Chapter 365: The Vast World

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As for within the Martial Saint realm, Xiao Chen was undefeatable. Xiao Chen even had the confidence of defeating the core disciples from the Holy Land.

The harbor they occupied was somewhere between the source of the river and the ocean; there was still a distance to the mouth of the river. Furthermore, the merchant ship could not move at full speed while in the river. Hence, it moved slowly.

Xiao Cheng did not leave his room. Aside from eating, he spent all his time cultivating.

The world outside the Heavenly Saber Pavilion had very sparse Spiritual Energy. Xiao Chen had to use one Medial Grade Spirit Stone every day.

Xiao Chen did not lack Spirit Stones. He exchanged his thirty thousand odd contribution points for a thousand odd Medial Grade Spirit Stones. In addition to what he had obtained from selling the Demonic Cores, he now had more than nine thousand Spirit Stones.

As long as Xiao Chen could raise his cultivation speed, he did not feel any heartache over it.

Two months later, the purple Qi Whirlpool in Xiao Chen's body suddenly spun very quickly. All of the Spiritual Energy contained in the Medial Grade Spirit Stone rapidly poured into his body.

"Ti da! Ti da!"

Drops of purple Essence liquid dripped continuously from the Qi whirlpool. Soon, it completely filled the Qi whirlpool.

All of the pores in Xiao Chen's body, all his flesh, and bone, felt bloated. After a while, the Qi whirlpool exploded, and this dantian turned chaotic.

Strong winds blew from Xiao Chen. Air currents instantly filled the room, forming a miniature tornado.

A very comfortable feeling spread throughout Xiao Chen's body. The Essence that circulated in his meridians became denser and purer.

Have I broken through?

With a thought from Xiao Chen, he sent his consciousness into his dantian. He saw that the size of the Qi whirlpool had at least doubled. The purple Essence liquid, which previously filled the Qi whirlpool, barely filled half of it.

Xiao Chen had successfully broken through. After four months, he finally advanced from peak Medial Grade Martial Saint to Superior Grade Martial Saint.

Xiao Chen revealed a faint smile. He circulated the Purple Thunder Divine Incantation. The purple Essence immediately flowed in a small cycle in his nine major meridians.

After that, the Essence completed a great cycle. Several dozen new minor meridians opened along the major meridians. One of these was the minor meridian Xiao Chen needed to cultivate the sixth layer of the Purple Thunder Divine Incantation.

The more minor meridians there were, the more Essence Xiao Chen would obtain from completing a great cycle. However, the time required to complete a great cycle would grow longer.

After one hour, the purple Essence finally completely a great cycle in all the minor meridians. The Essence in the nine major meridians gathered into a trickle and flowed into the purple Qi whirlpool.

Xiao Chen only stopped after he almost filled the Qi whirlpool. He only needed to complete another great cycle before he could fill it.

However, Xiao Chen did not continue circulating his Cultivation Technique. Two purple lights flashed in his eye, revealing his sharpness.

"Elder Brother Xiao Chen, you became stronger again," Xiao Bai said happily as she stood by the side.

Xiao Chen waved his hand, and all of the remnant purple energy in the air was absorbed into his body. He got up and smiled faintly, "Yes. I guess you must feel stifled after not going out for a month."

Xiao Bai said excitedly, "Great; I have yet to see what the Black Dragon River looks like."

They descended the staircase and arrived at the deck, one after another. At this moment, the sun was just rising. The faint light resulted in a golden reflection on the surface of the water.

The sky had just brightened. Many cultivators on the deck walked along the sides of the ship. They were in groups of two or three as they chatted.

After not emerging for more than a month, when Xiao Chen felt the breeze from the river, he felt relaxed and refreshing, improving his spirit.

There were many merchant ships on the vast river. Aside from the one Xiao Chen occupied, there were several larger ships.

After traveling for half a day, a huge tributary appeared. A large number of the merchant ships steered into this tributary.

Xiao Chen had examined the map before and knew that this tributary led to the most chaotic place of the continent, the Ancient Desolate Land.

The Ancient Desolate Land was very large; it was about half the size of the Great Qin Nation. When including the deserted areas, it was the same size as the Great Qin Nation.

The center of the Ancient Desolate Land was where the Tianwu Dynasty's capital had sat long ago. Once, it most bustling city on the continent.

Unfortunately, after the Tianwu Dynasty was destroyed, the Dragon Vein that occupied by the Tianwu Emperor split into nine.

It became an extremely dangerous place. Even though the Spiritual Energy in the Ancient Desolate Land was very dense, no nation would build their capital there.

Xiao Chen collected his thoughts. Since they had arrived here, they were not far from the sea. Soon, the merchant ship would leave the Tianwu Continent completely and arrive at sea.

"We are about to arrive at the Thunder Emperor Valley. After we pass the Thunder Emperor Valley, we will leave the Tianwu Continent," a cultivator said suddenly.

Another cultivator sighed, "Since the Thunder Emperor, no peak expert has appeared from the Great Qin Nation. They have really declined since then. I wonder if in another thousand years, will anyone reach the same glory as the Thunder Emperor again."

"No long ago, there was that bladesman that appeared in the Heavenly Saber Pavilion. Maybe he can achieve the same level of glory as the Thunder Emperor. He is the only person in the past hundred years to defeat so many noble clan geniuses in a short period."

"There are many geniuses in this age. When things reach an extreme, they can only move in the opposite direction. The continent that had been silent for a thousand years will rise again in this vast world."

"Just within the Great Qin Nation, the talent of those noble clan geniuses is not weak. There is still Leng Liusu who became a Martial King at seventeen, Chu Chaoyun who has not completely revealed his true strength, and a few military geniuses in the Imperial Capital who have spent their life killing in the battleground. This age is no inferior to that of a thousand years ago."

"As for the experts from the other nations, there are many more. Just the ones I know who are no weaker than Xiao Chen number at least a hundred. Furthermore, this is not including those geniuses in the Great Jin Nation."

"Naturally, we cannot include the geniuses of the Great Jin Nation. They are from a completely different world. How can we compare?"

"Maybe we can see some of these geniuses on Green Wind Island. According to rumor, some of the other nations also have the Devil Savanna's treasure map."

Someone on the ship shifted the conversation to the Thunder Emperor. Instantly, the entire deck became very lively. The cultivators with extensive experience started discussing the geniuses of every nation.

Xiao Chen felt interested and perked his ears up to listen, gaining knowledge from their words.

