Imperial God Emperor

Chapter 302-308

Chapter 302 – The End of the Fog

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The grey fog seemed endless.

Ye Qingyu cautiously moved forward.

"Come on, hurry up, catch up to that guy covered with red crap. I will bite him to death…." The silly dog, Little Nine, was jumping up and down on Ye Qingyu's shoulders with an impatient look on his face.

"Red crap?" Ye Qingyu couldn't help laughing out loud. "It's red crap, do you still want to bite into it? Your appetite is so huge, no wonder Wen Wan always keeps saying that a dog can't stop himself from eating shit, you really…"

"Ah… shut up." Little Nine had a blank moment for a few moments then flew into a rage.

He transformed into a bolt of lightning, darting into the grey fog.

"Be careful… " Ye Qingyu loudly reminded him.

After a few moments, the fog seemed to split ahead, and Little Nine rushed back, his white fur giving off a faint silvery light as he effortlessly made the grey fog move back. He looked like a fish swimming, moving his tails and limbs, cutting through the dense fog.

"Haha, very fun and interesting… Master, look at the careful look on your face. You're too timid. Woof, haha, this fog is nothing."

The silly dog looked elated.

It seemed he had forgotten about the topic of the red crap, floating across in front of Ye Qingyu, nodding his head and wagging his tail excitedly, showing off.

Ye Qingyu's expression suddenly changed, his eyes fixed on the back of silly dog Little Nine. "There is something… be careful."

"Woof, such a little matter. Do you want to fool a dog? I do not smell any creatures nearby…" Silly dog Little Nine dismissively looked at Ye Qingyu, thinking that Ye Qingyu was tricking him.

But just then, there was something that touched his tail lightly.

"Hey?" He stared blankly, then his pupils suddenly contracted, he let out a sharp scream and turned into a bolt of lightning, jumping onto Ye Qingyu's shoulder and covering his eyes. "Ah ah, Woof woof, something, like a ghost is near, my tail…. ah ah ah, something touched me."

Ye Qingyu did not know whether to laugh or cry.

Floating over from afar was a dead body.

A body dressed in black armour.

"It was the shorter brother of the tall and short brothers that entered before us, they died…"

Ye Qingyu recognized the body and came slightly closer.

The man's armor was completely intact and the formation was still operating by itself, releasing a faint black light and defending against the dense grey fog. But he was dead, his face already stiffened, not breathing anymore. A bloody hole about the thickness of a finger was in his left eye socket, his skull being pierced. Strange scarlet veins, like poison vines, had spread across his face, looking exceedingly frightening.

"He was murdered…"

Ye Qingyu sighed.

If he had not guessed wrong, the person that killed him, should be that blood-red cruel and fierce figure.

Because the smell seeping out of the wound, the putrid stench of decaying blood, was exactly the same as the smell emanating from the blood red figure before.

"Human beings die in pursuit of wealth and birds die in pursuit of food. You and your brother, for the so-called opportunity, did not live a prosperous life and died here in the end. Your dream of resurrecting your sect has also became a dream. Is this what the so-called Jianghu is? I am not acquainted with you, but we are both people of the Human Race, therefore I will see you off. "

Ye Qingyu did not agree with leaving the corpse of someone of the same race as him in such a state. Thinking, he took out a interspatial pouch and placed the corpse inside. After this matter was over and they left the foggy area, he would find a place to bury him.

"I did not know that Master likes to collect dead bodies," Little Nine said curiously.

"Shut up."

Ye Qingyu snapped.

This stupid dog.

One man and one dog continued on ahead.

Very soon, another body floated over.

"Could that be the tall brother?" Ye Qingyu was shocked.

When he looked closer, it was not what he initially assumed. It was not the tall man of the tall and short brothers but an unfamiliar middle-aged man instead. His body was severed in half and he had died a tragic death in the mist. The inner yuan of his body had not extinguished, preserving his corpse. But his internal organs had already been corroded by the grey fog.

This unfamiliar middle-aged man was at least someone at the fifty Spirit springs stage.

All the evidence pointed to the existence of something very dangerous in the grey mist.

Ye Qingyu began to feel more and more that this time, the beast tide outbreak hid a deeper secret unknown to ordinary people. He thought that he should also preserve the half body for burial later.

Having continuously seen this kind of horrifying sight, Ye Qingyu was on the alert. Gathering the inner yuan energy in his body, the silver dragons turned into a bright stream of light, curling around his body to protect him as he advanced further into the depths of the grey fog.

Approximately three or four miles later, the fog ahead suddenly faded a little.

"Hmm, have we reached the end?"

Ye Qingyu, slightly surprised, quickened his pace.

He moved downwards, closer to the ground.

The sounds of demonic beasts running and screaming echoed in his ears.

He was still quite a distance away from the ground, but he could feel the vicious and ferocious atmosphere of the demonic beasts, and even though the grey fog was rolling over like boiling water, he could vaguely see the heads of the giant demonic beasts, raging and howling, rushing out from the direction of Deer Mountain.

They again travelled for approximately fifteen minutes.

The grey mist was gradually dispersing

In front were some indistinct building structures, including a collapsed palace pavilion and a broken deity statue, which had fallen over and looked like it had withstood the passing of many years.

Upon closer inspection, it could be seen that this deity statue was designed in the form of the Human Race and beast clan in the ancient times. It was completely different from now. It wore armor, but looked very old, and its facial features were unclear. Many parts of it were cracked and not complete. But what could be seen clearly was that the ancient statue was covered with sword wounds and arrow holes, deep cuts of swords and spears, as if it had experienced a mournful and terrifying battle!

"Is this an ancient battlefield?"

Ye Qingyu felt apprehensive.

He had never heard before that there was an ancient battlefield existing within the central parts of Deer Mountain. Over all these years, there had been more than millions of travelling merchants and explorers heading up Deer Mountain, but there never was the news of some ancient ruins that had come out.

Ye Qingyu was on full alert, slowly approaching closer.

The grey mist was finally scattered completely.

Ye Qingyu looked startled, unable to determine where he was situated now or if he was still in Deer Mountain, because when he looked into the distance, there was not a trace of the mountains or the forest, nor snow or glacier, but a dark space. There was a sky without the Sun or Moon or the nether springs below. In his sight, he could only see the ruins of an ancient city, broken walls and crumbling temples, broken bricks and smashed tiles that have experienced many years, and there were also mottled wood…

At his so-called position, he was right in the middle of these deserted ancient ruins.

Looking behind were the endless extensive ruins of an ancient city.

"This… where are we?"

Ye Qingyu felt that something bad was about to happen.

"Woof woof!"

As though silly dog Little Nine had all of a sudden noticed something, he vigilantly and nervously rushed to the front, barking loudly.

Ye Qingyu furrowed his brows.

There was a faint smell of blood that came in front of them.

After passing blocks of ancient city walls that had collapsed for many years, broken roof tiles, and an over 10-metre-in-diameter fallen tiger deity statue, Ye Qingyu once again saw a scene of tragedy.

On top of a black rock foundation in front was a tall and burly man. His eyes were wide open and he held a red shield in his hand. But a long spear with red tasselled was pierced through his shield and his body. His two feet were away from the ground and the spear pierced right through his heart, hanging him in mid-air…

Sparkling and translucent blood silently flowed down the cracks of the rocks behind his back, gathering into a blood swamp beneath. Powerful inner yuan that made one shiver was still pouring out from his body.

"Very strong… This person's strength is not weaker than mine at all when he was alive."

Ye Qingyu looked startled.

He did not know of the background of the tall and burly man, but his strength must not be underestimated. Although he was already dead, but the blood flowing out of his body was still emitting a strong yuan qi energy, thick and not dispersing. Each drop of blood was bright and glistening. It was evident that he had cultivated to an extremely advanced level for his blood to be like that.

A master like that was stabbed to death on a rock.

From the way his body was positioned, he evidently had reacted and tried to defend himself. The blood red shield was pierced by the power of the red tasselled spear and he was stabbed to death, indicating that the person that killed him attacked extremely fast and his strength was strong, several times above him.

Ye Qingyu stood 10 meters away, his eyes fixed on the red tasselled spear, and then he suddenly felt a sharp feeling of pain, stumbled back several steps and dared not to look again…

"Frightening, that spear…"

Ye Qingyu's heart was trembling.

