Imperial God Emperor

Chapter 290-295

290 – Don't be worried about me

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"Oh? In other words, the Pass Lord agrees that I should go to the capital?" Ye Qingyu was able to grasp the meaning in Ye Congyun's words.

Ye Congyun nodded his head. “That’s what master should mean. He once said that you are a hidden dragon. Now that the time has come, you no longer need to hide your claws. The capital is a place of soaring dragons, you should go and temper yourself. The current situation of the capital is dark and dim, like a dead pool of water. It needs someone as brutal and as direct as you to stimulate it, Marquis."

“Brutal and direct” Ye Qingyu bit his teeth. “Did Pass Lord Lu use such a description in his original words?”

There was an embarrassed smile on Ye Congyun’s face, but he nodded his head.

Ye Qingyu cursed in his heart powerlessly. He remembered that these were also the words that Wen Wan used to describe him, but who would have thought Lu Zhaoge would also say such things. Should be happy or overjoyed? No matter how you put it, brutal and direct were not words used to compliment someone.

“Fine, I understand what Pass Lord Lu means. Thank the Pass Lord for me. I will definitely consider this matter,” Ye Qingyu said seriously.

Ye Congyun stood up and said his farewell.

After he saw him off, Ye Qingyu stood at the entrance to the Vanguard, his heart uncertain.

He saw the bustling and busy camp. He saw the neat and orderly rows of soldiers marching onto the formation airships, heading towards the front lines of the Explosive Snow Glacier. There was vitality and passion on every young face, filled with ambition and yearning for a better future. Ye Qingyu could not help but feel somewhat sentimental. After the Springtime offence, no matter what the result of it would be, some of these young men would end up buried on the battlefield of the Demon Race. Just how many would return alive, to enjoy the admiration and rewards of the Empire?

Originally, Ye Qingyu had imagined that he would be together with these young people and head towards the front line. He would also contribute towards the Human Race of Heaven Wasteland Domain to resist against the invaders. He could also polish his martial heart at such a place…

But from the current situation, this seemed impossible.

The call of the Empire, the order of the Imperial family, was a command he could not refuse because he possessed a military position. Unless he deserted his military duty. But this was not a suitable time for such an action. No matter what, he could not humiliate the military badge his parents had left behind when they died. Furthermore, his father’s last words was for him to head towards the Imperial Palace of the Capital holding the badge, and search for the so called truth…

“My cultivation right now has not yet reached the Bitter Sea stage, but when talking solely about battle power alone, it can already be compared to the early stages of the Bitter Sea stage. I should be able to meet my father’s requirements, I can head towards the capital.”

Ye Qingyu calmly had such thoughts.

Furthermore, if it was possible, perhaps he could do even more for these passionate and loyal young soldiers of the Human Race by being within the capital. The things he could do for them should be much more than if he remained within Youyan Pass.

As he thought of this, he had already largely accepted the duty of the Imperial family's command, and take up a new post in the capital. But before he truly headed towards the capital, he still needed to make some preparations.

The capital of Snow Empire was known as the Snow Capital. It was one of the most famous cities in Heaven Wasteland Domain. Calling it a dragon’s pond or a tiger’s den would be well deserved. Ye Qingyu was confident, but even he would not charge in blindly. He naturally had to plan before entering the capital.



Three days later.

A matter caused the entire Youyan Pass to shake.

The Snow Emperor of the Empire had passed a decree.

The Imperial decree announced that Ye Qingyu was promoted to the position of a Third Class Military Marquis, raising his rank by one. The voice that announced it was like a giant bronze bell that resounded throughout Youyan Pass, the light of the Empire shining throughout the sky, like a deity had arrived. He would leave behind the position of Patrolling Sword Envoy of White Horse tower in Youyan Pass, and leave Youyan Pass, taking up a new position within Snow Capital.

After the Imperial decree was read, it transformed into two rays of light.

One ray of light descended on Youyan Pass, landing directly in Ye Qingyu’s hands. Another headed directly back to the Capital, tearing through the sky and disappearing towards the South West.

Once news of this spread, all parties were shaken.

Ye Qingyu had already expected this, but he was still surprised.

He had not imagined that his title of nobility would raise by one rank. He had only been granted nobility for three or four months. The speed at which he got promoted was rare in the entire history of the Empire. The explanation as to why he got promoted could be attributed to his achievements in battle at the martial alliance meeting but this reasoning was somewhat forceful. After all, to ascend the ranking by one was something that some people could not manage to even do after trying their entire life.

In this period of time, there were many people arriving to say their congratulations.

The commanders of the four great camps all held a feast to see Ye Qingyu off.

The [War God of Youyan Pass], Lu Zhaoge also summoned Ye Qingyu to see him alone.

All those who were friendly within Ye Qingyu in the entire Youyan army came to present their congratulations at the first instance. Everyone could see that Ye Qingyu’s opportunity had arrived. Although he was sent away from the Youyan army and would not have too much interaction with them in the future, but Ye Qingyu was mobilized to the Snow Capital of the Empire. If there was anything they needed to request of this Marquis in the future, it would be good to make a positive impression on him right now, so they could ask for assistance more easily in the future.

Ye Qingyu did not refuse any of such good intentions.

In the next three of four days, he attended many feasts and meetings, seeming to be very busy.

There was less than three days left till he would leave Youyan Pass.

That day, the sky was somewhat dim and dark and the temperature somewhat cold.

Ye Qingyu exited the feast held by the Hundred Herb Hall and Shopkeeper Sui, somewhat busy. He wandered about aimlessly throughout the little streets of Youyan Pass and unintentionally passed by a familiar street. A familiar little inn appeared at the right side of the street.

Common Liquor House.

Ye Qingyu smiled, thinking of the scenery of him competing in drinking with the men of the escort companies inside. He was somewhat expectant in his heart. Taking a step forward, he came to the entrance of the liquor house and prepared to open the signature wooden door. With a creaking sound, Ye Qingyu entered.

After Youyan Pass returned to normal, the business of the large and small shops and stands within the city had recovered somewhat.

There was the hustle and bustle and clamour of old within the Common Liquor House.

At the most central part of the liquor house, a white-haired storyteller was currently saying something passionately Next to him was a young boy that carried a tray familiarly, to collect the money of those that were listening to the storyteller recounting the story. Hearing the sound of the coins clattering on the tray, the little kid had a delighted grin…

On the other side, there were tens of muscular men that were currently competing in drinking. There were one or two familiar people within this group. They were namely the mercenaries of the escort company on the opposite street. After being dragged to the abandoned new recruit training camp, they were nearly killed, but thankfully they had managed to escape in the end.

The female owner with a figure like a water bucket was behind the counter. She was flipping through her accounting book while chewing on melon seeds, evidently extremely worried about something. The server of the shop was covered with oil and grease, as he wriggled back and forth throughout the crowd carrying a tray laden with meat and alcohol…

Seeing someone entering, the female owner instinctively greeted them. But after seeing it was Ye Qingyu, she hesitated. After being dumbfounded, a signature flattering smile appeared on her face. She was about to say something, but Ye Qingyu shook his head.

The female owner could only suppress the excitement in her heart, and ordered the server to prepare good alcohol.

Ye Qingyu evaluated his surroundings, his eyes brightening.

At the familiar place, the table next to the window, there was a girl wearing a dark red tight fitting martial outfit. Her figure was slim and lean, her hair like a dark flame. A golden patterned strange mask covered her delicate little face, complimenting her skin that was as luscious as jade. Under the sunlight, she emitted a splendour that caused one not to dare regard her directly.

