Imperial God Emperor

Chapter 368-379

Chapter 368 – A Broken Sword

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The young men roared.

Accompanying the roar was an explosion of indescribable powerful force. The strength that the young experts have been suppressing was suddenly released like a fierce tiger or legendary dragon concealing their claws. The frightening imposing aura was like the roar of a mountain and the scream of the sea. It diffused towards the surroundings, causing a chaos in airflow and a distortion of light.

The guards of the Du household were immediately shrinking back in fear. It was only then that they found out what kind of people they had just besieged. This stupid behaviour was just as ridiculous as a group of dogs arrogantly trying to attack dozens of dragons.

A mountain-like momentum shot skywards.

In the midst of the 18 youngsters, several streams of light shot forward. Dauntless like knives, they hurtled towards the [Ten Gods of Slaughter].

Once a decision was made, there was not the slightest of hesitation.

Youngsters of a military background were decisive in killing and attacking. They had been on the battlefield thousands of times before, and knew the importance of decisiveness and courageousness at a critical moment, so they would not shrink back at all.

Ye Qingyu was at the front all along.

The huge [Beheading Wind] sword flashed out like a silver lightning.

The formless sword intent of the [Human King Sword Mantra] was engulfing all over.

One of the [Ten Gods of Slaughter] standing in the center was the first to sense the invincible killing intent coming. The battle instinct of a strong expert saved him. At that critical moment, he let out a loud howl, activating yuan energy to its peak and bringing the weapon in his hands up to his chest. The brilliance of formations shrouded his body, strongly blocking the force.


The shield of yuan qi around his body was broken, the beams of formation light scattered and vanished like withered leaves. Blood splattered about in the chaos, and his weapon smashed into fragments and flew in all directions.


Such a killing strike had scared this person witless.

Without trying, he realized the formidableness of the dark-haired youngster straight away, which was absolutely far beyond the range that his strength could withstand.


Retreat instantly.

He did not have the courage to go up against Ye Qingyu and immediately turned to intercept the other young experts.

Ye Qingyu repeatedly launched three sword attacks.

The power of the [Human King Sword Mantra] was activated to its peak.

The invisible sword intent broke the void.

Three swords.

Three gods of slaughter were wounded and retreated.

[Beheading Wind] sword was not inferior in any aspects. Like a tiger stamping on a flock of sheep, none of the [Ten Gods of Slaughter] could, in such a short time, block one of Ye Qingyu's moves and remain undefeated.

In the end, once they saw Ye Qingyu charging over, the gods of slaughter of the patrol camp immediately stumbled back several steps, evading. They simply dared not to view him as the enemy, nor did they have the courage to fight back.

On the youngsters' side, the morale was immediately like a hurricane.

"Haha, [War God] is invincible."

On the other side, [Avalanche] was brandishing a pair of giant hammers. His strength was as strong as a wild tiger, and seeing Ye Qingyu's invincible appearance, he was all fired up and began roaring.

The morale of the young men was greatly boosted.

In the blink of an eye, the strength of the 18 people completely suppressed the The [Ten Gods of Slaughter] of the city's north district patrol camp.

The [Ten Gods of Slaughter] were considered as combat experienced veterans, but in this battle, where the young experts have far more experienced in fighting, they were pressured to retreat little by little.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Two beams of light shot out from the purple-red airship.

It was the entry of more experts.

The two subordinates of the Du household that went into the cabin before also joined the battle.

The situation was saved a little for them.

But the eighteen young experts were still as imposing, like a rainbow, constantly pressing forward.

Within [Purple eye] Du Heng's eyes, purple flames flashed. The biting coldness was more and more severe, and he suddenly made up his mind.

"Where's the [Divine Dragon Crossbow]?"

He said faintly.

Before his voice fell.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Four scarlet red fire snakes suddenly burst forth from the purple airship. Silent, like the evil touch of ghosts and spirits, they shot towards the four young experts that were busy fighting.

The [Divine Dragon Crossbow]?

Ye Qingyu was taken aback.

Among the information that the Two River Gang collected and submitted to him, it had mentioned the existence of such a killing weapon.

The [Divine Dragon Crossbow] was a formation crossbow that was developed by the Empire for ordinary troops to defend against Bitter Sea experts. It is said that both the crossbow and the arrows are made of a special material, crafted by a formation smithing master and enhanced with formations. It was costly to produce, and only the empire's royal family and imperial guards were provided with it.

This kind of crossbow, if a real expert drew the bow, the force of the hit, if it was a frontal hit, was enough to cause the fatal death of a Bitter Sea expert.

The origin of the three words, [Divine Dragon Crossbow] referred to the fact that this kind of crossbow can threaten even a master-level expert on the [Divine Dragon List].

In a normal battle, if the experts were on the alert, they would obviously not fall into the trap. But if unguarded, or if there was a large area coverage attack launched from the [Divine Dragon Crossbow], the slightest of mistakes may cause them to die with a grievance in their heart.

Like now.

The four young experts who were caught in a battle with the city patrol were not aware of the crisis.

Fortunately there was Ye Qingyu.

Quicker than words could tell.

The four scarlet red fire snakes were travelling at extreme speed.

"Crush them!"

Ye Qingyu discovered them at the first instance.

Since the beginning of the battle, he was observing [Purple Eye] Du Heng, because Ye Qingyu knew very well that this talent was the real mastermind of this operation, and the most formidable enemy in this battlefield.

When Du Heng uttered a word, Ye Qingyu was immediately on the defense.

His figure flashed, and he flung away one of the Gods of Slaughter that he was currently entangled with. The [Soul Stealing Heaven Strike] was used.

A vague figure flitted across the air.

Suddenly accelerating, flashing like a stream of light, and blocking the four fire snake-like divine dragon arrow's trajectory.

"[Storm of Swords]!"

The second move of the Unmatched Generalwas once again used.

The endless storm of sword qi, along with the sword intent of the [Human King Sword Mantra], caused the power to reach an unprecedented degree. The sword intent and biting coldness that was filling the air instantly crushed the air. The fabric of space was as though it was being broken up into rippling water.

The four [Divine Dragon Crossbow] bolts seemed endless, but as they were drawn into the [Storm of Swords], like a clay ox entering the sea, they silently vanished.

"What? What kind of move is this?"

[Purple Eye] Du Heng was astounded

At lightning speed, the [Storm of Swords] had already swept away everything, like a hurricane of the heaven, and the sword intent had filled the air. As it approached the purple airship, thousands wisps of invisible sword intent were spinning and terrifying sword intent was slashing out.

A sharp and loud warning noise sounded.

The formation energy protection barrier of the airship had only suffered less than one second of attack of sword intent, but immediately turned to a shocking red colour.

"Shoot a man first before shooting a horse, capture the ringleader first in order to capture all the followers!"

The tip of Ye Qingyu's sword was precisely pointing in the direction of [Purple Eye] Du Heng.


Du Heng understood Ye Qingyu's intention, his face immediately flickered with a hard to contain anger.  

The matters today had developed to this degree, which was beyond his initial estimate, and he was already enraged.

The strength and unity of the young experts made the pretentious and arrogant Du Heng repeatedly miscalculate, and his anger became uncontrollable. The more self-confident and intelligent a person, the more easily they erupt in anger when a mistake in their judgement was made, and only an extremely rational person could control themselves.

But Du Heng obviously had not yet reached such a state.

This little army barbarian has a death wish. He dared to point the sword at me?

Du Heng gave an angry laugh.

In so many years, probably ever since he entered the boundary of the Bitter Sea stage, almost no one in the entire Snow Capital dared to point at him with a sword.

It seems that his younger brother is right, some pigs must be killed. He must chop off the heads of these pigs in order to let this group of stupid idiots know what kind of people they can not offend and which ones should be respected.

"Pass it!"

[Purple Eye] Du Heng made a backhand grasp in the air, when a purple lightning shot out from a cabin of the airship, landing in his palm, and turning into a two-meter-long purple coiled dragon spear.

Clasping the spear in one hand, Du Heng's imposing manner soared.

To stand in the imperial capital, which is similar to a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, perhaps ordinary aristocratic families would be able to. But to become the commander of the City Patrol Camp of the Snow Capital, this required true skill and talent.

[Purple Eye] Du Heng naturally had true skill and genuine knowledge.

Six years ago, he had already entered the Bitter Sea stage; he was a true top level expert.

His wrist was vibrating slightly.

Hum Hum Hum!

The strange light of the spear was hissing and the vibrations set the air quaking.

The purple gold coiled dragon spear turned to a purple light that filled the sky, like bizarre stars in the night sky, dense and numerous, attacking and shrouding Ye Qingyu.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

A cluster of dazzling sparks exploded in the void.

It exploded out to an area of 50 meters.

The rumble of the sword and spear was like a contention between god and the devil.

The void was trembling.

In the twinkle of an eye, no one knew how many times the two sides struck each other.

"Electric Poison Dragon Drill!"

[Purple Eye] Du Heng bellowed.

This was his yuan power.

The purple brilliance in his eyes was like a liquid substance, when the yuan energy was activated to its peak, he really looked like the devil of legend. The purple flames of qi around him were frantically curling up, and the sharp point of his spear contained a strange and majestic magical power, as though it was about to pierce through the air.

Ye Qingyu waved his sword to fend off the attack.

[Beheading Wind] sword struck the sharp point of the spear, and a bizarre and imposing force came gushing towards him. Ye Qingyu could feel the palm of his hand shaking, and as he listened attentively to the sound, the thick blade part of [Beheading Wind] immediately emerged a soybean-sized gap.

"The opponent has a Treasure tool?"

Ye Qingyu was suddenly slightly apprehensive.

In terms of weapons, the power of a treasure weapon was far above spiritual weapons. Relying on weapons alone, this [Purple Eye] officer had suppressed him. It seems he must be careful.

"Want to block me with a broken sword? See if you can catch my following attacks!" "

[Purple Eye] Du Heng's voice was aggressive and cold, like the god of death was approaching, every thrust of his spear contained a kind of primitive mighty force that made the very sky tremble!

Chapter 369 – Why is it like this?

Ye Qingyu concentrated all his attention, both hands clasping the [Beheading Wind] sword and launching continuous attacks.

The power of the [Human King Sword Mantra] was activated to its peak, with each wave of his sword like an invisible force slashing out, following along the heavy and tough sword body as it swung down at the purple spear.


There was a continuous clang of metals striking each other.

Sparks, like fireworks, momentary burst and sputtered in the dark night sky.

On the huge, thick blade of [Beheading Wind] sword were gaps like grains of rice appearing that were the size of a soybean. In the blink of an eye it was like a sawtooth.

Even the sword body was covered with holes the size of fingertips.

If it was not for the fact that the [Beheading Wind] sword was incomparably heavy and thick and it was the work of a master of the royal household, then most likely, under the bombardment of a Treasure weapon like the purple gold coiled dragon spear, it would have been shattered into fragments.

Spirit weapons, Treasure weapons, Dao weapons…

A weapon is like a martial artist. There were clear-cut boundaries, for example a Spirit spring master cannot challenge an expert of the Bitter Sea stage. A Spirit weapon cannot withstand a Treasure weapon.

In the blink of an eye, the [Beheading Wind] sword seemed like it was on the verge of being smashed.

Ye Qingyu was gradually falling into a disadvantageous position.

Ye Qingyu was originally extremely satisfied with the sword [Beheading Wind], which could display his martial arts characteristics, but unfortunately the product ranking was too low, not able to keep up with the growth of Ye Qingy's strength and most likely unable to last the battle.

After [Little Shang] Sword, the [Beheading Wind] sword also needed to be scrapped?

Ye Qingyu's desire for a real top weapon, at this moment, became unprecedentedly intense.


Sparks were sputtering, the airflow was exploding.

"Haha, the people that the Crown Prince secretly selected himself are so-so.." [Purple Eye] Du Heng chuckled, his eyes were full of contempt looking at Ye Qingyu. "It seems that you are the leader of these 18 people? Your courage is commendable, but your mind is too simple. The Crown prince has placed his hopes in a group of brutes, he really is desperately trying everything."

Ye Qingyu's face was void of any expression.

He was not surprised at the fact that Du Heng was able to expose the identity of the 18 people. After all, he had been training in the military headquarters for one month already, and although it was a secret training, to many observant people, it can't be kept a secret for long. And the people selected from the main battle corps of various regions were all high-profile military experts, and would definitely alarm the big shots of various sides.

It was not surprising that people like Du Heng knew of the news.

The matter that made Ye Qingyu shocked was that, since Du Heng knew that the 18 people were secretly chosen by the Crown Prince, he still dared to be so aggressive. This shows that he does not attach much importance to the current Crown Prince.

It was clear that Du Heng was not one of the people of the Crown Prince's factions.

Without saying a word, Ye Qingyu swung and thrust his sword forward, constantly blocking the sparks of the spear that were coming at him from all directions.

Like a rock that does not move.

Like a central pillar.

Even if [Beheading Wind] sword was full of mottled marks, even if the storm-like purple sparks were approaching, Ye Qingyu stood straight and motionless, not budging an inch.

Gradually, Du Heng felt something was wrong.

Because after ten breaths of time had passed, the [Beheading Wind] sword was not as what he had expected, breaking into pieces like wood chips. Instead, it was still withstanding the attacks.

A faint silver flame, like the first glimmer of dawn, was faintly flickering and emerging on the mottled sword blade.

It was precisely because of the existence of this layer of strange silver flame that the huge thick mottled sword gained a bizarre strength. It resisted the attacks without shattering into pieces, and again and again firmly obstructed the attacks of the golden purple coiled dragon spear.

"What is that?"

[Purple Eye] Du Heng felt a kind of heart-palpitating power unceasingly spreading out from the silver flame.


On the other side of the battlefield finally came several miserable shrieks.

A subordinate of the Du household was pierced in the lower abdomen by the black soft sword, and at the same time was struck by three or four other kinds of weapons.

He roared, his body rupturing with a loud rumble and turning into a rain of blood that filled the sky.

Finally, there were casualties.

The battle intensified.

The battle was evidently not developing in the direction of what most people expected at the beginning. The terrifying fighting force that broke out from the young experts, at this time, was displayed vividly. The youngsters that have been through battlefields of blood and fire have had a killing instinct etched in their bones long ago. The [Ten Gods of Slaughter] of the patrol camp and the two subordinates of the Du household were at an absolute disadvantage from the very beginning.

What made [Purple Eye] Du Heng furious was that at first, he thought he could easily solve this so-called [War God] youngster, but…

The Treasure weapon spear in Du Heng's hand transformed into a wild dragon, the spear attacks were like explosions of fire, almost activated to its peak. Under the mad attack, Ye Qingyu's figure was like the last leaf hanging on a branch in autumn. It could fall at any time, precarious, but it still persisted and did not retreat an inch.

Du Heng found himself entangled.

Next to him came another miserable cry, when a subordinate of the Du household was killed in battle, Du Heng was slightly distracted.