That red tasselled spear, it seemed so ordinary, incomparably simple and with no formation flickering on it at all, but within it, it retained the martial arts willpower of a strong person.It contained a frightening murderous spirit, as if it was a substance with form. Ye Qingyu only took a look at it, but he had evoked a reaction from the long spear, and the murderous spirit immediately reacted, almost stabbing Ye Qingyu's eyes!


This sort of power was unheard of.

The person who possesses this kind of remarkable powers was most likely an expert of at least the Bitter Sea stage.

Even the strong experts at the Bitter Sea stage were involved in this?

This tall and burly man, who was he, and just why was he killed here?

Ye Qingyu grew more and more apprehensive.

Things were getting more and more complicated.

The path ahead was absolutely fraught with danger. The fact that even a strong person of the Bitter Sea stage was involved in this far exceeded his initial assumption of the situation. Even if Ye Qingyu still had a lot of cards in his hands, the slightest carelessness by him and he may well suffer fatal consequences.

But Ye Qingyu knew that he could not retreat.

Because the secret hidden here was possibly related to the death of his parents.

He dared not slow down, gathering the yuan qi in his body to its peak and heading toward the corpse and the spear…

Just then——


A powerful force came forth.

The red tasselled spear that pierced through the body of the tall and burly man was suddenly awakened, shook slightly, pulling itself out from the corpse, turning into a ray of light and flowing toward the ruins of the ancient city…

"Ah ah ah ah…"

The dead body of the tall and burly man rolled onto the ground, falling into the swamp of blood. His eyes snapped open and he shot to his feet, as though he was resurrected.

Chapter 303 – Ximen Yeshui


Ye Qingyu stood there in shock.

When the red tasselled spear left his body, the tall and burly man was resurrected?

"Ah ah ah, I can't die, I am Nangong Liang… I can't die…" The burly man threw away the shield in his hand, staggering out of the pool of blood and covered the wound on his chest.

But before he had walked a few steps, his body suddenly swelled up. A dark energy burst out from inside the body, and with a loud bang, his whole body exploded.

Flesh and bones splattered in all directions.

In the end, it was hard to escape death.

Ye Qingyu stood speechless for a long while.

Looking at the red shield shattered to pieces and the swamp of blood on the ground, Ye Qingyu's chest thudded with apprehension and he could not help but feel a tinge of sadness for the burly man. Perhaps he indeed had no reason to die and there were too many things he could not give up on, but he ultimately had died in the ancient city ruins. There was nothing left of his corpse.

"We have to hurry up. Someone was already here before us."

Ye Qingyu no longer wasted any time, increased his speed and darted with the quickness like lightning, chasing after the red tasselled spear.

"Woof, woof. This place is strange, seems familiar… strange, why would I feel this way? I seemed to have been here before." Silly dog Little Nine jumped onto Ye Qingyu's shoulder with a puzzled look, constantly glancing around, as he said in a suspicious tone of voice.

"You've been here?"

Ye Qingyu asked in surprise.

"I don't know, this place feels seemingly familiar, but you also know that I can't remember anything before meeting you. It's strange…" Little Nine looked deep in thought.

Ye Qingyu was even more surprised.

He had unintentionally found Little Nine from the mysterious Dragon Cave of the [Boundary Canyon Battlefield]. Little Nine himself had already exceeded all his expectations. Even until now there were many unsolved mysteries, yet another mystery was added to this growing list.

Maybe this little glutton really had been here before, but he doesn't remember.

What kind of place was this?

Why did it make Little Nine feel this way?

This and the fact that those demonic beasts all fled in panic at the sight of Little Nine a while ago, what sort of connection was there?

Demonic Beasts?

Ye Qingyu suddenly realized something.

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That's right, why did the unending stream of demonic beasts suddenly disappear?

Ever since the grey mist had dispersed and they entered into the dark space of the mysterious ancient city ruins, the endless horde of demonic beasts seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden, and without the slightest trace?

What was going on?

Ye Qingyu's heart was beating fast.

So far, the degree of strangeness of the whole matter far exceeded his assumption.

Could it be that within the grey fog, there was some sort space-distorting obstacle that caused them to be unwittingly separated from the demonic beast horde and sent to another place?

Or could it be, the ruins itself was a micro domain hidden in the depths of Deer Mountain, but because of some unknown reason underwent a number of changes, released grey fog and also an endless number of demonic beasts?

The last time the demonic beast horde appeared was five years ago.

Is five years the cycle of rebirth?

This five-year interval, just what does it mean?

There were countless questions coming out of Ye Qingyu's mind.

Like a bolt of lightning, at a height of more than 10 meters above the ground, he flashed ahead.

Along the way, he passed many collapsed temples and walls, countless ancient stone palace halls and buildings that have become heaps of rubble, dried up rivers, collapse fountain sculptures, broken barracks and a public square full of potholes…

This was evidently an ancient city devastated by war.

With Ye Qingyu's speed, in a short period of time, he could fly hundreds of miles, but at this old cemetery-like ancient city, it seemed he would never reach the end.

Along the way, there weren't any other strangeness.

After approximately five minutes.

In front, all of a sudden, came the yelling of demonic beasts like the roar of tsunami and the howling of a mountain, and he could vaguely hear the sounds of millions of demonic beasts surging forth.

"What? The grey mist is appearing again?"

Ye Qingyu's face revealed a glimmer of shock.

Because at the end of his line of sight, the faint grey fog appeared once again, shrouding the collapsed buildings of the ancient city for thousands of meters. The shadows of the deity statues were once again enveloped by that terrifying and murderous grey haze.

The roar of the demonic beasts that they had heard before, echoed out from the grey fog.

"I smell a familiar taste…" Little Nine said sulkily, his nose twitching. "It's those running pieces of meat, but this kind of thing really cannot fill my belly. No matter how much I eat, I'm still not full…"

Ye Qingyu did not speak.

At a few hundred meters away from the edge of the grey fog, he came to a stop.

He was a little puzzled.

The scene in front looked so familiar.

After flying for some time, it seemed like he had returned to the entrance of the ancient city of broken ruins, everything looked familiar, but he was certain that he had been flying ahead in a straight line and not made any turns whatsoever.

Were they back at their original starting point?

Or have they arrived in the center of a different fog?

Ye Qingyu was unable to make up his mind

The heart-palpitation-inducing howling of the demonic beasts echoed from within the distant fog, as if the next moment there would be an endless number of demonic beasts breaking through the fog.


"Hey, little brother, you also arrived early. It seems you've also received news and came to explore the [Base of the Formation Sovereign]"?

A voice suddenly sounded without any warning behind him.

Ye Qingyu was startled. He flashed out of sight to a place of more than 50 meters away before he looked behind him, only to see a yellow-robed scholarly young man at more than 10 meters away from him, grinning at him.

The yellow-robed scholar looked around 20 years old. He had a slim body, an elegant scholar hat with jade beads hanging down his forehead, a scholarly sword hanging at his waist and on his back was a bamboo box of small books. He looked like a scholar who was touring around the world. His skin was dark and when he smiled, his pearly white teeth gave off a feeling of intimacy.

Just when did he show up?

I didn't sense him at all?

Ye Qingyu did not relax his vigilance completely, asking in response, "[[Base of the Formation Sovereign]? Just what is that?"

"You don't know? Then why did you come here? It's dangerous here." The yellow-robed scholar looked up and down at Ye Qingyu, carefully answering, "The appearance of the [Fog of Annihilation] at Deer Mountain had alarmed the entire Jianghu because any place that the [Fog of Annihilation] appears, must have something to do with the [Base of the Formation Sovereign]. Heh, the [Base of the Formation Sovereign] is somewhere that may contain the space-time imperial residence of the [Formation Sovereign] Luosu, one of the Sovereigns of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors… Don't tell me you don't even know about stuff like this?"

The [Fog of Annihilation]?

The imperial residence of the [Formation Sovereign]?

Ye Qingyu was trying to quickly understand these words, while looking at him and asking, "I did not know… and you are?"

"Oh, I am Ximen Yeshui, what about you, little brother?" The yellow-robed scholar bowed, his action extremely gentle and modest, and introduced himself with a smile.

"Ximen Yeshui?" Ye Qingyu carefully thought about this name. He had not heard of this name before, but anyone that could come here and also knew about the secret of this place, was definitely not an ordinary person. It could be assumed that this person should be very famous among the Jianghu of the empire, but Ye Qingyu was not born in Jianghu so he obviously had limited understanding. He cupped one fist in the other hand and said, "It's an honour to meet you at last."