For her to be here?

Ye Qingyu’s lips curved up, heading towards the direction of the table.

As he passed by the central area, he could hear the white haired storyteller recounting his tale. The story he told was the legendary tale of [The Leaf of Youyan] killing everyone at the martial alliance meeting of Proud Sky Center. Of how he had killed Zhao Shanhe, Li Qiushui. Through his exaggerated description and the exquisite and unique movements the storyteller possessed, the surrounding crowd was enraptured…

“Can I sit here?”

As he said these words, Ye Qingyu had already sat opposite the young girl.

The young girl gave him a glance, not saying anything.

“Do you want to eat something? Drink something? I’ll pay,” Ye Qingyu said with a faint smile.

The young girl was still silent.

After a brief moment, she suddenly opened her mouth. “I hear you’re about to leave?”

Ye Qingyu nodded his head. “En, in three days.”

“Oh,” the young girl said quietly, not saying thing.

She was evidently somewhat distracted and restless.

The server came over, placing two vegetarian cold dishes and a jar of coarse alcohol. There was a flattering on the smile on his face as he said, “The owner told me to bring it over. It’s free, hehe, it’s free…”

He naturally knew Ye Qingyu’s true identity.

Ye Qingyu turned around and saw the familiar flattering smile of the female owner behind the counter. He knew that this was a type of respect and admiration normal civilians had towards him. This was not any sort of bribery or anything like that, it was only them expressing their sincere gratitude.

The alcohol was still rough and coarse.

Compared to the delicate wines he had in the feasts, the alcohol in the jar was somewhat piercing to his throat. But it made Ye Qingyu feel very comfortable, because the Song Xiaojun in front of him had poured herself a bowl. Like a little deer drinking water, she drank through a large bowl little by little. There was a sparkling translucent droplet of alcohol at the corner of her red lips.

“Are you still going to remain in the city?” Ye Qingyu asked.

“En.” Song Xiaojun nodded her head, her tone becoming somewhat emotionless. “I am still waiting.”

“But there will be danger if you stay behind in the city.”

“It is also dangerous outside.”

“Then what are you waiting for?”

“I’m waiting for the item I require to arrive at Youyan Pass.”

Ye Qingyu deeply breathed in. “But you don’t even have any channels of information. Even if the item you want arrives, you won’t know about it. You can’t just go in search for it every night at the Pass Lord’s Residence. According to what I know, Pass Lord Lu has already recovered from his injuries."

The young girl did not say anything.

When the sunlight shone into the hole of the golden laced mask, shone into her autumn water-like eyes, there was a trace of confusion and indecisiveness. She was like a lost child who could not find her own home, filled with helplessness and fear…

There was a piercing pain in Ye Qingyu’s heart.

“Although I don’t know why you must take such a risk in obtaining the [Lotus Fire of the Black Moon], but there must be a better way, so that you didn't have to come to ambush the [War God of Youyan Pass]. Cooperating with Yan Buhui is like working with a tiger to take it’s own fur.” Ye Qingyu’ tone was somewhat strict and serious. With a thought, he took out the crystal orb from the Cloud Top Cauldron.

I’ll give it to you. Leave this dangerous place, don’t make me worried anymore.” Ye Qingyu faintly smiled.


291 – The End of Matters in Youyan

In the lost and fearful eyes of the girl, there was a shock that flitted past.

“Why?” She asked with confusion.

In these days, what she and Xian’er had painstakingly searched for was contained within the crystal orb. She had recognized what it was in the first glance, but she did not take it in that instant. It was as if she was still considering something.

"Because I want to help you.”

Ye Qingyu smiled peacefully.

After a period of hesitation, there was a faint smile that suddenly appeared on Song Xiaojun’s face.

“Fine, thank you.” She finally extended her hand to receive the crystal orb.

With a flicker, the crystal orb disappeared from her hands.

But then she fell silent once again.

It seemed as if it had fallen into a state where they both had nothing to say.

Ye Qingyu had already gotten used to such a situation.

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He poured himself some wine, watching her with a smile. “I will leave in three days. At that time, you should quickly depart along with Xian’er. It is said the most dangerous place is the safest. But you have stayed for far too long within the Pass. And the way you dress is so eye catching, you should already have attracted the attention of some people. If the Pass Lord’s Residence spends their effort to investigate such a matter, you and Xian’er will definitely be discovered…”

Song Xiaojun did not say anything.

But there was a faint sadness in her eyes.

“Xian’er is not here anymore.”

She lifted the bowl of wine in front of her, and once again finished it in small gulps and swallows, like a deer drinking water. Droplets of the alcohol dribbled down, following the curve of her mouth, down her neck that was as white and as gentle as a swan. Drop by drop, it fell onto her delicate and intricate collarbone, like six or seven pearls moving about in a jade tray, with an inexplicable attraction about it.

“What? Xian’er… what happened?”

Ye Qingyu finally understood that the matter could potentially be serious. No wonder the girl with such a poisonous tongue had never appeared from beginning to end, could it be… there’s an accident?

“She died in battle.” Song Xiaojun wiped away the alcohol droplets at the corner of her mouth, saying such a fact calmly.

Ye Qingyu was dumbfounded.

“What happened? Just what has occurred?”

There was a twitch in Ye Qingyu’s heart. Just when did this occur. In this recent period of time, he had always kept the silly dog Little Nine beside Song Xiaojun to protect her. But there were no incidents at all, so why would this happen?

“Twenty three days ago… it happened long ago.”

Song Xiaojun’s composure quickly returned to calmness.

It was as if there wasn’t anything that would be able to affect her. The bloodline of darkness within her body had smothered her memory, but also changed her personality. It was as if all her emotions were robbed from her soul. She did not know why it was like this, but it was as if ice was running throughout her arteries instead of fresh blood.

She also did not know why she came to the little liquor house today.

This was the day that she decided she would forcefully enter and try to take the [Lotus Fire of the Black Moon] by force from the Pass Lord’s Residence and put herself in danger. Before she did her last gamble, perhaps she wanted to find the last shred of warm memory she had in this icy and cold city. That’s why she had come to such a location. As she sat on the table near the window, silently drinking her wine under the sunlight that shone through from the cracks of the clouds, it was as if she was saying goodbye to something.

It was as if Song Xiaojun herself knew, that her end had some.

And then it was like everything was fated and logical, she once again met with the youth she felt confused about.

For her, the position he had within Youyan Pass, his identity, the battles he had that shook the entire Jianghu of the Empire, did not mean anything. The thing that truly made her incomparably curious was why it was him that she did not dislike instinctively. He even emitted a sense of intimateness.

Song Xiaojun had never imagined that this man would use such a calm and unhurried tone to give the [Lotus Fire of the Black Moon] over to her. The item that she and Xian’er had paid such a great sacrifice but failed to obtain.

Even she herself was not aware of what sort of emotion she was feeling right now.

As if she was relieved from a burden?

Or was her heart still unwilling?


Ye Qingyu seemed to have understood the reason behind the fear and confusion in Song Xiaojun eyes.

So it was because of Xian’er…

That girl was strange and had a poisonous tongue, but she was a girl that truly and utterly did her utmost to protect Song Xiaojun. For her to die in battle, this was somewhat unbelievable. Ye Qingyu knew just how cruel this matter would be for Song Xiaojun.

Thirty three days ago?

Ye Qingyu suddenly realized something.