One thousand years ago, when the Thunder Emperor existed, geniuses filled every nation. There were many capable cultivators. Since the Tianwu Dynasty was destroyed, this was the first peak in the world of cultivators.

There were many dazzling genius cultivators and many more emerging. The Thunder Emperor rose to fame in such an environment.

The Thunder Emperor swept through all of the geniuses under the heavens before eventually becoming one of the people standing at the peak.

After the Thunder Emperor fell, that glorious period slowly declined. The world of cultivators went downhill. The number of peak cultivators decreased. The geniuses were no longer as dazzling as those in the past.

However, now, there seemed to be signs of growth again. It was like the seeds of a glorious era slowly sprouted.

Soon, the rising sun had reached its apex, and the sky became bright and intense. The silhouette of a grand ravine appeared in the distance.

Everyone respectfully fell silent. Reverence filled their gazes as they looked at the ravine in the distance.

The ravine was several thousand meters tall, climbing on either side of the Black Dragon River. They were like two swords piercing the sky; clouds shrouded their summits.

When the merchant ship arrived at the ravine, it slowed. After it entered the ravine, the sky immediately turned dark. All the cultivators on the deck became totally silent.

Only the sound of the waves could be heard on the quiet river. It even seemed like everyone stopped breathing.

What's going on? Xiao Chen looked suspiciously at the two side of the ravine. With a quick glance, he was completely stunned.

There was a huge sculpture of a person on the vast towering ravine. The carving was very life-like. His expression was resolute. He wore tight robes and had a sword hanging at his waist as he gazed at the distant sea.

The sculpture was carved along the ravine. It was a thousand meters tall. It looked like it could soar into the sky and felt very grand.

When Xiao Chen thought about the name, Thunder Emperor Valley, he immediately guessed this sculpture's identity.


Suddenly, a continuous string of thunder crackled in the clear sky above. When Xiao Chen looked up, dark clouds had filled the sky. It sounded like a huge army marching.

The winds blew wildly, and occasionally, bolts of lightning would streak across the sky. A berserk will of thunder reverberated in the ravine.

This caused everything to feel a horrifying pressure. It was like the heavenly thunders would smite them, causing their souls to dissipate and die without a complete corpse.

Xiao Bai looked at the horrifying electricity in the sky and remembered the electric light that appeared when she had changed forms. She was scared pale and hugged Xiao Chen's arms, refusing to let go.

"Elder Brother Xiao Chen, Xiao Bai is scared!"

When Xiao Chen felt Xiao Bai trembling, he gently placed his hand on Xiao Bai's mouth. He said softly, "Don't be afraid; don't say anything."

The was the will of thunder, the purest state of thunder. Even after a thousand years, it still inspired fear, making people too afraid to move.

No wonder all the cultivators on deck did not dare speak moment they entered the ravine. They were all afraid that they would accidentally offend this will of thunder and would receive punishment.

Xiao Chen looked into the sky and felt a strange familiarity with the boundless thunderclouds. The Lunar Shadow Saber hanging at his waist started to tremble relentlessly.

The Lunar Shadow Saber felt excited as if it would jump out at any moment. Xiao Chen held it down, preventing the others from witnessing the strange sight.

Ao Jiao, did you feel it as well? Xiao Chen wondered silently. He could feel an immeasurable distance between the Thunder Emperor and himself from this supreme will of thunder.

The will from a thousand years ago was unexpectedly still so strong. If Xiao Chen faced the Thunder Emperor at his peak, he did not know if he would even have the courage to stand straight.

The ravine was very dark. The merchant ship seemed to have traveled for a very long time in there. The moment it left the ravine, sunlight shone on everyone again.

Everyone present heaved a sigh of relief. Cold sweat filled their backs. When they look back at the dark ravine, they all felt a lingering fear.

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Xiao Chen let go of Xiao Bai and said, "Xiao Bai, don't be afraid anymore. We have passed it."

Color restored to Xiao Bai's face. She reluctantly left Xiao Chen's embrace and said, "Xiao Bai's fear vanished long ago. Elder Brother Xiao Chen's embrace is the safest place."

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Chapter 366: Extreme Danger

"How strange; there were no deaths or injuries this time. This is the first time I have seen this happen despite going through the Thunder Emperor Valley," said an older Martial King on the deck.

Another old man chimed in as well, "Indeed, I felt that it was strange as well. It looked like the Thunder Emperor Valley is calmer than usual. I could clearly feel someone resisting that will. However, the Thunder Emperor did not punish him."

Xiao Cheng was startled. Could it be because of him, or Ao Jiao?

Some of the younger cultivators were confused; they asked, "Senior, what's going on? Can you explain?"

The first old man who spoke said, "The Thunder Emperor Valley is also known as the Valley of Life and Death. Every time a ship passes through this valley, cultivators will usually die or sustain injuries. Exceptions are very rare."


The old man smiled faintly, "This is because someone always resists the will of thunder. In the past, there was even a strong Martial Monarch who tried to snatch away this will of thunder. There was only one result for everyone: death!

"As long as one has any wild thoughts or intentions to resist, the will of thunder will, at least, injure them. If they resist stubbornly, they will definitely die. Regardless of how high their cultivation is, this is an unchangeable result. Maybe only the Sages could attempt this."

When the cultivators on the deck that had carelessly resisted the will of thunder heard this, they felt afraid.

"Is the Thunder Emperor that strong? He has been dead for a thousand years; why has his will of thunder not faded yet? Furthermore, it is still so mighty," these young cultivators asked; the old man's words had excited them.

The old man smoothed his beard and laughed. He said, "There are seven kinds of energy. The tyrannical lightning-attribute is the most berserk and has the high attacking power. It is also the most difficult to cultivate. This is because lightning represents the punishment of the Heavenly Daos of the natural world.

"Following the same principle, the state of thunder and will of thunder are the hardest to comprehend. The Thunder Emperor comprehended the will of thunder into an immortal will of thunder; it is now no longer inferior to the Heavenly Daos.

"With such strong attacking power, even the older Martial Emperor experts whose cultivation was higher than the Thunder Emperor did not dare reveal their sharpness. Ha ha! Fighting him was the equivalent of going through a lightning calamity. Who would be so bored to get themselves into such trouble?"

The old man spoke frankly with assurance. It was clear that he traveled extensively and had seen many things. He spoke of all the achievements of the Thunder Emperor left in the continent.