Ximen Yeshui has a strong ability of discerning what someone thinks from his body language, after observing Ye Qingyu's facial expression he laughed, "It's normal that little brother has not heard of my name before, because I've just completed my training and have not made a name for myself in Jianghu yet."

So it was like so.

Ye Qingyu suddenly flushed in embarrassment.

He did not think that his words 'it's an honor to meet you at last' would become such a joke.

"Little brother, you also came for the [Base of the Formation Sovereign]? Ximen Yeshui once again brought up the previous topic.

Ye Qingyu shook his head. "I came here to investigate something else. I did not know about the news of the [Fog of Annihilation] and news of the [Base of the Formation Sovereign]. But since I happen to be present just at the right time, I should also go take a look. The legacy of the [Formation Sovereign] Luoso is something that no one is willing to let pass by."

"Hahaha, good, well said. Little brother you are so frank," Ximen Yeshui said with a bright and warm smile. "It seemed little brother you do not understand the things here. Since I feel like old friends with little brother at our first meeting, why don't we travel together.That way, we can look after each other."

Ye Qingyu hesitated for a moment then nodded. "Then, I will trouble brother Ximen."

Although Ye Qingyu could not determine the strength of Ximen Yeshui, but his intuition told him that this person did not have any evil intentions. From his style of speech, he seemed like a straightforward and frank person, easy to get along with and not treacherous, so it would be safe to travel together with him. After all, Ye Qingyu was running around like a chicken and most likely wouldn't gain much by himself.

"Haha, sons and daughters of Jianghu should help each other, and to tell you the truth, I also have to find little brother because I have no sense of direction. I often get lost and cannot distinguish between North, East, South, and West. Especially in this environment, which is like a labyrinth. Before running into little brother, I've been going around in circles in the ancient city ruins for half a day…" Ximen Yeshui said with an embarrassed look, scratching his head. "So even if I have a map, I'm still stuck here."

"Woof, map, what map?" Little Nine's eyes lit up, excitedly jumping up and down.

Chapter 304 – Several Major Forces?

"Hey? A talking pig?" Ximen Yeshui looked in astonishment at Little Nine, then back at Ye Qingyu, when he suddenly laughed. "Little brother, your taste is very strange. Other people have pets like dragons, tigers or mythological animals, which not only have an impressive outward appearance, but are also very strong. While you're only raising a little pig, so small that even if slaughtered for meat, it won't be enough to fill you up."

"I'll bite you to death," silly dog Little Nine suddenly growled in rage, turning into a bolt of lightning.

Ye Qingyu did not know whether to laugh or cry.

Eat it?

If Little Nine didn't eat anyone, he would already thank the Heavens.

Grabbing Little Nine's tail with one hand and pulling him back, Ye Qingyu said with a smile, "Brother Ximen is joking. The map you talked about, can I have a look?"

"Ah, so it's a puppy, I was wrong, but this puppy is a little too fat, it looks more like a pig. He must eat a lot…" Xiemn Yeshui said interestedly before he responded to Ye Qingyu. Such an important map, but he did not look like he cared about it much. He hurriedly nodded. "Good, good, no problem. The map is here, little brother, take a look at it. As long as you can take me out of here with you after looking at the map…"

As he spoke, a light flashed in the center of his palm.

A black jade scroll emerged.

Ximen Yeshui handed the jade scroll over.

Then he continued to tease Little Nine.

"A long pig-like puppy, wow hahaha. It's quite ugly… Hey, are you a male or female?" Ximen Yeshui said, his wide grin revealing his white teeth.

"Woof, woof!"

Little Nine was about to go berserk.

Had he ever been so insulted before?

Ye Qingyu pretended that he didn't see such a scene. He received the jade scroll, examining it closely. After pouring yuan qi into the jade scroll, the map was suddenly projected out like an illusion.

The projection was like a water curtain, flickering slightly.

Although the map was like an ink wash painting, the brushwork was not realistic, and the edge of the zones was badly damaged and incomplete. Bu it could still be seen clearly that it was a minimized version of the real location. This was indeed a rough map of the ancient city ruins There was a dark red line linking 18 of the faint grey shadows…

"The dark red line should be the correct route, and the faint grey shadows… Hmm, I know, it must be the [Fog of Annihilation]!"

There was nothing complicated about the map. Ye Qingyu, with one glance, easily understood it.

That means the route he travelled by following the red tasselled spear was correct, and he did not return to his original starting point, but that in the ancient city ruins, there were 18 of these grey fog zones. The [Fog of Annihilation] that he was situated in right now was the second fog zone.

Ye Qingyu has a photographic memory. With one glance, everything on the map were imprinted on his mind.

"Woof, let go of me. I will bite that blind man to death… Master, let go of me!"

Silly dog Little Nine was floating in the air, growling and making threatening gestures.

His shiny milk teeth and claws flashed out like he wanted to tear Ximen Yeshui to pieces. Unfortunately, his tail was firmly in Ye Qingyu's hand and he could not move in the slightest.

Ximen Yeshui gathered around to watch interestedly, closely observing Little Nine while clicking his tongue in admiration. "Very cute, haha, this little guy is interesting. Although a bit ugly, but he has a personality…"

"Ugly?" Little Nine calmed a little listening to the first half of his sentence, but at the word ugly, his eyes turned red with rage. "Woof woof, me and you cannot exist together, woof!"

Ye Qingyu returned the map. "I think I understand, let's go."

Hearing what was said, Ximen Yeshui jumped up and down with excitement.

When he first appeared in his scholarly outfit, the feeling that he gave Ye Qingyu was that he was refined in manner, but in this short period of time, this impression was completely changed. Ye Qingyu was already certain that Ximen Yeshui was not only dark-skinned and just finished his training, but more importantly, he and Wen Wan were similar. both silly in nature, but amusing.

Two people and a dog continued ahead, entering into the [Fog of Annihilation].

The terrifying pressure that they had experienced before attacked them once again.

Within the mist, there were indeed countless demonic beasts running wildly and roaring, like an underground current, endless and heading towards an unknown place. Ye Qingyu was now certain that within this [Fog of Annihilation], there was a space-distorting power similar to the teleportation formation, just like the tsunami-like demonic beast tide appeared only in the fog and could not seem to escape from the fog, entering into one fog zone after another, so the outside of the ruins of the ancient city could not be seen.

As though affected by the annihilation power of the fog, the demonic beasts were in immense pain. They completely lost their sanity, howling furiously and running madly, everything that was blocking their way was torn apart.

Ye Qingyu could vaguely understand why the demonic best horde that appeared at the surroundings of Deer City went berserk and had such a violent temper.

But what he could not understand was why these demonic beasts, in the midst of losing their minds, must surround Deer City, rather than continuing south.

Ximen Yeshui and Little Nine were looking face to face ateach other, when they finally got out of the second zone of the dense fog.

The outside was still as dark and was still the seemingly endless ancient ruins.

Crumbling walls, buildings, shrines and statues were everywhere, like a lost world that has been isolated from the people and the world for millions of years.

This was no different from the ancient city ruins that they had previously seen outside in the first fog zone.

Ye Qingyu was still thinking about the information that Ximen Yeshui had told him in his mind.

If they could really find the legacy of the [Formation Sovereign] Luosu, this was definitely a fortuitous encounter that went against the Heavens.

The era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors was one of the most miserable and most glorious time of the boundless universe. It was a time when countless heroes came into being and the Eight Supreme Sages carved a path for themselves during the chaotic times of thousands of races massacring each other, supporting the survival of the Human Race. The strength of every one of the Supreme Sages reached the legendary peak. The legacy and the treasure that they had left behind were keys that led to the supreme pinnacle.

Just who did not aspire to become the most supreme person?

In the boundless world, there were countless domains. But after the era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, a truly supreme existence had not appeared in the Human Race yet. The main reason was that after continuously experiencing the four consecutive dark eras, there was a breakage in the inheritance of martial knowledge. This made it difficult to continue the path to the peak position, and without a real pillar of existence, the power of the Human Race in the boundless world weakened. The living situation of the Human Race becoming more and more gloomy.

After the era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the power that was closest to the Supreme pinnacle said such words before he died in battle. He claimed that in the situation of a strong rise in the power of the thousands of different races, if the Human Race cannot find the martial arts inheritances left by the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, sooner or later, the Human Race will face the danger of extinction.

