Imperial God Emperor

Chapter 311-313

"This is the inside of the divine gate, the so called palace of the [Base of the Formation Sovereign]?”

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Ye Qingyu could see a blood red ocean in front of his eyes. There was a shock in his heart that was hard to describe using words.

The instant they passed through the divine gate, he could faintly sense people cursing at the ‘pretty boy’. He could not help but chuckle at their reaction. The vision in front of him became clearer and clearer. Ye Qingyu did not imagine that the inside of the divine gate would look like this at all.

The moment they stepped past the divine gate, the place they set their foot down was the classic little dock of an island.

The dim red rock was filled with the signs of erosion caused by the crashing of the waves. The entire island was not larger than an acre, it was like a rock protruding from out of the sea. It was incomparably smooth, and it was unknown for how long it had stood there. At the edges of the island, there was a simple rock, and one could clearly see the markings of its workmanship. It was unknown just how long it had withstood being hit by the blood red ocean.

There was a wet rope that was tied to a small rock jutting out.

On the other side of the rope was a little raft that could barely hold ten people.

Apart from this, the sky was dim and dark. All one could see was the dim red cloud and the surrounding endless red sea. Although there was not the smell of blood emitting from the ocean, but there was evidently the colour of blood from the surging ocean. This bright and fresh colour was evidently the same as the endless ocean.

The atmosphere of the surroundings was extremely strange.

“Eh? You’ve come? Are you okay?” The instant Ximen Yeshui saw Ye Qingyu’s figure appear, he was overjoyed. He dragged Ye Qingyu, evaluating him from top to bottom, looking to see if Ye Qingyu had any missing limbs. Only after did he relax.

“Woof, you really are an unreliable fellow. You nearly caused my master to die,” Little Nine angrily berated him. “If you don’t have the ability, then don’t drag my master along. You’re useless, so you nearly caused others to die.”

Ximen Yeshui’s expression was guilty. He had no way of rebuking such words.

Even though he had powerful strength, but he had just left his master and had not gained enough experience as of yet. He did not imagine someone would use a Dao tool and nearly caused Ye Qingyu to die as a result of his actions.

“This was my carelessness…” Ximen Yeshui scratched his head in apology.

“Woof, woof, carelessness, you dare speak such words? I beg you, don’t be careless next time, you’ll cause more people to die.” Little Nine was not willing to let him go so easily.

Ye Qingyu covered LIttle NIne’s mouth, preventing him from saying anything more and causing chaos. With a smile, “You don’t have to feel guilty. You had good intentions, I understand.”

In truth, in such a situation, for Ximen Yeshui to still insist on bringing Ye Qingyu to the divine gate meant that he truly treated Ye Qingyu as his brother. After being attacked from behind, he wanted to save the situation, but it was that he had already entered the divine gate. He had even tried to rush out. This was not just acting or pretending, these were his true emotions.

After experiencing such a situation, Ye Qingyu had truly let down his last traces of suspicion and treated this man who was easily lost as a true friend.

“Rest assured, I will definitely protect you. If anyone dares attack you, I will kill them.” Ximen Yeshui pointed to the sky as he swore an oath.

“Wuwu… woof, master, don’t cover my mouth,” Little Nine struggled out, looking at Ximen Yeshui. With a sniff, “That sounds about right.”

Ye Qingyu grabbed this little fellow into his embrace and inspected him carefully. “Are you alright?”

“Master, are you worried about me?” Little Nine was incomparably excited, jumping onto Ye Qingyu’s shoulder and began intimately licking Ye Qingyu’s face using his tender little tongue. “Of course I'm fine, I am very amazing. As long as you are fine, master.”

Ye Qingyu could not help but be a little emotionally moved.

Although he normally was not that reliable at all, and liked to cause trouble everywhere, but in such a situation, he used his own body to protect against the incoming attacks. From this, one could see just how important Ye Qingyu was in Little Nine's eyes.

He had to treat this fellow a little better in the future.

Ye Qingyu silently said in his heart.

As they spoke, there were lights flickering on the island.

There were people constantly appearing.

The armoured old man appeared.

A muscular warrior enveloped in armour appeared.

Then the expert wielding the meteor hammer also appeared.