He slowed his spear a little, wanting to split himself to help support the [Ten Gods of Slaughter].

But Ye Qingyu's battle experience and intuition, how sharp was it?

He was waiting for this moment.

[Soul Stealing Heaven Strike!]!

Ye Qingyu's battle skills resurged, a green-blue force instantaneously flashed over to [Purple Eye] Du Heng's side!

There were two profoundness to the [Soul Stealing Heaven Strike]. Apart from temporarily sealing their yuan qi, it would also close the distance instantly.

At that moment, it could ignore all defences and near them immediately. With Du Heng's strength, he naturally had no way of blocking this divine technique that originated from the ancient bronze book [Fiendgod Titled Chart].


The purple gold spear was quivering.

This was the first time Du Heng was on defense.

When the spear fended off the long sword, a strange and silent force, following along the spear body, quickly invaded its body, and the yuan qi that was originally bubbling in the meridians like a volcano suddenly quietened down, as though it was instantly frozen.

"Not good!"

Du Heng immediately felt the influence of this silent force, his momentum was lost, yuan energy became stagnant and he was unable to use any martial skills.

He sensed the coming of a crisis.

But why did Ye Qingyu leave him with a chance to react?


The next moment, the [Storm of Swords] was approaching once again.

The power and killing intent of the [Human King Sword Mantra], accompanied by the terrifying imposing force of the [Beheading Wind] sword and the [Supreme Ice Flame], broke out.

In this moment, Ye Qingyu did not hold back, almost instantaneously displaying all his undisclosed strength.

Silvery white ice-flames were being emitted like the moonlight, and coordinated with the sharp and unique sword intent of the [Human King Sword Mantra]. It seemed as though there was a fairy dancing in the night sky under the moonlight. The scene was full of poetic quality and beauty.

But for [Purple Eye] Du Heng, this kind of poetic beauty was undoubtedly the most terrifying thing in the world.


The purple gold spear was forced to turn from attack to defense.

The mottled huge sword and the invisible sword intent were constantly striking the body of the spear. He could only withstand, withstand, and withstand. While withstanding, he lost the decisive opportunity, and facing the fury of Ye Qingyu, Du Heng could only retreat again and again.

With this series of attacks, Ye Qingyu's strength was already far beyond the power that a normal Bitter Sea expert can vividly and thoroughly exert. Every blow contained a frightening physical strength, constantly bombarding the purple gold spear. Du Heng could only think that the vast strength was like a series of raging waves of anger crashing down. It continued until his arms were numb, cracks forming around his mouth, and blood spurting out…

"No, his physical strength, how can it be so frightening, even the experts of the Bitter Sea strage do not possess such physical strength!"

Du Heng was both furious and frightened.

But he soon found something scarier.

It was unknown when, but there was a layer of faint silver frost spreading across the purple gold spear.

The frost was growing silently like the moonlight, and by the time he came to notice it, it had extended down the body of the spear, spreading to his arms and wrists…

This slight chillness made him feel suddenly fearful.

"This is… this is the silvery light that was on the broken sword before. How is that possible? How can it cover the purple gold spear, a Treasure-level weapon? What kind of power is this?"

Du Heng was aghast.

With his temper and will, at this time he could not help but feel apprehensive.

Anyone that was facing the unknown would feel scared.

What's more, the power comes from the hands of Ye Qingyu, who had made Du Heng miscalculate and fail repeatedly this night.

Du Heng wanted to retreat.

But Ye Qingyu's [Storm of Swords] seemed endless, the qi of the sword was engulfing the sky like a silvery-white icy storm, and from the beginning had swept Du Heng into it. At this moment the people outside could not see the two figures, and only the 50 meters of ice crystal storm raging and sweeping across the dark night sky was visible.

"If this continues, I will no doubt lose."

[Purple Eye] Du Heng was both anxious and furious.

He noticed that his body was gradually beginning to disobey him, especially his arms that were covered by the faint silver frost. He did not feel pain, but some numbness, as though he had lost his perception. The usually nimble and incomparably flexible treasure weapon was also starting to not listen to him.

He almost could not exercise a complete move.

"What kind of monster had the Crown Prince found? This so-called [War God's] cultivation level is not as good as me and he only has a Spirit weapon in his hands. A guy that should have been destroyed by me, is now suppressing me?"

[Purple Eye] Du Heng came to realize that he was too careless this time.

No matter what, he must not lose.

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Du Heng was madly roaring inside.

If he was defeated, he would become a huge joke in the imperial capital. He would be nailed to the pillar of disgrace, and his status in the imperial capital would also take a huge blow.

Along with it, the reputation of the Du household would also plummet.

Chapter 370 – Utterly Defeated

[Purple Eye] Du Heng had always thought that tonight's situation, even if it was not quite the same as his plan at the start, he would still have the advantage and that victory was within his grasp. Why was it that at this moment the situation had developed into one that was impossible to stop halfway?

His gaze was firmly fixed on Ye Qingyu who was charging over with a sword.

It seems that the only reason the situation had progressed to this state was because he had not taken into account the strength of the young opponent in front of him.

This was his only oversight when he made his final decision.

In his original plan, with him acting, he could defeat several people amongst the young experts within the Thunder Army, and establish his authority. Cooperating with the [Ten Gods of Slaughter] and the guest masters of the Imperial Du Residence, he could kill those eighteen young experts.

Even if he could not really kill them all, as long as he defeated these 18 people tonight, it was still undoubtedly a huge blow to the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince thought that the selection and assembly of young military experts and his assistance this time were done in secret, but the majority of the real upper influential officials of the imperial capital had already known about this. And the people that knew about this also understood that this was another effort of the Crown Prince due to his decline in power in these years.

But in Du Heng's eyes, this was just a futile and pale struggle.

The Crown Prince's power had been declining not only in these one or two years.

Ever since he was named Crown Prince, the Snow Emperor seemed to be less concerned about the heir that he appointed himself.

Especially in recent years. Ever since the Snow Emperor had been learning martial techniques, he had stayed secluded to cultivate himself and rarely showed interest in government affairs. The power of the Empire was now in the hands of the major aristocratic families, with the leading one being the right government minister. And because of the Crown Prince's timid nature, bad politics, and his continuous errors in decision-making, his assistants had fallen, so his power as the heir was repeatedly sliding away. And for some reason, he was repeatedly suppressed by the strongest political circle of the Empire, led by the right government minister, and had gradually lost the authority to speak.

Ever since the Snow Emperor had stayed secluded to cultivate, if it was not for the Chang Princess speaking up for the Crown Prince several times before, this so-called Crown Prince would have been swallowed up so badly that not even his bones would remain.

In the imperial court where martial artists dominate, the ruthless degree of the political struggle was far more terrifying than that of ordinary imperial courts. If this continues, then most likely, before the current Snow Emperor could make a decision, the Crown Prince would be overthrown.

Now that the political situation of the Snow Country was increasingly brutal and the power of the royal family was gradually fading away. If the Crown Prince lost his status, he most likely cannot even protect his own life.

If the Crown Prince was overthrown, it would undoubtedly be a long-lasting and important strategic victory for the Right Minister,

So tonight, even if [Purple Eye] Du Heng was able to guess the background of Ye Qingyu and the other people, he still chose to take a risk and directly attacked the 18 young experts, wanting to inflict heavy losses to the Crown Prince and become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

But he never had thought that what he got was not the perfect ending that he imagined.

But a relentless head-on heavy blow.

Losing three Bitter Sea experts in one battle, for the Du household, this loss was tantamount to being mercilessly stabbed in the heart.

If he also lost to this so-called [War God], then the scheme that they painstakingly planned to deal with the [Whip of Thunder Deity] would be more like digging a hole for him to jump down into.

This was an absolutely unacceptable situation.

The battle continued.

But the more Du Heng thought, the more distracted he was.

So his hand was moving much slower than before.

In a battle between top-ranking experts, any signs of weakness or slip ups may lead to lifelong regret, not to mention that at this moment there were so many distractions on his mind.


A sword light came gushing over.

His purple robe was torn.

A section of the robe was directly cut apart, and then momentary crushed into pieces by the silver dancing-snake-like sword light, sword qi and sword intent.

Almost a few strands of long hair were chopped off.

Du Heng only felt a bone-chilling coldness rubbing at his temple and passing by, like the moment the god of death was descending, and instantly he almost saw blood spattering.

"It's you that forced me."

He finally made up his mind.

He must strike a fatal blow.

The spear exploded. An endless spear light was scattering.

The sudden eruption was finally stopping Ye Qingyu's offense for a moment, while Du Heng took advantage of the opportunity, launching an attack.

Du Heng's purple eyes were flashing a dark chilling colour, his face twisted in a sinister glare. His mouth shot open and a fierce, matchless purple intent came gushing out.

Suddenly heaven and earth shook, like supernatural beings were coming out.

Among the purple light was an aura that made all people within the formation tremble all over, like it was the roar of the mountain and the cry of the sea. And an indescribable imposing force, like some kind of supernatural beings, were madly howling in another world causing everyone to shiver with fear.

Even Ye Qingyu also felt that the yuan qi within his body was slightly suppressed by the terrifying power within the purple intent, immediately feeling a tendency of collapsing…

Beneath the ground.

The hundreds of soldiers in the distance were screaming miserably, like a ruptured balloon, booming and exploding. White fragments of bones and fresh blood spattered, and were instantly turning into pieces of flesh…

Only a few slightly stronger guards of the Du household were able to escape this calamity, sputtering blood and stumbling back several steps in fear.

The [Ten Gods of Slaughter] that were facing the young experts were also petrified by the force, staggering back and stopped fighting, staring in astonishment at the wisps of purple light in the night sky.

"Not good, [War God], danger!"

"What kind of power is that?"

"A Dao weapon? Or a secret skill?"

Countless thoughts rose in the mind of the young experts.

Every youngster's face was filled with shock and apprehension, but it all happened too suddenly that they couldn't help Ye Qingyu in time…

Watching Ye Qingyu being engulfed by the purple light…

At this moment, an unexpected change happened.

Suddenly, a silvery glimmer flashed before Ye Qingyu's body.

This glimmer could only be perceived by a top expert. The light was very faint, like a ray of sunlight piercing through a pinhole or small crack, and like a strand of silver hair from an old grandmother, that seemed like it would bend when breathed on!

However, this touch of light was so tough that the purple light, which seemed like it could swallow the heaven and earth, was not able to bend it in the slightest.

When the silvery glimmer floated in front of Ye Qingyu, the terrifying purple brilliance was no longer able to advance further.

[Purple Eye] Du Heng's eyes were wide with disbelief.

But right after that split second of shock, he suddenly thought of something, his face took on a sudden change of expression, like he had just seen a ghost, and he was screaming in fear: "3,000 feet of white hair? It's 3,000 feet of white hair? That's impossible… How could it be in your hands…?"

Before his voice died away.

The wisp of silvery light that was floating in front of Ye Qingyu moved.

The silver light suddenly rotated, infinitely elongating, and like a thin piece of silk wrapping around the purple light…

The purple light also sensed danger, frantically struggled, but could not move at all.

The next moment, the silver white light converged to one point.

In a flash, the purple brilliance looked like a fresh and soft purple tofu, gently being cut into several thin purple pieces, suddenly losing all its spiritual nature and dispersing in the air.


[Purple Eye] Du Heng let out a roar, opened his mouth and jets of blood arrows shot out.

The purple light and him were connected by blood vessels, just like it was a part of his body. When it was crushed, a sharp pain instantly came and his face was instantly pale as a piece of white paper, his body trembling, and he directly lost consciousness, collapsing to the ground like a block of wood…


"Not good…"

This time round it was the [Ten Gods of Slaughter] that were filled with despair.

Someone dashed out with no thought of personal safety, holding Du Heng in his arms.

The other gods of slaughter of the city's north district patrol camp were both scared and furious. As though they were on guard against possible dangers, they protected the unconscious Du Heng in the middle, afraid that Ye Qingyu would take advantage of the situation and attack.

Fortunately, Ye Qingyu had not made a move yet.

Although filled with killing intent, Ye Qingyu still knew what he should or should not do.

After all, in the imperial capital, killing a few of the subordinates of the Du household was nothing big, but killing the eldest son of the Du household and the commander of the city north district patrol camp, then the problem is huge. No matter for what reason, they would not be forgiven by the Empire, and mostly likely, he and the other young experts would have to embark on the road of escape the next moment.

"Still not withdrawing the formation?"

Ye Qingyu cast a glance at the [Ten Gods of Slaughter].

He stood tall and straight in the dark night sky, his black hair that was flying upward seemed to have fused together with the night sky. The mottled [Beheading Wind] sword in his hands was still wreathed in a faint silver flame, like a deity's sword. The sword could be regarded as a matchless weapon, just like the god of war who had remained undefeated after hundreds of battles, which was impossible to regard upon close by.

If previously, it was only the young experts that had full confidence in his strength, this was not the case anymore. Everyone in the formation currently, including those patrolling soldiers who had already lost the ability to think, the frightened [Ten Gods of Slaughter], had already been stunned by this young man floating in the black sky.

Even a fool would understand what this battle tonight signified.

The rise of an expert is the downfall of countless other strong experts.

[Purple Eye] Du Heng who was ranked 99th on the [Heavenly Officer List]. Tonight, he had suffered a crushing defeat. This news was absolutely impossible to kept a secret. It could be imagined that, in a short amount of time, the message would, as though it had grown a pair of wings, spread across the Empire.

At that time, what kind of crazy sensation it would cause was something the [Ten Gods of Slaughter] dared not think of.

And the person that defeated commander Du Heng would no doubt become someone that the entire imperial capital would be concerned about.

This terrifying young man…

Really found the quickest way to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.

Facing Ye Qingyu, the [Ten Gods of Slaughter] knew that, under the situation that their commander had been defeated, even if they continued to keep the young experts behind with the rune formation, it was meaningless.

After a brief deliberation, they chose to surrender.

The god of slaughter that was ranked first opened his mouth and issued a command.

There was a formation signal coming from the purple airship.

Then in the air there was a dark ripple, which was almost invisible to the naked eye, and the original opaque darkness faded away, like an invisible giant hand was tearing away the black curtain that was originally covering this piece of heaven and earth. As the darkness receded, the original bright starry sky and towering buildings appeared once again as though a formation lamp had been lit.

The various noises that were isolated before were ringing in everyone's ears once again.

Even the air of the night sky, had become fresh and clean.

"Let's go."

Ye Qingyu carried Qiu Fenghan on his back and said to the young experts.

"Haha, let's go!"

"The battle tonight was really satisfying."

"Haha, who dares stop us now."

After this battle, the friendship between the young experts was obviously much deeper, and even the people that were usually very quiet, their face lit up in a big smile. The expression on black-robed youngster [Shadow's] face was also much brighter.

The crowd landed in front of the formation airship.

Ye Qingyu boarded the airship, when suddenly a gentle voice came from behind him, along with a faint orchid aroma. Qiu Fenghan who had been unconscious all this time, had suddenly regained consciousness.