At that time, that was namely the day of the martial alliance meeting. It was also when he had told Little Silver to contact Liu Yuqing and told Little Nine and Wen Wan to go in search for Bai Yuanxing and the others. In other words, Song Xiaojun and Xian’er had largely met with some sort of danger during this time, and Xian’er had died in battle…

Just who was the enemy that caused the Song Xiaojun whose bloodline had awakened to fail to protect the person beside her?

Ye Qingyu looked at the icy cold girl in front of her. His heart could not but help feel pain for her.

Ever since her bloodline had awakened, everything had changed.

Even though she now possessed the powerful strength of the bloodline of darkness, but if she had a choice, perhaps she would hope even more that she was still the clumsy and ditzy little loli of the past. Where she could not even walk steadily, where she tripped over because her clothing was too long. But at least she had friends who cared about her.

The path of darkness was originally destined to be a lonely and cold path.

This time, her ambush of Lu Zhaoge had caused her to be enemies with the whole world.

What was even more terrifying was that Ye Qingyu could be sure the person who had attacked Song Xiaojun during this period of time was definitely not the Youyan army. This represented that there was another terrifying and powerful force that was Song Xiaojun’s enemy, hidden in the background.

Just what sort of pressure and weight was on the delicate shoulders of this young girl?

Ye Qingyu suddenly felt that he had never even truly even understood the Song Xiaojun who had changed her identity. He was a complete stranger to the legend of the Unmoving City of Darkness. He did not even know what had happened in the half a year since Wang Jianru had brought Song Xiaojun away. Just what sort of environment was Song Xiaojun currently facing?

As Ye Qingyu’s thoughts were still confused and muddled, the girl in front of him suddenly stood up. “I have to go. Bye,” as she said this, she headed towards the direction of the entrance to the liquor house.

Ye Qingyu subconsciously stood up, gesturing with his hand, but he did not know what to say.

Song Xiaojun walked for several steps, then suddenly turned back. There was a strange light in her bright and beautiful eyes. She stared at him for ten breaths of times, then suddenly said, “Thank you… I… I have a little present for you. I hope… you are able to treat it well… can you?”

Ye Qingyu was taken aback, then nodded his head without the slightest hint of hesitation.

Song Xiaojun took out a white little fur ball. Like it was some sort of treasure, she lightly rubbed it with her hand and against her face, then presented it to him with both hands.

Ye Qingyu’s gaze fell on the little furry white ball.

it was a cute little white rabbit.

It was a little rabbit that had fur as white as snow. It seemed to be only one or two months old, with no trace of imperfection on the colour of its fur. It was like a little snowball. It had ears like a pair of little scissors, and eyes as red as ruby, and a faintly pink mouth…

Ye Qingyu had not imagined that Song Xiaojun’s present would be this.

Furthermore, he had not imagined that Song Xiaojun would have a little rabbit with her.

But he still extended his hand to receive the little rabbit.

“Thank you, please… treat it well. Thank you.” Song Xiaojun rarely said so much, and she even said two words of thanks. She gave a last glance to the little white rabbit, then turned to leave.

“Zhi Zhi Zhi….”

The little white rabbit began crying out in distress, wanting to jump out from Ye Qingyu’s hands.

Ye Qingyu tightly held it in his hands.

“Where are you going? If I want to see you, just where should I go to find you?” Ye Qingyu could not help but take several quick steps forward to ask such a question.

“Did you not say that I should depart Youyan Pass? I’m leaving.” Song Xiaojun did not turn back. “Even I don’t know where I will go. If I have time, I will come find you.”

The sounds stopped.

Her entire person disappeared from the liquor house.

As if she had dissolved in the air.

“Zhi Zhi Zhi…” The little bunny cried out in panic.

Ye Qingyu stood where he was for a moment, somewhat lost. He then returned to his table, placing the little rabbit on the table, to let it run about. He drank bowl after bowl of alcohol, his emotions somewhat distressed.

Outside the window.

The dim clouds had disappeared and sunlight once again shone on the earth.

He finished the jar of high alcohol content wine, throwing a gold piece towards the owner. With the white bunny in his embrace, he left the Common Liquor House.

The moment he left the door, all the noise from the liquor house disappeared.

Ye Qingyu turned around to have a look.

Common Liquor House.

The rumbling mortal world.

That day, he went all around Youyan Pass. He went to places where he was normally too busy to go to because he was cultivating. He firmly remembered all the places in Youyan Pass into his head, and once again visited the rubbles that were in the process of being constructed into White Horse tower. He sat there for a while.

Ye Qingyu had not imagined that so many things had happened despite not even being in Youyan Pass for a year. And he would leave in such a way, away from the large city at the border of the Empire.

The second day.

The military order and official documents sent from the military department finally arrived in Ye Qingyu’s hands.

According to the arrangements of the agreement, Ye Qingyu would be relieved of the duty of the Patrolling Sword Envoy of Youyan Pass. As long as he handed over the official seal, this was officially done.

Afterwards, he had three months of idle time to take care of private matters.

The arrangements of the military understood the needs of the people. To take care of the newly promoted third class Marquis, they had agreed that Ye Qingyu could first return to Deer City to visit his family. After taking care of everything, he could report in at the Snow Capital.

Chapter 292, The People of Deer City

Deer Mountain Range

Hundred Broken Mountain.

The previous number 66 watch post that was destroyed by the Snow Dragon Ape had been rebuilt by the military at another location. On the vast Hundred Broken Mountain, snow drifted with the wind despite it being the late spring season, and the mountain was still covered with snow and remained bitterly cold.

In the air, a middle-sized snow-white airship with formations inscripted on it pierced the layers of clouds, landing slowly to the ground.

About a hundred meters from the ground, the rune airship slowly came to a stop.

Clad in a white robe, Ye Qingyu stood at the bow of the ship, overlooking the white glacier below.

It had been almost a year since he was here. The collapsed ice summit had already been covered with snow and the former number 66 watch post had disappeared without the slightest trace of it being there. He was unsure of how many times it had snowed in Hundred Broken Mountain, but the thick snow had buried the remains of the sentries that died in battle on that dark night.

"It should be around here."

Ye Qingyu studied the terrain that had changed greatly, recalling everything that happened on that day, and was able to determine the location of the underground ice bunker back then very quickly. After he paid tribute to them, the formation airship flew in the direction of the underground ice bunker.

Half an hour later, he finally found the underground ice bunker.

As a result of glacier movement, the inside of the underground ice cave had undergone huge changes; many of the corridors had collapsed and were blocked off. Fortunately, Ye Qingyu's strength was not the same as before. He eventually arrived at the depths of the ice cave, found the bodies of the sentries who had died to protect him and personally brought them out.

"Brothers, I've come to see you. I have been gone for several years, leaving you in this icy cold cave for so long. It is my fault. I have ordered the military to find your hometowns. I will take you all back to your home, so you can sleep among the scenery of your hometown. Your souls will not extinguish; soldiers that give their life for a noble cause exist forever!"

Ye Qingyu's eyes glistened with tears.

The beautiful wine was poured over the boundless snow-capped mountain.

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The remains of the sentries were carefully moved into the different crystal coffins and temporarily stored in the cabin of the formation airship.

There was still three months of time till he was needed in the capital of Snow Country. Besides meeting up with the people of the Ye household after returning to Deer City, Ye Qingyu also intended to personally take the remains of these heroic sentries who sacrificed their life back to their respective hometowns.

It was the only thing he could do for the sentries who had given their lives for him.

In the endless sea of clouds.