As well as the middle-aged swordsman who Ximen Yeshui had defeated.

There were also two experts that hd not attracted their attention that appeared from the divine gate, landing on the island.

In the blink of an eye, apart from Song Xiaojun, Ximen Yeshui, Ye Qingyu, and Qin Zhishui, there were six other people.

“It’s you? So it was a bastard like you who ambushed me just now?” Ximen Yeshui looked at the expert wielding the black meteor hammer, and could not help but be enraged. He advanced on him threateningly, “I did not imagine you would be able to enter. We should settle our grudges now.”

The other person looked to be around thirty years of age, with an eagle hooked nose and angular cheekbones. His figure was taller than average. His expression was dark as he heard this, an anger fishing through his eyes. But he ultimately took a step back, “In such a situation, attacking was an instinctive action. Since your friend is fine, and you’ve both successfully passed through, why must you force things to such a conclusion?”

“Don’t speak so much, just fight,” Ximen Yeshui rolled up his sleeve and said tyrannically.

“Hmph, do you think I’m afraid?” The eagle nosed man’s expression also became sinister.

The atmosphere turned tense.

“Both, both, first wait, don’t act,” the previous armoured old man that acted as a mediator, once again stood out. He blocked both with a smile, “Have you all not realized that our yuan qi in such a location has all been suppressed?”


Yuan qi was suppressed?

There was astoundment on the faces of everyone.

There were some with a calm expression, evidently having long discovered such a fact.

Ximen Yeshui had a stunned face. With careful inspection, he discovered that the yuan qi within his body was suppressed by a mysterious power. It was previously not discovered by him, but as long as he tried to activate his cultivation, he discovered that his yuan qi was frozen in his dantian world. There was no way of using it like normal.

Song Xiaojun wore a mask, it was not possible to see her expression.

But Ye Qingyu could be sure, that the ice yuan qi within his body also had no way of fluctuating.

Only the [Supreme Ice Flame] in his dantian world was unrestricted by the mysterious power. It seemed to be able to be used to a certain extent. Only seeing this could he rest assured.

The expressions of the other people were all about the same.

Those powerful and might experts relied on yuan qi. It was the energy for all of their abilities.

Once they lost their yuan qi and only relied on their bodies to fight, they would lose far, far too much of their power. It could not help but make them feel unsafe.

“Look, what is that?”

Someone pointed at the sky in shock.

As they followed along the direction of the finger, they could see as the wind blew past. It blew the dim red clouds of the sky away, and there was a strange red colour appeared. This blood red light hung in the sky, incomparably huge, forming a strange pattern.

“It’s a letter!"

“A letter of the God and Devil Age?”

“What does it mean?”

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Everyone discussed.

“It means ‘common',” Ye Qingyu opened his mouth.

He had once studied the characters of the God and Devil Age, and after slight inspection, he was able to recognize the massive bloody letter that hung in the sky.

“Common?” Some people were taken aback.

Ye Qingyu nodded his head. “That’s right, it’s the common character from a mortal.”

The blood red large letter in the red sky, was namely the ‘common' character.

At this time, everyone could sense that the mysterious power that suppressed the inner yuan within their bodies so that it had no way of freely flow, originated from the huge blood [Common] character hanging in the air.

“Could it be… could it mean that it will reduce our power so that we would become like a common person?” the middle-aged swordsman questioned with a pale face.

“Perhaps.” the expression of the eagle nosed man was also somewhat hard to look at.

If he could not use yuan qi, it meant that he had no way of controlling the Dao tool, meteor hammer. For him, this was a massive weakening in strength.

“Everyone, let’s not guess too much. What has happened, has happened. Since we have entered through the divine gate, this is a fortuitous encounter that has something to do with the legacy of the [Formation Sovereign]. We are warriors of the Human Race, why must we fight amongst ourselves. The atmosphere is strange on this island. From the current situation, we need to travel on the little raft through the ocean. There must be danger ahead. At this time, we must cooperate with sincerity with each other.”

Another expert covered with a black robe also spoke, ” that’s right, we came for the legacy of the [Formation Sovereign]. This is something that concerns the hope of the Human Race. One more person is one more hope. At this time, everyone should not fight amongst themselves.