When Qiu Fenghan woke up, her mind was in a complete mess.

She did her best to remember what had happened before, but there was not the slightest of clues. Her consciousness was muddled and confused, and she could not recall anything that had happened before. But there was a bad feeling in her heart, as if she had just experienced hell where she was powerless, and had fallen into deep terror…

But it was a pity that the instinctive feeling of a martial expert could not make her resist instantly.

Because an experience she had never felt before had suddenly encompassed her whole body.

A flame began burning from within her white jade-like and flat abdomen. An indescribable scorching heat instantly enveloped her. Even though her body was only covered by a thin cloak, but she wanted to hug a piece of ice to lower her body temperature in the quickest possible way…

Her skin, separated by her cloak, was pressed against something. A comfortable feeling that originated deep from her body came from the other side of the cloak…

Qiu Fenghan instinctively struggled, her fingers clenching. The beast skin cloak was torn apart like paper. For an expert with nearly seventy Spirit springs, this cloak could not pose any barrier to her.

Then she pressed her own body against it.

She was like a little snake that was about to explode from her heart, that tangled against the figure carrying her. Her arms encircled against the figure, and her long and slender legs clasped tightly. She used all sorts of methods to tightly hold onto the muscular figure carrying her, so that it would forever be in her embrace.

This was like an instinctive reaction.

Because Qiu Fenghan was able to feel on the firm body, a shred of comfortableness, a feeling that was near enough to make her mad.



Ye Qingyu was taken aback, his body stiffening.

At that instant, he was able to sense that Qiu Fenghan had awakened. But he had not imagined that the first thing Qiu Fenghan did when she awoke was not to get off his own back. Like a beautiful female snake, she did her utmost to encircle onto his own body.

Previously, the [Supreme Ice Flame] had already aided Qiu Fenghan in erasing all the [Sealing Yuan Pill] in her own body. Now that her own body had recovered, she had even ripped her cloak apart, and had even crushed apart the clothing behind Ye Qingyu’s back into powder.

Qiu Fenghan seemed to have lost all feeling.

At the same time she wrapped herself around Ye Qingyu, a powerful energy instinctively also began to be released. If it was anyone else, they would most likely have been instantly injured, with a high possibility of their bones being fractured. But thankfully Ye Qingyu’s stage of body refinement could also be compared to experts at the Bitter River stage of Bitter Sea stage experts. Therefore he was able to endure it.

However, although he easily endured the power, the heat and seductiveness emitting from the perfect white smooth body was not so easily withstood.

The instant of seductiveness caused Ye Qingyu’s heart that was always stable like a boulder to quiver instantly. It was as if a dam that had always been incomparably sturdy was about to be overran.

Such a feeling of temptation caused a feeling to be born in Ye Qingyu. He wanted to turn around and fiercely embrace Qiu Fenghan’s body, and press her into his own figure…

But Ye Qingyu was still Ye Qingyu.

After withstanding that moment’s temptation, he instantly realized that such an action was not something that Qiu Fenghan was conscious to.

There were many thoughts that flickered in Ye Qingyu’s mind.

Qiu Fenghan was in a state where she had nearly lost control. She perhaps had been laced with an aphrodisiac, or perhaps her soul was controlled in some way, or there were some other methods…

No matter what, these were not her true thoughts.

A mature and high ranking military officer would absolutely not do such an action in such a situation no matter what. This instantly made him realize that he had to stop Qiu Fenghan’s actions now, otherwise under the gaze of so many pairs of eyes, the reputation of this female officer would be completely destroyed.

This was something that would be serious enough that it would even affect the authority of the army, the [Whip of the Thunder Deity] that had been established over so many years.

Perhaps, this was one of the most sinister and vicious plots of the Du household tonight?

He thought over many things, then instantly a silver white mist enveloped himself that blocked all sight. What followed after was a shred of [Supreme Ice Flame] that entered into Qiu Fenghan’s body.

The [Supreme Ice Flame] was known to be able to burn anything and everything. Then it must be able to solve the strange state that Qiu Fenghan’s body was in. Previously, Ye Qingyu’s focus was only on releasing Qiu Fenghan’s body from the effects of the [Sealing Yuan Pill], and had not probed any further. After all, Qiu Fenghan was an unknown female. Using his sight to investigate the state of someone’s body was not a well-mannered action.

But right now, Ye Qingyu couldn’t help but use the [Supreme Ice Flame] to closely investigate.


On the purple red flagship.

The [Ten Gods of Slaughter] assisted the fainted [Purple Eye] Du Heng.

Because they were in a state where they were worried about Du Heng, the gods of slaughter did not pay attention to the strange scene occurring where Ye Qingyu was far away.

But by the side of the dock of the flagship, the enraged and fearful Young Master Du took something out. In his palms, there was a silver square shaped jade piece that was roughly two palms long and one palm wide, with it being three fingers thick. There was some strange formations inscripted on one side, but one side was as smooth as a mirror.

On this strange jade piece mirror, there was a scene flickering. This namely was the scene of Qiu Fenghan ripping apart the outer clothing of Ye Qingyu and herself like an octopus, tightly clutching onto Ye Qingyu’s body.

This was a rarely seen Leaving Shadow jade piece.

The effect of it was to use the power of the formation arts to record everything on a specified location and time.

“Mother, I spent ten middle class Spirit tools to exchange from the [Strange Items Shop] this [Divine Dragon Aphrodaisaic]. I wanted to make this female military officer beg on her knees for me to defile her, and record something down as blackmail. Not only can I control this woman, I can also besmirch the name of the [Whip of the Thunder Deity], but I did not imagine it would be left for this pig to enjoy… Heh heh, but if this exquisite scene was spread about, knowing Qiu Fenghan’s personality, she will definitely not enjoy it right?”

Young Master Du began laughing viciously.

But within his heart, there was really still some apprehension.

Just what was the background of this group of young people, to think they would be this fierce? This was the first time that he had seen his brother Du Heng suffer such a setback. Within the current Imperial Du household, his father’s words were the law. But everyone knew that the person who would speak within the next ten years, would be his brother.

The reason that Young Master Du was able to be so unrestrained within his circle of noble young masters was partly due to the fact that his surname was Du. The other part was because Du Heng was his brother. In his impression, Du Heng had only tortured and brutalized others, when had Du Heng ever suffered such a blow?

Young Master Du knew better than anyone else his brother’s martial strength… If his brother was not confident he could win for sure, his brother would definitely not act. Since his brother had said that they definitely must remain today, this meant that he had absolute confidence in himself. However, he had ultimately failed…

“This fellow, just who is he?”

Young Master Du looked at the figure of Ye Qingyu that disappeared amongst the silver mist. Fear and apprehension was born in his heart. This person seemed so young and did not seem like any inheritor of any major families, how could he defeat his brother?

He made his determination to clearly investigate the background of this group of people.

But he had not imagined that this person that seemed ridiculously young, would become his nightmare later, and not only that, he would become the entire Imperial Du household’s nightmare.


“What’s this? I…”

Qiu Fenghan awakened completely.

Nearly at the same instant, everything that had happened in the restaurant appeared in her mind. The death of Zhao Yun and the disgusting grin of Young Master Du appeared in her mind, and an incomparable killing intent was born in her heart.

She felt that she was near naked and she could sense the aura of a strange man. Qiu Fenghan’s first thought was that she had already been defiled by Young Master Du and the others…


Her nails suddenly enlarged, as if it was the sharpest sword in the world. With a clench, it pierced into the back of this strange man that was closest to her. Blood instantly spurted out…


The strange man let out a grunt.

Qiu Fenghan instantly realized that the skin and muscles of this person was as firm as steel. Her [Cold Wind Ghost Claws] had no way of entering any further, as if it was held down. She could not even pull it out…


Qiu Fenghan was shocked.

She instantly realized, this person was not Young Master Du.

At this time, an unfamiliar but calm and gentle voice sounded: “Head Officer Qiu, it seems like you have awakened. But I am your friend and not your enemy…”

There was a charm that was hard to describe using words in such a voice. This vast and clear silver colour caused Qiu Fenghan to nearly abandon her killing intent and all her suspicions.

But she was still incomparably cautious. She pulled her hand away and used legs to push, causing her body to fly backwards.

The high cautiousness and good practice that had been trained in years of being in the army, made her make the most correct decision.

But the speed of the opposing party was even faster than her.

The instant that her legs kicked out, her intricate and white little foot was clasped by a gentle large hand. Then a vast power emitted from this hand, the distance she had gained was instantly lost…

“You’re not wearing any clothing. Do you want other people to see?” A clear voice sounded, and then a soft long robe was tossed out into the embrace of Qiu Fenghan. The voice spoke again, “You should know Zhang Lei. It was he who made me save you.”

Qiu Fenghan was about to strike out with the [Cold Wind Ghost Claws] again, but she stopped halfway.

Of course she knew Zhang Lei.

He was the youngest deputy commander of the [Whip of the Thunder Deity] army. He was a young warrior that had walked out from true battle and fire, he was the most dazzling genius within the army. Three months ago, he had been allocated to the Capital.

He knew Zhang Lei?

Thinking about the situation around her, Qiu Fenghan lowered her defenses a little bit. She quickly donned the robe he threw over. It was slightly too big for her, but there was a faint male scent on it that made Qiu Fenghan frown.

“Just who are you?”

Qiu Fenghan asked.

“I am a friend of Zhang Lei. You can call me [War God].”

There was a faint trace of amusement in the voice. The silver mist in front of her dissipated, and a young and handsome face appeared in front of her.

This was the first time Qiu Fenghan had seen Ye Qingyu.

A face that was extremely handsome.

This was the first evaluation Qiu Fenghan made towards Ye Qingyu. On this face that had a smile, there was a brightness and intimateness that made one easily have good impression about. In this faint smile, there was a sense of the sunlight in it, clean and bright, without any impurity.

[War God]?

Qiu Fenghan could be sure she had never heard of this name before.

She looked at the surrounding environment that was still enshrouded by the silver mist. Thinking for a bit, her expression suddenly became tense, “Zhao Yun? Where are the others?”

Ye Qingyu took a deep breath in. “Are you talking about the young officer following beside you? He was unfortunate. To save you, he was struck from the fifth floor of the restaurant. By the time we discovered this, he already could not be saved…"

As Ye Qingyu spoke, he took back some of the silver mist covering them.

Qiu Fenghan could see the air clearing up in front of her. Carefully examining the scene, she discovered she was on a high speed formation flying carriage. All the lights from all sorts of architecture flitted past her, and the stars in the sky twinkled. They were no longer within the restaurant…

Apart from the handsome youth who referred to himself as [War God] on the flying formation carriage, there were also tens of other young men that had excited expressions discussing something.

The fellow that was as muscular as a gorilla was namely the genius deputy commander of the [Whip of the Thunder Deity] army. This fellow seemed even stronger than when she had last seen him as he departed from the army. His expression was also extremely rich, as if he had just returned from a great victory in the battlefield. His great laughter as his saliva flew everywhere, such an expression was something that Qiu Fenghan was deeply familiar with!

“Head Qiu, are you alright?” Zhang Lei turned around to see Qiu Fenghan who was wearing a male style robe. Delighted, his voice was like rumbling thunder, filled with care and happiness.

This brute still had such a loud voice and his brain was still filled with muscles.

Qiu Fenghan bit her teeth.

Hearing the shout of [Avalanche], the heads of all the young experts turned around.

Although she was a female expert amidst the army, she was wearing the robe of a strange man and she was near naked below the robe. it caused Qiu Fenghan to feel deeply uncomfortable.

But at this time, she could be sure, she had been saved.

Without the need for Qiu Fenghan to ask, Zhang Lei and his comrades largely recounted everything that had happened today. Especially the scene where Ye Qingyu fought the [Purple Eye] Du Heng alone, the tone of these young experts could not help but grow excited, and had admiration and worship towards Ye Qingyu as they told the tale.

Qiu Fenghan gave a glance at Ye Qingyu.

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The Ye Qingyu right now had long changed into a new white-coloured robe. Although one was not able to see any trace of blood, but Qiu Fenghan could still faintly sense the stench of blood. It was unknown whether this was just her mistaken sensation.

Thinking that this youth, in such a desperate situation, did not retreat and directly defeated [Purple Eye] Du Heng who was ranked 99th in the [Heavenly Officer List] saved her from a bloody asura hell, and that she had injured him as repayment…

Such a battle record for someone so young. No wonder he was so proud, to call himself [War God]. He definitely had the requirements to be proud.

The fame and status of [Purple Eye] Du Heng, was something that Qiu Fenghan clearly knew. These days, the reason why she was so apprehensive was not because she was afraid of Young Master Du. it was because of the brother behind Young Master Du, who was really terrifying.

But Qiu Fenghan did not know, that the so called [War God] was an interim title given by the military department. It was not of Ye Qingyu’s choosing.

But she knew that tonight, without the so called [War God] defeating that person, without the crowd of young experts and Zhang Lei acting honourably and not retreating, she would definitely have been defiled by Young Master Du. She could also have been something to blackmail the entire [Whip of the Thunder Deity] with, causing the entire army to be humiliated.

If it was like so, then her life was not worth living.

“Thank you.”

Qiu Fenghan clasped her hands as she expressed her thanks to the young experts.

Ordering her thoughts, she demonstrated the toughness and training as a female officer. She turned her head towards Ye Qingyu. “To think I have accidentally caused you injury. I am deeply sorry for this, please forgive me.”

“This is a minor matter.” Ye Qingyu smiled.

As someone also originating from the military, Ye Qingyu also had good will towards this flower of the army. From his perspective, this Qiu Fenghan who came from a military background, was far more excellent than the female disciples of the sects like Nan Hua. He was able to see a sense of responsibility in this female expert towards her own country and race.

“No matter what, I, Qiu Fenghan, will remember this debt.” The female head officer stubbornly expressed her gratitude. “I will definitely report everything that had happened today to my army and the military department. If there are any consequences, I will definitely bear anything and I will definitely repay the debt you have done for me. Right now, I urgently need to return to the camp of the [Whip of the Thunder Deity] within the capital, to prevent my superior from being worried. As for the corpse of military officer Zhao, I hope I will be able to bring it back… if it is convenient, could you stop at the next sentry post?”

Qiu Fenghan was an extremely intelligent girl.

She instantly realized that the matter tonight was not just the trap Young Master Du had set for her because he desired her beauty. This was a matter that possibility had something to do with the hidden conflicts of several large hidden forces of the Empire, even the [Whip of the Thunder Deity] army might be dragged into it. Therefore, the first thing she had to do was to return to the residence of the army in the capital, and carefully plan out her next actions

The gazes of everyone turned towards Ye Qingyu.

Without knowing when, Ye Qingyu had evidently become the leader of all the young experts

Ye Qingyu looked at the fair faced female officer with a trace of heroic spirit that was rarely seen within a woman. Nodding his head, “Of course you can. Officer Zhao was originally someone belonging to the [Whipof the Thunder Deity] army, so you can of course bring his body away. But for your safety… [Avalanche], accompany head officer Qiu back, I will ask for a leave of absence from the instructor.”


