, mountain, town, and city.A small map flickering with a spiritual light sat next to the massive map. This was the treasure map that Xiao Chen had previously obtained.According to the fatty, the location of the treasure was on an island at sea. Surging waves battered the island throughout the year. Even Martial Monarchs experts could not reach it.In the past, a Martial Sage had changed the natural laws around the island. Even after a thousand years, the altered natural laws had not recovered.Every two years, there would be a brief respite. The huge waves would recede significantly, allowing Martial Kings a chance to enter.Having calculated the time carefully, Xiao Chen realized that now was coincidentally about the time people could travel to the island.When Xiao Chen left the Heavenly Saber Pavilion, he did not have a definitive destination. Since he had this treasure map, he should give it a try; perhaps he could take advantage of a fortuitous encounter.After Xiao Chen compared the maps, he muttered, "It looks like the river on the treasure map is really the Black Dragon River in Xihe Province. The sea route marked by the red line is probably the way to the island."Xiao Bai sat at the stern of the warship. She occasionally snuck sips from her bottle gourd when she saw Xiao Chen fully focused. Her flushed face was very attractive.Xiao Chen saw all this clearly with his Spiritual Sense. However, he only smiled helplessly. He picked up the map flickering with spiritual light and examined it carefully for a long time.Xiao Chen's finger slowly moved around the treasure map until it stopped it at the island nearest to the treasure. This island was the Green Wind Island.The Green Wind Island was about two times the size of Xihe City. It was an extremely famous island that people would visit when heading into the boundless sea.All merchant ships that wished to head to the boundless sea would stop at this island, making a final restock of their supplies before the long journey."Xiao Bai, stop sneaking in sips. It's time to disembark," Xiao Chen said gently, carefully putting away the map.Xiao Bai's pretty face slightly flushed as she stood. She nodded gently and smiled, "Alright!"To reach the Green Wind Island, they had to catch a ride on one of the merchant ships. If Xiao Chen controlled the silver warship for such a long distance, it would be a great drain on his spirit and body.Xiao Chen put Xiao Bai back in the Spirit Blood Jade and retrieved the silver warship into his right eye. Then, he quickly fell from the sky. Soon, a small city appeared in his vision.That small city was the end of the road in the desolate wilderness. Because there was a harbor to the Black Dragon River near, even though the city was small, it bustled; people filled every space.Xiao Chen landed on the ground firmly. He paid the entrance toll before heading to the harbor adjoining the city.There were many huge merchant ships in the harbor. After Xiao Chen asked around and found a ship preparing to head for the boundless sea, he immediately rushed over."So, you are going to Green Wind Island? The fee is one hundred Inferior Grade Spirit Stones, non-negotiable," the person on the bow who negotiated with Xiao Chen said.

Strange; why is it so expensive? I remember the fee to ride the merchant ships in the past being only a few gold. Now, it's a hundred Spirit Stones.

Xiao Chen had the hundred Spirit Stones to spare. However, he did not want to waste them foolishly. He was about to find another ship to ask.

The fellow on the ship laughed and said, "Don't bother looking elsewhere; the other merchant ships are all offering the same price. Even if you only want to reach the next harbor, it is still the same price."

When things happened out of the ordinary, something strange must be going on. Xiao Chen felt suspicious and stopped. He took out a hundred and fifty Spirit Stones and said, "The remaining fifty Spirit Stones are a reward. Tell me why the prices are so high?"

When the fellow saw the extra fifty Inferior Grade Spirit Stones, a smiled immediately filled his face. He explained, "It's all because of that treasure map passed down in the Devil Savanna. According to rumors, a fatty had managed to obtain this map in the Devil Savanna.

"He had taken it to the big auction house in the Ancient Desolate Land and earned a large sum. Then, he made a thousand copies and sold them. This treasure map has now become common. The first person who bought it has felt very wronged.

"Not only those from our Great Qin Nation, but many cultivators from the Great Tang Nation, Great Xia Nation, and Great Chu Nation also obtained the map. There are many people going to the Green Wind Island."