The mouth of the middle-aged swordsman also moved.

Ye Qingyu grabbed Ximen Yeshui, indicating that he should endure it for now.

He somehow felt that the aura of the blood red ocean surrounding the island was wrong. There must be something bizarre that might happen in the near future, so they should not distract themselves by fighting these people.

Ximen Yeshui could only give this matter up. Giving a glare to the eagle nosed man, he said, “brat, wait a bit.”

Ye Qingyu nearly spat our something.

This Ximen Yeshui was sometimes like a childish little kid.

“Everyone, if we want to discover the legacy of the [Formation Sovereign], perhaps we need to cross this blood red sea. Look, there were four rocks that were used to hold the ropes. In other words, there were once four little rafts that were here. the people that came here before us, already departed using these rafts…"

The armoured old man pointed at the little dock.

At this time, everyone fell silent and looked towards the little dock.

the situation was really as the armoured old man had described.

Everyone clearly knew that before they came, the divine gate had already opened several times. There were people that had previously entered, and these people did not appear on the blood red ocean island. This meant that they had already left.

There was no meaning in remaining on the blood red island.

If they wanted to find the legacy of the [Formation Sovereign], they must travel through the sea using the raft.


Everyone’s gaze landed on the little raft.

The raft was dark red and seemed to be made from an unknown material. After being constantly bombarded by the blood red sea waves, it had already rotted completely. It looked like a decrepit piece of wood. It seemed like if a large wave struck it, it would turn into wooden scraps. Furthermore, the body of the raft was extremely small. Even at the most optimistic estimate, it could only hold ten people.

Could such a raft really travel through the ocean?

Ye Qingyu came to the rocks of the dock…

The fresh red coloured strange ocean splashed, causing droplets to land on his clothes. Instantly, there was the sound of hissing as holes appeared on his clothes.

Ye Qingyu was shocked.

There was a person who threw a shield directly into the blood red sea.

Chi Chi!

With a light sound, the Spirit class metal shield transformed into a wisp of smoke as it was destroyed.

The expressions of everyone paled in an instant.

The power of the blood red sea, far exceeded others imagination.

For it to be able to instantly dissolve a Spirit class shield. Although the power of everyone on the island was high, but if they were not careful and fell into the blood red sea, their flesh and blood body would not be able to last long.

This represented that using the raft to cross the sea was incomparably dangerous.

Furthermore, using such a small raft.

Everyone became hesitant.

“This is absolutely a world of death,” the middle-aged swordsman said in anger. His sword landed on a jutting blood red rock near his feet. With a clank, sparks flew everywhere. There were several chunks that appeared on his sword. But there was not the slightest of marking left on the rock from his strike.


Evidently, everyone began to realize that the island below their feet was also not simple.

There were people that tried again and again, but could not even leave the slightest of markings on the rocks. They could not even cut a small pebble away.

Ye Qingyu also tried, but was not successful.

Looking at the blood red sea, he could not help but be shocked. For such hard rock, to be corroded by the blood red sea, just how long had this blood red sea and rocky island existed. Could it have existed since the God and Devil Age?

“These rocks are so hard, if it could be used as ingredients for a weapon…”

Ye Qingyu was not willing to abandon such a material.

He activate a portion of the [True Will of the Sky Dragon]. Without any signs, his right hand transformed into a dragon's claw. Grabbing a boulder, and with a twist of his hand, the dragon claw sunk into the boulder, grabbing a rock the size of his fist.

He had succeeded.

The power of the Sky Dragon was definitely terrifying.

Ye Qingyu was overjoyed.

He looked at the surrounding people.

Their attention was still on the little raft.

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The armoured old man discussed with the other people. He walked out of his own initiative., grabbing the rotted rope, and dragging the decrepit little raft over.

Ye Qingyu using the sharp claws of the Sky Dragon, grabbed a number of rocks, and carefully stored it away.

“brother, quickly come aboard. We’re going out to the sea,” Ximen Yeshui jumped on the little raft and began waving and shouting.

Ye Qingyu nodded his head.

This time, there was not any conflict or killing. Ten people all went aboard the raft.

Some people used the oars of the raft, and began on their journey.