This made the cultivators on the deck yearn for such power. They imagine themselves as that glorious Thunder Emperor, punishing deities and exterminating demons, trampling over geniuses and climbing to the peak of the world.

"What's with the sculpture in the ravine? It was so huge; it almost spans across the entire ravine. This cannot be accomplished without having at least a thousand people. However, if there were several thousand, how could they have coordinated perfectly to make this almost perfect sculpture?"

When someone finally brought up the topic of the sculpture, the old man smiled. "If I told you that this sculpture was formed naturally, will you believe me?"

"How is that possible?" all the young cultivators shook their heads.

When the old man heard this, he laughed, "All of you young people have pretty good talent. You are all peak Superior Grade Martial Saints in your mid-twenties. However, you are all still too weak if you want to get your hands on the treasure."

The other old man, who was a Superior Grade Martial King, said indifferently, "In the future, if you have the chance to go to the Ancient Desolate Land, you should go see the sculpture of the first generation Tianwu Emperor. Then, you will know the truth."

"Indeed, You young people are still too inexperienced. You will meet many experts from other nations on this treasure hunt. By then, even staying alive will challenge you," another old Martial King said.

"Also, don't think that by dressing up like that, you are the White Robed Bladesman. How juvenile!" someone brought up this topic again.

The bladesman wearing white robes and blue strips of clothes felt somewhat embarrassed when they heard this; they did not know what to say.

The topic of discussion slowly returned to everyone's destination. The older cultivators said things to discourage these youths.

Actually, even when these people were reminded of the experts of the other nations, they were still restless. They would probably die without realizing the cause.

However, these old people had good intentions. As for this group of youths, very few could calm their restless hearts. The old men had already done their part; it was not for them to worry about the youths anymore.

The words of these old men had opened Xiao Chen's eyes. This was especially true for the stories of the Thunder Emperor. It gave him a better understanding of this legendary man.

While on the deck, Xiao Chen had split his attention and paid attention to the peak Superior Grade Martial King hiding his aura.

There were many cultivators seated on the deck; they were quietly trying to appreciate the will of thunder they had just experienced.

These were lightning-attributed cultivators. The immortal will of thunder the Thunder Emperor left behind could greatly benefit lightning-attributed cultivators.

It would, more or less, aid them in advancing their states, or could help comprehend the state of thunder.

Of all these cultivators, there was an old man dressed in gray robes. He looked ordinary like a typical old man.

His aura was that of a Superior Grade Martial King. There were many of such old men; it was not surprising that he was a Superior Grade Martial King at his age.

However, Xiao Chen could clearly feel that this person was a peak Superior Grade Martial King. He was a step shy of becoming a half step Martial Monarch; he was very strong.

This person was neither silent nor boasting about his past accomplishments. When a topic he felt was interesting popped up, he would input his ordinary suggestion, not attracting anyone's attention.

If Xiao Chen's Spiritual Sense were not sharp, he would not have discovered him. When looking at the surface, he would not have realized he was a peak Martial King expert.

"This person is extremely dangerous," Xiao Chen kept an eye on him. The biting dog was never the loudest barking.

At this moment, the merchant ship had completely left the Tianwu Continent. The Thunder Emperor Valley slowly disappeared from their sight; they slowly pulled further away from the continent.

There were many merchant ships slowly emerging from the ravine's entrance.

Xiao Chen withdrew his gaze and ignored the chatting crowd on the deck. He directly made his way to the bow of the ship and gazed at the distant sea.

When Xiao Chen looked, all he saw was the Boundless Sea. The sea was calm, without waves. The sky was clear, and flocks of birds occasionally flew by. The sea was currently very gentle.

When standing in front of the calm sea, it seemed very vast, broadening one's mind.

The huge ship quickly moved to the sea. Now that it was on the sea, there was nothing to worry about; they could move at full speed.

Xiao Chen muttered, "Is this the Boundless Sea? It is indeed boundless. Chances are, even if one spent their whole life, they could not explore every inch of it."

"Ha ha! This is not the Boundless Sea. This is merely the sea near the coast of the Tianwu Continent. Only after passing the Green Wind Island will one arrive at the edge of the Boundless Sea. Even so, that is merely the shallow waters. The true depths of the sea are even further out."

A drawn-out voice suddenly entered Xiao Chen's ears. When Xiao Chen turned, he discovered that it was the peak Martial King that he had paid attention too. He had walked over without Xiao Chen realizing it.

Xiao Chen was mildly startled. His expression did not change as he smiled faintly, "Old Senior, you seemed very experienced. You must have a good understanding of the Boundless Sea. Will you tell this junior about it?"

The old man smiled gently and said, "I'm not worthy of being called Old Senior. The world of cultivators respects the strong and not age. This old sir is Wu Shangxuan. If little brother does not mind, you can just call me Old Wu."

"Old Wu, please explain it to me," Xiao Chen softly requested. He really wanted to know about the Boundless Sea. So, he did not mind chatting with him.

Wu Shangxuan looked towards the vast sea and said sullenly, "There are a total of four regions in the Boundless Seas; the East Sea, West Sea, South Sea, and the North Sea. The merchant ship we are on is going to the East Sea."

"The true Boundless Sea is also separated into the Deep Sea and Shallow Sea. The only place humans have a grasp of is the Shallow Sea. As the for the Deep Sea, it is too mysterious. This old me does not understand much about it."

"In the Shallow Sea of every region, there are countless islands and strong sects. Aside from the East Sea, the Shallow Seas of the other three regions each have a ruling sect. So, they are relatively stable."

Xiao Chen pondered for a while before asking, "Then how does the strength of the sects in the Boundless Seas compare to the sects in my Great Qin Nation?"

"If comparing to the Shallow Sea of the East Sea, you can barely qualify as a second-rate power. However, the Heavenly Saber Pavilion was once considered a first-rate power. However, it is merely second-rate now. Perhaps if you include the Heavenly Craft Manor, its standing would be slightly better."

Xiao Chen was somewhat surprised, The Heavenly Craft Manor forges weapons; could they be stronger than the Heavenly Saber Pavilion? "What do you mean?"

"Ha ha. If you explore the world, you will discover that the Heavenly Craft Manor has forged many of the Spirit Weapons available in the continent. This is also clear in the Great Jin Nation."

"Regarding fame, the three great sects are not as famous as the Heavenly Craft Manor. Think about it carefully. If such a sect that earns so much money did not have a certain level of power, why did the royal courts or the other sects try to swallow them up?"