Like the hilt of an unparalleled sword, they advanced at full speed, breaking through the layers of clouds and leaving behind a huge trace across the sky. It was as though the sky had been broken in half. They headed in the direction of Deer City as fast as lightning.



Deer City.

Based on the geographical position, it was still a small town of the north-west border of the empire, but today it had a completely different atmosphere. The guards of the City Lord Mansion and the squad leaders of the four military leaders of the north, east, south and west, set out of the North Gate early in the morning. Ten miles outside of the city, they lined up and began building a celebration stage.

The city, decorated with red lanterns and banners, had a festive atmosphere.

Inside and outside of White Deer Academy were notices posted all around, like it was a Grand Festival today, and appeared unusual.

"What day is it today? Why does it feel like a holiday?"

"Yes, it's been a long time since the city has been so lively, right? Even at last years Lunar New Year's Eve, the City Lord did not have such grand arrangements."

"Haha, you don't know? It is said that an important person will come to our Deer City today."

"Important person? How important, that the City Lord and the four military leaders would go to such trouble."

"Hey, hey, I also heard some rumors. They say that Ye Qingyu is coming back."

"What, Ye Qingyu? The… [The Leaf of Youyan] that became famous all over the empire in such a short time? Marquis Ye of Youyan Pass?"

"Of course, besides him, who dares to be called Ye Qingyu?"

"Why would Marquis Ye come to Deer City?"

"Haha, there is something you don't know. This Marquis Ye is said to have an important relationship with Deer City. Back then, Marquis Ye was a student of White Deer Academy, he was born in our Deer City; he is a part of Deer City. He must be coming home to visit his relatives."

"What? Is that true? Marquis Ye is someone of our Deer City. For our city to have such an important man. Ahaha, this must be the blessings of heaven."

"Yes, according to the laws of the empire, if a meritorious Marquis emerged from the city, that city will receive the special blessing of the Empire. If the city was attacked by demons, the people can directly ask the military for help, and the nearby garrison must come at the first instant."

"Marquis Ye really is the pride of our Deer City."

At the doorway of the teahouse nearby, a group of people came out, laughing and talking. The fact that a hero had emerged from their hometown made everyone feel extremely proud. This glory was real and true. Everyone was able to benefit from it.

Across from the teahouse was the Ye Mansion.

It was the most peripheral mansion of the wealthy northern area. It used to be peaceful and quiet amid the noisy surroundings, but it had long been the focus of attention in the city. Even as early as 10 days ago, there had been an endless stream of people paying visits and bringing along gifts.

The hereditary nobles that were usually arrogant and insufferable, had a smile fixed to their faces. They were incredibly polite to the old man guarding the entrance and dared not to neglect him in the slightest, afraid of irritating the old man and making him dissatisfied.

Many hereditary nobles, although noble in identity, had no real power. The most they had were a little privilege in taxes, lawsuits, and so on. Besides being well-off and having servants, they had no real sense of power. Only the City Lord, Qin Ying, enjoyed the power to govern the lands directly and was considered as a real noble amongst all these nobles.

But a meritorious military Marquis like Ye Qingyu was different.

A Marquis had a noble status, but they also possess the power to command troops. This was real power. In the Empire's aristocratic system, a Marquis has the greatest military power. According to Empire law, a Marquis enjoys great immunity from prosecution. Even if he violated the laws of the Empire, only the army was eligible to determine his innocence.

The most important noble of Deer City was the City Lord, the Qin family.

But the City Lord Qin Ying was only a third grade hereditary noble.

The Emperor of Snow Country had announced to the world that Ye Qingyu was a third grade Marquis. The title was not inherited, but whether it was in status or power, he was in fact superior to Qin Ying. Besides, [The Leaf of Youyan], was famous throughout the land. His strength alone was enough to make the entire Jianghu tremble. Such fame and power was far above the City Lord Qin Ying.

Therefore, the entire Deer City, from the mansion of the City Lord to the ordinary aristocracy, dared not to treat him with the slightest neglect.

The news said that Maquis Ye would arrive at noon.

There was still some time till noon, but all the noble families, whether large or small, were dressed in luxury attire. All of them were waiting on a temporary celebration stage that they had long ago built at a location ten miles outside of the northern gate. Every one of them had an excited expression on their face, as though Ye Qingyu was an old friend of theirs.

The City Lord Qin Ying was calm, wearing silver armour and a sword hanging at his waist. He stood at the very front.

The silver-armoured guards of the City Lord Residence were divided into rows and stood on both sides of the celebration stage.

The personal guards of the four military leaders were even more heavily armoured, lining up along the main road, but they also appeared valiant and formidable-looking, carrying themselves with the iron-willed presence of the military. Perhaps because of the fact Ye Qingyu was a MIlitary Marquis, the nobles had arrived to greet him dressed in military uniforms. There were some overweight people with a body like a pig that were forcibly dressed in mail. It was like a lump of fat was wrapped in huge mail plating, almost causing the armour to pop. Because the armour was too heavy, even the escort attendants were soaking in sweat. They seemed extremely exhausted, but they still dared not to remove the armour.

On the celebration stage, there were several other figures besides the noble families that were particularly noticeable.

Dressed in a blue cotton skirt, Qin Lan, who was in charge of taking care of the Ye Mansion, and Ye Qingyu's little sister Little Grass, as well as Tang San, the youngster in charge of taking care of the outer courtyard of Ye Mansion, were like the moon with stars clustering around them. They were surrounded by nobles.

In just approximately one year of time, Qin Lan's fate had turned upside down entirely. At the beginning, when Ye Qingyu had retaken the Ye household, she was freed from her enslaved identity. And in the last months, the status of the Ye household had risen rapidly within Deer City, causing her to marvel at the strangeness of fate.

Qin Lan was a married woman of great beauty. After a year of living well, even though she only wore a blue cotton dress and was without any pearls or precious jade accessories, she still looked bright and radiant. She emanated a stunning glory that dumbfounded people. Compared to the noble women accessorized with sparkling jewels, she was not inferior in any respect, but much more beautiful.

At her side was Little Grass dressed in a light tight warrior dress. She had grown more beautiful, graceful, and was also incomparably glamorous.

Tang San, who was just a servant, was dressed in a long flowing white robe. He looked extremely graceful and looked like a young master. If people did not know, they would have thought that he was a descendant of an aristocratic family.

On the other side of the celebration stage, there was also a group of noble youngsters.

Qin Wushuang stood at the front, his complexion somewhat unnatural.

Behind him was the former genius of the White Deer Academy, Han Shuanghu. Han Xiaofei, Bai Yuqing and others were also standing among the crowd, and of course, Ye Qingyu's childhood friend who had became a stranger to him, Jiang Xiaohan.

This bunch of pretentious and arrogant boys and girls had not paid any attention to Ye Qingyu and had always thought of him as a joke in the past. But now, in Ye Qingyu's welcoming celebration, they did not even have the qualifications to stand up on the celebration stage.

Only some years have passed, but the difference between them was like Heaven and Earth.

Among these people, the person with the most conflicted feelings, was namely Jiang Xiaohan.

Chapter 293 – No Chance of Speaking

Jiang Xiaohan had never thought that there would be one day when Ye Qingyu would return to Deer City with such status.

A year ago, when Ye Qingyu was about to quit White Deer Academy and leave Deer City for Youyan Pass, Jiang Xiaohan thought that his choice was akin to abandoning himself.