Ten people fitted just perfectly on the raft, and it was not too crowded. If there were two more people, it would be most likely that there would not even be room to even sit down.

“We will take turns rowing the raft,” the armoured old man suggested.

No one objected.

Ye Qingyu sat at the back of the raft, sitting next to Song Xiaojun. In front of them were Ximen Yeshui and Qin Zhishui.

Others did not pay too much attention to a ‘pretty boy’ such as Ye Qingyu who relied on a woman to enter into the divine gate. Even the armoured old man who seemed kind and amiable, did not say anything to him. It was only Qin Zhishui who knew Ye Qingyu’s true identity. He would occasionally cast a glance at Ye Qingyu, but he did not open his mouth to say anything.

Ye Qingyu was also too lazy to say anything.

The wind on the blood red ocean was not too powerful.

In just an hour’s time, the island had already disappeared from their view.

Everyone would switch and row the raft every two hours.

Ye Qingyu was allocated the fourth duty, and the person rowing along with him would be Ximen Yeshui.

The moment Ye Qingyu held the rough and coarse oar in his hands, Ye Qingyu could not help but inspect it. It was unknown just what this oar was made from, but it was as heavy as steel. But the feeling of it was definitely wood. There were all sorts of markings on it, as well as many little holes, as if it was an oar that had been left for many years of disuse by fishermen.

When the red-coloured oar dipped into water, there would be faint mist that rumbled and gurgled, as well as bubbling from the blood red sea.

Ye Qingyu rowed.

Although everyone had their yuan qi suppressed, but they were after all, experts at the Bitter Sea stage. Their power could not be underestimated. The little raft was like an arrow that broke through the waves, slicing through the ocean ahead.

After two hours had passed, it was time for the duty to switch again.

Song Xiaojun’s turn had arrived.

Ye Qingyu looked at Song Xiaojun, and said to the other people, “I will take her duty.”

The armoured old man smiled, “It’s all up to you. If you want to row, no one will stop you.”

Ye Qingyu nodded, continuing to row.

Song Xiaojun looked at him without saying anything, silently sitting where she was.

If one did not see the invincible scene of her using the flame of darkness, everyone would just believe that this girl wearing a golden laced mask was just a wealthy young lady who did not have any conflicts with the world. She sat there silently, the wind coming from the blood red ocean blowing across her dark red dress, like it was a moving flame. Out of everyone, Song Xiaojun’s colour was the colour that most suited the dark red colour of this world. No matter whether it was colour, or clothing or hair colour.

The sensation it gave to other people was that she originally belonged to this world, that she was one of the original occupiers of this world.

Everyone had a somewhat wary glance as they gazed at this young girl.

Because everyone understood that the person with the most powerful strength was very likely to be this girl who came from the Unmoving City of Darkness.

When they were fighting for the right to enter into the divine gate, she had easily brought Ye Qingyu along. With just a slight gesture, even the power of a Dao tool was sent flying back. The large majority of people on the small ship could not do such a thing.

that’s why there were people that had fear and respect looking towards Song Xiaojun. There were also stares of envy that they used to regard Ye Qingyu with.

Especially the fact that Ye Qingyu offered to help Song Xiaojun row the raft. This action was regarded as something that was done to please the young female expert.

“Girls are really easy to fool.”

“Who would have thought that being handsome had such an effect. This little kid is really a true pretty boy. Just by relying on his face, he was able to enter into the divine gate…”

Everyone had strange gazes as they looked towards Ye Qingyu.

They looked at Ye Qingyu, then at Song Xiaojun, then again at Ximen Yeshui, their expressions becoming even more peculiar.

Song Xiaojun was a girl. Although her power was terrifying, but she was still young. To be fooled by a pretty boy was understandable. But Ximen Yeshui was evidently a dark skinned scholar. Why would he protect the little pretty boy?

Could it be?

Some perverted thoughts rose to the surface of some people minds.

The little raft was like an arrow on the ocean as it travelled for roughly twelve hours.

The surroundings were still the surging blood red ocean. The entire colour of the sky was a dim red that caused one to quiver. It was as if blood stained this entire world. Although no one said anything, but the moods of everyone on the ship was somewhat suppressed.

Apart from the waters of the sea and the dark clouds, they were not able to see anything.