Xiao Chen had not considered this aspect. Unless they had strong backing, there could only be one other reason; the Heavenly Craft Manor also had their own strong hidden force.

Wu Shangxuan suddenly paused. Then, he said, "White Robed Bladesman, you are so interested in the powers of the Boundless Sea. Could it be that, aside from going to Green Wind Island, you are interested in going to the Boundless Sea?"

Xiao Chen was slightly stunned. He smiled and said, "Old Wu is joking. What 'White Robed Bladesman?' I merely wear white robes."

"Don't deny it. While you observed me, why would I not observe you as well?" Wu Shangxuan asked calmly as he looked into the distance.

Xiao Chen's heart sank. It looked like this person had discovered his identity. Otherwise, he would not have come over and started a conversation without any reason.

Wu Shangxuan continued, "You don't have to worry. The old me came to look for you because I wanted to discuss the matters of the Savanna King's Treasure. I have been to that island twice, and this is my third time."

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Chapter 367: Bitter Resentment

Xiao Chen was surprised that Wu Shangxuan already been to the island twice. For him to return safely twice, he must possess more strength than Xiao Chen had thought.

"The first time this old man went there, I obtained three thousand Medial Grade Spirit Stones, two Secret Treasures, and two bottles of Rank 7 Pills. The second time, I walked away with five thousand Medial Grade Spirit Stones, three Secret Treasures, and one bottle of Rank 8 Pills before obtaining my current cultivation."

Xiao Chen smiled faintly and said, "It looks like Old Wu has made ample preparations; you should gain a great harvest."

"Difficult!" Wu Shangxuan sighed softly, "I don't know which damn fatty distributed the treasure map. Now, aside from the cultivators from the Great Jin Nation, the cultivators from the four Great Nations with some strength will all rush to the island."

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Fortuitous Encounters were hard to come by. The treasure left by the Savanna King was no doubt a great Fortuitous Encounter; it was very tempting. It would not be odd if there were many heading there as well.

It was likely that most of the cultivators, if not all, on the other merchant ships also hunted the Savanna King's treasure.

However, based on Wu Shangxuan's expression, it looked like he still had something to say. Xiao Chen thought for a while before saying, "Senior, just tell me what you have on your mind."

Wu Shangxuan laughed when he heard this, "The youths today are really direct. This old man has said too much already. Actually, I wanted to work with you to try to obtain the treasures the Savanna King left behind."

To Xiao Chen, working with Wu Shangxuan would be a great help. Wu Shangxuan had been to the island where the treasures were twice in the past. He was much more familiar with the situation on the island than others. He could save time when facing a lot of challenges.

However, this was someone who Xiao Chen did not know. Furthermore, the other party was stronger than him; Wu Shangxuan would be in the dominant position. If he obtained something good, and Wu Shangxuan wanted to kill him for it, he would be helpless against him.

"I'm sorry; I'm used to being alone. I'm afraid I cannot accept Senior's kind intentions."

Even if there were more benefits, Xiao Chen would not agree; there was too much risk.

Then, Wu Shangxuan made promises of several more benefits, doing his best to convince Xiao Chen to work with him. However, Xiao Chen was not moved; he would not agree regardless of what was promised.

"Ha ha! Since Littler Brother does not agree, then never mind. When we meet each other again in the future, we will still be friends. This old me shall take my leave first." A subtle, bitter resentment flashed in Wu Shangxuan's eyes as he smiled gently.

Xiao Chen's eyes were very sharp; he noticed this bitter resentment. This future made him more resolute regarding his decision. This old man was definitely not a good person.

However, if Wu Shangxuan wanted to play some trick, Xiao Chen was not a good person to offend. Even if Xiao Chen could not kill him, he could make him suffer.

"Elder Brother Xiao Chen, that person from earlier was very hypocritical. Xiao Bao could clearly feel his killing Qi. Yet, he smiled so happily," Xiao Bai said softly as she walked over.

Xiao Chen smiled faintly and said, "Just ignore him. Don't come out during these few days. This person is not easy to deal with."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just at this moment, strong waves suddenly appeared on the calm sea. The waves were over a hundred meters tall. The huge merchant ship shook under the bombardment.

The situation's sudden change shocked the cultivators on the deck; they nearly fell to the ground.

"What's going on? We are still close to the continent. There are very few storms during this season. Why did such huge waves appear so suddenly," several cultivators who had traveled across the sea frequently said suspiciously.

The ship still shook, but the cultivators had already recovered their wits. After they circulated their Essence, they could barely maintain their balance.

Xiao Chen stood as if glued to the deck. Despite how strongly the merchant ship shook, he did not move. He supported Xiao Bai and extended his Spiritual Sense off in the distance.

With the increase of Xiao Chen's cultivation, his Spiritual Sense could now cover an area of five thousand meters. If he used it in a straight line, he could see the situation ten thousand meters away.

Soon, Xiao Chen understood what was going on. There were two warships engaged in an intense battle about eight thousand meters ahead.

Ancient Demonic Energy Cannons fired at each other, sending out energy shells and not holding back anything. Resplendent lights filled the sky.

The aftermath of the battle resulted in a huge storm, stirring up the huge waves moving out across the sea.

"The aftermath of the battle is so strong. Each warship is outfitted with at least a hundred Ancient Demonic Energy Cannons. No wonder the aftermath still had such might after ten thousand meters."

Xiao Chen withdrew his Spiritual Sense. He thought to himself with mild shock, That blue warship seems to have the banner of the Golden Roc Merchant Association.

Golden Roc Merchant Association…isn't that the merchant association of Jin Dabao's clan? 

The other warship was pure black and had a banner at the bow of the ship. There was a sinister hydra embroidered on the flag with open jaws.

There were spherical shields of light around both warships; they defended against the Energy shells they fired at each other. They were about equally matched. At this rate, the two warships might sink at the same time.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

A group of people came out of the merchant ship's hold. It was the caption and the guards of the ship. Clearly, the strange waves had startled them.

The captain of the merchant ship was a middle-aged man. He was tall and appeared impressive. He wore yellow robes with golden threads. His aura flourished; he was actually a Superior Grade Martial King.

There were eight other guards near the captain. They were all Martial Kings and no more than forty. This was the peak of a human's life. The drive and sharpness of such Martial Kings were much stronger than the old Martial Kings on the deck.

If they fought each other, the old men's Essence would not last as long. This was because the young Martial Kings' Qi and blood were in excess; their sharpness was still present. Hence, their odds of victory were higher.