[Avalanche] accepted very crisply.

Qiu Fenghan did not have any objections to such an arrangement.

After all, [Avalanche] Zhang Lei had once been someone belonging to the [Whip of the Thunder Deity] army, and they were familiar with each other. They did not have to be wary of anything.

The flying formation carriage very quickly halted at the next post in front of them.

After Qiu Fenghan and the others left, the young experts continued on their way.

After an hour, they returned to the great building of the military department.

they originally wanted to experience the wealth and glory of the capital after the meal. But since such a matter happened, they did not have such a mood anymore.

Under the night sky, the building of the military department towered high up alone.

As expected, Bao Shinu as well as the battle technique instructor rushed out instantly. Seeing the figures of the young experts, they charged towards them.

“You bunch of people, why have you went out drinking and caused such a huge disturbance… how is it? is everyone alright? En? Seventeen people? We’re still missing one… [Avalanche]? There was concern and worry on Bao Shinu’s face. “Where is he?”

“Nothing could have happened to [Avalanche], right? The tone of the battle technique instructor changed, “There are so many people, he should be fine…”

Very evidently, the two instructors had already received some sort of information. From their actions, it seemed that they had been rushing about everywhere trying to find the youths.

The tone of the two instructors held an unconcealed concern, as well as a faint hint of reproach. However this reproach did not make the young experts feel lectured, but instead made them feel thankful.

After all, the two instructors had only met briefly with the youths for thirty days. They were only following orders, and they had no private dealings with them. But the expressions and concern demonstrated by these two made the young experts feel warmth in their hearts.

There was someone that went and largely recounted everything that had happened tonight.

Hearing that everyone was fine, that [Avalanche] had only gone to accompany Qiu Fenghan, the two instructors finally rest assured. And after hearing of the battle during the night, that the [War God] was able to defeat [Purple Eye], the two instructors had disbelief and shock as they looked towards Ye Qingyu.

“First, go back. Originally, you had three days of relaxation. But after the battle tonight, half the capital will have been moved by your actions. You must hide within the military department for a while to evade the storm.” Bao Shinu said with a smile as he escorted the youths back into the great building.

“Don’t worry. No matter how big the waves get from this matter, the Crown Prince will be able to bear it for you.” The battle technique instructor slapped his chest and guaranteed. “Furthermore, this matter concerns the [Whip of the Thunder Deity] army. This is a good thing, it will help you share the pressure of the backlash.”

The young experts did not reply.

In the blink of an eye, they returned to the training camp on the fifty fifth floor.

“Three days later, your new appointment will come.” Bao Shinu looked at the young experts who were still in a state of excitement, adding, “It’s not certain that everyone will be able to remain in the capital. But the Crown Prince will definitely compete to obtain the best position for you, that will be compatible with your wishes. Rest well for these few days.”

After arranging matters for them, the two instructors rose to leave.

Ye Qingyu suddenly opened his mouth: “Do we have to remain in the training camp in the next three days? Is this an order, or advice?”

Bao Shinu was taken aback, then smiled. “This is of course, our suggestion. If you have some matters you must attend to, then you can of course leave. But you had best prepare before leaving or have someone accompany you, to prevent any accidents.

Ye Qingyu nodded. “Fine, I know now. Thank you instructor.”

Bao Shinu and the battle technique instructor gave a meaningful glance at Ye Qingyu, then left quickly. It seemed like they had some matter they had to do urgently.

The young experts returned to their own dormitories

That night, there were still people that insisted on training and there were some people that went to sleep early. It was as if time had once again returned to that mad time a month ago.

On the next day, Ye Qingyu left the great building of the military department early.

At the entrance, Lin Baiyi welcomed Ye Qingyu. After a brief exchange of words, the two left together.

For Ye Qingyu, within the capital, there were still many important things for him to do.

The formation flying carriage travelled like the wind or lightning.

In the early dawn, the capital seemed more tranquil than in the light. It was like a slumbering young girl, filled with a mysterious beauty and charm.

“How are Yuanxing’s injuries?”

After not returning for a month, Ye Qingyu was most concerned with Bai Yuanxing’s state.

The reason he brought Bai Yuanxing to the capital, was that he wanted to find famed doctors to treat his injuries.

Although the [Divine Doctor] Ouyang Buping could not heal him, but this did not mean that others also could not heal him. Perhaps they were able to encounter some strange methods of techniques. After all, there were many crouching tigers and hidden dragons within the capital. This was the largest city within Heaven Wasteland Domain, it was unknown just how many inexplicable people, matter and treasures lied within this massive city.

Ye Qingyu, apart from doing his utmost, held the heart of trying his luck, and did his best to find methods to make Bai Yuanxing recover.

“Ouyang Shishu has once analyzed the state that brother Yuanxing is in right now. His injuries should have already recovered fully, and all the strange power within his brain has been eradicated. But if he wants to recover his eyesight, it will be very difficult. Apart from if we find some divine medicine that only exists in legends or that the cultivation of brother Yuanxing is able to reach Heaven Ascension, he will not be able to see again. If he is able to reach such a state, his limbs can regrow, and at that time, new eyes can be born.”

Lin Baiyi recounted everything that had roughly occurred when Ye Qingyu was in training.

Such an explanation was the same as one month ago.

It seemed like in this past month, Ouyang Buping was not able to find a breakthrough in terms of treatment.

Ye Qingyu heard this and understood. Nodding his head, “According to what you say, Yuanxing should be able to cultivate?”

"The heart and will of brother Yuanxing is impressive. In these days, his cultivation has taken another step forward. His strength has evidently risen, and is far more powerful than before he was injured. Apart from his senses of sight, his five sense are incomparably terrifying, and can be compared to the cultivation of a Spirit spring expert. In terms of this, one cannot say whether the incident is fortune or calamity for him.”

Lin Baiyi sighed.

Ye Qingyu nodded his head, not saying anything.

It seemed like placing all his hopes on the medical arts was not a correct decision.

Perhaps it was time to try out some other paths such as cultivation techniques?

Thinking of cultivation techniques, an idea formed in Ye Qingyu’s head. A bolt of lightning surged in his mind. He suddenly thought of a cultivation technique that would perhaps suit Bai Yuanxing.

Ever since excavating a hundred Spirit springs and entering into the Bitter Sea stage, Ye Qingyu had already unsealed over half the contents in the ancient bronze book [Fiendgod Titled hart]. He had obtained many types of cultivation techniques, strange items and divine weapons, obtaining a rich stash. It was only that a large majority of its contents were not suitable for himself, and it’s contents were extremely disordered and varied. It was vast like the ocean, and was not something that one person would be able to incorporate and comprehend in a moment. Therefore Ye Qingyu had not rushed to cultivate and train in the techniques.

But he could faintly remember, on the seventeenth page of the [Fiendgod Titled hart], there was a cultivation technique called the [Heavenly Blind Dao]. The figure that demonstrated the techniques was a naturally blind Fiendgod, so this seemed to be a path that was extremely suited for a blind person to cultivate in.

As he thought of this, Ye Qingyu directly meditated on the flying formation carriage. His consciousness submerged within his dantian as he opened the ancient bronze book.

He very quickly found the page that referred to the [Heavenly Blind Dao]. After inserting his yuan qi, a figure that was covered with tatoos and a long braid, his face completely smooth without any facial features jumped out from the page. It began demonstrating a cultivation technique. At the same time, there was a strange light pattern that flickered along his tattoos, it seemed to be the path where yuan qi should flow and follow…


The flying formation carriage possessed by Lin Baiyi had many privileges.

Very quickly, they arrived at the [Medicine Hut].

Bai Yuanxing, Jin Ling’er and the others waited at the door after receiving news of his arrival. Seeing the descent of the flying formation carriage, they jumped up and down in excitement. This was especially so for the three children who charged straight at them.

Of course, what also charged at him was the silly dog Little Nine who had grown a little larger and chubbier.

Ouyang Buping and Dugu Quan stood at the door laughing at this scene.

Next to them were Ximen Yeshui and Wen Wan to the left and right of them. They both had differing expressions. There was a bowl of noodles in Wen Wan’s hands, and Ximen Yeshui had a little turtle that was bright and green. On it’s head, there was a three coloured pattern. It was unknown where Ximen Yeshui had obtained it from, and it seemed exceedingly cute and honest, blowing bubbles with its mouth…

“Haha, hearing that you are about to return, this fellow shamelessly came here to get free tea and wine off me.” Ouyang Buping laughed.

If one was able to see that this Divine Imperial doctor that even princes would rarely be able to see, had such an amiable attitude as he personally walked out of the [Medicine Hut] to receive a young man not even twenty, their eyeballs would definitely drop out from shock.

Everyone entered into the [Medicine Hut] with a smile.

“Good little brat, you did a major matter last night. Right now, the entire capital has already heard of the title [War God]. Countless people know of you now,” Dugu Quan patted Ye Qingyu on the shoulder as he said excitedly. There was curiosity as he asked, “That’s right, how did you clash with that little messenger of death?”

“I did not incite the tiger, but the tiger wants to harm me.” Ye Qingyu helplessly recounted everything that had happened that night, apart from the matter that Qiu Fenghan was being carried by him naked, and then she had mistakenly injured him.

After hearing Ye Qingyu’s words, the expression of the two old men became much more serious.

“To think that the Right Minister is really preparing to act against Commander Li. Is that person crazy?” The [Divine Doctor] Ouyang Buping bit his teeth. In his words, one could tell he did not have any good will towards the Right Minister at all.

“The Right Minister wants to topple the position of the Crown Prince. And Commander Li, is one of the commanders of the four main armies, who has publicly expressed his support for the Crown Prince. The army of the [Whip of the Thunder Deity] has always kept neutral, so naturally he would become the thorn in the Right Minister’s eyes. But to think that he would act so quickly. The matters that happened yesterday would not have shaken the foundation of the Thunder Deity army, and its methods were somewhat childish. It should not be something done by the Right Minister's residence. To think that the Imperial Du household would have participated in it, the old man has really gone senile. But we cannot discount the possibility they are just being used, perhaps they are just the chess piece of some other people.”

Dugu Quan said somewhat emotionally.

As people of the Imperial group of masters, and living within the Gongfeng residence, it seemed they had no conflict with the outer world on the surface, belonging to the sect of free clouds and wild cranes. But within the capital, there was no one that could remain neutral and apart. Furthermore, the two both belonged to major noble families, and were not truly separate and independent. They naturally had to pay attention to the situation of the capital, therefore when they spoke of this matter they were knowledgeable.

The Commander Li in their mouths was naturally the Li Xianhu who was one of the founding generals of the Empire.

“That’s right, brother Ye you must be careful. By defeating Du Heng, you have already shaken Snow Capital. You have instantly became one of the important people within the capital, but the Imperial Du household is famed for paying back their debts. They will definitely hiddenly target you. Everything seems calm on the surface, but when the hidden current comes, it is unknown how many young geniuses and prodigies will turn into white skeletons…” There was worry within the words of Ouyang Buping. The methods of the Du residence was known by everyone throughout the capital.

Dugu Quan nodded his head, then chuckled. “Going against the current is the quality of a hero. A mighty dragon must cross a river. Brother Ye is a hidden dragon, now that clouds are converging, this is namely the time for you to shine. At such a time, he should go against the flow, and laugh at the clouds and wind. A mere Du household, how can it go against you? If Little brother Ye is scared by the Du residence, how can he achieve great things in the future?”

Ye Qingyu laughed hearing this.

Ouyang Buping next to him glared. “You old bastard, don’t take things too lightly. Brother Ye only just entered into Snow Capital, and he is alone. I must say something today. This matter, your Dugu family must do something. If brother Ye really encounters any trouble, you must not just sit there and do nothing,.

After hearing this, Dugu Quan was enraged: “Do you think you need to say such words? Am I, Dugu Quan, such a dishonourable person? It’s just that your Ouyang family might become cowardly.

Ouyang Buping countered, “Naturally, do I need you to teach me?”

Dugu Quan was satisfied hearing this, then suddenly thought of something. He had an eager expression, “Thinking of it, our two families have really been too silent in these years. It perhaps is the time for us to express our voices, otherwise the other people will think that us old fellows are weak.

As Ye Qingyu heard this, he suddenly felt that these two old men with hair white like immortals, were people who enjoyed a battle.

After a brief discussion, he once again exchanged thoughts on cultivation with these two old men. He shared his understanding towards the six ancient characters as well as some of it mysteries. In the blink of an eye, one day had passed and it was deep into the night. Dugu Quan and Ouyang Buping suddenly received the summons coming from the Imperial palace. After being surprised, they prepared and left during the night towards the palace.

Ye Qingyu remained in the [Medicine Hut].

He decided to pass on the [Heavenly Blind Dao] to Bai Yuanxing.

Under the moonlight, Bai Yuanxing, wearing completely white, had a silver cover around his eyes, standing amidst the mottled bamboo shadows. The night wind blew over, moving his hair and white robe. Although he was only at the stage of the Ordinary martial level, but these days he had trained his heart and refined his spirit. He gave off a feeling that he had enlightened himself from mortal affairs.

Ye Qingyu similarly stood within the courtyard. He began demonstrating the heart sutra and the battle techniques of the [Heavenly Blind Dao] to Bai Yuanxing.

From far away, Jin Ling’er was currently training in the mysteries of the [Flowing Shadow Kill]

Compared to the exceptional martial talent of Jin Ling’er, Bai Yuanxing’s talent was average, and his comprehension was somewhat slow. Therefore Ye Qingyu was very patient as he explained and directed him.

Bai Yuanxing listened extremely carefully.

Slowly he understood. What his master was teaching him,was a close combat killing technique using punches and kicks. And the most exquisite and profound point was that it would be able to use his body and spirit, to replace his eyes and see everything in the world.

As Ye Qingyu patiently explained, the time of a night quickly passed by.

A new day arrived.

Jin Ling’er had long gone to rest.

The dews of the morning dawn began to form on the bodies of Ye Qingyu and Bai Yuanxing.

The east skies began to exhibit the morning dawn.

What followed after was the shred of morning golden sunlight.

The golden sunlight of the new day shined on Bai Yuanxing’s body. At that time, his heart and soul was moved, and he could sense the faint heat from the sunlight. Bai Yuanxing suddenly felt that he had grasped something, his heart completely clear.

He comprehended —-

Chapter 374 – The Two River Gang of the Imperial Capital

Ye Qingyu stood silently basking in the first rays of the morning sun.

Bai Yuanxing slowly stretched his body. His every movement was very simple, but exuded a sense of rhythm, like a beautiful dance. This was the ordinary moves of the [Heavenly Blind Dao]. This cultivation technique used the fists and feet, and paid particular attention to the physical strength of the body. This does not mean relying on brute force to win, nor sheer force to oppress others, but replacing the eyes with fists and feet.