Within the sky, the ‘common’ character seemed as if it never moved. It was still flickering with a strange light, a mysterious power constantly emitting from within the letter. It was vast,endless and powerful, forcefully suppressing everyone's yuan qi.

zthe armoured old man kneaded his face. With a smile, “The atmosphere is somewhat depressing. Why don’t we have a chat. Haha, I’m an old person taking advantage of being old. this matter… this matter is somewhat strange. According to logic, every time the divine gate opens there are twelve people entering. But why is it that this time, there are only ten of us? If we carefully look at the little raft, we will discover that the raft can just about accommodate twelve people.”

“That’s right, I also thought of this problem,” someone nodded his head.

The middle-aged man coldly sneered. “Every time the gate opens, twelve people enter. That’s right. But we have never confirmed whether they must be human. If someone must bring a dog along with them, then what can we do. The place that originally belonged to someone else is taken by a dog.”

Astonishment, then some gazes landed on Ye Qingyu and Little Nine.

Ye Qingyu smiled without saying anything.

The silly dog Little Nine jumped up with rage, "Woof, what do you mean? So what if I'm a dog? Do you want a fight? Come, come, come. I’ll fight one on one with you. If I can’t bite you to death, I’ll adopt your surname.”

“Fine, I’ll see if your dog tooth….” the middle-aged swordsman said with anger filling his words.

There were immediately people that began laughing.

To let a dog have your surname was absolutely not a good matter.

The eagle nosed man wielding the meteor hammer, quickly grabbed at the swordsman, saying something next to his ears.

The middle-aged swordsman finally reacted, finally realizing he had fallen into a verbal trap of a dog.

His eyes squinted, his gaze filled with an unconcealed killing intent, “If there was not someone protecting you, I would have long slaughtered you.”

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Little Nine did not show weakness at all, “If not for the fact my master did not allow me to kill easily, you would long have been a pile of bones.”

“You…” The middle-aged swordsman was son infuriated, steam was rising all around his body, holding his sword in his hands.

“Everyone, everyone, calm down, calm down. This is not the time for internal conflict,” the armoured old man quickly jumped out to become the mediateor again. “We are currently ants on the same rope, we must act together. We must preserve our strength."

Ye Qingyu grabbed Little Nine back, not letting him brew up any more grudges.

From the current situation, the eagle nosed man and the middle-aged swordsman had already allied together. One had been left at a disadvantage by Ximen Yeshui and the other had offended Song Xiaojun. so they could be counted as being on the same situation, cooperating together was within reason.

It made Ye Qingyu suddenly realize that although these ten people looked to be silently just sitting there, but it was hard to tell just who was with whom, and just what they were planning. Even the armored old man that seemed so amiable may be hiddenly planning something.

Once the little raft reached the shore and neared the palace of the [Formation Sovereign], there would most likely be a battle breaking out.

And such a bloody scene would definitely be even more horrifying than when they were fighting for the right to enter into the divine gate.

They really had to be careful of them.

As for why there were only ten people that were allowed to enter this time when the divine gate opened….

Ye Qingyu long had an answer in his heart.

Apart from Little Nine occupying a position, it was most likely that Little Silver also occupied a position. It was only that the little silver dragon had turned into a hairpin and was not spotted by other people.

Ye Qingyu sweated a bit somewhat inside.

He had not thought that he would occupy three places all by himself. This was not his original intention. He hoped that those people who had not gained the right to enter into the divine gate would not be that furious, and wait outside. Perhaps there would still be a chance for them to enter.

But Ye Qingyu did not know that everything had already changed outside the divine gate.

“I wonder if everyone noticed that the waves seemed to have gotten larger than before,” the armoured old man opened his mouth again.

Ye Qingyu was taken aback.

He carefully inspected the surrounding ocean. The blood red waves around them were exactly as he said, it had become fiercer. Wave after wave crashed at them, about three or four meters high. They must carefully control the little raft to prevent the little raft from being capsized.

Others had also discovered such a point.

This was bad news.