The captain looked at the rough sea and frowned. He said to a person beside him, "Liu Sheng, your perception is comparable to a half step Martial Monarch. Help me see what's going on?"

The cultivator known as Liu Sheng nodded. He walked to the bow and closed his eyes. His body emitted ripples of blue light; the light infused into the water and extended forward.

This person's Martial Spirit should be special. Furthermore, he has comprehended the state of water. Hence, his perception is the equivalent of a half-step Martial Monarch, Xiao Chen thought.

"Captain, it is the Black Dragon Group's Hydra Warship fighting the Golden Roc Merchant Association's Nether River Warship," Liu Sheng said softly as he opened his eyes.

"This is the coastal region; why are there ships from the Black Dragon Group? Did they get it wrong?" some of the older Martial Kings on the deck exclaimed in shock.

Liu Sheng walked over and said, "Captain, should we go around?"

The captain frowned heavily and muttered to himself for a while. Then, he asked, "Are you sure there are only two warships? Are there any other merchant ships or passenger ships?"

Liu Sheng nodded and said, "I did not see any of the Golden Roc Merchant Association's merchant ships or passenger ships with fifty kilometers. There are only the two warships fighting."

The captain's expression relaxed. He said, "In that case, ignore them. Raise the banner of the merchant association and let's continue on our way!"

"The Black Dragon Group normally operates in the Shallow Seas of the four regions. Why are they in the coastal seas? This is strange."

"The Golden Roc Merchant Association's warship is there as well. Don't they normally operate in the Shallow Seas of the North Sea? Why did they come to the west?"

"Perhaps they came for the sake of the treasure left by the Savanna King. If that is true, our chances have grown slimmer."

When the many cultivators on the deck thought of this possibility, their expressions all changed.

The Savanna King's treasure had attracted many cultivators from four Great Nations. Now that the Golden Roc Merchant Association and Black Dragon Group participated in this, the chances of them running into a fortuitous encounter had lessened.

Wu Shangxuan's expression became very unsightly as well. He glanced at Xiao Chen, and a strange light appeared on his face. It was like a venomous snake flicking its forked tongue.

The merchant ship raised their merchant association banner and moved at full speed. After two hours, they drew near to the core of the battle.

The waves became more ferocious. They were now at least two hundred meters tall; it was very frightening.

When the resplendent energy shells moved across the surface of the sea, they created a surging wall of water on either side, making the roaring sea look even more chaotic.

"How wasteful. One shot from the Ancient Demonic Energy Cannon would exhaust one thousand Inferior Grade Spirit Stones. They make it seem like Spirit Stones are not valuable," some cultivators on the deck sighed.

When the two warships saw the banner raised by the merchant ship, they ceased fire at the same time. The rough surging sea slowly calmed after a long moment.

The merchant ship sailed calmly through the middle of the two warships.

This is really strange; the firepower of the merchant ship is certainly not as ferocious as the warships. Yet, it unexpectedly moves between them so peacefully, Xiao Chen thought doubtfully in his heart.

This could be one of the rules of the sea. Maybe warships cannot attack merchant ships. Otherwise, if the rule is broken, all powers would turn on them.

"Xiao Chen! Over here!"

Just as Xiao Chen was thinking, a joyful voice came from above. When Xiao Chen raised his head and looked at the Nether River Warship's bow about two hundred meters up, Fatty Jing waved frantically at him.

Xiao Chen hesitated for a while before he said to Xiao Bai, "Come; let's go."

The two pushed off the bow and leaped up to the bow of the Nether River Warship while many cultivators on deck stared at him in astonishment.

"What did Jin Dabao call him earlier? I did not hear wrong, right? Did he say 'Xiao Chen?'"

"Then, it should be correct. I did not expect that person to be the White Robed Bladesman, Xiao Chen. He kept too low a profile."

"It's over; I mocked him for imitating the White Robed Bladesman earlier. How embarrassing."

When the people on the deck verified Xiao Chen's identity, they all chatted passionately. They did not expect the legendary bladesman from the Heavenly Saber Pavilion to appear before them.

When Wu Shangxuan watched Xiao Chen leaping up the Nether River Warship, a look of deep disappointment flashed in his eyes. He muttered, "How unfortunate. I planned to make a move tonight. This fellow has at least three Secret Treasures on him. If I can get my hands on them, that would be a good harvest.

"However, if he goes to Qianren Island, there is still a chance. It is not that easy to obtain the treasures of the Savanna King."

As the merchant ship moved further away, Wu Shangxuan stared at Xiao Chen. The greedy look in his eyes slowly faded.

"Haha, White Robed Bladesman, Xiao Chen, now you are very famous. Legends of you are even starting to spread in my Great Tang Nation. This Fat Bro is going to hang out with you from now on." Jin Dabao said, smiling with squinted eyes and patting Xiao Chen's back.

Xiao Chen felt his shoulders sink and was embarrassed in his heart. Now that he had cultivated Dragon Tendon Tiger Bone, without having to try, he could withstand a strike of five hundred kilograms of force.

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Chapter 368: Heavenly Craft Manor's Young Manor Lord

However, this fatty's pat felt heavy. One could imagine how much force he used.

"There is no need to exaggerate," Xiao Chen said, feeling somewhat speechless.

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Jin Dabao laughed loudly and said, "This is too unlike you. Duanmu QIng, Ji Changkong, and the others are slightly famous in the Great Tang nation; in the previous Five Nation Youth Competition, they qualified for the second round."

Xiao Chen had heard of the Five Nation Youth Competition before. It was a Youth Competition conducted by the Great Jin Nation once every three years.

However, in the past few Five Nation Youth Competitions, there were very few people from the Great Qin Nation entering the top hundred. Hence, news of this competition in the Great Qin Nation was sparse. After all, they had not achieved outstanding results. If they talked about it openly, it would be like a slap to the face.

"That's right. Who is this beauty? Why don't you introduce her to this Fat Lord?" When Jin Dabao saw Xiao Bai standing behind Xiao Chen, his eyes immediately lit up.

Xiao Bai looked at Jin Dabao and smiled gently, "I recognize you; you are Jin Dabao."

Jin Dabao felt it was strange. He said, "How did you recognize me? I don't remember us meeting."

"Xiao Bai met you before. When I first saw you, you took one of Elder Brother Xiao Chen's sculptures and…"

Xiao Bai was about to continue when Xiao Chen quickly stopped her. If she continued, Jin Dabao's scandalous matter would come to light.