Everyone in the world knew that Youyan Pass was a bitterly cold place with ongoing warfare. Given Ye Qingyu's strength at that time, he was just an early stage Spirit spring expert. He was a first year of White Deer Academy. Perhaps he could be counted as a minor master, but once at Youyan Pass it was likely that he would not even be able to beat regular soldiers and would have wasted his life. In her view, Ye Qingyu's cultivation level was not high enough and she thought that it was just a matter of time till he joined the list of martyrs of Youyan Pass.

But who would have known that fate had played such a great joke.

The youngster and childhood friend that she despised, that she reckoned would fail, that she thought was unpromising and that she deliberately made things difficult for, had returned to Deer City and unexpectedly became a grade three military Marquis who was famous throughout the lands. Adding to this, all the nobles of Deer City were nervous about his arrival. They all eagerly came to welcome him outside of the city.

What about herself?

She was still struggling at White Deer Academy.

Occasionally, she would grow conceited with the fact that she had networked with some noble students. She imagined that one day after graduation, the large affluent families would think highly of her and she would become someone of a major sect. Although she dared not to think of being in the Three Schools and Three Sects, but at the very least, she could join a secondary sect. With her qualifications, she should be selected by them, right?

But thinking about it now, even if she became an important person of a major sect, what about it?

The top genius of the generation of the Three Schools and Three Sects were defeated like dogs and chickens in front of Ye Qingyu. When compared to him, her biggest hope and wildest dream was like an utter joke.

There was a bitter expressionon Jiang Xiaohan's face.

She could not help but look up at the celebration stage where Qin Lan and Little Grass stood.

When she was a child, Jiang Xiaohan had seen these two people before, Qin Lan was just an ordinary nanny, a servant of the Ye Mansion. Little Grass was only a lowly little child and back then Jiang Xiaohan placed all her attention on the young master of the Ye mansion Ye Qingyu and had not took a glance at these two.

Later, the Ye family deteriorated. Jiang Xiaohan did not keep in contact with Ye Qingyu, let alone Qin Lan and Little Grass. She had only once vaguely heard that these two people became the servants of other noble families.

But now?

These two people who she had never cared about, stood in the center of the celebration stage, surrounding by nobles, like stars clustering themselves around the moon. They were even afraid to speak loudly in front of them and were smiling obsequiously and complimenting them. This scene was what Jiang Xiaohan had yearned for herself.

"If I had not abandoned Ye Qingyu because of his hardship and difficulties, then perhaps the person standing on this celebration stage being surrounded by people and enjoying the compliments should be me?"

Jiang Xiaohan felt deep regret, but also jealousy.

At the same time.

Han Xiaofei, who was standing next to her, his heart was pounding with fear.

He clearly knew that Ye Qingyu was childhood friends with Jiang Xiaohan; they can be regarded as innocent playmates who had once had sincere feelings for each other. Although Jiang Xiaohan turned her back against Ye Qingyu, but it was unknown what Ye Qingyu's true thoughts were. What if he still secretly liked Jiang Xiaohan – Han Xiaofei's relationship with Jiang Xiaohan was ambiguous and unclear. Even though nothing had happened, but it would be best to make things clear.

Now that Ye Qingyu made such a strong return, what if he gave him a hard time because of this. What should he do?

The former Ye Qingyu was never in Han Xiaofei's eyes. He had ridiculed and berated him as he wished, and had often made things difficult for him. However, the Ye Qingyu now was a Marquis of the empire. It could even be said that he was soaring to the sky. If he wanted to kill Han Xiaofei, it would be as easily as squeezing an ant to death.

Thinking of this, Han Xiaofei quietly walked away, the distance between him and Jiang Xiaohan furthering greatly.

Time slowly passed.

But there was not the slightest hint of impatience on the faces of the nobles.

Noon finally arrived.

"Look, there, Marquis Ye is here," someone exclaimed, pointing to the distant sky.

All the people came alive, their eyes fixed at the distant sky.

A ship like a giant white creature pierced through the faint layer of clouds with an indescribable majesty and a respectful and solemn atmosphere. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, it broke the sky, arriving at the slanted upper level of the celebration stage and casting a huge shadow on the ground. It slowly landed. The strong presence of the ship pervaded the air, crushing everyone into a suffocating awe.

"Heavens, it's an airship!"

"A real battle machine, such a big airship, I have never seen one before!"

"Marquis Ye is the pilot, it's not just big, did you see the huge cannon at the bow of the ship. One blast and it can easily blow up the defense formation of our Deer City!"

"Marquis Ye is on the ship?"

"He must be."

The nobles were excitedly chattering amongst themselves, every one of them had a proud and incredibly moved look on their face that would make people think that they were very close with Ye Qingyu.

"Marquis Ye has arrived, everyone come and greet him with me."

The City Lord Qin Ying, who had not yet spoken until now, walked slowly down the celebration stage and yelled.

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This reclusive Lord of Deer City exhibited a calm expression. At least on the surface, it was not clear what his attitude was regarding Ye Qingyu's arrival. He quietly and calmly led the crowd toward the flat open space of where the airship had landed.

"Lady Qin, I'll help you!"

"Watch the steps."

"Haha, this girl Little Grass is really cute and clever, it makes people love her dearly!"

All the noble women surrounded Qin Lan. Some reached out their hand to help support Qin Lan while some complimented Little Grass with an amiable and kind smile. The atmosphere was harmonious, with unbelievably kind smiles appearing on their faces.

The noble youngsters on both sides of the celebration stage also hurriedly followed after.

[Bright Sword Ship] finally descended.

134 meters in length, 38 meters wide and 10 meters high, the entire body of the ship was constructed from solid silver steel and the surface was coated with silver, its silver sheen glistening in the sunlight. The huge body of the ship was a visually stunning spectacle that made people tremble with apprehension.

There was a brilliant light flickering.

Ten elite soldiers in black armour jumped off the ship.

These were real elites from Youyan Pass that had fought hundreds of battles. They emanated an astonishing presence all over their bodies. Even with just the naked eye, one could see the cracks and dried blood on their armour. Even though they were far away, the surrounding Nobles of Deer City felt as if a sharp knife had pierced through them.

The look on many people's face suddenly changed greatly.

These were the real elite soldiers of the empire.

The so called elite soldiers of the City Lord's Residence as well as the personal guards of the four military commanders could not be compared at all. Let alone the difference in strength, the difference in imposing manner was too great.

A small-scale formation was very quickly set up by the ten soldiers

Light was flashing within the formation.

Ye Qingyu's figure finally came out after repeated calls and cheering.

Dressed in a white jade-like outfit, his black hair falling on his back like a waterfall, he stood tall and straight.

He was not wearing the armour that people imagined he would, nor did he possess a ferocious look. Instead, he was more like a carefree scholar that travelled around the world, not contaminated with the slightest of grime or dust. It was as if he never touched a sword, nor seen evil or murder, and although he was handsome, he did not look like a ruthless person of the generation that could control the young leaders of the Three Schools and Three Sects with military power alone.

"Deer City Lord Qin Ying and the officials and nobles of the city welcome Marquis Ye's victorious return. You have obtained the title of nobility and returned to your hometown with honour!" Qin Ying's eyes flashed an unusual colour that he very quickly hid away, and a hearty smile suddenly appeared on his face as he strode over and gave a cupped fist salute. "Marquis Ye had traveled a lot, you must be exhausted!"

"Welcome Marquis Ye!"

"Marquis Ye is as heroic as they say…"

"Marquis Ye, clothed in white and characterized by a radiance like jade, is a dragon among men."

All the nobles, followed closely behind like a swarm of bees, and the pigs in heavy armour, frantically rushed over and from far away already began to throw compliments at him with a smile fixed to their faces, and as if they were meeting an old friend, every one of them were happy and excited.

