Immortal Mortal

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Blood Lotus Lake

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Both Mo Wuji and Qin Xiangyu were very satisfied with Wu Kai's arrangement
for Mo Wuji.
Mo Wuji felt extremely relieved as the Formless Blade Sect's flying ship took
off on the very same night Mo Wuji came aboard. He was worried that people
from the Supreme Sword City would find them before they left Chang Luo.
Mo Wuji was sure that he would be thrown out of the Formless Blade Sect if
people from the Supreme Sword City found him.
After just one day of travelling, the flying ship landed. As a service disciple, Mo
Wuji followed closely behind Wu Kai down the flying ship.
The flying ship landed on a vast and spacious land where there were about 400
to 500 ladders that formed an extended ladder upwards.
At the end of the ladder were three huge characters carved out by a sword
suspending in the air forming up the words "Formless Blade Sect". [1] Even
though Mo Wuji was not familiar with swordsmanship, he could feel a very
intimidating aura from it.
After arriving, the newly recruited inner and outer disciples were to make their
way into the sect and participate in the initiation ceremony. Qin Xiangyu did
not have the opportunity to bid goodbye to Mo Wuji as she proceeded to follow
the newly recruited disciples into the sect.
After all the inner and outer disciples had entered, Wu Kai then led hundred
over service disciples onto the steps. These service disciples would not be able
to participate in the initiation ceremony because they are there to do some
chores and not to cultivate.
Behind the 400-500 ladders was another spacious plot of land. In the middle
of the land was a wide marble walkway. This walkway would lead directly to

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the main hall of the Formless Blade Sect. There were nine stone tablets on both
sides of the walkway.
Mo Wuji noticed that there was a vague shadow of a person sword dancing on
every stone tablet. On a closer look, it was not clear enough for him to tell what
it was.
Service disciples were not allowed to walk through the main walkway but had
to walk through two smaller walkways by the side to enter the sect before
being split into their respective departments from there.
Mo Wuji sighed as he thought to himself. This was only an Earth Sect, how
grand would a Heaven Sect be?
"Isn't it very stylish?" A teen dressed in a grey shirt said.

Mo Wuji recognised this teen in a grey shirt. His name was Xian Ziqian and he
was different from Mo Wuji as he has spiritual roots but it was one of the
lowest quality. Therefore, he was recruited as a service disciple like Mo Wuji.
"It is indeed very stylish. It has the aura of a really big sect," Mo Wuji nodded as
he expressed his thoughts. It seemed like there were clouds inside the hall
causing it hard for him to make out what was inside. However, he could
already feel the imposing aura of the Formless Blade Sect from outside the
Xian Ziqian whispered, "Do not look down on the Formless Blade Sect just
because they are only a Earth Sect. I've heard that even the base of some Quasi-
Heaven Sects are not even as intimidating as Formless Blade Sect's."
"Stop gossiping and goofing around. Fatty Guang, bring Mo Wuji to his place
and then introduce his future workplace to him. The rest of you, follow me,"
Wu Kai interrupted all ongoing discussions about this place.
Mo Wuji recognised this Fatty Guang as Wu Kai's loyal subordinate. Although
he was a little plump, he still managed to get things done efficiently. Seeing

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how Wu Kai specially arranged for Fatty Guang to show him around the place
made Mo Wuji realised how impactful the Winged Sea Leopard's eggs truly
Even though Wu Kai might have had a wretched face and only had eyes for
profits, he would get things done properly if he could benefit from it. This was
probably how he managed to stay at his job for such a long time.
"Brother Wuji, our deacon is really taking good care of you. The newly recruited
service disciples usually have to go through three days of training, however,
the deacon had exempted you from training," Fatty Guang kept emphasizing
how grateful Wu Kai was for Mo Wuji as they walked.
Mo Wuji was not interested in this because he knew he had exchanged his
benefits using the Winged Sea Leopard's eggs. He was actually more concerned
about how he was going to cope here.
After hearing from many people, Mo Wuji had a rough idea about life here in
the sect. Service disciples usually have their own activities. Only under special
circumstances were they allowed to enter other regions of the sect. If a service
disciple was to meet an inner or outer disciple, they were required to stop, bow
and pay their respects before letting the authentic disciples proceed on first
before the service disciples could carry on with their lives.
Service disciples tend to be given more freedom after they completed their
work. They are free to leave the sect for the sect's market or to do their own
things given that they do not delay their own work.
The residence that Wu Kai arranged for Mo Wuji was indeed secluded. Other
than the lake nearby, the next closest dormitory for service disciples was at
least 100metres away.