When Jin Dabao heard Xiao Bai's words, an incredulous look flashed in his eyes. He muttered, "Brother Xiao Chen, this is…"

"I'll tell you in the future. I cannot explain properly in a short while." Xiao Chen did not wish to explain too much about Xiao Bai.

When Jin Dabao noticed this, he smiled and said, "No problem; no problem. I'll bring you to meet someone first. Miss Xiao Bai, please join us."

They followed Jin Dabao into the hold and walked to the top. Xiao Chen took the opportunity to ask, "What's up with the Black Dragon Group's warship?"

Jin Dabao smiled casually, "Nothing much. The merchant associations vie for the trade routes on the east side of the sea. The Black Dragon Group is not willing to negotiate yet. We will fight a few battles first. Otherwise, no one will willing step back. However, now that I have seen you, we won't be able to fight today."

They certainly had different worldviews. The way Jin Dabao looked at the problem was different. As for the cultivators on the deck, they were extremely nervous about the fight between the Black Dragon Group and the Golden Roc Merchant Association, making all sorts of speculations.

However, the people involved did not seem tense at all. They were incredibly casual about it as if it were a child's fight.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

A drawn-out zither sound came from above. The zither sounded pleasing like an expanse of clear water pouring down the side of one's ears. A melodious tune accompanied the sound.

It created a state of calm and peace. Xiao Chen now had a feeling that he knew who the fatty was taking him to see.

When the fatty opened the doors, it was as Xiao Chen expected. Su Xiaoxiao occupied the elegant top floor. She wore a peaceful expression as she played the zither.

When Su Xiaoxiao finished the song, she picked up her zither and smiled gently, "Young Master Xiao, it's been a long time."

It had indeed been a long time. Since they parted in White Water City, Xiao Chen had not seen Su Xiaoxiao for a year.

Xiao Chen smiled faintly and said, "Miss Xiaoxiao's zither is as moving as in the past."

"It's merely a cultural piece; I embarrassed myself before Young Master Xiao," Xu Xiaoxiao said softly.

Jin Dabao led the few people to the table in the room and ordered the servants to prepare wine and food. The group started to chat as they drank.

"Who is this young lady?" After they chatted for a while, Su Xiaoxiao could no longer resist and asked about Xiao Bai.

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said, "This is my sister; you can call her Xiao Bai."

When meeting familiar people in the future, Xiao Chen planned to introduce Xiao Bai as such. This would help him to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Xiao Bai took a sip of wine. She said happily, "Xiao Bai met Elder Sister Xiaoxiao before. Xiao Bai enjoys Elder Sister Xiaoxiao's zither as well."

Xiao Bai was innocent and lively; her voice was melodious and cute. The moment she spoke, it made Su Xiaoxiao laugh.

"Ha ha. If you want to learn in the future, Elder Sister can teach you," Su Xiaoxiao smiled gently as she looked at Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai said excitedly, "Thank you, Elder Sister!"

Following that, they spoke of their encounters. After that, Su Xiaoxiao asked, "Young Master Xiao, I'm guessing that you are going to Green Wind Island for the sake of the Savanna King's treasure?"

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Yes, I'm going to try my luck, see if I can find a fortuitous encounter for myself."

"After that?" Su Xiaoxiao continued asking.

Xiao Chen thought for a while and smiled gently, "After that, I will go to all the nations for experiential training. I cannot be content with what I see. I have to go out and see the world. If there is an opportunity, I hope to travel all over the entire Tianwu Continent, get to know the outstanding talents and geniuses of every region."

Actually, Xiao Chen still had something in mind that he did not say. He wanted to defeat all of these geniuses and climb to the peak of cultivation, never stagnating.

When Su Xiaoxiao heard this, she was not surprised. She said, "This time, for the sake of the Savanna King's treasure, there are many talented geniuses of many nations on Green Wind Island. They have a small gathering on the island. If you wish to go, I can introduce you to them."

Xiao Chen was tempted. The Great Qin Nation ranked at the bottom of the four nations regarding strength. They only had three big sects within the Great Qin Nation.

This was far from comparable to the other Great Nations. The purpose of Xiao Chen exploration was to see the world. Su Xiaoxiao's suggestion excited him slightly.

"However, before you agree, you better be mentally prepared. These people are rather arrogant and unyielding; they all have high opinions of themselves. It is difficult to avoid a clash of words."

When Su Xiaoxiao saw that Xiao Chen was interested, she warned him.

Xiao Chen smiled faintly, "Not a problem; I understand."

It was hard for youths to be modest. This was especially so for these talented geniuses; they all viewed themselves highly.

Since Xiao Chen arrived at the Tianwu Continent, he had seen many such instances. He could completely understand Su Xiaoxiao's meaning.

However, Xiao Chen was no longer that impatient youth of the past. Xiao Chen still shone, but now, he was more withdrawn. His one year experience in the Heavenly Saber Pavilion allowed him to become more mature.

Su Xiaoxiao could also see that Xiao Chen had matured through his eyes, so she did not say any more.

Jin Dabao said seriously, "Xiao Chen, there are many sects within the four nations. The competition between them is more intense than to what you see in the Great Qin Nation. Even though the talent is on a similar level, because of their different environment, the cultivation is not on the same level.

"In this small gathering, there are five people whose strengths are definitely not beneath yours. The host of the gathering, Jin Wuji, is one of the top hundred in the Five Nation Youth Competition."

Xiao Chen understood what Jin Dabao meant. He was reminding him to be careful. Otherwise, he might stumble.

Actually, without Jin Dabao's warning, Xiao Chen also knew that. This world was so big. There were many geniuses, especially during this age.

The fight in the Heavenly Saber boosted his confidence, polishing his sharpness. However, had not become bigoted enough to think that he was unrivaled, looking down on all the heroes in the world.

After the group ate, at the request of the three, Su Xiaoxiao played the zither for them once again.

Su Xiaoxiao's zither music was ethereal and moving; it was hard to tire of it. They could clearly feel the intent of the song.

Be it green mountains, small brookes, cool breezes, or huge armies, all sorts of changes occurred, flowing naturally with each other.

After the Su Xiaoxiao finished her performance, the melody continued to reverberate in the group's ears; the elegant melody lingered.

After Xiao Bai heard the music, she immediately pestered Su Xiaoxiao to teach her. Su Xiaoxiao liked her a lot and immediately accepted her as a disciple.