"Everyone, long time to see."

Ye Qingyu cupped his hand in greetings.

"City Lord Qin, I have troubled you."

Qin Ying smiled faintly. "Marquis Ye went to the trouble to kill demons for the empire and performed extraordinary meritorious feats. To guard this peaceful place, we depend on the protection from the Emperor, we dare not take credit for such a perfunctory act."

Ye Qingyu nodded, no longer saying anything. He walked to the front of Qin Lan and Little Grass in huge strides.

"Aunt Qin, Little Grass." Only then did Ye Qingyu revealed the reaction that a normal youngster should have. Unable to hide his excitement, he exclaimed, "I can finally see you guys again. During this year, have you been well?"

Qin Lan wiped the tears in her eyes, smiled and repeatedly nodded. "Good, good, very good, Little Grass and Xiaoqing have missed you. You're finally back. Great, great!"

"Big brother Qingyu!" Little Grass walked over shyly, her bright and beautiful eyes twinkled with excitement.

"Little girl, you have cultivated well. You are already at the sixth stage of the Ordinary martial level. It seems you did not slack off. You can already go and apply for White Deer Academy." Ye Qingyu evaluated the little girl from top to bottom. After not seeing her for a year, she had grown much taller, perhaps due to the reason she did not have to do hard labour anymore. Wearing the blue green martial outfit, she was like a little lotus exposing its buds. There was a certain charm about her.

"Of course, I've worked hard cultivating." The little girl blinked proudly, then suddenly thought of something and gloomily lowered her head then pursed her mouth. "But sister Qing is already at the first Spirit spring level. I can't be compared to her."

"That's right, where sister Qing?" Ye Qingyu smiled.

"In the city. She said she does not like places with too many people. She's preparing a feast at home. She said she wants to hold a welcome dinner for big brother Qingyu." Little Grass grinned.

"Well, well, let's go into the city." Ye Qingyu was eager to return to the Ye Mansion, to see his cherished former home.

"The carriage is prepared, Marquis Ye, please go ahead." The City Lord Qin Ying smiled and pointed to the carriage in the distance.

Ye Qingyu hesitated, then nodded. "Good, it seems I have to trouble you."

He did not have any good feelings towards Qin Ying, and he was also not under the control of the City Lord. When he left for Snow Capital, he should no longer have anything to do with these people. The only reason they rushed to greet him was because his official status was too high. However Ye Qingyu still had to give them some face, otherwise things might become difficult for people of the Ye household after he left.

Ye Qingyu, surrounded by a group of aristocrats, got up onto the horse drawn carriage and disappeared in a clatter of hooves and a cloud of dust.

Jiang Xiaohan and other people stood in their original place. They did not even have a chance to speak.

Chapter 294 – Call me Xiaosan

Once they reached the city, there were obviously many social activities and feasts.

All the nobles of Deer City came—— except Ding Kaixuan. The little nobleman who formerly occupied the Ye Mansion had heard early on that Ye Qingyu would come and was scared out of his wits. The entire city had known about their former grudges and no one dared to associate themselves with him. A few days ago, Ding Kaixuan was holed up in his own mansion, praying that Marquis Ye had forgiven him or had long forgotten about him. Just how would he dare to appear in front Ye Qingyu.

Ye Qingyu had to deal with the somewhat excessively enthusiastic nobles before he could return to the Ye Mansion. This took until the evening.

Those that arrived in Ye Mansion ahead of him, besides Ye Qingyu's ten soldiers of Youyan Pass, were Wen Wan, Li Shizhen, and of course the big headed glutton dog.

As for Mother Wu and her family, they stayed with Bai Yuanxing on the [Bright Sword Ship].

Ye Qingyu wanted to bring Bai Yuanxing to the Ye mansion so that he could relax and let go of his worries in Deer City. But Bai Yuanxing had always felt that he was a cripple. If he returned with Ye Qingyu, he would look like a burden even more so he repeatedly refused. Ye Qingyu knew there was still a knot in his heart and did not want to force him.

Lanterns were lit.

Within Ye mansion, there was a festive and joyous atmosphere, It was decorated with lanterns and colourful banners everywhere.

"Big brother Xiaoyu!" Little Grass rushed out excitedly.

"Young master!" Tang San stood at one side, an excited smile curving his lips. He looked in high spirits.

After a year of self-discipline, Tang San was no longer the timid servant. Qin Lan rarely cared about the estate outside of the Ye mansion and it was Tang San who had took care of it. Compared to one year ago, Tang San seemed more confident, more handsome and although his strength had not changed much, but he looked radiant and energetic.

"Yes, you have worked hard this past year." Ye Qingyu patted Tang San on the shoulder.

"It wasn't hard." Tang San was so excited that he could feel his heart jumping out his chest, the usually very shy boy was now too excited to speak.

This one year had felt like a complete dream. His own fate had completely changed ever since the day that year when Ye Qingyu had broken into the Ye household.

However, at that time when Tang San was promoted as the supervisor to take care of the outer courtyard of Ye Mansion, he did not think that in just one year of time, his young master would turn the world upside down. The saying 'when a man achieves the Dao, his poultry and dogs will also ascend to Heaven' applied completely to this situation. He had absolutely followed the right person, even Heavens itself had taken pity on him.

"Is the Dean invited?" Ye Qingyu held the small hand of Little Grass, walking toward the inner garden.

"I personally invited him, the Dean said he would be on time," Tang San respectfully answered.

"Well, that's good." Ye Qingyu nodded, smiling. "Pass on my words: everyone in the household will all be rewarded with a gold ingot. After today's banquet, everyone except the servants of Aunt Qin can all take a day off. You've been busy this year, take a good rest."

"Yes, Xiaosan must thank Marquis Ye on behalf of the servants." Tang San smiled, bowing repeatedly.

"Xiaosan?" Ye Qingyu glanced at him and could not help but laugh. "Or Xiaotang, the name Xiaosan sounds strange and awkward… Yes, tell people to prepare the food, and do not forget to reward the soldiers outside the city with food and drink."

"I've already sent people over there. Marquis Ye is really nice to his subordinates." Tang San smiled.

"I have not seen you in a year, and now you make no errors in what you do." Ye Qingyu nodded satisfactorily. "Well, you have worked hard. I haven't been in the city for a year and the entire Ye mansion relied on you to support. It must have been difficult. At dinner later, we should sit together. "

"It was all because of Aunt Qin, I just run errands." Tangsan had a modest look but did not refute the compliment. "Thank you Marquis Ye, hehe."

As they talked, they had already arrived at the inner courtyard.

The courtyard was brightly lit and full of laughter.

Ye Qingyu returned home in glory,. Not only were his relatives excited, even the maids and servants of Ye Mansion had a joyful expression spreading all over their face. As the saying goes 'when a man achieves the Dao, his poultry and dogs ascend to the heaven'; the more illustrious and noble the master of the Ye Mansion was, the more superior the servants would feel walking in the streets of Deer City. These days, when they go outside to do the shopping, the instant the people know that they were from the Ye Mansion, people would be awed into silence and their tone would suddenly fill with envy and awe.

Under the light of the rune airship, the courtyard looked as though it was sprinkled with moonlight.

The banquet was held in the courtyard, as per Ye Qingyu's request. Five or six large tables and chairs were placed carefully, and basically all the people of the entire Ye mansion were eligible to attend tonight's banquet. The plants in the courtyard were lush green and thick, and several new green shoots were growing from the apricot trees. Because of the formation, the temperature here was more humid and warmer than the outside, so the vegetation sprouted early.