Bai Yuanxing's current performance evidently showed that he had understood the essence of the cultivation technique.

[Heavenly Blind Dao] places emphasis on the refining of the body, but not only in the cultivation of strength. It also focused on the sensitivity of the body and developing the body's perception of force. Through the changes in body position, it affects the surrounding flow of air, energy and qi, and then through the changes in flow of air, energy and qi to determine the existence of foreign objects.

According to the introduction of [Heavenly Blind Dao] in the ancient bronze book, this technique was divided into 12 levels.

On successfully passing the first four levels, one’s strength is comparable to the peak of the Spirit spring. With that, one could hear the sound of a piece of petal falling to the ground in the midst of rain and wind. With this, one could perceive the surroundings like a normal person, and engage in hand-to-hand combat, without being at a disadvantage.

Once they successfully advanced through the middle four levels, ones combat strength was comparable to those in the realm of Ascending Heaven. They can sense a mayfly beating its wings thousands of miles away, can differentiate colours, temperature, and can perceive the track of a grain of dust rolling across the air under the sunlight.

After successfully reaching the top four levels, standing in the central area, one can see all four directions, roam the world, see all living things clearly, go up to heaven and down to hell. They were capable of seeing what deities could see, and there was nothing one cannot do.

This cultivation method, once it was cultivated to it's very depths, was indeed unfathomable.

It is also the most suitable cultivation method that Ye Qingyu could find for Bai Yunaxing for now.

On the premise of ineffective treatment of his eyes, only through the cultivation of techniques could he enhance his realm, and when advanced to the stage of the Ascending Heaven, he could change his fate and go against nature to regenerate limbs. Given Bai Yuanxing's intelligence, it would be impossible for him to progress to this step through other cultivation techniques. [Heavenly Blind Dao] was the only possible cultivation method.

His progress in the future depended on himself.

This day, Bai Yuanxing had completely obtained the mantra and profound meaning of the content of the [Heavenly Blind Dao].

Ye Qingyu also took some time to teach and give advice on Jin Ling'er, Li Ying and Li Qi's martial arts. Ximen Yeshui, who was free and had nothing to do, would also occasionally guide the children. His martial road was obviously of the ancient martial school, and took the approach of the former sect era, but his every sentence was very insightful.

In the evening, the medicine god and pill god still had not yet returned to the [Medicine Hut].

Early in the morning, Wen Wan went out carrying a bowl, looking busy. No one knew what he was doing. Ever since arriving at the imperial capital, he had became a little weird.

Mother Wu prepared dinner, and after Ye Qingyu and Bai Yuanxing and other people had dinner together, Lin Baiyi escorted them back to the military building.

On the way back, Lin Baiyi revealed that his father—the current head of the Lin clan, wants to meet Ye Qingyu. Ye Qingyu smiled and agreed, but because the military matters had not been sorted out yet, he temporarily could not leave and estimated that it would be after the military have appointed the 18 young experts, when he would be free.

Lin Baiyi happily agreed.

As they were bidding goodbye at the door of the military building, Ye Qingyu told Lin Baiyi that if medicine god and pill god have not returned from the palace tomorrow, then he does not need to come collect him.

Returning back to the 55th floor training camp, the majority of the young experts were still there.

[Flowing Light] told Ye Qingyu news that were not too good——the [Avalanche] who had gone to the camp of the Thunder Deity within Snow Capital with Qiu Fenghan had not returned yet.

Ye Qingyu nodded, noting it down.

At this time, the two instructors were not in the building and there was no way they could investigate the matter.

On the same night, Ye Qingyu basically swapped pointers with the young experts to pass time.

The next morning, Lin Baiyi did not come to collect Ye Qingyu.

This meant that the medicine god and pill god had not returned from the palace.

Ever since coming to the imperial capital, Ye Qingyu's mind had always been loaded with one matter. And that was to find ways to enter the Imperial Offering Temple, to find the secret of his father's last words. But this matter was very important, and Ye Qingyu obviously could not directly ask the medicine god and pill god. After he inquired about it, he realized that with his current position and status, it was basically impossible for him to get into the Imperial Offering Temple.

The Imperial Offering Temple, also known as the Imperial Ancestral Hall, was the ancestral land of the current Snow Country imperial household, the Yu clan's ancestral land. The place was heavily guarded, and it was said that only the members of the imperial family and relatives by blood were allowed to enter. Even relatives of the emperor cannot get close to the ancestral hall and must stay thousands of meters away. If there were places in the Snow Capital that were absolutely prohibited, then the Imperial Ancestral Hall must be one of them, and would be ranked in the top three.

Given Ye Qingyu's current status and identity, it was absolutely impossible for him to enter the Ancestral Hall.

And with his present strength, it was almost impossible to infiltrate the Ancestral Hall.

But Ye Qingyu would not give up.

After the trip to Deer City, Ye Qingyu was more curious about the identity of his parents. He already had speculations in his own heart, and he increasingly wanted to prove that his speculation was right. No matter what, he must give it a try.

Early in the morning after registration, Ye Qingyu left the military building.

This time, he did not head for the [Medicine Hut].

But he left alone on a formation airship, changing several routes, before eventually getting off at a station of the City's North district South Temple Street, and entered into the busy crowd.

The whole morning ended in a seemingly pointless stroll.

At noon, he casually walked into a small restaurant to eat something, and then continued strolling.

Until coming into a quiet alley without anyone, and almost reaching the end of the alley, Ye Qingyu suddenly sped up, shot out like a lightning, and instantly disappeared from his original place.

The next moment, two blurred shadows appeared in the air, like ghosts, flashing, and then rapidly chasing after in the direction that Ye Qingyu disappeared.

A moment later.

A faint white mist gleamed in the alley, turning into Ye Qingyu's figure.

"You followed so closely, but I still don't know which sect you people are from." Ye Qingyu shook his head.

From the moment he left the military building today, he knew that he was being followed. He spent the morning trying to gather some clues, but he did not expect the people that were tailing him to be so strong and are tracking masters. Ye Qingyu carefully dealt with the people for a half-day, but failed to observe anything and finally had to use the [Flowing Light] technique to lose them.

"It seems that after a battle with [Purple Eye], I have aroused some people's attention."

Ye Qingyu had already realized this long ago, so he was not too surprised.

Having managed to shake off the pursuers, Ye Qingyu concealed his aura, left the alley, went to a tea house, and sat there for half an hour. Until he determined that there was no one following him, he got up and entered the teahouse’s backyard.

The backyard was also a teahouse.

A beautiful tea-girl who looked only 17 or 18 years old came over to greet Ye Qingyu and led him into the first tearoom. The green bamboo teahouse looked like it was naturally formed, very aesthetically pleasing, if one looked at it from the street outside, it would be difficult to think that the winding path leads to a secluded quiet place, and that there would be such an elegant place.

"Sir, please go ahead." The beautiful girl's gesture was elegant and her smile was gentle.

Her skin was fair like milk, and her facial appearance was very delicate, as though painted. If not seen with his own eyes, it was hard to believe that Lang Zhong had such a attractive sister who was like a painted picture.

This beautiful, fair young girl is the younger sister of the head of the Two River Gang Lang Zhong, who was now solely responsible for all kinds of matters of the Imperial capital's division of the Two River Gang. According to Lang Zhong, his younger sister had a brilliant tactical mind and was a person difficult to deal with.

Ye Qingyu received the news two days ago, but today he was finally able to spare time to see Lang Yong.

Lang Yong was the name of this beautiful maiden.

A very masculine name.

And her name together with her brother's name was Zhongyong[1].

[1]meaning loyal and brave

It is said that this is not a beautiful name, but a name she gave herself.

Lang Zhong's name was given by Mother Ye back then. When Lang Yong was still young she only had a nickname, and later Mother and Father Ye were killed and could not give this little girl a name. In order to cherish the memory of Father and Mother Ye, and remember the blood feud, the little girl gave herself the name Lang Yong, meaning to be brave, to investigate the cause of Father and Mother Ye's death, even in the face of any difficulties, and would never retreat.

When Ye Qingyu heard about this, he was also very moved.

Today was Ye Qingyu's first time meeting Lang Yong.

Perhaps because of their relationship with his parents Lang Zhong and Lang Yong were also regarded as adoptive children of his parents, when Ye Qingyu saw Lang Yong, it was like seeing his own little sister. There was an extremely close feeling.

The door of the teahouse slammed shut.

Lang Yong knelt down and greeted him. "Young master."

Ye Qingyu waved dismissively and immediately supported the young girl up. "Don't be so polite, call me Xiaoyu. Sister Lang is older than me by one year, I should be the one greeting older sister."

The maiden still very stubbornly knelt down. "The difference in status must not be forgotten, now that Lang Yong is working for young master, I must strictly adhere to the rules. Otherwise the Two River Gang would not follow the rules in the future."

On the painting-like face, there was a seriousness that was not commensurate with her age.

Then she respectfully began presenting jade scrolls of document, which were organized by category, and consisted of information on the major factions of the imperial capital that Lang Yong personally selected herself. In her view, this information would be very useful for Ye Qingyu in the imperial capital.

Ye Qingyu expressed his thanks and then began examining them carefully.

Lang Yong was standing at the side brewing tea for him, her movements were very skilful, but as before, her manner was still very serious. Ye Qingyu could not help but think of the little boy servant of the [Painting Saint] Liu Yuqing, Xing'er, who was also an expert in tea making. When he was brewing tea, his movements were very natural, and graceful and elegant like a woman. Compared to the seriousness of Lang Yong, a real woman, there was a clear-cut difference.

On the jade scrolls, there was a lot of information.

It was clear that in these days the Two River Gang had done a lot in the imperial capital.

There was some information in the scrolls that Ye Qingyu had never read before in the information that Ouyang Buping and Dugu Quan provided, and the majority of the information were more or less related to Ye Qingyu and were gathered and listed in Ye Qingyu's point of view. In a way, this information indeed has important significance to Ye Qingyu.

In the last document scroll, Ye Qingyu could see the response of the great forces of the imperial capital after his battle with [Purple Eye] Du Heng.

This sensational effect seemed more frantic than what Ye Qingyu had anticipated in the beginning.

The most straightforward reason was because of that strand of silver hair known as [Three Thousand Feet of White Hair].

Chapter 375 – Secret Arts of Violet Haze

[Three Thousand Feet of White Hair] was a secret treasure of the imperial household?

After reading the scroll that Lang Yong handed to him, Ye Qingyu fell into deep thought.

That strand of mysterious silver hair was one of the cards that [Painting Saint] Liu Yuqing let Xing'er give to him in Youyan Pass, for him to deal with Li Qiushui, Zhan Shanhe and other people of the Three Sects and Three Schools, and in order to cope with the martial arts meetings. But at that time Ye Qingyu had a sudden martial arts breakthrough and had no use for it. Xing'er also never asked for it back, so it had been with Ye Qingyu all this time.

In his battle with [Purple Eye] Du Heng, in order to withstand Du Heng's purple light, Ye Qingyu had to use this piece of precious treasure.

Moreover, Xing'er had once said that this piece of precious treasure can only be used once and would be exhausted after. This was indeed true. Having withstood against the purple brilliance and defeated [Purple Eye] Du Heng, the strands of silver hair had disappeared.

Ye Qingyu originally thought that the white hair belonged to [Painting Saint] Liu Yuqing.

But in the intelligence provided by Lang Yong, the item [Three Thousand Feet of White Hair] was one of the four secret treasures of the current imperial household of the Snow Empire. It was said that it was a Dao level weapon, the most precious treasure of the empire. It was also said that the Snow Emperor and His Highness Crown Prince are the only ones that are qualify to use this great treasure of the empire.

This news made Ye Qingyu extremely shocked.

If this was true, then why would such an important weapon be in Liu Yuqing's hands?

And he dared to give such an important object for him to use?

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What was even more unbelievable was that, if [Three Thousand Feet of White Hair] was the most precious treasure of the empire, then it should not be exhausted after one use. An important treasure like that was completely used up in the battle between him and Du Heng; is that not a major loss to the entire Snow Empire?

Thinking over and over again, Ye Qingyu still felt that the matters do not match up.

He set down the files and looked to Lang Yong.

"Does young master think there is something wrong with the information?" Lang Yong was very intelligent, and from the changes in Ye Qingyu's expression, she was able to capture the change in Ye Qingyu's psychological activity.

Ye Qingyu nodded. "About the information on [Three Thousand Feet of White Hair]… Because the way I obtained it is a little special, I don't really know much about it…The information stated here is a

Lang Yong did not immediately answer and instead very carefully thought about it, before she replied assuringly, "Because this matter is closely linked to young master, I personally investigated it myself. I am completely certain that, [Three Thousand Feet of White Hair] is undoubtedly one of the four greatest treasures of the Imperial household of the empire. Also this matter is not extremely confidential, the investigation was very easy."

Listening to Lang Yong, Ye Qingyu knew that the information should not be wrong.

But it was too strange.

No wonder that from the other information on these files, the major forces of the imperial capital were shocked. This was especially so for many families that were closely related to the Imperial household. Ever since the battle, they had begun to investigate about him, and when he left the military building today, he was immediately being followed…

The fact that he possessed one of the greatest trerasures of the empire, [Three Thousand Feet of White Hair], even Ye Qingyu himself was extremely shocked, let alone the other major forces of the imperial capital? The impact and significance of this matter had far exceeded the various consequences brought about by him defeating Du Heng. Especially in the current tangled and complicated situation of the imperial capital, most likely, wouldn't even the Du Household weigh up the gains and losses of this?

He reckoned that right now, the major forces of the imperial capital would firmly believe that he was someone belonging to the imperial household.

This misunderstanding was really…

Ye Qingyu knew this was equivalent to yellow mud being smeared on his crotch. No matter whether it was shit or not, he would not be able to explain this.

But why would Liu Yuqing possess one of the greatest treasures of the empire, [Three Thousand Feet of White Hair]?

Ye Qingyu was now unclear about the identity of Liu Yuqing.

Moreover, that little book servant Xing'er was also secretive and mysterious.

Ye Qingyu gently shook his head, removing all these distracting thoughts, and began to think about how to cope with the next situation——It was obvious, because of the [Three Thousand Feet of White Hair], the situation of the imperial capital was much more intense than what he had initially imagined, and he would undoubtedly become the center of the vortex.

And to a great extent, this matter would most likely influence His Majesty Crown Prince's arrangements for the 18 young experts——Before this incident, if His Majesty Crown Prince wanted to put all these people in some relatively important positions there would not be too much of a hindrance, but after this incident the resistance that the Crown Prince would suffer could be a lot more serious.

They would be able to find out everything the day after tomorrow.

Ye Qingyu finished reading the files in front, remained silent for a moment, and asked, "In the capital, how many people do we have now?"

"Including myself, we have 113 people." Lang Yong continued pouring tea for Ye Qingyu, and said confidently without the need to think. "For the real core personnel, there is a total of 23 people, the people that know about young master is me alone."