When Xiao Bai kept addressing Su Xiaoxiao as master, it tickled her, making her laugh gently.

Jin Dabao pulled Xiao Chen to the terrace on the rooftop. He took out a bag of Spirit Stones and handed it to Xiao Chen, "One thousand Medial Grade Spirit Stones. Consider it payment for saving this Fat Lord the last time."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly; his expression was that of disbelief. Since when this fatty has become so generous?

"I'm feeling very depressed. Old Brother Xiao Chen, please stop making such an expression. Does this Fat Lord really appear to be that stingy? It is merely a thousand Medial Grade Spirit Stones," Jin Dabao said exasperatedly.

Xiao Chen replied, indifferent, "It is not that you appear to be; it is your original nature. However, I will still accept these Spirit Stones."

Although the fatty made himself up to be generous, when he handed the Spirit Stones over, the fat of his face trembled, revealing his pain.

Xiao Chen smiled gently and placed the Spirit Stones in the Universe Ring. Then, he said, "I got something to ask you. This Su Xiaoxiao…what kind of status does she have? She seemed to be very well connected. She can casually invite people to the gathering of the four nations' geniuses."

According to Jin Dabao's explanation, this was a prestigious gathering. The organizer was even one of the top hundred in the previous Five Nation Youth Competition.

Without a certain status or position, there was normally no way to get into this kind of small gathering.

As the sea breeze blew, Jin Badao smiled gently. He said, "I have no problems telling you that. Her true identity is the Heavenly Craft Manor's Young Manor Lord. She can be considered the successor of the Heavenly Craft Manor."

The Heavenly Craft Manor's Young Manor Lord…now it was clear. Wu Shangxuan had once said that the Heavenly Craft Manor had a great influence in the continent, much stronger that of the three great sects.

With her identity as the Young Manor Lord, it was easy for her to gather the geniuses of various nations.

Jin Dabao said, "Don't overthink this. Just prepare yourself. The speed of the warship is double that of the merchant ship. We will reach the Green Wind Island after three days."


Three days passed very quickly; the days at sea were peaceful.

Due to some reasons, the Jin Clan's warship could not dock at the harbor of Green Wind Island. The four changed to a small boat to head to the Green Wind Island's harbor.

The Green Wind's Harbor was more lively than any of the harbors Xiao Chen had seen in the past. With one casual glance, he saw that it was densely packed with big merchant ships from various nations.

The small boat the four rode was like an ant traveling among a pack of elephants; they seemed small and insignificant.

When the group reached the shore, Su Xiaoxiao said, "The gathering will begin around noon. We should enter the city quickly and not waste any time."

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Su Xiaoxiao and Jin Dabao displayed shocked gazes when a silver warship came out of Xiao Chen's eye. He said softly, "If we are in a rush, let's use my Secret Treasure."

The silver warship resized itself to suit Xiao Chen's will. After that, he took to the skies with a 'sou' sound, moving swiftly through the clouds.

The fatty stood on the bow and shouted, "Damn, Xiao Chen, the flying formations of this warship are completely intact. It can fly without using Spirit Stones. Are you selling this Secret Treasure? I will buy it at any price."

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Chapter 369: Yue Chenxi

Xiao Chen said indifferently, "Stop dreaming. Even if I gave it to you, you need the corresponding controlling method before you can control it."

Xiao Chen only full grasped this silver warship after he eliminated the ancient Spiritual Sense within it. He had spent a great deal of effort restoring it back then; how could he sell it to others?

Not long later, the silhouette of a city double the size of Xihe City appeared in Xiao Chen's vision. He slowly decreased the speed and descended, landing outside the city.

Only an hour had passed; there was still a lot of time before noon. Under Su Xiaoxiao's lead, after they entered the city, they headed for the most bustling restaurant in the city.

The moment the group arrived at the inn's entrance, a waiter in the restaurant looked at the portraits and compared them with the group. He immediately went before Su Xiaoxiao and lowered his head. He smiled and said, "You must be Miss Xiaoxiao. Young Master Jin has booked the entire fourth floor. We have been waiting for you; please come with me."

The interior of the restaurant was large; it was more than two hundred square meters. Even so, the first floor was packed with people; it was incredibly bustling. People even filled the second and third floors.

There were few empty tables. Shouting and discussions reverberated throughout the inn. This situation only improved when they reached the third floor.

Booths and private rooms took up the third floor. Ordinary people could not reach this floor. Even so, there were almost no empty booths.

"The Savanna King's treasure unexpectedly managed to attract so many cultivators. This is somewhat surprising."

The person who caused all this, Fatty Jin, shamelessly laughed.

The waiter leading them also smiled and said, "Indeed, this is thanks to the damn fatty who made the treasure map public. Everyone curses this fatty, but for so much business, the restaurant is grateful. Since last month, we have experienced a boost in business."

When the group heard this, Xiao Chen and Su Xiaoxiao laughed softly. The fatty immediately looked at a loss; his smile was completely frozen.

When the waiter saw something wrong with Jin Dabao's expression, he quickly said, "Sir, I am not referring to you. I am talking about that damn fatty who sold the treasure map. Someone like you is not fat; your stature is glorious and magnificent. That damn fatty cannot compare to you."

When the group heard this, even the normally aloof Su Xiaoxiao could not help laughing. She said, "You can leave now; we can go up ourselves."

Fearing that the fatty would be angered and could not suppress it, Su Xiaoxiao quickly said something to send the waiter away.

Jin Dabao was very depressed. However, the waiter was already far away. Even so, the waiter had said a lot of good things about him; even if he wanted to be angry, he could not find an excuse.

This depressed and at a loss expression made anyone who saw it unable to restrain a smile.

The group went up the fourth floor. Compared to the third floor, it was very quiet. There was no noise at all.

All the tables in the large space had been cleared away, leaving a large, empty space.

Tables sat along the surrounding walls. The cultivators of various nations sat at the tables, discussing Martial Cultivation in soft voices.

Xiao Chen took a quick glance and saw that there were around a hundred people here. Most of these people were Inferior Grade Martial Kings; only a few had not become Martial Kings yet.

However, their auras were extremely strong. They were clearly peak Superior Grade Martial Saints and had been stuck there for a long time. They were merely a step shy of becoming Martial Kings.

These people were already over twenty; compared to Leng Liusu, they were inferior. However, to become Martial Kings before 25, they were worthy of the term 'genius.'