If the blood waves were a little larger, everyone would be in danger. If the little raft capsized and they fell into the blood sea, then…

Ye Qingyu had not finished his thinking when the little raft suddenly quivered with a loud bang. It was as if it was struck by something below. It was instantly sent flying tens of meters high into the sky. A strange elastic force emitted from below the ship. It caused everyone to be sent flying because they were unprepared for such an impact.


Ye Qingyu shouted, grabbing Little Nine and borrowing the force of the upward momentum to jump and curve around in the air. With difficulty, he managed to land back onto the little raft.

“What’s happening?”

“We hit something?"

“There is something below…”

All the experts once again returned to the little raft.

The person who was currently rowing the raft was namely the armoured old man and Qin Zhishui.

Qin Zhishui shrugged his shoulders, nothing to say.

The armoured old man let out a gasp, “I also don’t know. I evidently didn’t see anything, but it suddenly seemed we struck something… wait, something’s not right.” His face instantly grew paler. “We’re missing one person?”

"No, we’re all here…" the middle-aged swordman glanced around and said in a cold voice. “Even the dog is still here.”

“Woof…” Little Nine became active once more.

Ye Qingyu covered his mouth and dragged him back again.

Such an action was seen as fear in the eyes of the middle-aged swordsman. He sneered.

“We are indeed missing one person,” the hook nosed man said as he looked in front of the little raft. There were originally two people there, they were the two that had always kept silent and unassuming since entering the divine gate and had kept silent. They were easily ignored, but not only one person was left.

“What happened? Where is he?”

Everyone’s glances focused on the face of the person left behind.

It was a short and thin man that was around thirty of forty. Hearing these questions, he shook his head, “I also don’t know… I didn’t see. When the little raft shot up, I didn’t even react before the person beside me disappeared, I…”

As he was halfway through what he was saying, his mouth suddenly shut. His eyes looked behind them, his expression pale.

“There,” the armoured old man shouted.

When everyone turned around, they could see a figure madly struggling within the bloody waves tens of meters away. But he could not emit any sound whatsoever. Very quickly, the terrifying blood waves had corroded him to a bloody piece of flesh, incomparably terrifying…

“Save him,” the short and thin man shouted.

“Hmph, save who? He’s already dead,” the swordsman snorted.

Before he had even finished.


A huge shadow suddenly appeared from the blood red ocean. In an instant, it dragged the bloody body deep down into the bloody ocean, then disappeared.

Everyone on the little raft shivered at such an sight.

“You… what did you all see?” The armoured old man shook.

The swordsman and hook nosed man's expressions were deathly pale. The hook nosed man had a shaking voice, “this is… Is… a sea beast? A demonic beast? Heavens… it’s too terrifying, did anyone see it clearly?”

Everyone shook their heads.

In the instant where the blood waves splashed, they could faintly see a humongous blood red tentacle-like object appearing from the waves. In a flash, before they could clearly see just what is was, it had dissapeared. But what they could be certain of, was that it was an utterly frightening existence. For it to be able to survive in such a bloody ocean, just how powerful did it have to be?”

In an instant, the shadow of death enveloped everyone’s heart.

If such a monster attacked the little raft, everyone would fall into the blood red waters.

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“Quick, quickly row, leave here quickly…”

The middle-aged swordsman screeched.

The scarlet red ocean around them had turned incomparably terrifying in an instant. With the power of everyone’s sight, they could only see four or five meters deep below the surface of the water. Just what was it like down there, or what sort of horrifying monster was hidden within was unknown to everyone.

The little raft was like a sharp sword breaking through the blood ocean.

The mood of everyone became extremely serious and heavy.

Another two hours passed.

Apart from the waves becoming larger, there were not any more terrifying creatures.

“Phew… it seems we are safe?” the armoured old man let out a breath of relief.

Before he had finished—


A blood water pillar shot out from the right of the little raft.

A terrifying tentacle shot out like lightning. It instantly latched onto the short and thin man at the forefront of the raft. In a split second, it had dragged him into the blood ocean. There was a gurgling sound that emitted from the water. Instantly, he had been partially dissolved till he was like a bloody person. He could not even emit a scream and only struggled for a brief moment or two before he was dragged within the depths of the bloody ocean.

At the same time.


It was as if something struck at the bottom of the little raft once again.