This was the greatest degree of protection for Ye Qingyu.

In the future, even when the Two River Gang was being watched, they would never dig up Ye Qingyu——unless Lang Yong was caught. But with Lang Yong's willpower and loyalty, even facing death she would not do anything that was adverse to Ye Qingyu.

Ye Qingyu was of course aware of Lang Yong's intention.

But to let such a young girl handle matters, struggle in the light and fight in the dark, and try to cheat or outwit other people, especially in the Imperial capital, such a dangerous place where one careless move could get you killed, was absolutely not what Ye Qingyu wished.

Not to mention that gangs and factions were not protected by the laws of the imperial capital. Gangs and factions, no matter big and small, were considered as a part of Jianghu, and Jianghu matters should be settled in Jianghu. This was a rule that was applied in the imperial capital. So the death of some of the people of Jianghu, the imperial capital authorities will not look too much into. Even if hundreds of people of a gang was destroyed overnight, the officials would also not investigate.

The lives of the people of Jianghu, in some cases, are less valuable than the ordinary civilians.

And for an existence like the division of the Two River Gang, although it was a nobody in the imperial capital, it was still absolutely considered as people of Jianghu. Therefore it could be said that Lang Yong's situation was also very dangerous, and perhaps one day would suddenly disappear from this world and others would not know where her corpse and bones went…

Ye Qingyu was thinking that, to let his 100 people——especially Lang Yong to risk their life to develop the division of the Two Rivers Gang, was he being a bit too selfish? All along, he was used to fighting unaccompanied, and had never really wanted others to serve him.

But Ye Qingyu also knew that if he told Lang Yong to disband the division and leave the imperial capital, then this for her might be a damage more painful than death.

His gaze fell upon the beautiful painting-like maiden.

18 years old, with her cultivation level at the ten Spirit springs. But her cultivation was not considered stable, and she should have received assistance through some special channels, such as medicines and pills to increase her cultivation level, in order to come to the imperial capital. Long Zhong had allocated a lot of resources of the Two Rivers Gang for Lang Yong to enhance her strength.

"You have undergone a martial arts test before, right?" Ye Qingyu asked.

"Superior-grade power of understanding, first-class martial arts talent, second grade bones, earth body attributes." Lang Yong knew what Ye Qingyu wanted to ask her and immediately answered in the first moments.

"Oh, what weapons do you excel with?"


Ye Qingyu nodded.

He casually grabbed a jade piece. With a will of his consciousness, he erased all the information contained within. Then using the power of his spirit and yuan qi, a cultivation technique that originated from the [Fiendgod Tilted Chart], was inserted into the jade piece.

"There is a part of a cultivation technique inside called… let's call it Secret Arts of Violet Haze for now. It's a secret cultivation method that I accidentally obtained from a friend, useful in concealing one's appearance and to chase down someone. It should be suitable for you so you should practice it. If there are suitable candidates you can also pass it on."

Ye Qingyu handed over the jade scroll to Lang Yong.

Lang Yong was evidently a little surprised. There was a flickering hint of hesitation across the beautiful and serious painting-like face, but soon she obediently received it, and did not check the information in the jade scroll in front of Ye Qingyu.

Ye Qingyu also did not say anything, got up and left the teahouse.

Given Lang Yong's superior power of comprehension, he believed that she would understand the profound meaning of the Secrets Arts of Violet Haze without him explaining. The formidable power after comprehending this secret technique was no less than that of the [Heavenly Blind Dao] that Bai Yuanxing received.

If, in the future, these two people could really cultivate to the peak of these secret cultivation techniques, that is equal to Ye Qingyu cultivating two top level assassins. He believed that within Heaven Wasteland Domain, no one could escape from the assassination of this man and woman.

Lang Yong accompanied Ye Qingyu to the back courtyard door and turned away. She really did seem like an ordinary tea girl, without even saying too many words.

They have established a way of contact, and if something else comes up, it would be easy to contact each other.

Ye Qingyu came out of the teahouse, let out a brief sigh, and strolled along the South Temple Street for an hour. He arrived at the rune airship station, when he vaguely sensed a familiar aura from behind; it was the two people that he had gotten rid of before.

Not only them, Ye Qingyu could also sense that, in addition to these two familiar trackers, there were several other very vague auras that had been following him from a little distance away, appearing and disappearing, maintaining a very subtle distance, and clearly also held the same purpose.

Ye Qingyu pretended like he did not know and planned to counter the challenge with a calm attitude.

But just before he came to the hill station, ready to ride an airship, suddenly a mysterious yellow luxury ship whizzed over, abruptly stopping in front of Ye Qingyu.

The design of the mysterious ship was simple and unadorned, but unforgettable. The sleek lines, although simple, were beautiful. The most profound often took the simplest form. There was a very rare mithril plating over the entire body of the ship, giving a low-profile yet noble air, like a giant beast. Although there was not any flickering light of formation inscription, the faint heart-palpitating aura flowing around the ship made even Ye Qingyu feel his heart racing the moment his gaze fell upon the mysterious airship.

In the imperial capital, mysterious yellow is a colour solely used by the imperial household.

Ye Qingyu slightly leaned to one side, avoiding the mysterious ship.

But on the ship came a familiar voice——

Chapter 376 –

"Hey, why are you staring blankly, hurry up."

A familiar voice came from the mysterious yellow airship.

Startled, Ye Qingyu looked up to see a sweet smile and a flower-like face of a beautiful maiden wearing a luxurious and beautiful palace long dress, like a fairy floating in the sunlight. She was standing on the deck of the mysterious ship grinning and looking at him, her sleeves rolled up as she greeted someone below.

This… Are you greeting me?

I don't think I know her.

Ye Qingyu looked all around, and found that there were no other people, which means this beautiful maiden of the imperial household was apparently greeting him, but… While Ye Qingyu stared in confusion, he suddenly felt that this extremely beautiful girl vaguely seemed a little familiar.

Is it… Xing'er?

How could her brown eyes look so similar to the little boy servant Xing'er that followed [Painting Saint] Liu Yuqing around in Youyan Pass?

"Haha, the famous Leaf of Youyan Pass, why is your eyesight so bad? I just changed clothes and you don't recognize me?" The beautiful noble girl said mockingly and furtively winked at him behind the guards. She was exactly like Xing'er back then.

It… it really was Xing'er?

Ye Qingyu really was taken aback.

He he he he he… was female?

"Hurry come up, we'll talk in a different place." Her face taking on a mischievous look as she repeatedly waved.

Ye Qingyu no longer hesitated. With a flash, he got onto the mysterious ship.

A flash of light.

The mysterious airship shot into the sky, and the next moment it had disappeared from the station. Its speed was extremely fast, as though a beam of flowing light, and no ordinary formation airships could compare to it.


Blue sky.

White clouds.

This was Ye Qingyu's first time overlooking the imperial capital Snow Capital from such a high altitude.

Only the imperial airships were allowed to, at this height, cruise in the sky above the Snow Capital and appreciate the beauty of this giant city of the Human Race.

Beneath were rows of magnificent buildings, seemingly endless, stretching to the horizon. The different shapes of towering buildings were like statues of deities standing in this piece of land that was once covered by the glacier. Also the silver main road and viaduct looked like a dragon lying dormant on the ground, accompanying the devil. The view from above was an ultimate visual shock.

The high martial era and the development of the formation technique had brought manpower to its peak.

"Say, how did you get here? And how did you turn into a woman?" Ye Qingyu was holding onto the railing of the ship, the breeze ruffling his black hair. Looking at Xing'er, his mind had calmed down.

"Hey, Little Leaf, can you speak more politely, I am now appearing before you as the imperial princess, you are my courtier okay? Would a courtier speak to their master with this tone?"

As before, Xing'er spoke in a playful manner, and there was a mischievous glint in her eyes.

The imperial guards were dozens of meters away from her, and on this deck there were only Ye Qingyu and her.

When the guards were not around, it was the time she could completely relax and need not adhere to the several etiquette and rules. This was like her time at Youyan Pass, where she was free and leisurely like the wind.

"You are tactfully telling me now that your real identity is the Imperial Princess?" Ye Qingyu smiled. "No wonder you have the [Three Thousand Feet of White Hair], I could not understand before, but now I understand everything."

"At that time I took out the [Three Thousand Feet of White Hair] for you to use at the martial arts meeting, who would have guessed that you have not used it, but chose to use it now and also in the imperial capital. This move is good, now all the people of the imperial capital know. Haha, now everyone is busy guessing what exactly your real identity is? Some people say that you are a prince that the imperial household had been secretly cultivating…" Xing'er was overjoyed talking about this matter, without [Painting Saint] Liu Yuqing around her, her talent for mischief was freely displayed.

Ye Qingyu shook his head without saying a word.

Xing'er's eyes were flickering with another mischievous glint.

She lifted the hem of a dress up a little and slowly walked over like a young adult, lightly patted the shoulder of Ye Qingyu, and laughed, "Well, well, in fact, it is not a big deal. You know, this time you were lucky. If not because of the [Three Thousand Feet of White Hair], the Du household would have been searching for you to kill you. Du Heng has a vicious and ruthless mind. I remembered that when I was a child, I accidentally saw Liang household's old Liang's most loved little grandson accidentally touching the sweat in Du Heng's hands and did not apologize. The next day, the body of little Liang appeared on the riverbank of the Twilight Snow River. Everybody thought that Little Liang accidentally fell into the Twilight Snow River, but only I saw the ruthless human-eating expression within Du Heng's eyes. I am sure that he was the person behind this…

"There's such a thing?" Ye Qingyu pretended to be surprised.

Xing'er was exceptionally smart. With one glance at Ye Qingyu she could tell that he was deliberately ridiculing her. She angrily glared at Ye Qingyu, fist raised. "Come on, can't you tell what temper that Du Heng guy has? I'll tell you. Rumour has it that his eyes are purple because his mind is too vicious. At first they were blood-red, then it grew more and more red, more and more vicious, and finally to red-purple…"

Ye Qingyu laughed. "Do you think I will believe you? It's obvious that he practiced a kind of evil cultivation technique so his eyes changed…"

Xing'er burst into a mischievous laugh.

"When did you come back from Youyan Pass?" Ye Qingyu turned around to ask. "Did Master Liu come back with you?"

Xing'er swept her hand through her wind-ruffled fine black hair, laughing, "The moment you left was the moment I went back to Snow Capital… Hey, hey, what's that look in your eyes, I'm not following you here, my aunt forced me to come back… Master Liu is the brain of the Youyan army, now the Youyan army offensive against the demon clan is in full swing, how could he come to Snow Capital. Not to mention that Master Liu once swore that he would never return to Snow Capital."

"Huh?" Ye Qingyu captured the abstrusity of these sentences, and asked in an astounded tone, "Master Liu vowed not to return to Snow Capital? What's going on?"

"It is said that he experienced a sad past event in the Snow Capital." Xing'er shook her head. "I don't know the details, however, Master Liu is one of the four saints of Heaven Wasteland Domain, and among the snowscape he is certainly regarded as a prodigy, a complete sensation. He is a famous gifted scholar. Many rich aristocratic young ladies want to marry him. It is said that there were princesses of the imperial household that admired him. Some princes and nobles, in order to get one of his paintings, were willing to give Origin crystals as presents. The name [Painting Saint] is known across the capital, even father had once summoned him… Hee hee, you wouldn't want to hear it. Ah, the great waves that Master Liu once caused in the imperial capital are more than your current fame and power. You only caused a little movement, and can only be considered as a minor magician in the presence of a great one."

Ye Qingyu cast a glare at her. "Why are you talking about me?"

Xing'er said firmly, "Are you not the kind of person that loves the limelight?"

Ye Qingyu fixed his gaze on Xing'er's face, carefully studying it for a while, when Xing'er giggled and pulled a face, "Why are you looking at me with those eyes, do you think I'm very beautiful? Tell the truth, the moment you saw me, did your heart beat faster?"

"Haha…" Ye Qingyu mercilessly replied, "Of course not, you're too young. Maybe when you mature a bit more in a few years later… I'll also tell the truth, which you won't like to hear, if you were not the princess of the Empire, I would have already ripped off your mouth."

"Hey," Xing'er said, rubbing her cheeks and squeezing her eyes. "But I am a princess, so you better not…" And then continued in an arrogant, childish and coy tone of voice, "And you even want to tear off my mouth, you’re a bad person. I deliberately came to find you today for something."

Her coy tone of voice was sending shivers down Ye Qingyu's spine, like the sound of a cat scratching a bronze mirror. He hurriedly retreated back a few steps, crying, "Stop, speak properly… Why did you come find me?"

"Of course I came to find you…" Before Xing'er could finish her words, as though she suddenly noticed something, she looked up towards the upper right.

Together with Ye Qingyu.

A huge shadow appeared, projecting down from the top right direction, and blocking the sunlight shining onto the mysterious airship. A grand battleship that was like a divine dragon had silently and stealthily appeared above everyone's head, like a devil whale that was hunting in the dark sea, obstructing the sun and slowly coming to a stop.

This airship was really big.

Also its movements were like that of a ghost, there was not the slightest sound and fluctuation in yuan power. Even with Ye Qingyu's strength, he only noticed its arrival when it was already close to him.

When he lifted his head and looked upward, his heart was shaken again.

Xing'er was the princess of the empire, and the mysterious airship that she rides on was already incredibly luxurious and exhibited a noble air and undoubtedly displayed the imposing manner of the imperial household. It could be called the finest work of formation flying airships of the Human Race of Heaven Wasteland Domain, but compared with the giant battleship above, it was like a little shrimp wandering under a giant devil shark. Whether it was the build or the imposing manner, there was nothing comparable at all.

"The Prince's ship? What's he doing here?"

Xing'er's expression suddenly grew serious.

There was suddenly a solemn and formal look on the usually laughing and joking beautiful face, as though she had turned from a careless silly girl into the high and mighty Imperial Princess. A noble air was suddenly diffusing out from her youthful body.


A mellow male voice that sounded gentle and familiar with a hint of teasingness sounded from the battleship above.

"Our little princess is in the mood to come out to play today. I heard that you have already ran off from 21 instructors that teach you the royal palace etiquette, and threatened that who forces you to study the palace etiquette again you would kill yourself, ha ha ha… The reason you came out today, is it to see your little boyfriend in private?"

When Ye Qingyu heard this sentence, his heart jumped.

Another royal figure had appeared.

"Third Huangshu, as an elder, are you not ashamed of saying something like that?" Xing'er answered calmly.


There was a multitude of information flickering in Ye Qingyu's head. He finally knew, just who the Third Huangshu in Xing'er's words referred to.

Yu Feiyan.

Ranked second in the [Heavenly Officer List], a terrifying person second only to the Right Minister Lin Zheng, the only golden Crowned Prince of the empire.

What was happening today, that all the great figures of the Imperial family would appear all at once?