This was especially true for a young seated in the middle. He was handsome with a deep gaze. His aura was as ferocious as a tiger. As he sat there quietly, he gave off a faint pressure.

This person was already a peak Inferior Grade Martial King. Out of the hundred people here, he was the only peak Inferior Grade Martial King.

The increase in grade within the Martial King realm had a more distinct difference than the Martial Saints. Without high-ranked Martial Techniques or a strong state, it would be extremely difficult to overcome opponents of a higher grade.

If Xiao Chen did not guess incorrectly, this person should be the person Jin Dabao spoke about. One of the top hundred in the previous Five Nation Youth Competition, Jin Wuji.

As Xiao Chen measured the crowd, there were countless gazes that measured him as well. However, when they saw that he was only a Superior Grade Martial Saint, disdain flashed in their eyes. Soon, they looked away, shifting their gazes to Xiao Bai. A few gazes were unrestrained and filled with intense desire.

"Ha ha, I thought that Miss Xiaoxiao would not arrive. Brother Jin! You came as well. Who are these two behind you?" When Jin Wuji saw Su Xiaoxiao's group, he quickly got up and walked over.

Su Xiaoxiao smiled gently and said, "These two are my friends from the Great Qin Nation. I apologize for not informing you in advance."

Jin Wuji smiled casually and said, "It's not a problem; Miss Xiaoxiao's friends are my friends too. Please, take a seat. After one more person shows up, the gathering will officially begin.

Su Xiaoxiao looked around the spacious room and had doubts. She asked, "Who is not here yet?"

Jin Wuji smiled mysteriously, "Its a secret, for now. You will know when she arrives; she is a major player. However, she is merely passing by."

"Brother Jin, stop hyping it up. Just tell us!"

"Indeed, indeed! Who in the world can make you, Brother Jin, adopt such an attitude? Just tell us all!"

Jin Wuji was the first disciple of the Great Chu Nation's Heavenly Sword Gate. They had several supreme elders in the Heavenly Sword Gate that became Martial Sages. They were considered a first-rate power within the entire continent. Furthermore, they ranked quite high.

The status of Jin Wuji was very high already. Otherwise, he could not gather all these geniuses of the various nations.

However, a person that Jin Wuji had to respect, this person had to be someone of really high status. This intensely stirred the crowd's curiosity.

Just at this moment, a strong aura suddenly surged wildly in the direction of the restaurant. Everyone was stunned, and they quickly looked toward the window.

Jin Wuji rejoiced. He said softly, "She is here!"


A short figure entered from a window on the fourth floor. It was a curvy girl with a pretty face and a warm smile. She wore a green dress as she flew in.

When the green-clothed girl landed, she withdrew her aura and revealed an apologetic smile.

The girl looked at her surroundings and said, "Yue Chenxi apologizes to everyone. Something cropped up, making me late."

Unexpectedly, it was Yue Chenxi. When everyone on the fourth floor heard her, they all revealed astonished expressions. This was really a major player.

In the previous Five Nation Youth Competition, she was in the top fifty, ranked 36th.

Moving from the top hundred to the top fifty was a big hurdle. From the top fifty to the top ten was another hurdle. Each hurdle indicated a qualitative difference in their combat prowess.

The most important thing was that, in the previous Five Nation Youth Competition, Yue Chenxi had only been sixteen. At the age of sixteen, she was an Inferior Grade Martial King.

Furthermore, Yue Chenxi made it to the top fifty. Such talent and strength could only be described as demonic.

The Supreme Sky Sect, which Yue Chenxi belonged to, was one of the ten great sects of the Great Jin Nation. In the continent, they were a first-rate sect and one of the peak powers. They had dozens of Supreme Elders who became Martial Sages.

Such horrifying talent was nurtured by one of the finest sects and had access to the dense Spiritual Energy of the Great Jin Nation. Her future was already assured; she was a bright rising star.

When Jin Wuji saw that Yue Chenxi had arrived, he heaved a sigh of relief. He thought that she might not come. He smiled and said, "Miss Yue, it is not noon yet. So, you are not late. Merely, we are all early."

"Indeed, Miss Yue doesn't have to feel bad; we just arrived ourselves."

The moment Yue Chenxi arrived, she became the focus of everyone's attention. No one minded her arriving late.

Jin Wuji led Yue Chenxi to the table in the middle. After she sat, he got up and said softly, "I believe everyone is here today because of the treasure left by the Savanna King. I am honored that everyone is willing to participate in this gathering for my sake.

"I have two purposes in this gathering. One is to avoid any fights to the death over a treasure. I wanted everyone to become familiar with each other and take what they need as according to their abilities. We will set a gentlemen's agreement never to use sneak attacks or despicable moves.

"We all are from different places and of different sects of the various nations. It is very rare for us to meet. My second purpose is to take advantage of this opportunity to exchange moves with each other, helping each other improve and gaining what we all need."

As for the first purpose, Xiao Chen felt that it was not practical. Not to mention the people here, there were still many experts who were not present.

Even if all of the people here set a gentlemen's agreement, Xiao Chen did not believe that, when a true treasure appeared, anyone would care about the agreement.

However, Xiao Chen believed that everyone would agree to it on the surface. They would say one thing and do another.

"I, Liu Meng, supports Brother Jin's suggestions. I will be the first to make the gentlemen's agreement. If there is anyone here who obtains a treasure first, I will not use any sneak attacks." A stout cultivator with a huge saber took the initiative and spoke.

"I, Wang Hao, also support Brother Jin's suggestion…willing to make the gentlemen's agreement."

"I, Li Yu, also support Brother Jin's suggestion…willing to make the gentlemen's agreement."

As Xiao Chen had expected, all the cultivators indicated that they willing supported Jin Wuji's suggestion, one after another.

Soon, everyone expressed their intentions. Only the four people at Xiao Chen's table remained. Everyone looked at them.

Jin Dabao and Su Xiaoxiao had special statuses and could be ignored. Based on aura, Xiao Bai appeared to have just become a Martial Saint; such weakness could be ignored as well.

The one they truly paid attention to was Xiao Chen. He was a Superior Grade Martial Saint, and his aura was strong. He was strong enough to break through the weakened waves of Qianren Island.

Even after a period of silence, Xiao Chen still said nothing. He could bring himself to make such a hypocritical statement.

"Just ignore him; there are no experts in the Great Qin Nation. A mere Superior Grade Martial Saint is just here to get in on the action. There is no problem with him not making the gentlemen's agreement."

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