It was the same as last time. There was a strange energy that sent the little raft flying tens of meters. Everyone on the little raft was sent into the air.

“They deserve to die!”

"Everyone be careful. The monster still has not left!”

There were shouts and screams.

Under a situation where their yuan qi was suppressed, even if the strength of everyone was powerful, they could not remain indefinitely in the air. After being shot in the air and fixing their form, they all headed and landed towards the little raft.


The little raft heavily struck the water.

The blood red water splashed everywhere.

Ye Qingyu nearly lost control in the air. He did his utmost to recover his stance, landing towards the little raft.

“Scream, there is someone here,” the middle aged swordsman smiled sinisterly. Seeing that Ye Qingyu was landing towards his own direction, he unsheathed his sword on the little raft. The sword light exploded, not allowing Ye Qingyu to land next to him.

“You’re looking to die!”

Ye Qingyu was enraged. The [True Will of the Sky Dragon] activated. His right hand instantly transformed into the form of a dragon’s claw, striking towards the sword light.

But before he collided with the sword light, Ximen Yeshui had already acted.

It was unknown just when a three pronged trident appeared on his hand. With a tremble, it shattered the sword light and returned Ye Qingyu onto the little raft.

With a thought, Ye Qingyu turned his right hand back to it’s original form.

Without saying anything, Ximen Yeshui stabbed the trident in his hands towards the middle-aged swordsman.

“You… what are you doing?” the middle-aged swordsman was shocked, quickly wielding his sword to block.

“You think my words are just farts? I said, whoever touches my brother, I will kill him. You should know what you did just now very clearly.” Ximen Yeshui took step after step closer. “A trash like you who had malicious intentions, what right do you have to obtain the legacy of the [Formation Sovereign]? Why don’t you just die. Jump into the ocean by yourself, don’t make me act.”

“I… I only stopped the pretty boy from jumping on me. The ship is so large…” the middle aged swordsman explained himself with a dark face.

“Are you going to jump or not?” the voice of Ximen Yeshui was cold and merciless.

Veins appeared on the forehead of the middle-aged swordsman. “don’t be too overbearing. My sect ancestor has already entered into the divine gate. There will be someone receiving me at the end of the blood red ocean, at that time…”

“You’re not going to jump?” Ximen Yeshui’s trident raised, as he coldly smiled. “Only parents will be called in a fight between children. Come and fight. If you don’t dare fight, then just jump and die."

“Both, both, don’t fight, listen to my words.” The armoured old man quickly stood out. “Don’t fight internally, we have to band together to survive this trial.”

“That’s right, I believe that brother Pei did not mean anything by this,” the hook nosed man quickly spoke.

Song Xiaojun sat there silently by the side, not saying anything.

“What if I don’t want to accept?” Ximen Yeshui was not going to back down.

“You just want to get rid of those who oppose you. You people want to hog the entire raft to yourself,” the hook nosed man said furiously.

After thinking this over, Ye Qingyu grabbed Ximen Yeshui, lightly shaking his head.

Although he was angered in his heart, and had also raised his killing intentions, but since the current situation was still unknown, it was not the right time to act. If they left the middle-aged swordsman and hook nosed man untouched, perhaps they could be used, and used as bait at a crucial time. If they threw them into the ocean, perhaps it could attract the attention of the monster below.

Ximen Yeshui only barely gave up wanting to pursue things further at this.

“Don’t dare act against my brother again, or i’ll definitely kill you.” He glared at the middle-aged swordsman and cursed at him viciously.

The middle-aged swordsman did not reply.

Seeing the situation had calmed down, the armoured old man quickly beckoned at Ye Qingyu. The two quickly rowed, wanting to depart from this area.

Another two hours passed by.

The waves of the ocean had became larger.

The little raft was like a leaf in the ocean. There was the possibility of it capsizing at any moment.

The complexion of the middle-aged swordsman was pale and white.

Everyone had an misfortunate feeling in their hearts.

They had travelled near twenty hours on the surface of the ocean. But they still could not see any signs of any shore. No one knew whether there was even a shore waiting to greet all of them, or would they eternally be lost and drift around in this sea?

Thankfully, in the entire process, the monster beneath did not appear again.

“Look, what is that?”

The armoured old man exclaimed.

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