After that person said this, Xiao Chen understood what was going on as well. He smiled to himself, It looks like the treasure map that I saw as precious has already become common.

However, with the fatty's character, this is definitely possible of him. After he lost so much in the Devil Savanna, he would try to find a way to recoup his losses.

After that, Xiao Chen followed that fellow and boarded the ship, going to the deck. He immediately felt countless strong auras. He saw about a hundred cultivators seated on the deck.

About half of them were peak Martial Saints; the remaining were Martial Kings. Half the Martial Kings were Medial Grade Martial Kings, and a small portion was Superior Grade Martial Kings.

Xiao Chen swept through the place with his Spiritual Sense and discovered that there was one peak Superior Grade Martial King. He had hidden his aura and quietly mingled with the crowd.

It looks like it was as that fellow said. Everyone has discovered the secret of the treasure map. Anyone who with some strength will try their luck.

"It's yet another bladesman imitating Xiao Chen. Why do the youths of these days enjoy imitating others so much? Do they think that they will become experts by wearing white robes and a blue strip of cloth?"

Several cultivators mocked Xiao Chen when they saw him board.

Xiao Chen looked around and discovered there were indeed many cultivators dressed similarly. They all wore white robes with a saber hanging at their waist and a blue strip of cloth around their foreheads.

Xiao Chen could only ignore these people. Such a situation was acceptable to him; it was better than being recognized.

Xiao Chen smiled gently and signaled that person to come to the ship's hold. Then he said, "Help me prepare a top-notch double room; the bigger, the better."

"Young Hero, this must be your first time hitching a ride on ship. We are not a passenger ship but a merchant ship, so…" 

Before that person finished, Xiao Chen tossed him a thousand Inferior Grade Spirit Stones. Then, he took out another hundred Spirit Stones and said, "The bigger pile is for your boss. The smaller one is for you."

That person immediately smiled and said, "Young Hero is very clear on the system. With Spirit Stones, everything becomes easy to manage. A double room, right? I will give you the largest. Wait for a while."

Xiao Chen was very clear that there were no empty rooms on the merchant shop. Aside from making great contributions to the merchant ship, he could only use Spirit Stones to establish a relationship.

Inferior Grade Spirit Stones were no longer useful for Xiao Chen's cultivation. He could only use them to recover some Essence; he did not mind spending them.

Not long later, that person came running over and guided Xiao Chen to the second floor, showing him to a large guest room.

"Young hero, if you have any further instructions, just tell me. My humble self is ready to serve you at any time." This person had already started to see Xiao Chen as the heir of some big clan and tried to benefit as much as he could.

Xiao Chen smiled faintly; he knew what that person thought. He handed over ten Inferior Grade Spirit Stones and said, "You can take your leave first. If there are any matters, I will call you. Don't interrupt me if I do not call you."

After that person took the Spirit Stones, he happily took his leave.

Xiao Chen closed the door and immediately released the stifled Xiao Bai. There was more than enough space for two people.

Xiao Chen instructed Xiao Bai to not run about before taking out a Medial Grade Spirit Stone. Then, he sat cross-legged and entered a state of cultivation. He prepared to make a breakthrough to Superior Grade Martial Saint.

After the continuous battles in the Heavenly Saber Pavilion, within the Qi whirlpool in Xiao Chen's dantian, the purple Essence liquid stirred restlessly. This signaled that he could reach a breakthrough soon.

Furthermore, with his recent cultivation, Xiao Chen was very close to becoming a Superior Grade Martial Saint. He just needed some time before he could smoothly become a Superior Grade Martial Saint.

That huge fight gave Xiao Chen a better understanding of his own strength.

Xiao Chen's current combat prowess lay between peak Medial Grade Martial King and Superior Grade Martial King. He could defeat ordinary Martial Kings and could hold his own against Superior Grade Martial Kings.

However, Xiao Chen was definitely not a match for a peak Superior Grade Martial King. If he ran into one, he could only do his best to escape.

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