Xing’er coming here to find himself was within reason, but to think someone like Yu Feiyan who was ranked number two on the [Heavenly Officer List] would also appear —–Ye Qingyu would not imagine that the Apex Prince Yu Feiyan had only passed by here coincidentally in such a location.

“Haha, what do you mean. Do you want your uncle to treat you like an outsider? When you were little, you peed on me when you were riding on my shoulders. You still haven’t paid me a visit after going away for such a long period of time…"

In that thick and deep male voice, there was a hint of amusement that appeared.

“Uncle you are a busy person. You have to take care of major matters concerning the Empire, how could I dare disturb you,” Xing’er said calmly.

Ye Qingyu faintly felt that Xing’er was not too close to her own uncle. There was a hint of wanting to distance herself away from him hidden in her words.

“You little girl. You seemed to have heard some rumours, and have some prejudice towards me. Since we’ve met coincidentally and we haven’t seen each other for such a long time, then bring your little boyfriend and let uncle have a look at him, wahaha…”

As he said these words, on the vast battleship high above, there was a yellow light projection that shone down.

The faint formation light flickered, shining onto the deck of the little flying ship. It projected a three meter wide circle, flickering with light. It was a transferral formation.

Xing’er hesitated for a brief moment, then regained her calm and collected herself. She turned to give a glance to Ye Qingyu, smiling at him, “How about it?Let’s go, Mr. [War God]. Do you want This Princess to bring you to see the world?”

Ye Qingyu laughed. “The Prince told you to bring your little boyfriend. Does that mean you admit this relationship?”

There was a delicately pretty expression that appeared on Xing’er’s beautiful and intricate face. One hand holding onto Ye Qingyu’s arm, she shook him a little with a laugh. “That’s right, that’s right, I was waiting for your word. Does that mean you recognize my position?”

Ye Qingyu quickly released himself from Xing’er’s arms.

“I can’t stand it… you’ve only just changed into a different outfit, but it seems like you’ve changed into a entirely different person.” Ye Qingyu had a fearful expression, distancing himself away. Then he said seriously, “But I must warn you to not have any thoughts. In my heart, you are forever a man.”

Hearing this, Xing’er had a face of rage. She humphed and clenched her little tender fists.

As they spoke, the two had already entered into the transferral formation light projection.

Light flickered.

Their vision became blurry.

When everything became clear again, the two appeared on the vast dock of the huge battleship.

Ye Qingyu could instantly sense, that there was a powerful aura appearing from all sides. Evidently, on this battleship, there was a significant number of martial experts guarding it. There were several of them that had an aura and power like a dragon soaring in the skies, it was in the direction in front of them.

Ye Qingyu observed all around.

The position of the two was namely at the center of the dock of the battleship.

The area of the dock was around several hundred meters. There were weapons racks all around, with all sorts of weapons. It seemed like a martial demonstration field that was large enough to fit thousands of people. Under the banner, there were martial soldiers wearing heavy armour and holding a dragon spear in their hands. Every one of them was strong. In other armies, they would definitely be officer class soldiers. But on this huge ship, they were only normal guards that guarded the ship.

About four hundred meters in front of them, there was a six-meter-tall building.

If not for the fact that they were on a flying battleship, Ye Qingyu would really have the impression they had been sent to a camp of some sort of army. In other words, this huge battleship was more than enough by far to become a mobile flying military camp within the skies.

Below the building, there was an imperial canopy that was opened.

There were roughly thirty or forty people that stood at attention. There was significant power and energy emitting from everyone. They were evidently powerful martial experts.

And at the most central position, the person at the head under the imperial canopy was a heroic and muscular middle-aged man. Like a resting tiger or an alert hawk, he sat on the yellow dragon throne. His aura was extremely powerful, but this aura was not solely the yuan qi fluctuation that originated from a martial expert. This was a natural born aura, a spiritual force that he possessed.

From the crowd, Ye Qingyu’s gaze unconsciously focused on this person.

He wore a jade belt with dragon pearls, and had an imperial robe around him.

There was a purple gold crown on his head, extremely noble.

He was the only Apex Prince of the Empire.

A terrifying person that was only second to the Right Minister on the [Heavenly Officer List].

Just from his personal aura, Ye Qingyu could be sure that it exceeded any of the important characters Ye Qingyu had ever seen before. Even if it was the [War God of Youyan Pass], Lu Zhaoge would slightly pale in comparison in front of this Apex Prince. Of course, this may be that the status and ambitions of the two were different.

Apart from his aura, from his appearance, Yu Feiyan could definitely be classified as a rare handsome man.

A muscular body, strong powerful eyebrows and eyes. He had a black beard, with a face like a jade crown. His body was perfectly proportioned, his physique extremely well-shaped. Wearing an armour of purple gold, this complemented the authority of this Apex Prince to the extreme. It was as if all the good items in the world was gathered on his body. This was a character that shined by himself. No matter what the environment, he would become the center of the situation.

Ye Qingyu had seen many handsome people, like Li Qiushui, like Yan Buhui…

But perhaps these people were too young, or their aura was inferior. compared to Ye Feiyan, they were all not enough.

The Apex Prince in front of him was evidently at the peak of his appearance and masculinity. He was like a manufactured person. Everywhere he stood, he would be able to block out the existence of all other people, showing off his presence alone.

“I pay my respects to uncle.”

Xing’er bowed, her attitude somewhat casual.

Ye Qingyu also gave a military salute. “I pay my respects to the Apex Prince.”

“Hahaha…” A clear and deep voice resounded. The Yu Feiyan that was sat on the golden dragon throne rose, his fire red dragon patterned cloak swirling like the flame. He took large strides over, then lightly rapped Xing’er’s head. “Little girl, we haven’t seen each other in several years, why have you gotten so unfamiliar with me? No matter what happens outside, when have I ever mistreated you?”

There was a trace of guilt that appeared slightly on Xing’er’s face.

Without waiting for her reply, Yu Feiyan turned around, his gaze landing on Ye Qingyu. His expression became much more strict, as he carefully evaluated him. It was only then did his expression relaxed. “You are [The Leaf of Youyan], Ye Qingyu? The [War God] that was able to defeat Du Heng?”

Evidently this Apex Prince of the Empire had power like the mountain, and many channels of information that was even above Dugu Quan and Ouyang Buping. Therefore, he must be extremely clear on Ye Qingyu's background and history, and had already done a deep investigation. That was why he was able to know him so well.

Ye Qingyu nodded his head. “I am he.”

There was a smile on Yu Feiyan’s face.

His interest towards Ye Qingyu, because of some reason, was even earlier than other people. Therefore he comprehended him more than others.

But no matter how one obtained information from documents, seeing the person in question was more comprehensive and gave a fuller picture. On some perspective Yu Feiyan would choose to believe in his initial instinct and judgement.

And right now, the instinctive judgement he had towards Ye Qingyu was different from the judgment he made when reading all sorts of information from the documents.

He was about to speak, when there was a low and gentle voice that suddenly sounded out—

“[War God]? Haha, he really is impudent… Prince, why don’t you let me have a spar with this so called [War God]?”

The air suddenly chilled.



Above the clouds, there was a fierce wind that blew.

There were layers upon layers of clouds that undulated, like it was unending towering mountains floating in the skies. Under the illumination of the sun, it emitted a golden, glistening splendour.

Amongst the clouds, there was a massive flying flagship that was hundreds of meters long and tens of meters wide that flew. It was like a terrifying ancient beast that guarded an ancient mountain that lay there, silently floating, not moving in the slightest.

There was a purple gold radiance that shined throughout this flagship. The firewood outer shell of this ship had life-like three-clawed dragon on the outside. The head of the dragon was like it was swallowing the skies, as if it would even swallow the very heavens!

All sorts of lights and radiance flickered past the body of the three-clawed dragon, emitting a radiance and demonstrating it’s incomparable aura.

At this time, on the dock of the battleship.

“Spar?” Ye Qingyu frowned.

Who was that person, that so casually uttered such words in such a situation?

Furthermore, from the person’s tone, it seemed they did not hold any sort of fear towards Yu Feiyan.

Ye Qingyu calmly briefed in, his gaze scanning the crowd far off. The power of these people were extreme, and should be guests under Yu Feiyan. It was rumoured that the Apex Prince, Yu Feiyan had three thousand guest masters under his residence, and every one of them was a significant person in the Jianghu, and had great background and divine abilities.

In these years, when Yu Feiyan had combated against the Right Minister, these guest masters were one of his most important aids.

Under Ye Qingyu’s gaze, from the crowd of guests, there was a young man who carried a blade that walked out.

This person wore earthen green clothing. His black hair that was like a waterfall dangling on his shoulders that constantly fluttered under the fierce wind. There was a cold expression on his face, and both his hands were behind his back, calmly staring out. There was not the slightest of emotions in his eyes, a cold haughtiness written on his face.

After experiencing near death in these years and having walked the boundary of life and death for so long, Ye Qingyu’s sensitive sense could detect a concealed danger from this person.

There was a charming expression on Yu Feiyan’s face. Looking at Xing’er, then at Ye Qingyu, he seemed to have thought of something. He brought his two hands out from his luxurious sable gown, and clapped it. Laughing loudly, “Little girl, it seems that someone is not satisfied with your friend. Why don’t I Iet little Ye cross hands with my guest who doesn’t seem to listen to instructions? This will also allow your uncle I, to see if your carefully chosen little boyfriend will meet the requirements?”

"Third Huangshu, what do you mean?” There was a coldness that spread across Xing’er’s face.

Yu Feiyan smiled.

“This is only a spar. There is no need to worry,” the cold faced youth carrying a blade in the green clothes said calmly. “Unless Princess you have no confidence in the strength of [War God]?”

“Who do you think you are? Do you think you have the right to speak to me?” There was an iciness and fury that filled Xing’er’s beautiful pupils. Then she gave a glare like lightning at him, “You are only a begging dog at the mercy of someone else. Your master hasn’t even spoken, but you dare bark? Do you know the rules?”

The expression of the green-clothed blade bearer turned berserk.

There was a fury that flickered in his pupils. The blade in his hands shook, and there was a fierce aura that seeped to ones bones passing by in the air. This was a killing aura that was ultimately suppressed.

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The other guests of the Apex Prince behind him also had different expressions.

Although she was a princess, but the words of this girl were really too harsh and humiliating towards them. It was like thorn after thorn that stabbed into these people with extraordinary abilities. There were even people with worse tempers amongst them that directly stood up, his face unfriendly as he glared at Xing’er.

If this little girl was not the princess of the Empire, they would have long acted and crushed her.

But in the air, there were hidden currents and killing intent that surged over and attacked her.

These were the guests of the Apex Prince acting hiddenly against her. They wanted to teach this little princess with such a horrid mouth a lesson. The aim was not to hurt her but to make her learn.


The expression of Yu Feiyan changed, his sleeve lightly swiping.

The hidden air currents that surged towards Xing’er completely dissipated.

Yu Feiyan was originally a martial expert with deep and unfathomable strength. He came from the Imperial family, and there was the bloodline of martial experts flowing through his body. He had countless martial cultivation techniques he could study, limitless cultivation resource he could use. Compared to a normal person, he was infinitely more blessed. It was only that his official power was too high, and he rarely acted personally. Therefore his martial fame was not too evident.

“Haha, Third Huangshu, the dogs that you raise are really disobedient.”

Xing’er coldly mocked.

If there was a gentleness and intimateness that flashed by when she saw Yu Feiyan, then after that cold-faced green-clothed blade bearer challenged Ye Qingyu to a spar, that gentleness completely disappeared. The youth that was eccentric, but did not possess high personal strength in Ye Qingyu’s impression seemed suddenly as if she had changed into a completely different person. Right now, she was incomparably icy and harsh.

Yu Feiyan shook his head with a smile, not saying anything.

Towards this niece, he had a helplessness from spoiling her too mouth.

“You are still as sharp-tongued as ever. I remember when you were small, you even dared to scold at your father. We made you go learn the Painting Arts from Liu Yuqing to control your temper, but it seemed you have not grown…” Yu Feiyan smiled. “I know what you are thinking. You feel that I have sought you intentionally today to make things difficult for your little boyfriend, is that right? Little girl, you are overthinking it… But the [Three Thousand Feet of White Hair] that belongs to the Imperial family appeared in his hands and to the world once again, this is something I cannot stand by and let happen. Since we met coincidentally, this is only a martial contest, so why don’t we let them fight and just stop before anyone gets hurt?”

This tone seemed to be negotiating something with Xing’er, but it did not leave her much room to decline.

Xing’er coldly sneered, and was about to say something, but Ye Qingyu next to her stepped forward, lightly grabbed her sleeve and shook his head. “Let me take care of this.”

Then he paid a greeting towards Yu Feiyan. “Since the Apex Prince has personally spoken, then I will not decline. I can only follow orders.”

Yu Feiyan nodded.

Xing’er looked like she was about to say something, but ultimately did not open her mouth.

Ye Qingyu smiled, and turned around. He walked over, once again facing the green-clothed bladesman. “May I ask your name?”

From start to finish, he did not have any emotional fluctuation.

No matter whether when it was Xing’er exploding with anger, or Yu Feiyan speaking, he was terrifyingly calm.

Right now, facing the stare of Ye Qingyu, he calmly returned Ye Qingyu’s gaze. “Xiao Lou.”

There was a shock that was exposed in Ye Qingyu’s eyes.

“Xiao Lou? The [Listening to Spring Rain at Night], Xiao Lou?” He could not help but ask further.

The opposing party still nodded his head.

The [Listening to Spring Rain at Night], Xiao Lou!

Ye Qingyu deeply breathed in. There was a battle will that gradually began to burn in his chest.

Because no matter whether it was the Dugu family, the Ouyang family or the Two River Gang, the information they provided all mentioned this name.

This somewhat feminine name had once shaken the entire Snow Capital.

One year ago, Xiao Lou had appeared in the capital.

No one knew where he came from or who he was.

They only knew that one year ago when he appeared in the capital, he had incited a bloody battle!

A year and one month ago, the first battle Xiao Lou had was with the [Tearing Heaven Hands], Chen Nan. The latter was a famed expert who had long entered into the Stream state of the Bitter Sea stage. But he was defeated in one strike by Xiao Lou.

Eleven months ago, Xiao Lou once again challenged the [Transforming Heavens Absolute Claws], Li Guiyuan. He had defeated him completely.

Ten months ago, Xiao Lou had challenged the [Tyrannical Blade], Jiang Feng. He had defeated him completely again.

Nine months and eleven days ago…

Eight months ago…

Eight months and eighteen days ago…

In this year and a month, this bladesman called Xiao Lou had defeated twenty-one famed experts within the capital with only his palm and carrying that curved blade with a black hilt!

Twenty-one battles. No matter whether it was he who challenged others or them who challenged him, he had never suffered defeat.

Within the capital, for an outsider, such a battle record was absolutely earth shaking.

Therefore Xiao Lou’s name had spread throughout the capital.