The aroma of wine and meat filled the courtyard.

"Young master."

Seeing Ye Qingyu come in, the busy servants all bowed down, one after another.

"Hahaha, Marquis Ye, you grabbed the limelight today…" After a while, a hearty laughter came from the outside. The Dean of White Deer Academy had finally arrived.

"Headmaster Hon, it's been a while." Ye Qingyu bowed respectfully.

"Well, the changes seems to be quite large." Hon Kong was still the same old Hon Kong; a robe draped over his shoulder like a maniac. He came over, looked up and down at Ye Qingyu, then nodded and smiled. "A year of military training has helped you a lot. You possess quite the elegant demeanor of the soldiers of Youyan Pass. When I sent you to Youyan Pass, I did not think that you were capable of doing such earth-shattering things, and now you're an outstanding alumnus of my White Deer Academy.

"Dean is good at joking." Ye Qingyu smiled and motioned for Hon Kong to sit down.

"What about the fool Wen Wan? I heard he also came back with you this time." Hon Kong sat down at the main table, greeted Qin Lan and the others, then smiled and asked Ye Qingyu.

"Well, Wen disappeared the instant we arrived in the city. He said that he is going to catch up with some old friends, and I haven't seen him after. It's been almost two or three hours, he should be back soon," Ye Qingyu said.

"Catch up with old friends?" Hon Kong repeated and then suddenly laughed. "That madman, there are only enemies of his in Deer City, what old friend… Hmm, but there are a few famous beauties in the city's money squandering establishments that have a good relationship with old Wen. This guy has probably gone to appreciate the taste of affection and gentleness, and most likely won't be back tonight. "

"Your mother, I'll kill you madman Kong. I haven't seen you for a year, but you speak bad about me behind my back. I want to end our friendship," an enraged shout sounded.

Wen Wan, with glowing ruddy cheeks, a small white dog squatted on his left shoulder, and a small white rabbit on his right, strode in and erupted in anger at Hon Kong.

"When did I talk behind your back? I was open and honest, but you were the one that eavesdropped." Hon Kong disdainfully countered, glancing at Wen Wan and was slightly taken aback. "That's strange. You only use brute force. When did your personality change and why would you raise so many small animals? Are you planning to make them into soup tonight? Dog and rabbit soup?"

Before his voice died away.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

The red-eyed little white rabbit screamed sharply as it leaped over, attempting to bite Hon Kong's hand with its shiny white teeth.

Ye Qingyu jumped up in panic and immediately caught the little white rabbit leaping across the air. He held it for a moment against his chest, explaining, "Uh… this rabbit is mine, it has a bad temper and likes biting people. I'm still trying to train it."

Hon Kong was taken aback but then laughed, "interesting, but you gave the rabbit to be trained by mad Wen, can it be trained well?"

"Hey, old Hon, long time no see." The puppy Little Nine jumped onto the table, wagging its tail and it's tongue panting. "The bottles of wine in the cellar of Dean's room are really good. I'm almost drunk. Thank you for looking after it for me for such a long time."

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"What?" Hon Kong's complexion abruptly changed. "You went to my underground wine cellar to steal my wine, you…"

"What is this? We're old friends so don't speak so harshly. What do you mean steal wine. Wen came to pay you a visit, but you were not in so Wen could only wait for you there and drink some of the good wine that you prepared. I only drank a little…" Little Nine laughed.

"I…" Hon Kong rubbed his temple, looking frustrated. After a long moment, his complexion grew pale as he grumbled, "I'm so stupid, I should have known, you thief. One year ago you've already been thinking about my bottles of wine. I hid it so well and finally avoided the danger, but before you came back I should have hid them again. I'm too careless, too careless!"

"Hahaha, I only drank a little too." Wan Wen gloated over his misfortune. "It tasted pretty good, just there was too little of it. Madman Hon, next time remember to prepare a little more."

Ye Qingyu sat at the side and did not say anything, smiling secretly inside.

In this one year at the military frontlines, he had to face enormous pressure every day. Even if he had not participated in battles, he was still tense like a bowstring. Now that he had returned to his hometown, seeing so many friends and family bickering, he felt unprecedentedly relaxed and comfortable.

The banquet soon began.

Although Qin Lan repeatedly declined, but upon the insistence of Ye Qingyu, she sat at the main table, next to Hon Kong and then it was Ye Qingyu.

Since it was a private family banquet, there was no need to be seated according to official position or title.

At the other tables, everyone in the mansion sat down, raising their cups to celebrate the occasion.

The entire Ye Mansion was immersed in a joyous and festive atmosphere.

At that time, outside of the Ye Mansion, under the hazy moonlight at the main entrance of the mansion, there were three figures heading inside. They stopped at the door of the mansion, accidentally bumping into each other.


“It’s you?”

Song Qingluo stood there, looking at Jiang Xiaojan by the door, somewhat surprised.

Jiang Xiaohan, seeing the appearance of Song Qingluo and her father, was somewhat awkward and embarrassed.

She originally thought that it was already late in the evening, and there should be no one there to see Ye Qingyu anymore. That was why she had mustered up her courage and came to outside the Ye household, wanting to see him, and to see if she could still repair their relationship.

After returning from the opening ceremony, Han Xiaofei began treating her very coldly, wanting to distance himself away from her. This senior brother disciple that she had already managed to capture, and would originally have brought her to the circle of nobles in the city, seemed to have already been scared witless by Ye Qingyu’s might. He was like a little bird shivering behind a boulder in the face of a torrential storm.

Jiang Xiaohan’s intellect was able to guess Han Xiaofei’s inner thoughts instantly.

She felt anger as well as sadness.

She originally wanted to pay a visit during the night to avoid other people so she would not be a laughing stock. But she did not imagine her fears would come true so quickly. She had deliberately avoided Song Qingluo and her father. One must know that in this period of time when the Song family had fallen, when Song Qingluo had suffered isolation and bullying within the academy, Jiang Xiaohan had never treated Song Qingluo well.


Song Qingluo gave a glance to Jiang Xiaohan, looking away. Coming to the entrance of the Ye household, she knocked, smiling and greeting the old guard at the door and asking him to notify Ye Qingyu.

“So it was Miss Song, please wait.”

The old guard had drank some wine, so he was in a good mood.

Song Qingluo and her father stood respectfully at the door.

Jiang Xiaohan wanted to say something, but she ultimately did not take a step forward in the end.

She covered her face, retreating step by step. When the shadows covered her figure, she turned and fled. When she had disappeared from the view of Song Qingluo and the others, she could not help but slowly halt her footsteps. Letting out a long sigh, she returned step by step, her feet like it was rooted to the ground. She walked past a weeping willow, returning to where she once stood.

The moonlight was like water, passing through and shining on the ground through the supple and thin branches of the willow.

The wind blew.

The shadows danced like a crowd of demons.

Jiang Xiaohan stood there silently. She saw the entrance of the Ye household opening and Song Qingluo being invited in. Then with a bang, the entrance was shut again.

“They’ve entered? Song Qingluo and her father entered?”

Jiang Xiaohan was greatly shocked.

One must be aware that they were the first pair who was allowed to enter into the Ye household ever since Ye Qingyu had returned to Deer City. Even nobles like the City Lord did not have such an opportunity.

Perhaps even I have a chance?

We were once classmates after all.

Hope burned in Jiang Xiaohan’s heart.