Therefore, ever since the end of the fourth dark age, for countless of years, the countless sages of the Human Race have been persistently searching for the inheritance left behind by the three sovereigns and five emperors. They hoped to rely on the beneficence of the Eight Supreme Sages of the Human Race, to continue the path and to restore the martial arts breakage caused by the four dark ages and return to the glory of the past.

Unfortunately, the inheritance that any one of the Supreme Sages left behind had never been found.

[Formation Sovereign] Luosu was not only the representative figure of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors Era, but also the Supreme Sage that influenced the martial arts world of Heaven Wasteland Domain the most. There were numerous clues related to the legacy of this Supreme Sage spread all around in this world.

The [Fog of Annihilation] that Ximen Yeshui mentioned was obviously one of them.

Although in the past years, people did not find the legacy of the [Formation Sovereign] based on the presence of the [Fog of Annihilation], but they had found several clues. Therefore, every time the [Fog of Annihilation] appeared, there will be many people frantically searching for it.

"Five years ago, when [Fog of Annihilation] first appeared at Deer Mountain, it attracted the attention of countless people. It was said that strong people from the outside made time to come and investigate, but Heaven Wasteland Domain was a new domain and there had never been a similar situation in the past. Usually in new domains, there would be no clues or traces regarding the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. So by the time the other forces reacted, it was already too late, the demonic beasts horde had already retreated and the [Fog of Annihilation] also disappeared soon after…"

Ximen Yeshui was like a very talkative man, telling him lots of secrets all at once.

"And this time? Have all the parties reacted?" Ye Qingyu asked thoughtfully.

"Of course. In fact, five years ago, the major forces had already gathered all the clues. It is said that there was a strange arithmetician who estimated that the time the next [Fog of Annihilation] would reappear was five years later based on the clues found in Deer Mountain at that time. The major forces should have been secretly preparing, and now that the fog has erupted, and the beast tide has appeared, would they forgo this opportunity?" Ximen Yeshui no longer teased Little Nine, walking next to Ye Qingyu and did not hide anything he knew.

Ye Qingyu was silent.

According to Ximen Yeshui, Snow Empire should already know about these mysteries. Then why had he never heard about this before?

Was Snow Empire trying to maintain secrecy on all matters relating to this, and with his status and identity he has no right to know?

Or was Snow Empire also in the dark about this?

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"The major forces that you mentioned, what are they?" Ye Qingyu asked again.

"Oh, in Heaven Wasteland Domain, those that are considered major forces, are the Human Race, Demon Race, Beast Race, and the Barbarian Race…Well, perhaps also the evil people. It is thought that even the people of the [Unmoving City of Darkness] will appear," Ximen Yeshui spoke like he was listing all the valuables of his family, but the major forces that he spoke of were certainly powerful.

Originally, Ye Qingyu thought that Ximen Yeshui would speak about the Three Schools and Three Sects. But from his current words, the top sects were not even given the slightest of attention by him.

Seeing Ximen Yeshui speaking of such matters like that so vaguely, Ye Qingyu could only continue asking, “When you speak of the Human Race, are you referring to the Imperial Family of Snow Empire?”

“The Imperial Family of Snow Empire? En, perhaps. It seems like the Imperial Family of Snow Empire rules over all of Heaven Wasteland Domain today, but in truth, it is just a puppet power that has changed its form,” Ximen Yeshui said with disdain.

A puppet power that has changed its form?

Ye Qingyu was suddenly surprised in the heart.

Ximen Yeshui, just what was his background, that he would dare say such words?

And it seemed like he was not just saying such words. When he said such phrases, it seemed like he was giving advice and criticism to the entire Empire. He said he had just finished his training, but Ye Qingyu, after reflecting in his heart, did not know just what sort of sect apart from the Three Schools and Three Sects, could raise a disciple with such a domineering tone.

In the blink of the eye, they came to the third fog zone.

There was still an endless pressure at this area. Chaotic and destructive powers of all sorts constantly attacked their bodies. Ye Qingyu activated his yuan qi to protect his body, sensing that the pressure in zone three was stronger when compared to zone one and zone two. It was a multiplicative increase.

But Ximen Yeshui still teased Little Nine like usual. He did not activate yuan qi, and just smiled calmly as he easily resisted against the offensive power of the [Fog of Annihilation].

Ye Qingyu could not see through the true strength of Ximen Yeshui.

At this time, Little Nine had finally gotten cleanly away from Ye Qingyu’s grasp.

This silly dog that had already been long driven berserk with anger finally got his wish. He bit onto Ximen Yeshui’s finger, but it was a pity he could not bite through his skin, and was not able to tear a piece of his flesh off. But he still did not give up, clinging on tightly. A growl emitted from his throat, and he looked like a piece of flesh just hanging onto Ximen Yeshui's hand.

Ximen Yeshui yelped in surprise, madly shaking his finger. He made Little Nine completely dizzy, but was still not able to make him release his finger.

Ye Qingyu resisted the urge to say anything.

But he increasingly felt it was inexplicable why there were only weirdos around him.

As they fought and bickered, they finally exited the third zone.

It was another abandoned ancient city.

It was as if everything was repeating itself. If not for the fact of the map on the black jade scroll had the correct path marked out, as well as for the markings he had made in the three zones, Ye Qingyu would really believe that in this entire two hours, he had fallen into some sort of illusory labyrinth, staying where he was originally.

But after a short while of entering into the abandoned city, the smell of blood wafted out.

A cruel battlefield appeared.

But the battle had already finished.

There were tens of bodies lying on the ground.

“En? It’s people from the Three Schools and Three Sects?”

Ye Qingyu gave a glance at the corpse on the floor.

The person was already dead, but evidently it was someone that Ye Qingyu recognized — it was namely the seventh elder Zhang Buliang of the Violet Seven Stars Sect that had appeared at the Proud Sky Center that day.

The elder of the sect that was once glorious, had all life cut away from hm. There was a large gaping hole at his chest, and a large whip in his hands that had broken. Disbelief and shock was evident in his face. His blood covered the ground…

Not only this, there were two other middle-aged men that had died in battle beside him. There was a similar bloody hole at their chests that looked incomparably gruesome. They also wore the robes of the Violet Seven Stars Sect, and should be the older experts of the Violet Seven Stars Sect.

Ye Qingyu was incomparably shocked to see this scene.

Apart from the people of the Violet Seven Stars Sect, he saw another corpse behind a fake, decorative mountain. The corpse wore rough clothing, and was burly and muscular. His eyes were wide open, not able to rest in peace. There was a bloody hole at his throat where fresh blood seeped out. HIs lifeforce seemed to have completely broken.

It was the elder of the Setting Sun and Great River Sect, Quan Jiulong.

Quan Jiulong was known as someone possessing invincible fist techniques. He had once appeared in the Proud Sky Center that day too, and he was also someone who was qualified to sit within the Xian Pavilions. There were countless JIanghu people who admired him, and he could be counted as a legendary figure, but he had ultimately ended up as a corpse.

White browed Yu was also next to him.

This talent of the Setting Sun and Great River Sect had once clashed with Ye Qingyu at Youyan Pass. White browed Yu had once attracted the attention of everyone, and could be counted as a skill expert of Snow Empire. But it seemed like he could not escape death – his chest was also pierced through.

It seemed as if all the experts of the sects that Ye Qingyu had seen had died here.

Apart from the people of the Three Schools and Three Sects, there were also other bodies. But Ye Qingyu did not recognize them. However they should be people with profound cultivation. Their blood was bright and resplendent; evidently, their yuan qi had been cultivated to an extremely pure state. When they were alive, they must have been powerful experts.

The scene of the bloody battlefield was enough to make one suffocate with nausea.

“The wounds are all the same.” Ximen Yeshui pointed with his finger that had Little Nine on it. He closely inspected the corpses and came to a conclusion, “It should be caused by an implement similar to a long spear or a pike. And it was a one strike one kill. For so many people to be attack by one person, and it seems they did not manage to react…This was a complete one-sided slaughter.”


Or perhaps a pike?

There was a glimmer of light that flashed by in Ye Qingyu’s head.

He remembered the red-tasselled spear that he had seen.

It was the red-tasselled spear that pinned Nangong Liang, then automatically shot through the air and disappeared in the horizon.

Could it be that these people were also killed by the owner of the red-tasselled spear?

“The person who attacked is very strong,” Ximen Yeshui said, after inspecting the bodies. Then he shook his finger, but still could not shake off Little Nine. He could only give up.

