Immortal Demon

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Into another realm

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Earth. China, Heze City

  In a very old house, a dim light emitted a hazy glow, you could only see a slim body sitting in front of a dusty, dirty computer.

  Ye Feng stared at a game called ‘Food Chain” on his computer, he was participating in the August 15th full moon poetry appreciation event, with the objective of winning game coins.

 “All these players have a lot of talent, there isn’t much time left, it looks like if I want to win the first-place prize of ten thousand dollars again, I’ll have to take out my poems from the bottom of the drawer.”

TL note: It’s a Chinese saying when you take stuff out from the bottom of the drawer that means that you’re giving what you utmost can, so here he’s saying he’s taking out his best poems.

  Ye Feng took a big sigh, and looks out the windows to the passing cars, recalling his worst memories, “Ahhh… a penny could even defeat a hero, to think that I used to be one of the four geniuses of Tsinghua (Most prestigious uni in China), but now I’m a professional gamer, having to take out my best poems in a game to make a living, ah, I guess it was kind of my fault that I accidentally killed ten or so gang members when they were drunk and holding knives thinking I was an enemy, I’m really unlucky, I’m done with the bloody life.”

  Yi Feng finished sighing, lit a cigarette, and took two deep breaths, he hurriedly opened the ‘submit poetry’ page and rapidly typed.

  As Ye Feng was typing his poem, some players on the forum were discussing aggressively.

  “Eh? Looks like the famous great devil is also participating in this poem appreciation event, great devil, you are already the best player in the game, my equipment was trashed by your fierce attacks, do you really have the face to compete with us poor B’s in this event?”

TL note: PoorB’s, kind of like a side character, the main character being A.

 “Yeah, great devil, every day you stay right outside the safe zone, thrashing all our equipment, I’ve been killed by you at least ten or so times, you sold my god-tier equipment for seven or eight thousand dollars, do you have enough face to snatch the ten thousand dollars from us?”

  “D**n it, brothers we must not let the famous Great Devil win the first prize again, do not vote for him. Ha! He still has the nerve to participate in the event, 70% of the players in this district have already been killed by him at least once, one of my school friends even quit the game because of him! He still has the guts to participate in this contest! We won’t give him our votes unless all ten judges give him their votes, he won’t win first place!”

  As they were talking, one of the judges has spoken, “Oh! A Man’s Action? What a talented poem…”

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  “Ah! Wait! What did I just see! A judge just commented on the famous Great Devil’s poem? Hey, judge, are you blind? Were you bribed? D**n it, I’m going to take a look at this poem with my own two eyes.”

  《A Man’s Action》

  When a man kills, he kills without mercy.

  The immortal karma of thousands of years is all in the killing.

  There once was a heroic man, filled with righteousness and spirit. 

  Jai Su is a killer, and he is lighter than a feather. (Jai Su is Muay Thai)

  There are heroes and tyrants, killing people like chicken,

  galloping around the world, only to find the best warrior.

  Wanting to find these kinds today, but in vain to find the shadow of the moon.

  Don’t you see, 

  Confucian scholars rushed to death, and Shenzhou praised benevolence and righteousness from then on.

  Once the Central Plains were chased by the barbarians, the scholars rushed like cowards and wept.

  I want to learn from the past and regain my pride.

  Fame is the same as dung, and those who are benevolent are ridiculed.

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     Wearing an iron sword on his body, he kills when he is angry.

  Cutting people and drinking, talking and laughing loudly,

  Walking thousands of miles to kill the enemy, passing underneath the stars.

  The special friends of light, with the love of the netherworld.

  The morning we leave the west gate, and in the evening we brought back the heads of      people.

  Tired and sleepy, the battle cry suddenly blew.

  The mother is sad, but her son isn’t

  The body has a history, but the man will never return.

     The fight between heaven and earth, frightening the Yin Court.

  Three steps to kill one person, the heart stops but the hand doesn’t.

  The blood flowed thousands of miles, and the corpse pillowed Qianxun Mountain.

  The warriors are tired of sleeping on the enemy’s corpse after the battle.

  I am still killing people in my dreams, and my smile reflects my glory.

  Girls should not ask each other, why are the men fierce?

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  In ancient times, benevolence and virtue have been harmful to people, and there is never true moral righteousness.

  Don’t you see?

  Lions and tigers hunting to gain prestige.

Who has pity on the poor moose?

  The world has always been the strong eat the weak, even if it is unreasonable, it is in vain.

  Don’t ask,

  Men have their own road.

  When men walk, they should be violent.

  Things and benevolence are incompatible.

  The man is on the battlefield, and his courage is like a bear and his eyes are like a wolf.

  If you are born as a man, you will kill, and you will not teach a man to wrap his body around a woman’s heart.

  A man is never compassionate even if he dies, the enemy laughs at him.

  There are a hundred places in the battlefield of revenge, and everywhere I wish to be green with the weeds. 

  Men should not tremble, there is a song for you to listen to:

  To kill one is a crime, but to slaughter ten thousand is a hero.

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  If you have slaughtered nine million people, you will be the hero of the heroes.

  A male among males, a different path.

  See-through a thousand years of benevolence and righteousness, but let this life be a hero.

  The name of beauty does not love the name of evil; the heart of killing millions is not punished.

  I would rather teach people to gnash their teeth and hate than to teach people to curse me.

  If you look at the world for 5,000 years, where are the heroes who do not kill?


TL note: Poem is called 男儿行, sorry if the translation was pretty bad here, but it sounded way worse before, trust me.

  Yi Feng finished submitting his poem, and closed down the event page, and continued to grind his character ‘the famous great devil’, he had already silently approached a cave to fight monsters and train. Yi Feng wasn’t bothered at all by peoples’ hatred toward him on the Poem Appreciation event, he believed that the judges would look at the poem’s flow instead of the player who submitted it, so Yi Feng still thought that first place was still in his reach.

  But then suddenly, there was a huge knocking sound from the door, Ye Feng was puzzled, he doesn’t know anyone near here, who would knock on his door? The Landlord? The Landlord already collected this year’s money and left the country, he’ll only be returning next year. 

  Yi Feng panickedly approached the door, looked through the peephole when he saw what the people were, his whole body immediately sweated, he hurried to the computer and put all his money, bank cards, and a strangers ID in his pocket, then he turned over the desk and opened the underground tunnel which he took a long time to make, quickly left the game, later he might still need this game to make a living, the police definitely couldn’t see it. How did the police find me? I’ve read hundreds of books on anti-detection, I should’ve disappeared into thin air.

  When Ye Feng was closing the game, but suddenly the game popped up a window: “Username: The Famous Great Devil, the system is delighted with your poem, congratulations, you were chosen by the system as [The Pathfinder of Universes], in ten seconds the system will bound to you, please be prepared.”

  “D**n it! What is this? What Pathfinder of Universes?” Ye Feng was already angry and did not turn off the game, he just directly pulled the wire, then he took hold of a knife, and went straight into the tunnel, and with his greatest speed, ran and escaped. 

  As soon as he reached the sewers, he saw the manhole cover which he planned to climb out of and blend into the crowd, suddenly Ye Feng felt his body go numb, his vision went black, and his final thought was, “Ah! D**n it, why the hell was this wire in the sewers!”

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