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Even though it was a very simple stone house, everything inside was arranged
very neatly. There were two rooms, a kitchen and even a storage room. Why
would Wu Kai not live in such a nice place himself? Could it be that his
accommodation is even better than this?
"I've heard that this lake is called the Blood Lotus Lake. This region used to be a
good place to grow Treasured Blood Lotus and this house was for those who
were growing it to live in," Fatty Guang pointed to Mo Wuji's house and
"Treasured Blood Lotus?" Mo Wuji had not heard of this before. He had not had
time to look at the book that Shen Lian gave.
Fatty Guang went on to explain, "Treasured Blood Lotus is both a spiritual
medicinal herb and a very delicious food ingredient. Because of its extremely
high medicinal value, very few people eat it just like that. I've heard that the
Treasured Blood Lotus is capable of being refined to open a spirit channel.
Don't you think it is valuable?"
"Why don't they grow that here now?" Mo Wuji questioned.
Fatty Guang laughed, "You wouldn't be able to afford to stay here if they were
still growing it here. Even though the Treasured Blood Lotus is a great herb,
there is one major drawback. It’s ability to absorb spiritual energy was too
scary. I've heard that almost all the spiritual energy near this area was
absorbed because they grew the Treasured Blood Lotus."
Mo Wuji finally understood why Wu Kai did not choose to live here and also
kept this place empty. Even though Wu Kai has poor spiritual roots, he is still
capable of cultivating. Therefore, why would a person who is capable of
cultivating choose to live in a place not suitable for cultivation?
There were many service disciples with spiritual roots too. Most of them came
with the hope to cultivate and not just do chores. Because of this, they would

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not want to live in a place that lacked spiritual energy. Moreover, the other
service disciples did not have anything valuable enough for Wu Kai to made
such arrangement.
Wu Kai was confident that Mo Wuji could not cultivate or rather, did not care
whether he was capable of cultivating, hence the arrangement for him to stay
there. Wu Kai kept his end of the bargain by providing such a secluded house
for him to live in.
Mo Wuji thought through this point before he concluded that he did not mind.
He could absorb spiritual energy wherever he cultivated therefore as long as
there was still spiritual energy around, it would still be enough for him to
cultivate. Furthermore, there was a limit to how fast he could cultivate because
the speed at which he could open his meridian was still too slow. Therefore, it
did not matter much even if there was more spiritual energy in the air.
"Thank you Fatty Guang, I am very satisfied with this place," Mo Wuji said

Fatty Guang was very pleased with Mo Wuji's answer as well because he was
afraid that Mo Wuji would be bothered by the lack of spiritual energy and not
like it here.
"This is the Pharmacy 19’s indicator. When this indicator lights up, it would
mean that a pill master has asked for you to go over to prescribe a drug. You
have to get to Pharmacy 19 as soon as possible. Remember it well!"
Fatty Guang handed Mo Wuji a jade-like indicator as well as a map, "These are
the areas in the sect which you can go to and these are those you cannot. I have
already indicated where the Pharmacy 19 is on the map. If Brother Mo has
nothing else for me, I will take my leave first."
Fatty Guang explained in such detail that it left Mo Wuji with no further
questions. After sending Fatty Guang off, he immediately tidied up the place
for Yan'Er to settle down.

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