But after surveying the entire battlefield, he became excited and said in a joyful tone, “This is too great. This time, I left my master to meet all the experts of the world. Haha, all these people were originally my prey.”

He had a completely confident appearance.

Ye Qingyu also did not know what to say.

At this time, he could not tell whether Ximen Yeshui truly had confidence or he was just bluffing.

“Grrrr….” There was a low growl that emitted from Little Nine’s throat. Evidently he wanted to say something, but he still tightly bit onto Ximen Yeshui’s finger without letting go. No one knew what he was trying to say.

“Hehe, you’re still not going to loosen your mouth? What did you say? I can’t hear it clearly… wahaha, fine, you must be complimenting me then,” Ximen Yeshui spoke to the Little Nine in his hands.

Ye Qingyu’s mood instantly grew heavy.

Quan Jiulong and Zhang Buliang were both existences that had taken half a step into the Bitter Sea stage. Although he would not be afraid if he encountered the two, and he had hidden cards up his sleeve which he could use to fight against them, but for two venerable experts to be slaughtered like cutting grass here. If news of this were to spread, it would shake the entire Snow Empire.

For two powerful experts to end up like this, Ye Qingyu could not be careless at all. Otherwise, he also had the possibility of dying here at any moment.

This matter, the powers and forces it attracted had far exceeded Ye Qingyu’s original estimation.

Did he still have to continue?

Ye Qingyu was somewhat hesitant.

Continuing on would be playing with fire. The situation was already not something he could control.

But if he were to give up like so, Ye Qingyu would somewhat regret this.

After all, this place possibly hid the secret to his parent’s death. From their injuries at their death, his parents should not have died to any demonic beast. It was evidently someone with martial cultivation who had acted. Perhaps it had something to do with such a place.

Furthermore, the legacy of the [Formation Sovereign] was a fortuitous encounter that went against the very heavens.

And when Ye Qingyu was evidently somewhat hesitant, a change occurred.

A scorching heat suddenly appeared without any warning within Ye Qingyu’s chest, as if there was flame burning. The temperature was shocking.

Ye Qingyu was surprised, and carefully inspected.

He discovered, that this heat was emitting from an interdimensional pouch.

His consciousness submerged into the spatial container.

“Ah… this is… the military badge my father left behind. It’s emitting a light. What is happening?”

This bronze military badge that he had always stored in his interdimensional pouch, had changed. The originally dim badge was emitting a strange light, as if it was a burning jewel. The splendour was so bright one could not stare into it directly. It was as if it had come alive, emitting brilliant silver and gold shimmers. It was as if something was about to jump out from the badge…

Why was it like this?

Apart from being shocked, countless thoughts flickered through Ye Qingyu’s mind.

Although he did not know how his father, a martial artist who had not entered the army, was able to earn this military badge, but Ye Qingyu always kept it for sentimental reason and for reminiscing. After all, it was the most memorable item his parents had left behind for him. Very often, when he was stuck in his cultivation, or he was having troubled thoughts at night, Ye Qingyu would take this military badge and hold it, thinking of his dead parents.

Therefore, Ye Qingyu was extremely familiar with this bronze badge.

It was only a normal badge, with one or two small scale formations contained within. It was not special in the least.

Then, why would it suddenly change right now?

Perhaps there was some inexplicable secret inside the military badge?

Or perhaps, there was something within the [Fog of Annihilation] and [Abandoned Ancient City] that had attracted the change within the badge?

Or perhaps, the spirits of his parents was hinting at something through this military badge? The shock in Ye Qingyu’s heart was hard to describe using words.

His consciousness gradually retreated from the interdimensional pouch. Ye Qingyu did not take out the badge that had transformed.

He took a deep breath.

“Let’s go. We must increase our speed, and see what happened in front of us.”

Ye Qingyu was determined.

He made his mind up to continue to explore further.

If this military badge really sensed something in such an environment, then as they continued to explore further, there would definitely be something that would be revealed. Perhaps the secret within the bronze military badge, was something that his parents definitely wanted him to find out the most.

Therefore, he could not give up.

Ximen Yeshui and Little Nine continued on arguing and bickering, not noticing the change with Ye Qingyu.

As they continued.

They continued to encounter many remnants of the battlefield.

It seemed every thousand meters or so, they would discover the bodies of powerful experts.

It was as if this was a road of death paved with fresh blood.

But the corpses they encountered after did not all die by the spear. Evidently, it was not the mysterious owner of the red-tasselled spear who had acted. Since this matter concerned the legacy of the pFormation Sovereign] Luoso, everyone would risk their lives to obtain a chance. In the world of martial artists, pulling one’s blades out after some conflict was an extremely normal matter.

It was only that there were too many people who had died.

And they were all powerful experts.

Ye Qingyu could not help but feel regret.

So many experts. If they could be used to truly protect the Human Race and defend at the borders, resisting against the invasions and attack of the demon races, it would be the best. If these people appeared on the battlefield, then there would be much less death in the Empire. The situation of the Empire would also not be so desperate and hard-pressed…

It was a pity, but the humans after the era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors could not truly unite together.

Since time was tight, Ye Qingyu could not even stop and observe the reasons behind the death of these people.

He could only increase his speed.

The further he went, the hotter the bronze medal got within his chest.

Ye Qingyu was increasingly sure that within the mysterious space of the [Base of the Formation Sovereign], there was something or perhaps some power that had activated something within the badge. They resonated with each other.

Four hours later.

Ye Qingyu brought Ximen Yeshui into the tenth zone.

The instant they entered into the tenth fog zone, Ye Qingyu could not help but grit his teeth.

The [Power of Annihilation] had already grown to such an extent that it nearly exceeded the limits of Ye Qingyu’s strength. The [Power of Annihilation] was not as terrifying as the Power of Chaos, but it contained, lightning, light, and the power of the five elements scattered throughout in disorder. It caused a deep headache.

Ye Qingyu bit his teeth, not activating the [Limitless Divine Way] to resist.

According to the markings on Ximen Yeshui’s maps, they must pass through all these zones, before they could truly enter into the heart of the [Base of the Formation Sovereign].

If he showed all his cards at this moment, Ye Qingyu felt he definitely had no way of enduring until he exited from the fog zones.

Although the [Power of Annihilation] was frightening, but it could aid a martial artist in training their fleshly body. All sorts of energies and powers were immersed together in disorder. It was even more effective in training the power of a martial artist than simple pressure alone.

Ye Qingyu’s martial cultivation path first began when he had assimilated with a mysterious drop of blood within the Dragon’s Den in the [Boundary Canyon Battlefield]. Then he was refined for a length of time in the [Cloud Top Couldron] of the [Pill King of Azure Phoenix]. Furthermore, he was able to obtain the [Supreme Ice Flame] in the [Den of the Snow Dragons] to help refine his body. It could be said that his body refinement had met many fortuitous encounters.

Solely by the toughness of his body, he could already be called the strongest amongst his peers.

But ever since the battle of the martial alliance in Proud Sky Center, under such huge pressure, when he activated the [Third Limit] of the [Limitless Divine Way], Ye Qingyu evidently felt that the toughness of his body was by far not enough.

In the state of the [Third Limit], when his yuan qi exploded, his meridians and channels were nearly at a state where it could not endure any more and would explode. Afterwards, he felt that his channels were sore and swollen. When he returned from battle and recovered within the military camps, Ye Qingyu discovered that there were already countless hidden injuries and fractures within his acupuncture points and meridians.

These hidden injuries were like rivers choking up with silt and sludge. Although it would not have too much damage in the immediate future, but after the accumulation of time, there was a possibility it would destroy his meridians.

Thankfully, it was discovered in time.

After a period of time of intentional rest and recovery, Ye Qingyu could be said to have returned to normal.

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Of course, Ye Qingyu had already realized that a huge problem had appeared in his martial path.

As his yuan qi cultivation madly rose, the toughness of his body could barely keep up with such progress.

Therefore, he had always remained largely within the [First Limit] of the [Limitless Divine Way]. The reason that it was hard to increase beyond the [First Limit] was because the toughness of his body had no way of withstanding such a humongous energy.

But refining his body, was not like increasing his yuan qi cultivation. One could not rely on medicinal pills or Origin crystals to increase it. Therefore, Ye Qingyu did not have a better method in the recent period of time.