But without knowing why, six months ago, he had suddenly disappeared from public sight and became much more low key. It was rumoured that this martial genius had gone to Yu Feiyan’s factions. From the current scene today, this rumour was not wrong.

There was still a black hilted curved blade in the arms of this young expert. But it was rumoured that he had only used his hands when he defeated his opponents.

No one knew, just how terrifying the power would be when his blade came out of its sheath.

There were people that were worth him unsheathing his sword for.

But the people who had seen his sword had all died.

To think that he would encounter the challenge of this person today.

There was not any fear in Ye Qingyu’s heart, but an expectant excitement.

Tho fight with a true top level expert was really an opportunity that was hard to obtain.


Ye Qingyu lifted his hands, pointing to the little martial courtyard far away.

Xiao Lou gave a glance to Yu Feiyan.

Yu Feiyan let out a chuckle. “Prepare the arena.”

As his voice sounded out, there were two guests that walked out from the crowd behind the Apex Prince.

From their appearance, these two guest masters should be formation smithing masters. They were definitely not normal people. They wore long robes of scarlet red and had a serious aura. Their hands formed seals, and there were formation tools that were thrown out. Their fingers constantly changed their positions, and shadows began seeping out between their fingers, smothering the heavens.

There was a vast energy fluctuating in the air.

The two guest masters willed it, and their hand seals that were constantly transforming finally halted.

At that moment, the floating and spinning shadows quickly descended, landing on the deck.


Along with a hum, the shadows on the dock quickly constructed themselves into a strange and complicated formation array. There was a light screen that was born from this that wrapped Ye Qingyu as well as Xiao Lou within, isolating their aura.

Everyone backed away.

Yu Feiyan returned to the purple gold throne, sitting there calmly.

There were some guards that found a luxurious soft wood chair from somewhere and indicated for Xing’er to take a seat.

Princess Xing’er looked with burning eyes towards the situation.

At the same time, both Ye Qingyu and Xiao Lou that was within the formation array could not hear the noise outside at all nor could they see the outside at all

To prevent disturbing the spar between the two, the guards had already erected a formation that isolated the two from the outside world. Not even a wisp of wind could enter.

Ye Qingyu looked around him, then his gaze looked away from the light projection that constantly undulated. Courteously, he said, “Please.”

Before he had finished.


Ye Qingyu heard an extremely piercing noise from his ear. There was a figure that flashed in the air.

Xiao Lou had fiercely stepped out, leaping. HIs figure was like lightning, directly attacking straight at Ye Qingyu.

In the light of a spark, Xiao Lou had already leapt into the air above Ye Qingyu.

There was a pale black blade sheath in his hands that struck down from the skies. There was a purple moonlight radiance in the skies, even the air itself was ripped apart. There were constantly sounds of explosions.

Such an offensive had the aura of seemingly beheading Heaven and Earth. This shocked even Ye Qingyu.

But this was not the palm strike that defeated so many famed experts.

This was striking out with his blade sheath.

Ye Qingyu suddenly deeply breathed in. There was force fluctuating in his body that flowed into his right arm. His inner yuan suddenly exploded, and an infinite cold aura boiled, the cold seeping aura spreading everywhere into the bones. With an enraged shout, his hands formed into a fist that struck towards Xiao Lou!

The [Dragon Fist] mantra.

The first technique that Ye Qingyu acted with, was the technique he used the most recently.


They faced each other, neither preparing to give an inch!

the instant the fist met with the blade sheath, there was a terrifying power that exploded and tore apart the surrounding air!

The explosive booms in the air were like beans bursting in the air, so loud that even the deaf could hear it.

After their initial testing, Ye Qingyu retreated some steps while Xiao Lou only took a step and a half back.

“An extremely powerful fellow. This fist used half of my power. After the military training, half of my power is no longer someone at the same state as me can fight against! But this fellow barely seemed to expend any effort in receiving this blow.”

“This person’s strength, is definitely above myself!”

There was such a thought that appeared in Ye Qingyu’s mind. Deeply breathing in, he suppressed the numbness originating from his right fist.

And within Xiao Lou’s eyes, his cold gaze had finally changed. There was a scorching heat within, the aura in his body rapidly rising, like the tide fiercely gathering!


The next instant, Xiao Lou once again demonstrated his quick footwork. The blade hilt held in his hearts seemed to sense the excitement of his master. It faintly shook, emitting humming noises!

The two once again struck against each other, locked in battle!

The will of the fists were like Dragons.

The gust of the blade was like lightning.

When they exchanged blows, there was a terrifying force that began to spread —

The battle, in the time of just a couple of breaths, had entered a white hot scorching stage.

The battle hooked everyone’s hearts.

Xing’er seemed to be peacefully sitting where she was. But right now she was already tightly clenching onto her fists, biting onto her lips. Her brows were faintly knitted, her gaze focused completely towards Ye Qingyu, her heart slowly becoming worried.

Although she knew that Ye Qingyu had extremely strong cards hidden up his sleeve, but this girl could not help but be worried.

In this first exchange, Ye Qingyu seemed to be at the disadvantage. Xing’er could not help but be worried for Ye Qingyu.

“Little Ye, do your best!"

Xing’er shouted this in her heart.

The other side.

The Apex Prince, Yu Feiyan, sitting on the purple gold dragon throne, also focused completely on the two locked in battle within the formation barrier. His brows knitted as he showed a thoughtful expression.

“From the current situation, Ye Qingyu is not Xiao Lou’s opponent. But this [Dragon Fist]…”

Yu Feiyan was a grandmaster in terms of martial cultivation, and he was also exceedingly familiar towards the martial path of the Imperial family. That was why he only needed to pay a glance at the [Dragon Fist] exhibited by Ye Qingyu to know there was something different contained within.

Under the gaze of everyone, Ye Qingyu had already fallen into disadvantage within the formation.

“Hu! Hu! Hu!"

That normal blade sheath seemed even more mighty in Xiao Lou's hands than other mysterious divine weapons. It struck with tens of blade lights that seemed like they were real, all striking at Ye Qingyu’s vitals.


The yuan power around Ye Qingyu was activated to the extreme. He fiercely stood where he was, bending at the knees as he took a stance. It was as if his legs had grown roots to the dock. He did not dodge nor evade. Fist after fist, seeming sluggish but rapid, he constantly struck out with the might of the [Dragon Fist].

The blade techniques of Xiao Lou were indeed quick. Amongst the young experts, his speed could be compared to [Flowing Light] who specialized in speed.

But since Ye Qingyu could handle [Flowing Light], then he could naturally also handle Xiao Lou.

It was only that something had caught Ye Qingyu’s attention.

"An extremely powerful fellow! His blade techniques are simple and unadorned, but there is a killing intent contained within. It is now rarely seen. Is it the ancient blade techniques left behind after the age of the sects when Snow Empire was founded? Just what is this Xiao Lou’s background? It is rumoured that no one knows about his background at all. Could he be some successor to some sect from the age of sects?”

As Ye Qingyu thought, his expressions constantly flickered.

There were tens of blade lights that appeared in front of him. Ye Qingyu did not panic. In a split second, his right fist fiercely struck out, tens of times in but a moment!

Ye Qingyu’s entire person seemed to be surrounded by an endless and unending fist mirage that protected him, causing one’s eyesight to go dizzy at the sight of it.


The countless fists and light of the blade struck against each other.

The air in the restricting formation vibrated and undulated from the frightening force released by both parties. It shook constantly, and there would occasionally be numerous fist shadows or blade shadows that struck out, fiercely striking the light projection of the restricting formation. It let out shudders and tremors everywhere.


The fist and blade shadows had already completely filled the restricting formation. The figures of the two seemed to be completely enveloped by such shadows. It was as if they were two ancient beasts, madly attacking and striking each other, fighting a completely chaotic battle!

Ye Qingyu could still last for a short period.

But after a period, the speed of his fists had evidently gone down.

Xing’er got a fright in her heart seeing such a scene as he constantly stared at Ye Qingyu.

“Crap! Little Ye’s balance has evidently been shaken, he won’t be able to endure it much longer!”

It was not only her who noticed such a point. Xiao Lou was also able to discern this. There was a viciousness that appeared between his brows. At the same time as he pulled his blade back, his feet flickered. The next instant, he disappeared like a ghost in front of Ye Qingyu.


There was a coldness that passed by Ye Qingyu’s lips.

All the muscles in his body tensed, as he stared cautiously around his surroundings.



There was the sound of the air being pierced sharply that rang out unexpectedly from behind him.

The figure of Xiao Lou appeared like a ghost behind Ye Qingyu. His blade sheath struck out at Ye Qingyu’s knees with tremendous strength.

The power and speed held in this blade strike caused mirage to be born in the air. The terrifying power it exploded with at that instant was at a level enough so that if it struck, Ye Qingyu’s knees would definitely be chopped off.

Xing’er’s eyebrows shot up.

“An extremely strange and crafty blade technique. The footwork of this Xiao Lou is like a ghost, his inner force and speed has already been trained to the extreme. Little Ye, Little Ye, stop playing around, quickly explode with your power and take out your trump cards. If this continues on, you will definitely fall."

There were expressions of excitement that appeared on many of the guest masters of the Prince’s residence.

Anyone with clear vision could see that in such distance and with the explosive speed that Xiao Lou acted with, it was impossible for Ye Qingyu to block this move.

Only Yu Feiyan’s expression did not change.

And at that crucial moment—


Ye Qingyu let out a loud roar.

In his mind, the nameless breathing technique activated. His senses were raised to the extreme. Not even turning his head, the force in his body transferred into his fists, and his body bending back like a massive python that struck behind him with a strange form!

The two fists that carried the entire power of Ye Qingyu’s body headed straight for Xiao Lou’s face.

The [Dragon Fist] was like a cannon that exploded out.

At the moment when he struck out with his fist, there was a fierce energy that emitted from Ye Qingyu’s body. It made one have the mistaken impression that a vicious dragon was roaring, soaring out from somewhere and possessing Ye Qingyu.

This was a punch that reversed the situation!

If Xiao Lou did not block this move, this blade would definitely be able to chop of Ye Qingyu’s knees.

But at the same time, he would suffer Ye Qingyu’s offensive that was like a torrential rainstorm.

He would kill a thousand of the enemies, but in the process eight hundred soldiers of his would die in the proces!

In a split second, Xiao Lou ultimately bit his teeth. He forcefully changed his move, and his wrist emitted a powerful energy that dragged the blade sheath into a defensive position, blocking in front of himself.


At that moment, Ye Qingyu’s fists landed heavily on Xiao Lou’s blade sheath.

Xiao Lou let out a low grunt, his body staggering backwards. He flew back tens of meters before he could stabilize, his gaze filled with shock as he stared at Ye Qingyu.

It was not only him, the people spectating the battle could not be still.

Xing’er could not help but widen her eyes, her gaze filled with a strange colour as he looked towards Ye Qingyu. There was an upward quirk on her lips as she exposed a smile.

“I long knew, this fellow was exposing a weakness on purpose. With his rich battle experience, how could he show such an evident weak point. It’s only that it’s a pity, he did not truly defeat Xiao Lou. The advantage of Little Ye lies in his power. Both his fists struck squarely on him, but he did not manage to heavily injure Xiao Lou. This person wielding the blade, really lives up to the rumours.”

There was finally a trace of shock that appeared on the face of the Apex Prince that seemed as if it would never alter. Others could perhaps overlook it, but he would definitely spot it!

“That move just now, contained the power of the pinnacle of the [Dragon Fist] mantra."

“The [Dragon Fist] is the secret of the Imperial family. The [Dragon Fist] passed on outside today are versions where there are imperfections. Only the Imperial family has the requirement to cultivate the perfect technique! This Ye Qingyu was one of the people chosen, and had once trained at the military department. Learning the [Dragon Fist] is within expectations, but the [Dragon Fist] he learned should be the imperfect version. But right now, why is it that the power he exploded with is comparable to the perfect technique? Could he be…”

Yu Feiyan gave a glance to Xing’er.

Who would have thought that this girl had given the [Three Thousand Feet of White Hair] to her lover, but also passed on the complete form of the [Dragon Fist] mantra to him?

The Apex Prince believed in his own judgement.

But this time, he was wrong.

On the arena.

At this time, the complexion of Xiao Lou’s face was completely red. Blood was still boiling in his chest. His expression constantly flickered. Biting his teeth, he regarded Ye Qingyu.

Ye Qingyu stood where he was, his aura calm and stable. There was faint dragon qi fluctuating in his body.


“Phew…” Xiao Lou deeply breathed in, then he stably breathed in and out. At that moment, it was as if everything in the restriction had quieted down. There were no sounds at al.

With Ye Qingyu tightly watching him, Xiao Lou slowly opened his mouth. His cold voice accompanied by a trace of rage, sounded out throughout the entire restricting formation, “Somewhat interesting… but it is by far not enough for you to be known as [War God]."

“This is my last move, receive it.”

The voice sounded.


A vast energy and aura began activating on Xiao Lou’s body, that berserkly rose. At just an instant, he had already reached the pinnacle.

At that instant, Ye Qingyu felt that the aura coming from Xiao Lou’s body was like a flood, like the roar and howl of an ancient beast. Pushing forward without any obstacles, it pressed down on his shoulders so that even his four limbs could barely move.

At that moment, it was as if time stopped.

Xiao Lou slowly lifted the blade sheath in his hands, and that purple gold blade sheath seemed to have become part of Xiao Lou’s body at that moment.

From the perspective of the spectator, his speed was extremely slow. It seemed like even a spectator would be able to easily avoid it.

Only Ye Qingyuunderstood the terror and profoundness behind this as he stood within the formation.

At this time, Ye Qingyu stared tightly as Xiao Lou’s hand moved, and the blade sheath striking at him. Ye Qingyu looked all around.

But he discovered that no matter where or how he dodged, it was impossible to evade that strike.

The killing aura that exploding berserkly had already locked down all the places he could escape from!

Such a strange sensation caused Ye Qingyu’s heart to jump.

Such a blade technique, why was it so similar to the mysteries behind the [Human King Sword Mantra]?

At that same time, outside the restricting formation.

Seeing this scene, Yu Feiyan’s brows that were tightly locked finally relaxed. “Exterminating World Sword Power, the ultimate technique of Xiao Lou. There is not any sort of blade moves, and it just solely relies on the power of the sword to crush everything in front of it. It has the power to destroy heaven and rend the earth. Ye Qingyu, even if you have three heads and six arms, you cannot avoid this. Ye Qingyu, although you are exceptional, but you still have lost.”

Ye Qingyu did not plan to evade anymore. His eyes instead faintly closed, his entire person falling into an incomparably tranquil state.

In a blink, the blade sheath of Xiao Lou had reached within three inches of Ye Qingyu’s head. The next moment, he would receive a destructive strike.


Ye Qingyu fiercely opened both his eyes, his pupils constricting. There was a flash of electrical light that passed by in his eyes at that moment!

In but a moment’s time.

A vast energy suddenly exploded from Ye Qingyu’s body, soaring to the clouds!—–

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