“Thank you for your aid within Youyan Pass. You have helped the Song family endure their tribulation. I’ve heard that Marquis has returned, so I don’t dare tarry and brought Qingluo to come here to specially thank your help. If you had not acted, I fear the Song family may already have…”

Song Jiannan had a face filled with emotions.

Ye Qingyu had a faint smile. He gave a glance to the Song Qingluo with a lowered head by the side, and said with clasped hands, “You are being courteous. Me and junior sister Song were once classmates, so I naturally could not stand and watch. Furthermore, this matter was largely due to the Dugu young masters who helped. I was largely busy with military matters, so I could not pay a visit. By the time I was free, I had already received news that you had brought junior sister Song to Deer City. Please forgive me for not paying you a visit in Youyan Pass.”

“You are being too polite.” Seeing that Ye Qingyu had such an attitude, Song Jiannan was overjoyed. He quickly said, “You have already helped the Song family too much, I really cannot express my gratitude. This is a small present, you must accept…”

Ye Qingyu waved his hands. “You are being too courteous. If you have any troubles, you can find me at any time. But I cannot accept any gifts, please take it back.”

Song Jiannan hesitated, but seeing that Ye Qingyu had made up his mind, he felt somewhat regretful but could not insist anymore.

If the large majority of people in Deer City were all abuzz because of the tales and his position of Marquis, and felt fear and respect towards this newly rising star of the military, Song Jiannan was the person who truly saw the terrifying scene of Ye Qingyu slaughtering all parties within Proud Sky Center.

Those who had not seen the scene of the Proud Sky Center, those who had not witnessed his icy mercilessness on the Water Ray Arena, would not understand. At that moment, he had decided the life and death of Li Qiushui and the other geniuses with just one of his words. Song Jiannan came from a merchant background and had always believed in the power of his relationships and contacts, so he had never realized that a person’s strength could be terrifying to such a degree. Only those who were at Youyan Pass would truly know just what sort of position Ye Qingyu occupied in the hearts of the Youyan army. Only they would truly comprehend, just what sort of weight [The Leaf of Youyan] had within the martial world.

Song Jiannan had deep respect for Ye Qingyu.

He knew deeply that this young third class military Marquis was not as amiable as what he showed. There was a powerful surge of pride and self confidence within his bones. Once someone went passed any of his bottom lines, he would counterattack like a thunderous enraged storm.

“Since you have come, please come in and have a drink.” Ye Qingyu smiled. “Junior sister Qingluo, you also have a seat. I’ve heard that you’ve withdrawn from the academy, this is too great a pity. Today, Headmaster Kong is also here. Why don’t you have a discussion with Headmaster Kong. Perhaps you can recover your academic identity, and return to the academy to cultivate and practice. Don’t divert your attention to common affairs and waste your talent.

Song Qingluo was deeply moved as she looked gratefully at Ye Qingyu.

Ever since leaving Youyan Pass, Song Qingluo had yearned for the martial path.

Seeing his father, a mercantile genius, hitting wall upon wall in Youyan Pass, seeing the power of those martial geniuses, Song Qingluo did not even have the slightest of desire towards the business of the family anymore. But it was not that simple to return to White Deer Academy. There had never been a precedent to return to the academy after you had been withdrawn.

Hon Kong smiled.

He knew what Ye Qingyu wanted, and cooperated with him. “Marquis Ye is right; why don’t you return, Qingluo. Since even Marquis has spoken, it’s very easy to reinstate your academic position. Come find me at the academy tomorrow."

Song Qingluo was overjoyed. “Thank you, Headmaster."

Song Jiannan also had a delighted face. “Thank you, Headmaster Kong.”

“You have thanked the wrong person.” Hon Kong gave a glance to Ye Qingyu. “Since the Marquis has spoken, how can a tiny little Headmaster like me refuse. if you want to thank someone, thank the Marquis."

“As long as you speak well, you can remain here and eat dinner.” Ye Qingyu said, both angrily and laughingly.

At this time, there were servants who brought over extra chopsticks, chairs and bowls.

Song Jiannan disguised his excitement as he and his daughter sat at the table.

In the entire Deer City today, just how many people could eat at the same table as Marquis Ye? if this matter was spread out, just who would dare look down upon the Song family within the city? Those who had once made things difficult for the Song family, would instantly turn back and try to repair their relationship. Even if the people of the Dugu Organization did not provide aid, the danger of the Song family would be completely solved.

Seeing his daughter next to him, Song Jiannan's heart was moved.

Could it be that Marquis Ye liked his own daughter?

Previously, Song Jiannan already had such a thought within Youyan Pass. But seeing how Ye Qingyu did not express anything at that time, Song Jiannan felt that perhaps it was really their classmate relationship that made Ye Qingyu provide some aid. But from the situation right now, Marquis Ye seemed to place great attention on Song Qingluo…

If his daughter was able to marry Marquis Ye, then…

As he thought to here, Song Jiannan’s heart could not help but fiercely beat.

He came from a merchant background, so the thing he was most skilled at was conversing, knowing someone else thoughts and cultivating the atmosphere. The conversation on the table quickly became lively with everyone in the courtyard laughing and talking.

After Qin Lan talked for a while, she brought Little Grass and the other female servants away from the table.

Song Qingluo always felt somewhat constricted and uneasy while sitting at the table, her head lowering and not speaking. Ye Qingyu said something with a smile to Tang San, and after a while Little Grass and Qing Qing came over, dragging Song Qingluo to play and talk. Song Qingluo carefully rose and left the table, going to play with the two little girls.

Song Jiannan had been in business within the city for many years. Therefore, he knew everything about the people within Deer City, and the interesting stories that recently occurred like the back of his hands. He was also an exceedingly clever person, and knew very well what he should say and not say. He caused someone to feel very comfortable. Furthermore he was one of the major forces within the city, and could be counted as someone with status. Very quickly, he was immersed within the social gathering.

He seemed to be very satisfied with such a result.

When they spoke, someone came from the outside to give a report.

The old guard, with a breath smelling somewhat of alcohol, reported that the Western and Eastern military leaders of the city had asked to see him and was currently waiting outside the door.

Song Jiannan was shocked as he heard this.

These two great persons, were true tyrant class existences within Deer City.

To ask to see Ye Qingyu so late, the meaning within such a request was clear. Most likely they wanted to be placed under the wing of Marquis Ye, and this was a prime opportunity to establish a faction within Deer City. Furthermore, there was true power within the hands of these two military commanders. It was not something a normal noble could be compared to. This was absolutely a key opportunity.

Song Jiannan became excited for Ye Qingyu.


“The day is late already, I will not receive guests. Tell them to return.”

Ye Qingyu calmly waved his hands.

The old servant gave an acknowledging sound, and turned around to give his reply.

“I did not think that some people would be so impatient so quickly.” Hon Kong smiled. “But it’s only that, their appearances are somewhat unsightly. If the wind is blowing, there will be waves. Little Ye, you must be careful. There are already people digging holes, waiting for you to jump into it!"

“Peh, two tiny little military commanders. Are they fit?” Wen Wan spat out a bone from his mouth, laughing with disdain. “The little fish and prawns of Deer City want to fall under Little Ye’s wings. Haha, they’ve really overestimated themselves."

“Woof, woof, yummy!” Little Nine also agreed.

Next to the silly dog was a bowl filled with alcohol. Little Silver was already submerged within. As he heard this, he waved his tail in agreement

Song Jiannan was shocked and stunned by the side.

He would not even see the military commanders?

With shock, he suddenly realized something.

Cold sweat began to drip from his forehead.

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