In reality, Ye Qingyu had met with multiple fortunes – the strength of his body already far exceeded anyone at the same cultivation level. If it was anyone else, for anyone’s yuan qi cultivation to explosively increase from one Spirit spring to sixty within just one year they would long have exploded because their body had no way of withstanding such power.

But even after multiple fortunes, there was still an issue.

Because Ye Qingyu’s yuan qi cultivation had grown too rapidly.

His body refinement became the limiting factor.

Therefore, sensing the vast pressure of the [Power of Annihilation], Ye Qingyu also sensed that his opportunity had arrived.

He bit his teeth, activating the nameless breathing technique, and coordinated with the pressure, beginning to refine his own body.

This process happened soundlessly.

The nameless breathing technique had long been integrated within Ye Qingyu’s very bones. He had no need to meditate, and could activate it naturally. It did not disturb the speed of their journey, and Little Nine and Ximen Yeshui did not sense anything.

After an hour, they had travelled past the tenth zone.

Ye Qingyu could no longer be sure just where the distorted fog zone had brought them. But he could be absolutely certain, that they were no longer in Deer Mountain.

“Eh? You’re sweating…” Ximen Yeshui looked with surprise at Ye Qingyu’s forehead. There were beads of sweat dripping down his head. He could not help but ask, “Do you need my help?”

What he meant was that he would naturally aid Ye Qingyu the next time they entered into the next zone to resist against the [Fog of Annihilation].

Ye Qingyu shook his head.

“Haha, don’t force yourself.” Ximen Yeshui smiled. “I am a very straightforward person. Your strength is not quite enough. It’ll be very hard for you to finish traversing through all the zones. Although without you, I most likely will get lost in these foggy zones, but I cannot force you to lead the way. Little brother, think over it carefully. If you retreat now, it’s not too late.”

“No, let’s continue.” Ye Qingyu smiled.

After an hour of using the nameless breathing technique and taking advantage of the [Power of Annihilation] to refine his body, the effect was better than what he had estimated. The moment they left the fog, Ye Qingyu felt a strange warm stream that ran beneath his skin. This was one of the signs of success in refining his body.

“Fine, if you can’t stand it anymore, then give me a shout. I’ll help you,” Ximen Yeshui said, looking loyal and filled with the spirit of brotherhood. Slapping his large chest he said, “Perhaps the future road will be difficult to travel. But rest assured, I will protect you. You won’t need to fear with me here.”

"I did not say I was afraid."

Ye Qingyu did not know whether to laugh or cry at this comrade who treated him so familiarly.

Little Nine was a person who remembered who had wronged him even after ten thousand years. At this time, he was still biting onto Ximen Yeshui’s finger, not even willing to loosen at the slightest. Ximen Yeshui tried every method, but could not get the glutton off.

In the blink of an eye, four hours had passed again.

The three had already reached the fourteenth zone.

Ye Qingyu’s body was covered in sweat, his clothes nearly completely drenched.

And the warmth that ran beneath his skin, at this time, had transformed into a fire that swept the plains. It spread throughout his body, through his organs, flesh and bones. It was like an endless fire running about, as if his entire body was being bathed in scorching lava.

Ye Qingyu let out a breath, and it was like fire was being spat out. He entered into a strange state.

And what made people feel strange, was that under such a state, he could no longer sense the power of the [Fog of Annihilation]. Even though the terrifying power of the fog had multiplied, he could no longer even feel any sense of pressure.

“Are you training right now? What cultivation technique is it? It’s strange, I feel that if you continue on like so, you will be in danger. Your innards will be cooked… do you really not need my help?”

Ximen Yeshui continued to nag.

Evidently, he was exceedingly curious about what was happening in Ye Qingyu’s body.

Ye Qingyu did not pay the slightest of attention to his nagging.

The endless [Fog of Annihilation] surged all over him. He had finally reached his utter limits.

The yuan qi surrounding Ye Qingyu completely disappeared.

The next instant, the [Fog of Annihilation] had completely pierced through the yuan qi surrounding Ye Qingyu.


Without the support and protection of yuan qi, the clothing on Ye Qingyu’s body completely turned to ashes.

“Hey, little brother, you are streaking!”

Ximen Yeshui began shouting.

He had an expression of someone delighting in someone else’s plight. It was as if he had long awaited this moment.

“Wahahaha…” Little Nine also couldn’t help but chuckle loudly.

As he laughed, Little Nine’s mouth finally loosened. This was the moment Ximen Yeshui was waiting for. At the first instant, he retrieved his finger.

Little Nine was taken aback, then reacted. He once again pounded like a bolt of lightning at him, wanting to bite on yet again. Ximen Yeshui hid both of his hands away, not giving him the slightest of chance.


Little Nine was enraged, and directly bit onto one of Ximen Yeshui’s leg.

“Ah… you really are a dog!” Ximen Yeshui began screaming tragically.

Ye Qingyu did not have the energy to deal with these two living treasures.

HIs clothing completely disappeared, and he instantly became naked.

Thankfully, Ye Qingyu had prepared for such a scenario. Using the [Supreme Ice Flame], he used the vapour of the ice flame to envelop him so that he would not be naked in the fog.

As for the items in his interdimensional pouch, it also could not withstand the destructive power of the [Fog of Annihilation]. Ye Qingyu had long prepared for this, and placed it within the [Cloud Top Couldron] within the clear springs of his dantian world.


Ye Qingyu felt that his entire person was about to burn up.

His entire person was like he was drunk. He began to feel dizzy and woozy.

the nameless breathing technique naturally activated.

Large beads of sweat began seeping out from the pores of his skin.

What also came out was some murky and sticky substance. Ye Qingyu already had no energy to see just what kind of substance it was because he felt that within this burning sensation, there was a strange energy that was currently being born.

This kind of power was especially evident in his dantian world.

It was as if something was currently being born in his dantian world.

“This power is somewhat familiar… I seem to have seen it somewhere.” Ye Qingyu had a strange sensation that such a power had once appeared within his own body, but he could not recall it at this moment in time.

Time began to flow on, bit by bit.

They finally arrived at the eighteenth zone.

This was the last zone

After they finished traversing this fog zone, they should have truly reached the legendary palace of the [Base of the Formation Sovereign]. At that time, they would be able to tell whether the legacy of the [Formation Sovereign], Luoso, was contained within.

On the way, they had met with too many experts that had died in battle.

Within such a group were existences that had truly stepped into the Bitter Sea stage. However, they had also failed in their struggles and turned into corpses on the ground, unable to return forever.

Ye Qingyu was currently in a stange woozy state. Without stopping in the slightest, he directly headed towards the eighteen zone.

“Little brother, you really have guts. To not wear clothes and enter, you must be the first. I am impressed.” Ximen Yeshui gave him the thumbs up and followed closely behind.

The instant they entered into the eighteenth zone, an unprecedented pressure from the [Fog of Annihilation] came over them. It surged towards them from every direction.

Even Ximen Yeshui had a serious expression at this time. A faint layer of water circled around his body. The power of water attribute aura emanated from him, blocking the destructive power of the [Fog of Annihilation].

At this time, he dared not pretend. He paid attention to Ye Qingyu’s situation, preparing to give aid at any moment if he needed it.

What made him confused was that with Ye Qingyu’s evident strength, he could tell that he was only at the sixty Spirit springs of cultivation. With Ye Qingyu’s age, he could be counted as prodigious, but he should have no way of withstanding the destructive power of the fog of the eighteenth zone.

But Ye Qingyu still continued to walk on. The yuan qi around his body was completely destroyed, but could his flesh body withstand such pressure head-on?

“He really is a monster, no wonder…”

Ximen Yeshui seemed to have thought of something.

As for Ye Qingyu, right now, he was completely isolated from the world.

The destructive power of the eighteenth zone caused one to shiver.

As the pressure increased, when the fiery heat in his body reached its pinnacle, it was as if there was an ancient and vast roar of a dragon resounding from his consciousness.

That right, a dragon’s roar.

Then an unexpected change occurred.

Faintly, there was a light that appeared in front of them that tore apart the endless mists.

An expression of complete shock and dumbfoundedness appeared on Ye Qingyu’s face

Because in the endless light, he could see a tall and almighty Sky Dragon. It had appeared within his vision, it’s gaze piercing through the air. It floated in the air, along with the sun and moon, staring at Ye Qingyu.

The might of this Sky Dragon was like a god amongst dragons. Ye Qingyu felt like he was a speck of dust in front of it. There were bolts of lightning encircling around it, rain and wind following it, light dimming everywhere. It had a massive body in the air, but an unexplainable speed. It coiled around the stars, the stars not even a size of it’s scale. Resplendent specks of light surrounded his body…

It was as if everything around him completely disappeared.

there was only Ye Qingyu and the Sky Dragon in this entire world left.

It was as if time and space had already lost all meaning.

Just what was happening?

Ye Qingyu was extremely shocked.

Before he could make any sort of reaction, that incomparably large head shot towards him from above. The head of the dragon was like an asteroid that struck towards him. Before Ye Qingyu could react in the least, it had struck Ye Qingyu’s body.

There was not any pain.

Nor was there any impact.

The instant it made contact with Ye Qingyu’s body, the inexplicably large draconic head seemed to have assimilated within Ye Qingyu’s body. Like a gust of wind, this terrifying impact and pressure completely disappeared.

It was not only the dragon’s head.

At that same time, the body that was so vast and towering that the stars were only specks, the body of the Sky Dragon, had all rushed within Ye Qingyu’s body. In the time of a spark, the huge Sky Dragon had completely disappeared. It was as if it had turned into part of Ye Qingyu’s body, once again returning within Ye Qingyu’s body.

The endless light disappeared in front of him.

The strange burning sensation of his body also completely disappeared.

Ye Qingyu’s consciousness began to recover.

The terrifying pressure of the [Fog of Annihilation] still struck towards him.

Ye Qingyu struggled to open his eyes.

Everything had returned to normal.

The scene that had just appeared seemed to be an illusion.

Ximen Yeshui had a complete face of shock, as if he had seen a ghost. His eyes were wide, and he stood there frozen beside Ye Qingyu.

“What are you looking at me like that for…”

Ye Qingyu opened his mouth to speak.

But inexplicably, what came out of his mouth was not the language of the Human Race.

A dragon’s roar, like the anger of a thunderstorm, sounded beside his head.

Ye Qingyu was taken aback.

He subconsciously looked about everywhere. But they were still within the fog zone. However, the moment he caught a glimpse of his hand, he stood there frozen.

Becase his hand… was no longer a human’s hand.

It was a dragon’s claw.

A claw that was covered with faint silver dragon’s scales, flickering with the light of the stars. A dragon claw that was sharp like heaven’s blade.

Along with the dragon’s claw, it was the dragon’s limb.

Dragon’s body.

“What is this…” As Ye Qingyu spoke, a clear dragon’s roar resounded throughout the environment. At this time, Ye Qingyu could be sure that the dragon’s roar had originated from his mouth."

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He turned around to have a look.

The hundred-meter-long dragon’s body had silver scales ficerking. It was filled with an explosive sense of beauty. A pressure that only the Dragon Race had, began seeping out from within the dragon’s body. The [Fog of Annihilation] nearly did not dare come near it in the slightest. The dragon’s body slowly floated throughout the air, and there were faint signs of lighting that followed along it, tracing the beautiful curve of it’s body.


Ye Qingyu had nearly lost his ability of speech.

He could not believe everything he saw.

He began to understand Ximen Yeshui’s gaze, like someone who had seen a ghost.

Because he had already understood what had occurred.

He had turned into a dragon.

He had turned into a silver Sky Dragon.

And the silly dog Little Nine that had always bitten onto Ximen Yeshui’s leg, also had an expression that wondered if he was dreaming. He had long unconsciously loosened his mouth, his mouth gaping wide open as he stared at Ye Qingyu.

“Woof… master, you… you’ve completely… transformed. Or have you shown your original form?” He asked dumbly.

“I must be dreaming…” Ximen Yeshui gave himself a hard smack on the face.

Ye Qingyu’s gaze swept around his body.

With a thought, he controlled his ice yuan qi to appear in front of him, and formed an ice mirror. The image on the mirror evidently showed his appeared. He was namely a silver Sky Dragon that was a hundred meters long. It was the same as what he saw in the illusion, only that he was much smaller. He was like an infantile dragon, but he already had the form of a divine dragon.

It was him.

It was Ye Qingyu.

He had transformed into a dragon.

Transformed into a silver Sky Dragon.

A flicker of light flitted in Ye Qingyu’s minds. He suddenly understood.

This was the martial path of Draconification.

In the past, when at the Snow Dragon’s Den within the Explosive Snow Glacier, that slumbering mysterious figure that had awakened from the sleep of billions of years had once mentioned that he had passed on the true martial will of the [True Will of the Sky Dragon] to Ye Qingyu. He had planted a martial seed of the [True Will of the Sky Dragon] within Ye Qingyu’s dantian.

At that time, Ye Qingyu had only comprehended about ten percent of this seed.

Therefore, when his ice yuan qi leaked outside his body, although it had the shape and form of silver dragons, it was only the form. It did not possess the true might of a Sky Dragon.

Afterwards, Ye Qingyu returned to Youyan Pass, and because of the conflict between the Jianghu and the army, he could not calm his heart to comprehend the [True Will of the Sky Dragon]. He could not take a step in the direction of this true martial will.

Therefore, Ye Qingyu’s understanding towards the [True Will of the Sky Dragon] was not complete.

He had always imagined that the [True Will of the Sky Dragon] was a powerful yuan qi offensive technique. Therefore, he began making efforts in such a direction, but he was ultimately not able to make much progress. It was only at this moment when Ye Qingyu understood that the true might of the [True Will of the Sky Dragon] was not to train his qi, but to refine his body.

The [True Will of the Sky Dragon] was a martial secret that had to do with body refining.

Therefore, within the [Fog of Annihilation], when his body was under attack by the disordered destructive power, under such humongous pressure, Ye Qingyu was able to accidentally used the nameless breathing technique to activate the seed that the mysterious figure had left behind. He had manage to awaken such power, and the power of will burned throughout his body. Finally, under such a condition, Ye Qingyu had finally managed to utterly comprehend the [True Will of the Sky Dragon].

Any true martial will, once it was fully comprehended, one would obtain a divine ability.

The draconic form of Ye Qingyu was evidently the ultimate ability of the [True Will of the Sky Dragon].

Ever since the Dragon Race was born, they had the most powerful battle power. In the God and Devil Age, the Dragon Race, Divine Race and Devil Race where the invincible races of the Vast Thousand Worlds. They were natural born warriors.

Under such a state, Ye Qingyu’s body had risen to an abnormally powerful state.

Ye Qingyu controlled his body facing the ice mirror.

The white-coloured Sky Dragon in the mirror moved according to what he willed.

When his dragon claws closed and opened, Ye Qingyu felt that his strength was invincible. It far exceeded the power of his human form. If heaven and earth had a hoop, then he could completely grab the hoop and drag Heaven and Earth together using his physical power.

Chapter 308 – A Move for a Move

Ye Qingyu could feel the powerful physical strength of the dragon form.

Vaguely, he began to understand that the [True Will of the Sky Dragon] was not what he had initially assumed it was. This profound technique meant to increase the offensive power of yuan qi was, in fact, a powerful method of body refining. The reason he could not comprehend it before was that he was going down the wrong path at the very beginning.

It wasn't till now, that he finally understood the true meaning of the [True Will of the Sky Dragon].

Luckily, this [Fog of Annihilation] made him accidentally use the power of annihilation to refine his body. Only through this was he able to stimulate the seed of true martial arts will that the mysterious illusory figure left in his own body. He had finally completely activated the power of the [True Will of the Sky Dragon].

"Chen Moyun once said that I have a body type that is the [Holy Body of the Dragon's Blood], This must be one of the main reasons that I could comprehend the [True Will of the Sky Dragon] so quickly."

In Ye Qingyu's mind, countless thoughts flashed by.

He drew a deep breath, slowly attempting to withdraw the scorching hot energy in his body and trying to control the profound power of the [True Will of the Sky Dragon]. After all, he could not always maintain this sky dragon form.

As the energy slowly receded from his four limbs and body like the tide retreating, Ye Qingyu felt the wonderful changes within his body.

The sky dragon in the ice mirror had its figure gradually enveloped by a faint silver ice flame, and then its tremendous body shrank. Its silver scales began to peel off, entering back into his body and exposing human skin. Finally, the dragon head, tail and body vanished as he returned back to human form.

Ye Qingyu returned to the form of his human body.

The silver-coloured ice flame was still enveloping the pivotal parts of his body, and he was still in a naked state.

"You've changed back?" Ximen Yeshui's eyes shone with a curious light. "Hey, which is your true form, you are not part of the legendary Dragon-Human Clan, right?"

Silly dog Little Nine circled around Ye Qingyu a few times, looking just as excited. "Master, I think that your huge worm appearance is much more impressive. Why change back to your human appearance…"

Ye Qingyu did not bother to answer these two buffoons.

In that instant of transforming back into human form, Ye Qingyu immediately felt the earth-shattering murderous power of the [Fog of Annihilation] return like a tsunami. It made his muscles ache and bones crack. He was in terrifying burning pain like he was shrouded in blazing flames. Ye Qingyu instantly realized that he could not withstand the murderous force of the eighteenth fog zone of the [Fog of Annihilation] when he was in human form.

Once again, he activated the profound meaning of the [True Will of the Sky Dragon].

Layers of dense and thin mercury-like scales grew out from his skin.

From the ice mirror, Ye Qingyu could see that his entire body was covered with silver ice flames. hen a huge dragon body, head and four claws stretched out from the ice flames. Accompanied by a low draconic growl, he once again transformed into the form of a hundred-meter-long silver sky dragon.

The silver scales emanated a bright light.

The surrounding [Fog of Annihilation] could not near him at all.

The terrifying force of oppression vanished without a trace.

Ye Qingyu controlled his dragon-form body, constantly adapting and getting used to it.

A moment later, he had completely adapted to the shape of the dragon's body.

"Let's go."

He opened his mouth to speak, but a clear and resounding dragon growl sounded out instead.

The language of dragons was only understood by the Dragon Race.

Ximen Yeshui exchanged a glance with silly dog Little Nine, trying to figure out Ye Qingyu's meaning.

It wasn't until Ye Qingyu turned and swam into the depths of the fog that they finally responded. Little Nine thought for a brief moment, then pounced over and bit onto Ximen Yeshui's heel. Ximen Yeshui tried to fling him off, but in the end he ignored this vindictive dog and followed behind the silver dragon, continuing into the depths of the fog zone.

The markings of the map kept flashing in Ye Qingyu's mind. He constantly matched up the markings in the black jade scroll to the area right now.

Although he had transformed into the form of a silver sky dragon but the martial arts techniques that he had mastered in his human form could still be used fully. When he looked inside, he could still see the barren world of his dantian, which was no different from when he was in his human form. The various spiritual weapons stored in the warm Spirit spring could be freely taken out as he wished.

Along the way, Ye Qingyu made several attempts to adapt to the new shape of the silver sky dragon body.

In addition to trying to control the body, he was mostly concerned about which body he should use to fight.

Very soon, he found that in the dragon form, the strongest weapon to fight with was his very own body.

The strength of this body was simply at the level of his dreams. Although Ye Qingyu had not really attempted this yet, but he had complete confidence in using this body to fight head-on with a low level expert of the Bitter Sea stage. When he activates the yuan qi in his body, the silver scales all around the sky dragon would emit a silver glow and a chill of terror would fill the surrounding air, controlled by his mind. If he opened his mouth, he could breathe out [Supreme Ice Flame] from his mouth.

The only drawback was that the dragon claws were not suitable for most human weapons.

And Ye Qingyu was now basically certain that the [True Will of the Sky Dragon] was only a kind of remarkable ability of martial arts. After transformation, he had not really become a dragon, so he could not awaken the memory passed on in the legendary Dragon Race and all sorts of magical powers unique to the Dragon Race.

But for Ye Qingyu, it was already far more than enough.

As he entered deep into the eighteenth fog zone, the roaring of the demonic beast horde became much clearer. All sorts of demonic beasts were frantically roaring and howling, like they were fighting. Within the fog, there was a faint smell of blood, and all kinds of mournful howling, like the rage of the ocean, made people feel restless.

Ye Qingyu let out a low growl.

A clear dragon's roar resounded.

The horde of demonic beasts below were evidently intimidated by the roar of the dragon. The howling and screaming immediately stopped.

But after a moment, the frantic roaring of the demonic horde echoed again.

Back as it was before.

Very quickly, an hour of time had passed.

The [Fog of Annihilation] ahead began to fade.

They had reached the edge of the fog zone.

"We have almost arrived to the outside boundaries of the eighteenth fog zone, we must be careful. We are nearly at the district of the temporary Imperial Residence. I believe that many masters have already arrived. Human actions are hard to guess at. There may be an ambush up ahead." Ximen Yeshui's face grew more serious, stopping Ye Qingyu and said after some thought, "Little brother, there will soon be killing. Do not hold back, a single slip may cause everlasting sorrow… How about this, follow behind me. If a fight does happen and your big brother can't cope, you run away as fast as possible."

Ye Qingyu changed back to human form.

They were already at the edge of the eighteenth fog zone and the pressure had weakened a lot. The human form could also withstand it.

Retrieving fresh clothing from the interdimensional pouch, Ye Qingyu instantly activated his yuan qi throughout his body. He prepared to enter the state of the [First Limit] of the [Limitless Divine Way] at a moment's notice. Nodding his head, he was not too courteous as he followed behind Ximen Yeshui as they left the area of the fog.

The fog was getting lighter.

Vaguely, the situation outside could be seen.

What made Ye Qingyu look slightly disappointed was that there were still ancient city ruins as before.Collapsed walls, broken deity statues, bricks and tiles were everywhere. It seemed that there was no difference from the situation outside of the fog zone. Is this the so-called moving Imperial Residence? It shouldn't be. Or was the information wrong? There was no such thing as the so-called legacy of the [Formation Sovereign] Luoso? While his mind was off somewhere else——


A harsh sword light, like a bolt of lightning, suddenly appeared, attacking head-on.

"Who is it?" Ximen Yeshui was very alert, reacting at the first instant, and shouted as he punched out.


In the air, there were sounds of water erupting, rumbling like a tidal explosion.

The sword light crumbled.

"Good, strength is not bad. You are an able person, you qualify!" the person with the sword said in a low voice, drawing back his sword and did not attack further.

Ximen Yeshui humphed coldly, a tremendous energy surging all over him like an endless ocean tidal wave, rolls of thunder rumbling in the surroundings. The silly but amusing scholar that had a poor sense of direction seemed to have switched to another person at this moment, exhibiting an indescribably imposing majesty. Walking with his head up like a dragon filled with dignity, he stepped out of the dense fog in huge strides.

Ye Qingyu followed.

The [Fog of Annihilation] dispersed.


A middle-aged swordsman with long grey hair was clutching a sword in his hand. Sliding his sword back into its sleeve, his face turned stern and his eyes were sharp like a sword.

And at his side stood dozens of people with different faces, all dressed differently. They did not seem to be in the same gang. For some reason, standing here, they all had a similarity: each of them had strong yuan qi surging through their body. The weakest of them was around the level of the Bitter Sea stage. It was evident that every one of them were masters amongst masters.

Among the crowd Ye Qingyu noticed a familiar face.

The young master of [Matchless Blade City] Qin Zhishui.

This young top-level swordsman had once appeared in Youyan Pass and showed himself in the martial arts meeting in Proud Sky Center, but he kept low-key and quiet—— In fact, all the disciples of [Matchless Blade City], at that time in Youyan Pass, were very well-behaved and abided by the rules and did not follow the bad example set by others like the Crepe Myrtle Sect and the Dragon Tiger Sect. Throughout the martial meeting, Qin Zhishui did not say a word, and after the meeting ended, he immediately left Youyan Pass.

Ye Qingyu did not think that he would meet Qin Zhishui here.

And it looked like he came alone from [Matchless Blade City] because he stood at the side by himself, keeping a distance from the others. The eye-catching fiery red robe that the disciples of [Matchless Blade City] wore and the even more fiery red cloth on the sword shaft made Qin Zhishui looked like a silent flame. A kind of chill emanating from him.

"It was you that attacked us just now?"

Ximen Yeshui glared at the grey haired middle-aged swordsman that was standing opposite him.

"So what?" Perhaps because he felt the blaming tone in Ximen Yeshui's voice, the middle-aged swordsman smiled coldly and his tone became more forceful.

Ximen Yeshui's lips curved into a smile. "A move in return for a move."

Before his voice died away.

He threw out a punch.

Six blue water ripple marks appeared, spiralling along his arm.

The strange blue water ripple marks, like a blue sea snake, coiled around his fist, forming a bright blue watermark fist. In response to the thunderous rumble of surging sea waves within Ximen Yeshui's body, he struck the middle-aged swordsman.

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